#give me the silly goofy interactions I’ve been yearning for
garussy · 6 months
Kung Fu Panda deserves a series like rtte so The Furious Five can get the screen time they deserve
Maybe even a series without Po
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cowboyshit · 4 years
Pisces, Planets, Pluto 🥰
pisces- Describe someone you love without saying their name.
yo I’ve been staring at this question for like five minutes while I scarfed my burrito down because like there’s so many people I could describe? how serious should I get? how flowery should I be? cause my creativity is on the Fritz right now so I know I could be poetic and sappy as a motherfucker right now. okay my first idea was to describe three people I love so I’m just gonna stick with that even though that’s cheating cause it’s supposed to be someONE. i’m sorry I’m such a lovey bitch damn.
anyways first one up. our first interaction was the sort of conversations I’ve only felt with a few people in my life, one that felt like we knew and understood each other on levels that went beyond something you could explain with words. it was life experience meets life experience. they’re honestly one of the most amazingly talented people I’ve ever met, and their work inspires me, as does my conversations with them. and of course they’re beautiful, inside and out. they have eyes I once told them remind me of beautiful, colorful little rocks you find in the mountain streams, that have veins of green or blue running through them. they have a heart of gold, and give so much kindness back that it always inspires me to keep doing the exact same. 
another person I love is... very cruel and hard looking. he walks with a stature that clearly says “don’t fuck with me” and has on multiple occasions scared people enough that they’ve told me I’m insane for liking him. but that’s not how he is with me. with me he blushes when I tell him he’s handsome, and he smiles big enough I can see his laugh lines. he acts goofy around me to get me to laugh. he knows how to talk to me, he knows how to be patient to get me to open up about harder things I don’t like to talk about, and just what to say to comfort me, and even how to tease me to help lift my mood up again. he has the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen, and a thick, strong body that makes me woozy every time I think about him. 
the third person, I’ll pick someone I don’t personally know, but feel I understand the character he’s presenting to the world. he’s got a head filled with doubts and more talent than he may ever come to accept. he has a silly sense of humor, but often uses that as a defense mechanism and lays it on too thick, purposefully. he yearns to be loved and accepted so badly, but hasn’t learned how to love and accept himself, yet, leaving him feeling the stranger at the edge of a circle of friends, and can’t understand how they might see him as another part of that same circle. he’s handsome, with blond curls and blue eyes and a smile that makes me weak in the knees. 😉
planets; if you could go anywhere, where would you go?
do I have all the money in the world or am I limited by what I have now? if it was limitless, definitely somewhere in europe. A few months in each country and major city I’d wanted to live in, so I could experience everything I’ve wanted to see in the world. if I’m limited to what I have now, probably up to oregon to spend some time with my dad since I haven’t seen him in a year and a half now and our communication sucks online and through text... which is really fucking funny since we’re both ya know, computer nerds. for some reason we just communicate better in-person.
pluto; if you could meet anyone, alive or dead, who would you meet?
oh geez I don’t even know tbh. I mean I guess hangman? even though I’d probably not get anything across that I’d want to because I’d be so anxiety-ridden. I’d probably come across like a total lunatic LOL but I would like to meet him just to tell him I think he’s cool and see how cute that smile looks in person.
space asks!
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