#give the hair dept every award
confusedraven1 · 8 months
i keep watching this just to watch that wig plumb the depths and perform like it’s its last night on earth
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smollandtoll · 6 years
HC: Wizard AU
Well, it’s still really snowy and cold here in the frozen north, despite it being mid-April, and we could definitely just curl up in bed with a 90k Wizarding Sid/Geno AU. Luckily we do headcanons, allll the emotional fulfillment and only like 10% of the work!
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We just want a world where Sid is an auror (inevitably) and Geno is a magical creatures handler that consults and assists their department from time to time. We see Geno’s love for all animals and raise you hippogriffs and demiguises and dragons. Sid falls slightly, accidentally, in love with him, and no one really understands why.
There’s just something undefinable about him, the way he moves his hands around his wand, how delicate he makes it look, how graceful his limbs are, despite being so long. It’s the way he dresses, somewhat flamboyantly in plum and emerald pinstripe three piece robes, fitted around the shoulders and waist and flaring out to his heels. It’s the way his mangy tabby cat follows him everywhere, purring and snatching unattended heels of toast and nubs of cheese.
Most people see a big guy with an accent and a slightly squashy face but a good smile. Mostly everyone blinks and says "Kay, he's Geno."
Sid: But he speaks mermish and pets bunnies and gets really worked up about centaur rights and owns 3 owls because he couldn't just pick one and he has a cat and a massive dog and he's so tall and his hands are so big.
Sid is just in love.
Speaking of Sid, let’s backtrack for a minute: he’s extremely magically talented, the kind of guy who makes muggles uneasy because they can sense his magical energy but don’t know what it is. He’s halfblood, his dad’s a wizard and his mum is a muggle - his magical talent kind of came out of left field, his dad isn’t particularly good at spell casting and prefers to stick to potions and other more basic kinds of practical magic. So Sid having such an aptitude for all kinds of wandwork really surprised them all.
He put his exceptional grades and talent to work immediately out of school, becoming the awkward darling of the auror core - not that he wants the praise or fame of it all. He just wants to keep people safe. He’s very quick-thinking, strategically strong, always thinks about the safety of his men before glory, he’s an avid quidditch fan, absurdly beautiful, generally great, etc. You know, basically Sid in real life.
Anyway, this actually all started because the Aurors kept getting into dangerous messes they couldn’t handle alone. Magical creatures are a huge unknown variable and you never know what kind of creature you’re going to find in a civilian’s home, or in a field while in pursuit of a suspect, or lurking in someone’s wardrobe as you’re looking for evidence. So Sid's been lobbying for years to hire a magical creatures liaison from the magical creatures department. The department in question is usually impossible to get ahold of in an emergency, or to get to respond to anything with any real urgency unless there’s a literal dragon in Diagon Alley. Sid cares about the safety and well-being of his team most of all; he’s kind of baffled as to why no one’s implemented this idea before.
That’s how Sid met Geno. He needed a consult down Knockturn Alley and couldn’t waste a week waiting for some paper-pusher to find the time to accompany them and assess the situation. Maybe he threw his hands up, marched straight into the magical creatures department and demanded/begged/firmly requested for someone to come out ASAP. Maybe he found a particularly sympathetic secretary who knew a good option. Sid needed action, he needed forward thinking, he needed Geno.
And that’s who showed up, ten minutes late, battered suitcase in hand, bagel hanging out of his mouth, wand sticking out of his breast pocket along with his pocket square that looked suspiciously doily-like. He was all sleepy eyes and rumpled hair, his suit-robes wrinkled, tie askew, Sid thought he was going to be something of a dud at first but then he was efficient and prompt, no-nonsense and actually pretty disappointed to find out they weren’t dealing with anything more dangerous than a particularly rankled boggart. We firmly believe in Sid’s competency kink in ANY universe.
