#give that like button a smackeroonie to plot 💃
scottydonovans · 4 years
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                                                 MEET SCOTTY
1. Full Name?
Scott Allan Donovan.
2. Preferred Names or Nicknames?
Scotty, Scotty Boy, Scotty-O (he thinks people call him the last two things but they don’t.)
3. What does their name mean? Does it have any significance in their family? Do they like their name?
According to a quick Google search, Scott means “person from Scotland” or “Gaelic speaker” and Allan (weirdly enough also Celtic, I’m shook) means “handsome, cheerful”. The name Scott has no significance in their family (his mom just had a thing for Scott Summers) but Allan is the name of his grandmother’s late husband RIP. Scotty likes his name for the most part. He just thinks the name Scott is too cool for someone like him, so he likes that his granny made the executive decision to add the -y in there.
4. Age and Date of Birth?
He is 17 years old and born on October 4, 2002.
5. Gender and Pronouns?
Cis Male. He/him.
6. Hometown?
He is from Ligonier, PA. 
7. Does your character fit into any well known archetypes or tropes?
No Social Skills, I Just Want a Friend. He’s impressionable! He’s hyperactive! He just wants to be loved and is tired of being bullied!
8. How long have they been at Broadripple?
Scotty has been at Broadripple since the start of the new school year.
9. What led them to apply to Broadripple? Was it a decision made by them or by their parents/guardians or somewhere in between?
His grandmother. She came into a lot of settlement money after getting injured at the local bowling alley and she decided to invest it in Scotty’s education. She knows he doesn’t have the easiest time at public school and is subject to a lot of bullying, so maybe a private school full of God-fearing kids will do just the trick. :)))))))))
10. Whether they’ve been at Broadripple four days or four years, do they enjoy it? Do they like Broadripple?
He does! So far, Scotty has no qualms about Broadripple. He just thinks the uniform feels really stuffy and the classes are way harder than his one brain cell can handle. Also, he doesn’t know how to tie a tie. But those are personal problems, he likes the school just fine!
11. What house are they in? Do they care very much about their house?
Keough. He doesn’t understand how the whole house thing works -- it feels like a Hogwarts thing without the cool hat process -- but he’s down for whatever if someone tells him he needs to dress in yellow and cheer really loud.
12. Who do they share a dorm with, or are they on their own for the moment? What are they like to live with? Are they clean or messy? Early risers or night owls?
Scott shares a dorm with Harlan Dupre and couldn’t be happier about it. He thinks Harlan is really nice and has super rad hair. Scott has a lot of nervous energy so he’s always moving and that doesn’t make him the easiest to live with. He’s aware of it though and he does his best to keep his antics to a minimum. He’s a messy boi but he doesn’t mean to be. He makes it a point to make sure his hurricane aftermath stays on his side. Scott is an early riser and a night owl, which is very weird. He functions on little to no sleep and it’s truly The Worstℱ but he’s learned to live with it.
13. How is your character’s dorm decorated? Is it bare or bursting at the seems with personality? Any particular sentimental items from home?
Bursting with personality! Scotty has never been outside of Ligonier in his life, so to make sure he doesn’t miss it, he basically took most of the contents of his bedroom and brought it with him. On his wall, you’ll find an Empire Strikes Back poster, a retro Pac Man poster, a vintage X-Men comic poster signed by *Stan Lee, and several photos of himself and his grandma, himself and his grandma’s Bingo group, himself and the most voted Employee of the Month at their local grocery store, Merle. There’s a real cute photo strip of he and his grandma that they took last year at the fair stuck on there too. Closest to his pillow so he can look at every night before while he tries to sleep is a worn post card from Wyoming. It’s his prized possession. Yes, even more important to him than a vintage X-Men comic poster signed by the one and only, Stan Lee.
*It wasn’t signed by Stan Lee. His grandma signed it and told him it was though.
14. What is their favourite subject at school? Do they even have a favourite? Why?
Creative Writing because literally everything else is hard.
15. Are they involved in any clubs? Which ones?
Rock/Jazz Band - Scotty may be incompetent in most things but he is one hell of a drummer boy.
Broadripple Unsolved - Because he gets curious about a lot and asks about everything.  But honestly, he probably just saw Conny and Ezra sitting around with each other and was like hey dudes! and plopped himself down.
Sacristan Club - It was the first poster he saw on the notice board and the nun who explained it to him talked it up, so he was like okay! :) but he doesn’t know what’s going on and he’s just pretending and trying his best until someone tells him he can stop.
Cinema Club - Because Conny. And also it was the second poster he saw.
16. How does your character feel about Broadripple’s Unofficial Clubs? Do they know about them? Are they a part of any of them?
BBC - Doesn’t really understand them but he’s #terrified because they remind him of every bully who has ever duct taped him to a bathroom stall.
Broadripple Unsolved - Loves it, is part of it, would die for it.
Chastity Club - They told him they have cookies and he doesn’t know any better.
17. Does your character participate in any sports? If so, what made them join the team?
Not at the moment!
18. What afternoon activities does your character do? Do they just do the one mandatory one or are they involved in multiple? Why?
Seasonal Music Production! Just one! Because he didn’t know he could be involved in more!
19. Do they miss their home when they’re at Broadripple? Do they often go home for the weekends or do they only go home during holiday breaks?
Yes times 9 million. He misses his granny and all her Bingo friends and Merle from the local grocery store. They’re not well-off by any means and it took his grandmother coming into a large sum of money from an injury so they could even afford the next two years of his schooling at BA, so he’s definitely only going to go home during holiday breaks.
20. Did your character know Izzy De Santis or Maggie Monroe?
Nope. But he thinks it’s super Spooks McGooks that they just poof’d without explanation like that. He told his grandmother about it and she told him to keep his emergency scissors under his pillow.
21. Has your character heard of Edith Lynch? Do they know the story?
He and his Gran came across an article on Bing when they were looking up Broadripple and it put hella chills in his bones. But his grandmother assured him that it was a long time ago and that “people were different in the 80s”.
22. How does your character feel about Nighmore? Have they noticed the recently closed shops yet?
Scotty thinks Nighmore is really nice and he likes that no one seems to turn him away when he tries to talk to them. Yeah, he noticed it and was really :\ about it. He’s been trying to recreate his friendship with Merle the grocery man with someone from Hill’s Wholefoods and it kinda sucked that the dude just kapoof’d one day.
23. Have you made any aesthetic Pinterest boards/WeHeartIt collections for this character? Or playlists? Anything you would like to share!
Pinterest / Playlist / Musings / Schedule
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