#glad I got around to it... now onto the newer one jfhgfhdj
magmacannon · 1 year
1-4 annnnnd 18 -21 for Grey
OKAY time to answer this!!! finally!!! I had to Make Things abt Grey so here's some New Lore
does your oc have any motifs? Yes!! Nighttime sky/landscapes are a big one, both in color scheme (monochrome-type looking), coldness (perceived coldness/aloofness versus a gentle nighttime chill vibe that's more comforting than disinterest), and distance (for Grey's relationships, not so much himself!). He also has motifs of very crisp clothing/interior design with little accents of more messy/personable self amongst the very unified design.
Describe your character's voice. do they have a voice claim? VERY good question! I think Grey honestly generally polite, even though this doesn't make much sense as a voice descriptor. He speaks softly and high in his vocal register, having almost no vocal fry. Grey has a slightly different tone when out with friends - he's a bit louder and lets his annunciation get a little more relaxed - but is still relatively soft-spoken and gentle with his consonants. No official VC for him though, I don't tend to have those!
is your character and indoor or outdoor person? Indoor person.... if you tried to take Grey tent camping he'd standn in the middle of the tent looking mildly stressed for a while like a whippet. He loves city living and though he thinks wildnerness places are beautiful, he tends to avoid going too far off the beaten path lol
what's your character's favorite recreational activity? hmMM I think people watching, which isn't very recreational! Most recreational thing he does is fucking tbh, that can get pretty involved for him. Second to that and probably something he'd consider more of a recreational thing is facilitating games with his young cousins/youngest siblings and goofing around with his family when he visits home.
a memory that still makes your OC angry? Grey isn't much of an angry person so this was pretty hard! Almost always he'll let things go after a long enough time. A more recent event that truly HAS made him heated is the manipulation of his (very well-curated) enchanted item stock by someone who somehow snuck cursed items into his regular supply. He's been mulling over both legal and illegal means to get back at whoever did that tbh.
a memory that still makes your OC sad? Now THIS one is one I can name... Grey's saddest memory is his very abrupt abandonment by his last, (almost)-greatest love. He'd been swept up in a whirlwind romance with a being greater than he'd imagined could exist and felt an intense loss when they left to return home to the stars. He tends to stay up above those feelings now but it still stings if he's run out of distractions sometimes.
a nostalgic memory from your OC's childhood? Getting his first job and coming home to a celebration dinner with his family! His mom made a huge amount of food for him and his siblings, and their extended family came to visit as well. Grey felt the focus on him was a little much, but thinking back on it he was just very touched for the whole affair. He really likes his mom's cooking too lol
hobbies your OC enjoys? People watching (making up the lives of people as they pass in his Mind), collecting Fun Little Trinkets (for bsiness or just to have for himself), barbeque (a new one! the mess is a little galling but he's figuring it out), making weird drinks (sometimes good! A lot of the times pretty bad pff), and arthropod identification are his favorite sfw hobbies pff
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