#gk is so sweet :( and heechan is so cute :(((
chowonsang · 1 year
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everyone needs a gk to massage them while their tired from working too hard
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DKB “S/O steals their sweater/hoodie”
DKB Masterlist                                               Group masterlist
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Changmin was known in the group to be the fashionista, so if he had an outfit in mind he wanted to wear it. But you apparently changed those plans without even realising it. You had him rushing around his dorm, accusing Dongil of stealing his sweater and then moving on to Harry-June with the same accusations. 
Until you walked into the dorm, completely innocent and unknowing with his sweater covering your torso, the other member’s couldn’t help but laugh. “I told you I didn’t take it!�� Harry-June said, pointing at you and Changmin let out a deep sigh, hands on his hips. “What did I miss?” You asked, feeling horribly watched by everyone. Changmin simply shook his head and walked towards you, holding you by your waist gently. How could he be mad?
“Nothing, you look great in my sweater.” 
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When Dongil came home, he didn’t even look at you twice when he found you already asleep in his bed. He was too tired to notice his hoodie, he simply crashed next to you, pulling you close and went to sleep. 
But when his alarm went off in the morning, waking you both up, he noticed his sweater on you instantly. “That’s mine.” He said groggily, rubbing his eyes as he looked at you and gestured to his sweater. “I know, I forgot my pj’s yesterday and this looked comfy.” You said, sounding just as sleepy and leaning back into him because you wanted him to hold you. Dongil couldn’t help but smile a little, how sweet and clingy you were in the morning but also how sweet you looked in his sweater. 
“Forget your pj’s more often, wear my sweaters all the time.” 
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It was nerve wracking, watching him and Dongil practice the acrobatics for new routines. You knew they were carefull and you knew they knew what they were doing but, it still made you tense everytime they threw themselves into the air. So you needed something to cover your eyes while you watched, opting for Seongsik’s hoodie that he had discarded half way through practice. 
Wearing it now, pulling it up over your eyes every now and then when they jumped. “Are you that freaked out that I’m gonna fall?” He asked, stopping in front of you and looking at you with his hoodie pulled before your eyes. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.” You mumbled, pulling the hoodie back down and looking at him. He leaned down and cupped your face, thinking the whole thing was awfully cute, especially because you were wearing his hoodie to feel safe. 
“I understand. Just keep wearing my hoodie to protect your eyes and keep looking cute.” 
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Gwanghyun had a habbit of buying his sweaters/hoodies oversized, not that you were complaining. He looked extra cute in them and well, they were nice and cozy to steal too. Which was something you ended up doing more than he realised. 
“Why can’t I find anyof my hoodies?” Gwanghyun asked, looking through his closet. You instinctively covered yourself with the blankets of his bed, knowing a majority of them were at your place and that you were wearing one. “I know exactly why I can’t find any of them.” He said turning and looking at you, dropping himself on top of you. You laughed as you felt his fingers tickle over your sides after he pulled back the blanket. 
“It’s because you always take them all! Tomorrow I’m taking some of them back.” 
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It was absolutely nearly impossible for Heechan to get mad at you, he had a real hard time doing it. But when you had taken his sweater, that his stylist explicitly told him to bring with him to schedule and he got scolded for it. Heechan felt a little angry. 
“I wouldn’t have taken it if I knew.” You pouted, playing with the sweater sleeves. You were having a hard time looking him in the eye, not because he was very mad or anything but because you felt bad. “I’m sorry.” You said, finally looking up and into his eyes. This made Heechan sigh and put his hands on his hips, how could he be mad?
 “Don’t look at me like that. I’m trying to be mad and you’re making it really hard looking so cute.” 
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Sungmin was very observant and noticed his sweater missing right away, he also had his suspicions as to who took it. He didn’t go around accusing any of the others of taking it, no he was relaxed because he knew it was in good hands. 
So when you visited them at practice, wearing his sweater, he couldn’t help himself but smile. “I knew it, I knew you took it.” He said extending his arms out to you. You walked into him and tucked your face into his neck. “So you’re not mad?” You asked, pulling back to look him in the eyes. A smile pulled over his lips and he shook his head. 
“Of course I’m not mad. If I was mad I would have told you that when I found out my sweater was missing.” 
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This was something he had always wanted, as big and intimidating as he was, he was the biggest softie and he just wanted to see you in his hoodie. So everytime you even mentioned that you were cold, he tossed a hoodie your way. But you tended to ignore it, preferring to cuddle with him instead. 