After the op was finished up his crew invited Geno out for a drink with them to celebrate and thank him for his work with them and that’s where Sid learned more about him. Geno was in auror training too when he was a teen in Russia but then realized his real passion is actually animals and so left his home to pursue his dream of researching and handling magical creatures. Maybe there’s not much regard for magizoologists in Russia? Maybe schooling or training opportunities are just better elsewhere? WHO KNOWS. But he sounded too good to be true to Sid in that moment, just professionally, particularly the fact that he was a magical creature specialist who also understood that creatures couldn't always come first. Most magical creatures consultants couldn’t fathom that sometimes hard decisions have to be made that affected creatures. The aurors obviously want to do their best to protect them, but wizarding and muggle lives sometimes need to be put above the creatures; and if that’s your whole job, caring for creatures and explaining how mistreated and misunderstood they are, it’s hard to shift your priorities when there are more variables (i.e. humans).
(because a lot of the people in the magical creatures dept are like peta zealots we'd assume)
So, Geno has a huge heart, and he gets it and he’s a delight to work with and he cares for humans and animals and everyone/thing that deserves CARE. So Sid maybe consults him on projects for a bit and on his constant pet project of getting a magical creatures liaison permanently installed into the magical law enforcement department - eventually asks more like if Geno wants to be the person to put their name forward, to always consult on things like this.
Sid isn’t prepared for the huge grin and smacking kiss he gets to his forehead, and turns an alarming shade of magenta but Geno is onboard and together they petition to get a position opened for him in the Auror department.
Position granted, Sid helps Geno move into his new office in their cluttered little wing of the ministry, is charmed by the waving portrait of Geno and his parents and brother that gets put behind his desk, is charmed by all his books in various languages and conditions of worn, is very charmed by his purry grey cat, is intensely charmed by his everything. Sid realizes he’s probably in trouble, considering every time Geno smiles at him it feels like his heart just did a feint with his broomstick in his chest.
So Sid pines a lot from afar, but keeps things professional, because this is their place of work, and no one appreciates being hit on or leered at at work. It doesn’t stop him from spoiling Geno’s cat though, she’ll like Flower better than him over his dead body.
The feelings situation definitely comes to a head however when an op goes wrong in a potions merchant’s shop (selling blackmarket polyjuice pills out the back of their shop). Bottles are smashing everywhere as the merchant tries to make an escape and Sid gets an accidental dose of Veritaserum right in the face. He doesn’t even realize he’s been hit until they’re cuffing their perp and he finds himself pointedly assuring the sneering shop owner as he takes custody of his wand that he’ll keep it very safe, because it’s his job and also because it is a very beautiful wand and it would be a shame if anything happened to it. The perp shouts asking about if that was a threat while Tanger and Flower look at him like he’s grown a third head.
Sid: Why are you looking at me like that? I don’t have food on my face again right? It took forever for everyone to stop calling me Agent Eggsby after last time.
It’s then Flower notices his robes are worryingly damp and gives him a suspicious sniff before taking his arm and side-alonging him directly to St. Mungo’s. The healers assure them that Sid will be fine and he’d only absorbed a bit of the truth potion, enough for him to be acting kind of loopy and honest and probably need supervision but that it’d wear off soon. He’d be no worse for wear as long as he doesn’t end up in the wrong hands.
So they just take him back to the office:
Flower: well you can do paperwork and just read it over after you're back to normal.
Sid: I never lie in my paperwork, Flower
Tanger: okay Sid, do-gooder of the year award is already yours - let's go see if Geno fixed the coffeemaker
Sid: ...Geno is going to be at the office!
T: Yup.
Sid: I love Geno so much.
Flower: ........oh yeah?(at this point they are taking him about as seriously as a toddler saying they love/want to marry someone or something, honest and sweet but ultimately kind of silly and harmless)
Sid: Yes, I think I might be actually in love with him, I’ve thought so for months.
F&T (exchanging a very intrigued look): ........OH?
Sid: Do you think I'm sick enough he might touch my hair again? He touched my hair that one time I got singed by that skrewt.
Tanger and Flower just sniping at each other all the way back to the office:
Sid coming into the office is so pleased to see Dixi sitting atop the nearest filing cabinet, surveying them ushering a kind of drunk-acting Sid inside with bored blinks.
