#given how suspicious everyone was of moon phos
momentary-moss · 1 year
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We don't talk about the moon
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sparklyicecube · 6 years
Unpopular opinion on Euclase
Euclase is amazing, deserves love and care, and most importantly, actually cares.
A few things, obviously I’m not saying no one else cares but Euclase, contrary to popular belief, does. Recap on what terrible things Euclase did (I didn’t see them until they were pointed out): 
1. They tried to silence Phos when Phos was telling stories about the moon.
2. They got the gems to fight against Padpa, Yellow and Phos 
3. They don’t want change???
Keep reading and please give me other arguments against Euclase so I can reconsider.
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So I find some problems with statement 1, see, if I spent my entire life fighting against crazy people who wished to kill us then I’d rather not hear anything that they put into my friend’s head, this is where brainwashing happens. But Euclase isn’t after silence, they just don’t want any echo-chambers and want everyone to hear what Phos can say so that there can be either more discussions, no one gets left out or the most cynical thing I can say is to scare Phos off because they are too scared to say it to everyone? I mean if you don’t have the guts to say something to a crowd because you know it’s wrong then isn’t that a good way to eradicate lies or at the very least make Phos think more about their words? Feel free to help me understand why people are mad at Euclase for doing what did because I can’t really see it. Euclase also gives me the vibes of a person who has too much responsibility and worry stuffed down deep inside. Yellow and Alexandrite are down because Phos said stuff to them, Padparadscha... is never there and Euclase is just trying to glue back together the cracks.
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Next up is their plan for the night raid. I’d say that even if I didn’t completely like it back then, it worked. It worked like wonders. The best thing ever in the last chapter is the fact that Phos wants to talk to sensei. Euclase managed to get to them in the place that really counts. Euclase used specifically Rutile, Zircon and Cinnabar to hopefully strike emotion and regret in Padparadscha and Yellow and maybe Phos and it didn’t work on Padpa or Phos (well Phos is debatable) but it worked wonders on Yellow and my personal theory is that Yellow is going to betray the moon soon with all that is happening. Yes, it hurts me too that Euclase had to resort to that and that they had to fight against the ones closest to them, that I can’t really defend. But one thing I do know is that this plan was likely laid out, discussed and agreed apon by pretty much everyone. The earth gems like to talk, bunch up, talk strategy and discuss whereas those on the moon barely listen to Phos anymore. But once again, you cannot imagine the amount of times me and other fans asked why Sensei can’t just pray to the lunarians already and finally, finally, Phos wants to talk to Sensei.
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Statement number 3 is weird, I don’t get it either, is it bad to not want change? Is it bad to try and put on a smile so that your kohais aren’t too scared of the danger and severity of a war that you have made your lifestyle for millenniums? Euclase might be trying to fix what used to be a peaceful life instead of seeking for change like Phos but what is bad about that really? Even then, Euclase hasn’t given up on Phos. Euclase said that they want and need Phos in the future, they want everyone to be there really, but they also mentioned moving on. Stepping back so as to not take this word-for-word as translations can be different let’s put it this way. Euclase wants to find a solution for all of them, coming back to how Euclase tries to be inclusive, Euclase wants for everyone to be able to find a happy ending and after being in the fandom for as long as I have I’m sure most people want just that, a happy ending.
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One last thing, and I know this is a long-rant post already but I can’t help it. Euclase gives off the vibes of being extremely lonely. They are always watching from the sidelines, picking up pieces and now they are in a leader position where they are basically wrapping themself in lonliness. All the other oldies went to the moon and while some might view this whole “everyone take a break!” suggestion as suspicious or fishy, I’m mighty sure that Euclase just needs time, time to process how not to lose more gems, time to try and predict what Phos might do next and time to just hyperventilate a bit. Euclase is one for the team and is very inclusive but I get this feeling that they put this wall up between everyone and their own self, they are trapped behind that smile, which always looks like a sad one to me, and they just need someone to break down their walls. 
Sorry about the long post but once a gem is warped in the eyes of the fandom everything they do is wrong, but I will fight to the moon and back for any of them so that at least people could understand them a bit better. 
123456789987654321 hugs for Euclase.
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