However, this time around he wasn’t home yet and you were absolutely freezing so you took his hoodie and simply waited in his bed and played on your phone. But when Junseo came home to see you all snuggled up in his hoodie, he felt his heart melt and he couldn’t help but bear hug you. 
“Please, please always wear my hoodies. I’ve wanted to see you in them for so long and you look cuter than I imagined you would.
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(smile brighter than the sun) 
You were going to have an uneventfull night, cartoon watching and snacking and it was absolutely perfect to you and Yuku. He wouldn’t have had it any other way, it was 3 of his favorite things: cartoons, food and you. 
So when you came out of the bathroom, after getting comfortable and ready for the night, Yuku melted a little. You were wearing his sweater, his light purple sweater that he adored and you looked precious in it. He had the hardest time hiding his smile, especially as you curled into his side and settled down to watch tv.  
“My favorite person wearing my favorite sweater.” 
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Harry absolutely loved showing off his dancing skills to you in the practice room and well you absolutely loved watching him. He was just so good and passionate about what he did, it was so nice to see. However they kept the practice room cold and for people in constant movement it wasn’t that bad. But for people who were sitting still, it was cold. 
So naturally, you gravitated more and more to his hoodie. FIrst only laying it over your lap, then your whole upper body and eventually just wearing it. Harry didn’t quite notice at first until he took a break and laughed. “Is it that cold in here?” He asked and you nodded, burrowing yourself further into the fabric. 
“How about I stop early and we go get some hot chocolate? You can wear my hoodie the whole time, I promise.” 
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kitsuneco · 3 years
𝐃𝐤𝐛 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬...
—as in E-chan, D1 and Teo (actually I made one for Gk but after I finished it tumblr deleted it and I am sad.)
—I got most of the ideas from an au’s website but sadly I forgot it’s name, hope you like it!
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Once again, that strange girl who became known in this restaurant came
Whoever sees her will know that she is currently drunk, She is not with us, Perhaps she is dreaming far away from this world
Chang Min in fact was waiting for her, changing his shift so he could have the chance to meet her but he could never expect the time!
one time he waited from the morning till midnight but then heechan told him she came at 3am, and that day he suffered a lot from him
Today she was present at 10 pm, luckily he was not in a bad mood because of the mistakes the blond boy did, she smiled at him making him feel odd inside, he wondered if the blond coworker broke the air conditioner again.
He went to her to take her usual order, she does not remember him, always looking at him with her shiny eyes and her pretty smile, he smiled back at her sad that she will forget his name tomorrow.
Putting the food in her table, checking the time again, thinking if he can get enough sleep today, he sighed and tried to go back to the kitchen when the girl surprised him with her voice that sounded refreshing as the spring flowers outside the restaurant
He listened to her story again and made sure to look at her while she keeps telling him to not give up
how her boss was about to fire her, and how she likes the desserts here, how no matter what their going through they should end the bitterness of the day with a sweet smile.
In his eyes, everything around her glowed, making her shine so much in the darkness of the night, the boy wished he could stay around her to hear more of her stories or just look at her.
This boy always liked strange things in some people, he loves that yellow pocket in his friend’s pants, the scary keychain that he bought in a suspicious store that everyone begged him to remove it, and that girl he saw with a hoodie on her.
He always saw her in a formal outfit, as if it’s a myth to see her otherwise, Dong Il usually did not pay attention to her since she didn’t have the thing that makes him want to know more about her.
And that was until he saw her in the cafe with her pink hoodie, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her, and the way it was hugging her body in an adorable way!
he couldn’t hide his smile and how he wanted to embrace her firmly but how can he talk to her?
she might remember him as the dude who makes a lot of jokes and once saw him dancing in an elevator, yeah she didn't forget him.
his friends stared asking themselves if the boys is really strange, he kept talking to himself hoping he might find an idea to talk to her
”should I tell her a funny joke? what about a pick up line? No no she will hate me, no wait!”
The girl was about to leave with her coffee until she heard Dong Il‘s voice calling her name, she waited silently for him to talk and tell her why he interpreted her favourite coffee day, she never expected was he said.
”I want to espresso my interest in you by asking you out“
his friends felt ashamed in his behalf, how can he say that with no shame with a huge smirk in his face, never forgetting the eyebrow raise.