Sid: She smells so good, like Geno! And she's so cute, I let her sit in my lap when she wants to (the last part is delivered in an aside to them like he’s telling them a very serious secret but he’s almost shouting so it kind of nulls that, especially when the whole department is starting to look up and see what the commotion is in the bullpen.)
T: Yikes, okay you'd better go sit down Sid.
Duper probably isn’t on active field duty any more, but is more of an overseeing management type for the department would probably come over to survey them pouring Sid into his desk chair and asking what the fuck they’d done to him and why they thought it’d be a good idea to bring him back to work.
Sid: Duper!!!! Your eyebrows are so hilarious!
But Geno probably saw them steering him in, and Sid's general kind of dreamy facial expression and just is like CONCERNED, so he probably comes out, all long lines in his deep purple suit and vest, having ditched the jacket robe long earlier.
Probably in this universe Geno has thought ‘til now that Sid is really cute but not interested. Like, Sid very rarely makes eye contact, and he smiles nicely but it’s kind of awkward and he usually is nice to everyone. He’s so professional, he's nice, but not too nice, so they're friends! Sid is a catch realistically, Geno thinks he probably has a girlfriend or boyfriend, he's very private and doesn't talk about his outside of work life that much, he’s probably very happy, maybe has a dog, seems like the type to have a dog. Geno likes him, would go on a date with him, but is a realist and doesn't really get his hopes up. People like Sid are always in relationships.
When he comes over there’s a bit of token commotion to keep him from Sid, mostly instigated by Duper, but Sid seems to want to talk to him, and he wants to know what’s wrong. Him and Sid are friends, after all. He’d narrow his gaze at Flower and Tanger, asking what they did to him, if they didn’t have his back thoroughly enough.
Geno definitely freezes at that, everyone does, the whole department heard that. Sid seems to be the only one not in shock, and then makes a noise of delight when Dixi uses that moment to jump up onto his desk.
Geno probably then pushes Flower and Tanger aside brusquely and crouches in front of where Sid is sitting to inquire if he’s feeling okay.
Sid: I’m great because you’re here. You make me feel better. And worse. Both. A lot of butterflies.
Geno probably definitely glares at them all and then takes him into the break room and shuts the door and when they open it again a half hour later Sid looks positively ashen and also incredibly angry. He won’t even speak to Tanger and Flower, stops briefly by Duper’s desk and then gathers his things and leaves.
Geno doesn’t look that pleased with them either when they crowd him to find out what he did to Sid.
G: Did nothing to him. He sober up on own, realize all things he said. Angry you brought him here.
There’s probably a lot of grovelling for forgiveness after that, and maybe some self pranking on Flower’s part, and Geno is suspiciously out of the picture lately - but they all find out it’s mostly because he and Sid are trying to play it cool at work after having sorted out their feelings for each other firmly OUTSIDE of the workplace. Then further magical-creature-based adventures and cases ensue and Sid and Geno end up as the old-marrieds and everything ends up in gloriously HP-flavoured goodness.
In wizarding society is it practice to give everyone a hockey nickname but wizard style?
"Sid the serious" or "Sid the splendid"?
"Flower the funny" or "Flower the fair"?
Mostly Geno gets "Geno the giant" but Sid privately while he's alone likes to think of him as  "Geno the gorgeous"
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0blivion-laughs · 3 years
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Many call Ray Caesar the Godfather of Digital Art, and his process is completely digital from its beginning through the printing stage. Though he is certainly seminal in his oeuvre, it is his fantastically disturbing content that has made him a cult favorite, from collectors like Madonna and Elton John to the population at large who not only know of his heartache, but embrace it. Caesar frequently talks of suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder. Combine this with his time working in Art and Photography Department of The Hospital For Sick Children in Toronto and you are faced with a sea of controversial imagery.
“When you grow up in a dark place filled with fear and pain and cruelty, there is a tendency to find hidden places of pleasure and beauty within that world of the night,” mentions the artist. “I have always thought that the greater potential for evil and darkness that there is an even greater potential for good and light. There is a natural inner drive within the human mind to find balance in any situation and find ways of coping in a sea of turbulence. We are all stronger than we give ourselves credit for and when our conscious mind cannot handle something overwhelming in the darkness of the real world, our subconscious becomes very creative and takes its own path into an inner light. For me art is an expression of living in that duality and a visual voice to express fear and rage and sadness… and hope and calm and ultimately, love.”
