#glad i could be writing about basketball when I can't play my last ever season of basketball
aca-awesomenerd · 4 years
Hey awesome nerds!!
Finally wrote another chapter! Enjoy!
Chapter 13
It was about halfway through the year now and Barden had played against every team in their league once. In about a week, they will be playing one of those teams for a second time. This worried Beca. She knew that their play wouldn’t work anymore, but no matter how hard she tried to get Aubrey to change her mind, the captain wouldn’t budge. However, the Fire and Ice duo, also known as Beca and Chloe had been leading their team to a huge amount of victories. Beca and Chloe could easily lead Barden to the five wins they needed to easily go straight to the semi-finals. Everyone was talking about their unbelievable chemistry on the court and their incredible plays. Some people (mostly their teammates) would argue they had even better chemistry off the court.
“So Becs, how much longer until you ask Chloe out?” Stacie asked.
During their free time, Stacie and Beca would hang out in one of their dorm rooms or play basketball together. They had become really great friends and Beca appreciated Stacie’s company… Most of the time. Stacie had been mentioning their redheaded captain more often every time they spent time together. Beca was trying really hard not to make her feelings for Chloe show but it was hard to ignore when Stacie was constantly mentioning it.
When Stacie noticed Beca wasn’t answering she added: “Look Becs, you can keep ignoring me but I know you can’t tell me I’m wrong. I see how you both act when you are together…”
Beca continued to ignore what Stacie was saying until her tall friend said: “Fine keep ignoring me! I just want you to know that your feelings aren’t one-sided”
“Even if the feeling is mutual, I don’t want to ruin what we already have! I have so much fun with her before practice and the plays we make in-game are incredible. I would never want to put that in jeopardy.”
“I understand what you mean, but imagine the plays you can make if you both dealt with the tension and the chemistry you and Chloe have!”
“I don’t think it’s the right time to be starting a relationship with her. Not with  such important games coming up!” Beca replied hoping the conversation could end there.
“When will it be the right time Beca! You can’t keep pushing this back! One day you’ll be too late and then what will you do,” Stacie said, frustrated with her best friend’s behaviour.
“I’m going to get ready for practice. I’ll see you there.”
Beca left Stacie’s dorm room and started heading to the gym. Deep down, she knew Stacie was right, but Beca could never ruin one of the best relationships she’s ever had. As she continued toward the gym, she tried distracting herself from thinking about the conversation she just had with Stacie. She had to make sure she was very focused on the upcoming games. She had to help the team get to the semi-finals.
When Beca finally got to the gym, she was surprised to see Chloe was already there starting their “before practice” routine. The redhead noticed Beca’s arrival right away and ran over to give the short brunette a hug.
“Hey Becs! Looks like I beat you to the gym today!” Chloe teased.
“Yeah, I guess you did,” Beca replied half-heartedly.
“Everything okay?” Beca was usually very excited to get to the gym before practice to train with Chloe, but the co-captain noticed right away that something was up.
“I’m fine, just a bit tired that’s all.”
Chloe wasn’t convinced of Beca’s answer.
“Are you sure that’s all?”
‘“Yeah. Don’t worry about it, everything’s great!”
Chloe knew that there was more to it, but decided to let it go knowing the brunette doesn’t like sharing what she is feeling. If it was important, the co-captain knew she would be the first to know what Beca was thinking.
The two of them started their drills together and played until their practice began.
The team’s practice was going very well. The girls have been building a strong bond over the past few months and it was paying off. Their passing was very smooth and they always knew where their teammates were at all times. However, they constantly practiced their one and only play, which was always executed perfectly but gave the team very few scoring chances since they were so predictable. This is where Beca and Chloe came into play. The duo would take advantage of every open chance they got and they could get the ball to each other no matter where they were on the court. Even if they couldn’t practice their impromptu moves at practice, they never missed.
It was about halfway through practice at this point and the team was taking a water break. Beca was feeling much more relaxed, basketball always helped calm her down. Stacie, however, was feeling guilty for upsetting the shorter brunette earlier so she decided to take this break to go and apologize to Beca.
“Becs, can I talk to you for a sec?” Stacie asked.
“Yeah, sure what’s up?”
“I just wanted to apologize for earlier, I went too far and I don’t want to rush you. I totally understand your point and if you ever need help asking her out just let me know.”
“Of course! Don’t worry about it Stace, I know you want what’s best for me and I’ll consider what you said.”
“Hug?” Stacie questioned, knowing Beca wasn’t too fond of hugging.
“Do we have to?” Beca replied jokingly as she hugged Stacie back.
From further away, the redheaded captain was watching Beca and Stacie’s exchange and couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous. Although, she would never let anyone know that was what she was feeling. Her mood quickly changed when Beca walked right back to her spot next to Chloe.
The team was getting ready to play a five-on-five scrimmage. They split into their usual teams and started playing. The game was going exceptionally well. Their play was working pretty well and everything else was going smoothly. Beca had stolen the ball and proceeded to dribble down the court to start a fastbreak. She immediately spotted Chloe right next to the net and threw the ball directly to her. She was so focused on getting the ball to the redhead that she didn’t see Stacie defending her on her left and fell as a result of the impact from the collision.