He felt like he fucked it up, that it was the last time he could talk with this cute person, will until he heard her laugh which she tried to hide quickly
“Giving me your number sounds like a fair trade.”
Teo actually still hates the thin walls he has to live in, he hates how he can hear the new married couple screaming every night, the old man‘s voice and his...interesting tv sounds, also he can never get over the kids who live above him.
It gets so tiring especially since he is so sensitive to all sounds and will like to live in peace, unfortunately the girl who moves next to him was not better than them.
Her voice was so loud that the whole neighbourhood could hear it, sometimes he thinks she does it on purpose to bother him, cause how can she pick the worst days to bring her friends over and play until the mornin!
teo’s desire to leave the world: up by 30%
He heard her once talk to her friend about the cute boy who lives next to her, and how she liked his body when she saw him in the gym, sadly the girl was not teo’s type.
It was a night in mid June when the boy felt dizzy from the heat that prevented him from sleeping, no matter how many sheep he counted the sleep fairy did not come to him
when he heard her voice singing he was about to sigh until he focused on the beauty of her voice, how she reminded him of the sound of the blowing cold wind, the melody similar to the piece of the four seasons by Antonio Vivaldi.
the boy did not notice the fact that he fell asleep until he woke up In the morning, late for his work, he wonders if he should thank the girl or curse her, but he looks forward to another night to be able to hear her voice again.
— Tell me if you would like to see some for the other members!・・・ʕ ˵ ̿–ᴥ ̿– ˵ ʔ
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DKB on a first date
Since I said I would write stuff... I’m writing stuff.
Would definitely do something traditional but cutesy
Like watching a movie but instead of going to a theater he would take you to an old drive-in or some other outdoor projection
He would DEFINITELY cook you dinner first - it’s a 50/50 on how good it actually tastes, but he’s so endearing you’ll probably eat it anyway
He’s a big teaser and so much of the date is walking around and talking and laughing
He talks a big game, but he’s super shy and VERY nervous
Would stutter the entire time he’s actually asking you out
(d-d-do you... maybe, wanna go - um - out?)
He’d worry so much about making a good impression he wouldn’t dress for the occasion
Like taking you to an arcade or bowling or something similar but he’s wearing a button-down and nice slacks and he sticks out so bad
He is such a gentleman and would hold the door open and walk you home - the whole nine yards
Just his cover of “Come Through”
But really - he’d also be the kind to take you on a nice date to the fair or carnival or just a walk in the park
He’d buy you something cute and you would just walk and talk the entire time
And before you know it, it’s night and you’ve spent the whole day together
Would greet you with a bouquet of roses - no question
If it’s an afternoon date - he’d take you to a coffee shop
If it’s a nighttime date - he’d bring you to a fancy dinner
Either way, GK is feeding you
He loves sharing his favorite foods with people, especially people he cares about
He’s very quiet, there wouldn’t be a lot of fanfare, just the two of you eating together and hanging out
At the end, though, especially if it’s in the evening, he’d invited you inside for one last cup of coffee 😉
This would be the most fun date ever
Heechan would have no plans at all
He’d just pick you up and, hand in hand, take you wherever he wants to go
He might take you to a nearby park or to a museum or a cafe
Wherever he takes you, it’s full of jokes and laughing
He’s also the kind to sing to you whenever the mood suits him - his deep, dramatic voice that changes pitch every other word
Does not go out
He doesn’t even ask, just walks up to you and tells you to join him for a movie
“Hey, come over, I got a new movie to watch with you.”
There would be snacks and blankets and pillows
and just the two of you on the couch
Lune, a clingy boy, would absolutely latch onto you, arm around your shoulders as he pulled you in close
It probably gets way too warm underneath the blankets, curled up next to Lune, but who cares.
Another traditional boy - probably meets your parents before he picks you up for the date
I have a feeling he'd take you to an amusement park
He wants to hold you close and nothing is better than roller coasters to cuddle
Or a haunted house!
Either way, there will be lots of cuddles because Junseo was made for cuddling
He probably takes a bunch of pictures too
Picturs of you and of the Cafe and whatever else he wants
He's so cute and sweet and will take you wherever you wanna go
He is so chill he would probably just take you to a park
And you'd play some music and he'd dance
OR he’d take you to play video games
like at an arcade or something
But trust me, there is no mercy from Harry during video games
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gwanghyunnies · 4 years
DKB Reacting to: you cuddling them in your sleep
genre: fluff | bulletpoint
warning: none
a/n:. this is crappy but 💔
(none of the lengths are biased.)