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I was born in London, England in 1958, the youngest of four and much to my parent’s surprise, I was born a dog. This unfortunate turn of events was soon accepted within my family and was never again mentioned in the presence of polite company.
I was a rambunctious youth as was natural to my breed but showed a fine interest in the arts as I drew pictures incessantly on anything including the walls and floors of every room of our tiny house. After some trouble with intolerant neighbors, my family was convinced to move to Canada and it was not long before the burgeoning town of Toronto became our new home. Unfortunately the drawing continued to become somewhat atypical and aberrant and it was  impressed upon me that such images might not be suitable for public viewing. In the summer of 69, there was a valiant attempt to stop me from doodling infamous contemptible fascist dictators upside down on my stomach with a ballpoint pen. I was consoled however by the encouragement to continue penciling in faces of flamboyant cowboys such as Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, The Lone Ranger and Tonto on my toenails but was expressly forbidden to talk to them at night. It can be said that there are defining moments in a dogs life that can only be described as pivotal. Mine came when I received a gift of a flesh toned 12 inch plastic movable human doll attired in cheaply made military fatigues called “GI Joseph”. I however named him “Stanley Mulver” and immediately resigned his commission from the light infantry. My Mother helped in this by sewing small business suits and leisure wear out of leftover Christmas fabric embroidered with holly and snowmen, tinfoil shoes and one tasteful Safari suit made of tight fitting powder blue rayon that proudly shone cobalt in the summer sunlight. It wasn’t long before I had begun making enlarged wigs out of gray plasticine. These wigs soon became huge pompadours for Stanley and looked even more grand when I meticulously imbedded small hairs from my daily body and face shavings. This hirsute practice along with walking upright allowed me to fit in with other children even though my father considered it a waste of time. In short, Stanley had become a visage of the Man I could never be, of that elusive self one sometimes glimpses down the tunnel of infinite reflected mirrors. Although ridiculed by my peers, I proudly wore Stanley around my neck at all times as if to say “SEE! This is the man I will be, a good man, a kind man”. I have worked in many fields over the years, attended obedience classes and art colleges, jobs designing horrible buildings in architectural studios, medical art facilities, digital service bureaus, suspicious casino computer game companies, eventually working at computer modeling, digital animation and visual effects for television and film. Some award nominations have been attained and I have been driven in long black liquor filled limousines and walked on hind legs down red carpets in Pasadena while wearing strange smelling rented tuxedos. Things change and summer years come to an end. My change occurred one night when my Mother visited me, which was slightly unusual because she had passed away some months before, a victim to the cigarette habit she could never quite lick. Facing a wall and slowly turning I saw the right side of her face ablaze in light, her hand trying to cover the light as if she were apologetic for having it seep through. Words were said about following rabbits down holes and I was shown galleries of work which were to be my own. My Mother was not the first visitation I have had and it seems she will not be the last. I live in a brick house with my wonderful wife Jane and a coyote called Bonnie. I like eating avocados and I don’t really mind being a dog.
THE HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN For 17 years I worked in the Art and Photography Department of The Hospital For Sick Children in Toronto from 1980 until 1997. I worked in a department that documented such things as child abuse, surgical reconstruction, psychology and animal research. They were years that I will never forget, years of witnessing great sadness but also great miracles. I often awake in the middle of the night and realize I have been wondering the hallways and corridors of that giant hospital. As I lay there in the dark, I struggle to remember the fading words of those that still haunt my memories of so many years ago. It is so clear to me that this is the birthplace of all my imagery. It is appropriate that I now live my dreams for those that didn’t get a chance to live theirs…. to do otherwise would be a sin.