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I'm Not a Bad Person- Chapter 5
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SUMMARY: Troy Otto does have feelings you know. He's in the process of figuring them out; especially when it comes to his childhood friend, Jaymie. Whatever they are, they're rooted deep; and they're growing.
WARNINGS: Language
WORD COUNT: Fuck if I know.
PAIRING: Troy Otto x OFC
AUTHOR'S NOTE: My plan is to follow along with the events of season 3, but with my OFC involved. I'll veer off plenty of times and probably switch shit up completely. Not sure yet. We'll be exploring different characters' perspectives throughout the series. I'm not great at this writing thing but I try my best. Hope you like it enough. All characters except my OFC don't belong to me.
Chapter 5
(Jaymie's POV)
After the dramatic event of Nick having Troy at gun point, I didn't want to leave Troy's side. I mean, we're normally together a lot anyway, but now I have this innate need to be there to watch his back. I couldn't handle it if anything bad happened to him.
I've been sleeping on the Ottos' couch; even though Troy and Jake both offered to give their beds up for me- such gentlemen. Neither the boys nor Jeremiah seemed to mind my additional presence one bit- especially Troy. In fact, last night he came back downstairs after his dad and Jake went to bed. He was so damn cute in his black basketball-type night shorts and his High On Fire t-shirt. I was already melting.
"Can I take this bandage off my eye yet?"
"What, you don't wanna play Pirates of the Caribbean anymore?"
I gave a half-suppressed laugh. "So is that what you came down here for?"
He looked at the floor with a smile and shook his head. "No, no I didn't." Then he bit his lip just a little as he looked back up at me. "Wanna watch a movie?"
After my stomach flipped like a pancake due to him bringing extra attention to his lips, I perked up like a puppy whose owner had just come home. "Yeah! That'd be great!" It'd be beyond great actually. "And we'll end your pirate adventure so you can see it better."
Troy let me choose what movie we'd watch. I'm certain he regretted that, because he groaned when I picked "Warm Bodies."
"That's such a chick flick, Jayms."
"Did you really just use the term 'chick flick'?" His eyebrows got sarcastic with me. "What? It's appropriate for the current state of the world. Plus there's plenty of shooting." Now he blinked sarcastically. "Hey. You let me pick. You can't take that back."
His smile was brilliant when he laughed. "Put it in, dork."
I put the disc in the player. "You know you just called me a whale's penis, right?"
"Guess you're a giant dick then."
We busted up laughing over that one.
During the previews I took his patch off; although he totally could've done that himself.
"How's it look?"
"Pretty gnarly actually," and kinda sexy in a fucked up way. The entire brief period I was checking out his eye, I kept glancing down at his lips. That was a mistake; all I could think of now was kissing him.
So, we sat on the couch together, each of us on our own respective cushions, as we watched one of my favorite movies. The scene where R and Julie were running from the bonies had just been on. They were cornered on a balcony. Then R enveloped Julie in his arms and fell backwards into the pool with her. His head hits the bottom and he's thought to be dead. He kept her safe, just as he had been promising from the beginning.
I started tearing up (that scene gets me every time). I felt Troy staring at me. I met his gaze with a crooked smile to find that he sported one too. We both laughed at me for getting emotional over a film that I've seen more than ten times already.
Troy laid his head against the back of the couch, and his mouth formed the most beautiful smile; and then, then he reached out and wrapped his arms around my body, pulling me over to his self and settling me in at his side. My heart skipped like seven beats.
He kept an arm around my shoulders and hypnotized me with his pretty blue eyes. "You know, I haven't thanked you yet."
"What are you talking about?"
"You were willing to take a bullet for me."
Because I love you. Because I don't want to live without you. Because I can't live without you... "Keep you safe." I quoted R with a soft voice.
The softness reflected in his smile. "Thank you."
"You don't need-"
"But don't you ever fucking do something like that again, Jaymie." Whoa. I wasn't sure how to respond to that. I blinked at him in confusion. His expression relaxed and he turned his face back towards the television. After a short moment he gave me a half smile and then pulled me even closer.
Was this all a dream? Does he have any idea what all this means to me? Is he just being appreciative and comforting, or does he feel the same as I do? He usually is pretty affectionate anyway. This is new though. Either way, I can't afford to make assumptions. I'm not willing to lose his friendship over my stupid fucking emotions; but he definitely seems different. Why am I so scared to lose him? Would Troy really cut off practically a life-long friendship and stop spending time with me if I misinterpreted his actions? Probably not, but then maybe he wouldn't do it anymore.
I decided to keep my mouth shut and just basked in the glory of his extra affections. I did manage to get ballsy enough to rest my head on his shoulder. I know it's a simple gesture, but it took a lot of courage for me to do it. I'm glad I did, because it was then that he rested his cheek on the top of my head. I could've died a happy woman in that moment.
*Fun fact: High On Fire is the band playing in the truck in episode 5 when Troy and Madison are on their way to the outpost with the group of militia men. (I didn't know it either.) I was going to keep it simple with Metallica or Pantera, but I didn't know if they'd be too tame for Troy's liking.
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