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* When he felt you cuddle next to him he went ‘🥺’
* he LOVES that.
* will definitely cuddle/hug you back no cap
* will whisper sweet nothings in your ear (i.e.: “i love you”, “i hope youre sleeping well” etc.)
* suprised.exe
* he giggled
* probably accidentally woke you up LMAO
* when you went back to sleep he wrapped his arm around you
* awh im soft
* was probably singing you to sleep
* when he felt your arm around him he smiled
* i have a feeling that he is WARM like he gives off those types of vibes
* he would lowly hum a couple songs before sleeping
* he was on his phone because you were taking a nap
* he felt your arms around him and immediately went ‘😳’
* would make sure you are asleep before taking a picture of you
* puts the picture as his background
* goofy boy tm
* would definitely ‘accidentally’ wake you up
* but,,, as soon as you ask him to stop he will lmao
* pats your head as you slowly go back to sleep while hugging you back ksjdj awh
* he gasps and like tries to focus on one thing but you’re !! too !! cute !!
* he gives up and like watches you sleep (in a cute way)
* lowkey adores when you snuggle into his chest
* our baby bear would play soft jazz music in the background on his phone so you could sleep better akhdhd
* he gets SO soft when he feels your ~warmth~ on him
* he smiles down at you and continues watching tv until he falls asleep
* yall are a huge cuddly mess kdjdbd
* he was probably napping with you
* woke up because you startled him
* would do the lil giggle thing he does
* he would be THE SOFTEST.
* when you wake up he would ask you to cuddle more akhdh
* he would go through 3 stages of shock all at once
* 1.) suprise, 2.) realization, 3.) suprise x2
* at first he would try to get you off pfft
* then he realized you’re probably really tired so he just let you cuddle up on him
* hes a lil uncomfy at first but like ends up actually liking it
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chanyattaa · 4 years
DKB Reacting to You Wanting to Put Makeup on Them || Request
yes! you are correct! and could you write a dkb reaction to you wanting to put makeup on them? (i shall claim the chicken emoji haha!) -🍗
Okay 🍗 anon! I got you! I’m sorry this took me sooooo long. I’ve been so exhausted from work and schoolwork.  I love DKB but I haven’t written anything yet...I also don’t stan them super hard but I love their personalities so much! I hope this meets your expectations. 🖤 I wanted to mix it up a little bit and tried to do completely different scenerios with each of them and I even thought about like a costume party makeup idea. I hope that’s okay! Also, I’ve never really talked about DKB on here before but my biases are Junseo and GK <3 Without further ado...here is DKB reacting to you wanting to put makeup on them!
Changmin (E-Chan):
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You plopped down in front of him on the couch and gave him the cutest look.
“What do you want?” Changmin would lull his head over to look at you, trying his hardest to hold back a smile.
“What??? Maybe I just want to sit next to my bestest friend in the whole world!” You pouted and huffed.  
He laughed and turned his body to face you, tucking one of his legs under himself. “You only look at me like that when you want something, so spit it out.”  
You fiddled with your shirt before looking back up at him. “I was thinking that you should...ya know...let me do your makeup.”  
Changmin blinked slowly and cocked his head to the side like a puppy before breaking into a huge smile. “I mean, sure. If you want to.”  
You squealed and grabbed his wrist, tugging on him to come and join you in the bathroom.  
“I’m coming! Relax!”  
Dongil (D1):
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Dongil had just came home from the studio. When he came upstairs, he found you doing your makeup.  
“Hey...what are you doing all that for?”  
You flinched at the sound of his voice. “Oh my god,” you giggled before continuing. “I just felt like doing it.”  
He smiled at you before changing into some sweats and a hoodie. He scooted to the edge of the bed to watch you through the vanity mirror. Dongil chuckled noticing your cheeks flushing. “You’re beautiful.”  
You whined and covered your face a little. “No...you’re handsome.” He laughed and laid back on the bed as you finished up. “Hey, can I do your makeup, too? We can be matching.”  
Dongil lowered his phone from his face and nodded. “That would be awesome!” He eagerly sat up and faced you. “Make my eyes sparkle!”