Much of my work at the hospital was tedious and boring in that I produced tremendous amounts of statistical data before the advent of computers  and dealt with a lot of sensitive photographic material and work for publication. Another part of my job was overwhelming in that at any given moment I could typically find myself hovering over a tiny premature infant covered with tons of equipment. I would have to sift through the equipment to make a technical diagram, a teaching tool to allow intensive care nurses to have some idea of all that tangle of machinery that kept that tiny infant alive. Other times I would have to draw a similar thing of some poor animal in the research dept that had the misfortune of being a lab animal. To this day I have developed a profound love for animals that is very important to me. On a few occasions I dealt with forensic material for the court or sensitive medical documentation that would for me be overwhelming. I worked on board games and flash cards for brain damaged children and some of the early computer animations of the cryogenic removal of a brain tumors. Teaching hospitals are like tiny cities and whenever you think you have seen it all, reality slaps you in the face and shows you something that makes you re-evaluate everything. I learned in my life that human hands can be cruel and unkind but more often they can perform heart surgery or write a check to build a new wing of a hospital or just simply brush away a child’s tear.” Miracles do exist but they are often the product of our own actions and the incredible work of of the unsung heroes that care for children.
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I create models in a three dimensional modeling software called Maya and cover these models with painted and manipulated photographic textures that wrap around them like a map on a globe. Each model is then set up with a invisible skeleton that allows me to pose and position the figure in its three dimensional environment. Digital lights and cameras are added with shadows and reflections simulating that of a real world.First the models are sculpted similar to pushing and pulling the surface of a piece of clay. I am often reminded of being in preschool with my huge chunk of Plasticine. I once modeled a Plasticine shoe but my father forbade me to wear it in public. I then create an inner structure of joints similar to a skeleton that allows me to pose the figure with a spine, shoulders, elbows and even finger joints. Many heads are modeled with many a different expression and these can be blended to create a subtle look similar to the one my wife has when I have done something suspicious.I color the models first in a very simple way, then each surface in the model is wrapped with a texture that may be painted digitally such as a flower petal or from a digital photograph such as a wood surface. I collect textures the way some people collect little silver spoons and I have a story about each texture in my collection such as the one about my father’s hip operation scar or the picture I convinced my gastroenterologist to give me of the inside of my colon. My favorite textures to collect are skin textures, as I have a legitimate excuse to ask people to expose large areas of bare skin.As my work is printed I am often asked about my original, but it exists only in the computer in a dimensional world of depth, width and height. I am fascinated by the concept that this 3 dimensional space exists much as another reality and even though I turn the computer off, I am haunted by the fact that this space is still there existing in a mathematical probability, and the space that we live in now might not be all that different.
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markfmd-blog · 7 years
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Hello! I’m Summer and that’s my baby Jiang Mark, MARS leader slash lead vocalist slash lead dancer.
Introducing baby Mark, here are some things you should know about him under the cut! Also for more info please check out his profile, bio and plot page!
-Born and raised in London, son of a soccer team coach (used to be Liverpool trainer) and a retired Olympic Ice Skater. His father and mother trained him since he was only four years old to be a tool at sports, forcing him to take various lessons such as ballet for balance and piano for training his focus.
- He became famous within sports fans and general female public in China when he was 15 after signing with one of their most popular junior soccer/football club in Beijing.
-Okay but his club was kinda of useless because they totally forgot about his soccer abilities when they realized that his face brought much more money, just because girls made ooohs and aaaahs over his looks, so he was neglected in the field and hyped on CF’s, variety shows and just basically becoming less of a player and more of a model.
-That made MANY soccer fans hate him because he was more of a model rather then a player.
-Because of the general stress, he wanted to relieve all the insecurities (he is very concerned with what people say and think about him) but didn’t know how until one of his teammates suggested for him to try playing some instrument like guitar or even singing, since it made wonders for him. AND BOI HOW THAT WORKED HUH?! Mark found his true love in singing - it just felt right for him. He decided to do this as a career and took it more seriously and after three years and a half with Beijing Junior Soccer Club, he didn’t resign the contract.
-He graduated from Beijing Haidian Foreign Language Shi Yan School, where he mastered his korean and improved his english even more and at the age of 19, applied for a interchange program on his university, moving to South Korea to attend Yonsei University.
