#gives vincent a bg3 universe just for you
sanguinepeccatorum · 6 months
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@morethandarkness || LIKED for a STARTER
He's resting - sat idly 'pon a rock before a roaring campfire, enjoying the emanating heat that warmed through his leathers. But his innermost senses soon flare upward, telling him of another presence through the sharp whispers of his consciousness.
Still he does not move; instead, he turns his sanguine gaze idly towards the darkness that surrounds and stares, expecting incoming movement.
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Of all of the viciousness that surrounds in Faerun, one would be hard pressed to find aught as vulgar as the sheer monstrosity that now rests within Vincent; the very essence of Chaos, waiting to consume the world when its end is nigh.
"You may as well show yourself as friend or foe - - I know you are there, lurking."
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