Seongsik (Teo):  
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“Truth or dare, Seongsik?” You rested your elbows on your knees as you cupped your chin, awaiting his response.
He hummed softly. “Dare, I suppose.” He looked you in the eyes with some unknown confidence.
“I dare you,” you paused dramatically. “to let me do your makeup.” He snorted.
He playfully rolled his eyes and looked at you in disbelief. “Really? You don’t even do your own makeup. Do you know what you’re doing?” He couldn’t keep up the façade for long as a sly smile creeped up onto his face.
You slapped his arm. “I just said I dared you to let me do it, not that it was gonna be any good!” Seongsik cackled at your playful jabs.  
“Okay! Okay!” He laughed as he made his way upstairs.
Gwanghyun (GK):
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“The costume party is in a couple of days. Have you decided on what we should be yet?” Your boyfriend’s voice rang through the phone.  
You huffed softly. “Not really...I was thinking about a cute animal idea though because...you are my desert fox, ya know?”
He laughed. “I said that was my nickname one time and you really ran with it, didn’t you?” He stared up at his ceiling in thought. “I like that idea though. Why don’t we both be cute foxes together?”
“Perfect! BUT!” You put extra emphasis on the “t”. “You have to let me do your makeup for it.”
He bolted up right, making you giggle as you hear all of his sheets fuss around. “Makeup? We’re going as animals!”  
“Right! But we’re still humans...c’mon please! It’ll be super cute. You’ll have a cute black nose! I’ll have it, too.” You whined at him.
He pinched the bridge of his nose before smiling. “You’re so adorable. How could I say no?”  
You cheered and squealed. “I love you, Gwanghyun! Now, come over so I can practice!”
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You both took a sip of your bubble tea as you walked around the mall. “Wait, let’s go to the makeup store! Maybe, I can get you one of those free makeovers.” You grabbed Heechan’s wrist as you dragged him behind you.
“Makeover? In public?” His eyes were a little frantic. He halted in his tracks to bring you close to him. “This is one of those western makeup stores!” He whispered yelled. “Their makeup is so different! I don’t think it would look good on me.” He whined quietly.  
You pouted up at him. “C’mon you don’t know until you try!” You smirked slightly. “Plus, you think I look good in it.”  
“That’s because you’re western!” He laughed.  
“Fine, since you’re embarrassed to do it in public, how about we go in and buy some stuff and I do it for you?” You swished back and forth, trying to act your cutest.  
“No, no. Don’t bring out the cute stuff! You know I can’t resist you with that.” He groaned softly as you cutely took a sip of your bubble tea. “Okay, okay. Only if I get to pick out the colors.”
You squealed and ran into the store, leaving him to catch up.
Sungmin (Lune):
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Sungmin had his head in your lap as you played with his hair. You were both just playing on your phones.
“Hey, pretty boy.” You smiled down at him.
He looked up at you with sparkly eyes. “What’s up?” He smiled back.  
“We’ve been lazy all day and I think we should do something fun before you have to go back to work tomorrow...Do you want me to do your makeup?”  
He sat up immediately and nodded. “Can you make me look like V in ON with the writing on his face?” He bounced as he got me excited.
You laughed at his eagerness and nodded. “Yeah, I can do that. I can even try the veins on his neck.”  
“C’mon!!” He grabbed your arm and started dragging you to the bathroom. “If you want, I can try doing makeup on you too!”  
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“Makeup?” He blinked slowly before shaking his head. “No, no. I only wear makeup because I have to. It’s not really my thing.” He smiled gently before fiddling with his phone again.
You grabbed his hand and whined softly. “Please? I think it would be cute! You’re so handsome and makeup brings out your handsomeness.”
He got shy and laughed. “I’m not that handsome.” He put his phone aside.
You huffed and leaned against his shoulder. “Please...for me Junie.”  
You felt his muscles relax as soon as you called him “Junie”. “Ah...only because you’re sweet.”  
You squealed and got up to lead him to your vanity. “If you do anything to crazy, I might not forgive you though.” He teased and followed right behind you.
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“Makeup!” Yuku gasped excitedly. “Yes! Only if you make me look like a visual kei!”  
You cocked your head to the side. “Visual...kei?”  
He nodded and pulled out his phone, showing you a picture of a Japanese band called iNSOMNiA. “You’re good at cosplay and they’re almost anime like. It would be so cool! Please?” He tugged on your hand as he dragged out the whine of “please”.  