-Since he had nothing to do and needed some money in his pocket(because he broke the contract so he had a huge dept to pay, which means no money for mark bae), he started hosting a late night radio broadcast related to sports and grabbed the eyes(well, ears) of almost the entire student body after singing  Paradise(파라다이스). He was kicked out of his job because he violated the terms of the broadcast but was approached by a scout from Dimensions Entertainment not much after and it didn’t take long to become a trainee under them.
-Because of already having a established ‘fandom’ in China that soon spread to Korea, the CEO realized that Mark was a good way to make easy money even before debut, so he was hyped a lot : making cameos in dramas during his trainee days and even grabbing a major role, as well as recording some OST’s. 
- He Trained for five years and was supposed to debut as the lead vocalist and lead dancer since the beginning.
-Okay but can I share that he had the most puppy love/crush on Alien’s main vocalist? Jupiter made his eyes big and his cheeks flush red and he looked at him with SO SO much prestige. Sadly, Mark thinks he hates him because during Alien’s lawsuit, Mark face was everywhere. EVERY FUCKING WHERE. So he is sure that his dreams of cuddling and kissing the bae are long lost because of stupid dimensions decision.
-BTW have I mentioned that he was hit really hard with MARS debut? And being given the leader position out of NOWHERE . It was a tough year for him.
-MARS ARE HIS BABIES! Even if the position of leader was a little effy for him at the begining, he is very competent at it and L-O-V-E-S his group. 
- No he will give up on love, money and everything if this means MARS succeed. No matter if a member is shitty, he’ll give everything and anything he has in order of his group success.
- This means that he did some...bad things. Like sleeping with a CEO or two in order to get deals for MARS, but nothing that stained his image.
- Social Butterfly, likes to makes friends. HI FRIEND!
-IS SUPER EAGER TO SKINSHIP AND IS ALWAYS CLINGING ON THE MEMBERS! No matter if you’re older or not, he will call each one of them 'hyung~’ and give a back hug because yeah.
-Ranked at the 6th position in a 'Most beautiful faces of Asia’ in 2015. Cool right? Not when I mention that he was placed 6th place in the 'Most beautiful FEMALE faces of Asia’. In 6th place. #whenwillyourbias
- Ideal type of woman:  Supernovas <3
-Sickly gentleman and has the title of being Dimension’s prince charming, and is also marketed as ‘Asia Prince’. 
-He is also not someone that takes shit from anyone so if you make a comment or anything, be prepared to get a comment back. Still is a ray of sunshine - 
-Wanna get on his nerves? Just say that XX idol is prettier then him. NO ONE IS PRETTIER THEN HIM! Honestly he is always with a mirror to check his hair or teeth and has the most impeccable clothes even in the airplane. Complain about everything but don’t you dare to say a thing about his visuals.
-Is a fluff ball but will get mad if you call him pretty of beautiful. He wants to be called handsome because he is oh-so-manly.
- Chinese idols in Korea must be protected by him!! He’ll knock on your door with flowers, cookies and hot chocolate and a blanket saying 'I’m here if you want a friend <3 ’. Probably has a KKT group chat with all the chinese idols just because he likes taking care of others.
- Still has troubles of his company and other idols not taking him seriously regarding his music: he wants to show everyone that ‘prince mark’ is not the only side of him, that he is a person of many layers. Yet Dimensions thinks that it’s for the best for Mark not do anything because the prince image is working just fine, even though he is already tired of having to pretend being perfect all the time.  He wants to show that he is more then just a pretty face.
- Tsundere breaker: he is teddy bear people love to rely on
- great cook and is in charge of the cuisine in MARS
- is teased a lot because his visuals don’t match with his group - he is a flower boy and could fit either Knight or Origin more, but is happy with MARS
- Dimensions had intentions to make him debut as a solo artist within their Chinese division but saw that his visuals and name could make a group popular.
So that’s all for him <3 If you’re under DIMENSIONS ENTERTAINMENT or is a member of MARS, come here quickly to plot with me <3 Mark wants his babies and worship all of them.
Even if you’re not, come here lol He is very friendly and I’m sure he is the type of person to become friends after IDK…meeting in an award ceremony bathroom (if he bumps at you he will ask your phone number).
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