You shook your head playfully. “Alright, I can try it out. That means I can style your hair, too, right?”
“Pfffft! Of course!”  
Harry June:
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“Is it because I’m not that handsome?” Harry June bit his lip as he tried to hide his embarrassment. He wasn’t embarrassed because you wanted to do makeup on him, he was embarrassed because he thought it meant he wasn’t attractive.
You cupped his face. “Honey, no. I didn’t say that.” You rubbed your thumbs on his cheeks. “You’re very handsome.”  
He smiled softly and nuzzled his cheeks into your hands.  
“We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.” You kissed his nose causing him to crinkle it.
He shook his head. “No, let’s do it. Besides, you think I’m handsome and that’s all that really matters.”
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bearhugwithbunny · 4 years
DKB as Boyfriends ♥︎
A thread nobody asked for, but I definitely needed.
None of these gifs belong to me !! Credit to the following : @yukusyeekies , @gwanghyunbf , @byeongkwann !! ♥︎♥︎♥︎
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Flirts with you everyday
Hella romantic
Definitely a spoiler
Will literally buy you anything you want.
Hella protective
Sometimes can get a little,,, jealous.
Stares at you a lot
Cause to him just wow
You’re the most beautiful person ever
Probably into PDA
Not too much tho, just lots of holding hands and soft hugs and kisses here and there.
Basically a big romantic
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2. D1
Ngl he’s probably a little bit awkward at first
But when he gets used to dating you definitely won’t leave you alone
Clingy clingy
Compliments you 24/7
Surprise gifts
Spontaneous adventures
Shy in public but in private will cuddle the heck out of you
He just wants to be with you all the time
Really adores everything about you
Looooves making you laugh and loves hearing your laugh
sweeeeetie pieeeee
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3. Teo
Wants everyone in the world to see how beautiful you are
Sings you to sleep
Probably the type to bring you flowers at work
Writes tons and TONS of corny love letters
Along with that probably says “I love you” every 5 minutes
Lots of PDA
PDA !!!!!!
Definitely the type to give you a massage after a stressful day
Thinks every part of you is just amazing
10/10 great boyfriend
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4. GK
Makes you laugh 24/7
Cheeky and flirty
But also sooooo sweet
Like the sweetest ever
Kinda shy when it comes to verbally expressing his emotions
But always reassures you through small actions
Like holding your hand
Or ruffling your hair
Your number one supporter
Forehead kisses !!!!
GK best boy !
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5. Heechan
Binge watching Netflix on lazy days
Hits on you all the time
Cheesy CHEESY pick up lines
Buys you food
Arcade dates !!
Gives you piggy back rides
Only if you (if you even can LOL) give him one too tho
If you’re feeling sad he’ll probably do some stupid stuff to cheer you up
Like impersonate ur crying face LOL
but that’s why you love him
he’s a big lovable dork
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6. Lune
super shy boy 🥺
blushes more than you do probably
bakes for you
lots of couple selfies
lots of matching outfits
his whole Instagram page is basically just you
not really into pda
but it’s only bc you make him so shy
but when he does hug you it’s so soft
like rlly soft
he’s sooo cute
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7. Junseo
Shy boy number 2
But super duper hella CUDDLY
like rlly rlly rlly loves to cuddle you
The sweetest boyfriend ever
Cute pet names
Loves to hold you in his arms
Tries to teach you new dance moves
Lots of lazy days of just staying in and being with eachother
also protective
but it’s because your his baby and he doesn’t want anything or anyone to ever hurt you
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8. Yuku
sweet, giggly, a little shy
His favorite hobby is giving you attention
and your favorite hobby is giving it back
loooong talks about literally anything
he loves to just stare at you and admire your features
and when you catch him staring he just smiles and giggles
def a little spoon, but you love cuddling him anyways
Cute themed cafe dates
hand kisses, forehead kisses, cheek kisses
cutie pie boyfriend the best ever in the world
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9. Harry-June
obsessed with literally everything about you
really funny
sends you memes at 1 am
calls you a lot
texts you a lot
just wants to always be and always talk to you
not very physical but always tells you how beautiful he thinks you are
just like Junseo, he tries to teach you new dances
and if you fail completely he still thinks it’s the cutest thing ever
let’s be honest he’s just such a sweetie pie
They would all just be *chefs kiss* the best ever ♥︎♥︎
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