#bechloe basketball AU
bechloeweek2024 · 3 months
Bechloe Week 2024 Voting List
"You're up early"
"Oops, didn't see you there!"
Middle school
"Let's be alone together"
“I did NOT fart on our first date!”
"It's like I don't even recognize you anymore."
Bosses daughter
"I'm worried about you"
Reality TV
"Don't think, just do"
“You’ve got a drug problem and it’s destroying our relationship!”/ Drugs
“I’ll gay marry the shit out of you! I’m not scared.”
Forbidden love
"That's when I fell in love with you"
Scandalous past life
"There's no turning back now"
First date
Older and even more in love than ever
"Because I said so "
Teacher Beca
Desperate hugs
“You found me”
Enemies/rivals to lovers
Royalty / knight AU
“Your fans are freaking crazy!”
Drunken Dare
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aca-awesomenerd · 4 years
I got a random burst of inspiration today and wrote chapter 14 of my basketball AU fic! Enjoy!! 
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charmingcentry · 5 years
Bechloe HP AU
The One Where Chloe is a Muggle & Beca is a Witch:)
A tiny brunette is huddled under her thin blanket, feeling a small breeze of cold air go through the fabric as her rotating fan circulates air around her room. “Book of Spells” in wide open placed upon the young lady’s legs, hovering her small thin wand above the book as a small luminescent light shines through the tip of her wand. She has her focus on a specific portion of the large book, more so on the spell “Reparo.” In an attempt to catch up to the skill level of her Tasmanian friend who goes by, “Fat Amy,” the first week of her summer vacation has been spent camping out in her bedroom; in addition to go downstairs time to time for food and water. She bites at her bottom lip, giving an immense amount of concentration on that one spell. “Beca, sweetie.” The brunette mutters the word “nox” under her breath, removing the blanket off her head “What’s up?” Beca asks, bookmarking the page in the spell book “It’s already your second week of summer vacation and all you’ve done is lock yourself up in here, reading about… curses and, witches.” She cocks up an eyebrow “Spells dad. I’m just studying for the next term.” Her dad slowly walks in her room, sitting on the end of her bed where her orange cat Tucker lays “Take a break though. Alright? It’s already 12 P.M and I don’t think you’ve seen an inch of sunlight since you’ve came back from London.” Beca pouts “Yeah, I will.” She begins to cover herself with the blanket once more until her father shoves it back down “Just go outside or something… take a walk.” Beca groans at that idea, throwing herself on her back to lay down “Dangit Beca, just for today. You look paler than usual.” Beca opens her mouth, but immediately cut off by her father once more “Outside. Now.” Beca rolls her eyes and reluctantly gets up, glaring at her dad who is now happy about the fact that his daughter has finally decided to go outside for today. She grudgingly puts on her worn-out sneakers and grabs her phone, an item forbidden in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The young lady strolls downstairs and opens the front door of her house, immediately being struck by a heat wave and the blaring sun. During times like this when she’s back home in Georgia, she immediately misses the rainy and cloudy days in Britain. It’s quite a shock that Hogwarts let her attend although she is exactly 4,220 miles away from London; yet, majority of the reason why she was permitted is that her mother is a famous Witch that the headmaster admires. Beca puts her hands in her pockets and walks down the cul-de-sac that she resides in, admiring the other grand, modern, old houses in her small neighborhood. Where she lives is typically quiet with the occasional bark of a dog here and there, but it was silent for the most part. She continues walking, glancing at the young boys riding their bicycles around the neighborhood, occasionally glancing at Beca since she’s never seen. Hogwarts is basically a boarding school, letting students go home during holiday seasons such as Christmas, so no one has ever noticed that Beca lives there. As she continues walking, she hears a light voice call her from above. “Hey, there neighbor.” Beca glances up, finding a redhead who looks about the same age as her and almost immediately, Beca notices her heart rate pick up and her cheeks flush with red “Uh, hi?” The redhead narrows her eyes at her and grins “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. Where have you been?” Beca raises an eyebrow, not having any recollection of who this girl is
“Oh! I, uh- I actually uh…- “Actually, let me just come down, it’ll be easier.” Beca nods at that, impatiently waiting for the bubbly neighbor to head down. She didn’t know why she started to feel all jittery and nervous… she had just met the girl. Lo and behold, there the redhead is, dressed in a fuschia tank-top paired with grey leggings. Beca’s eyes widened, noticing the well-toned arms of her neighbor and also loving the way how her hair rests on her shoulders. “Can’t tell if it’s the summer heat making you red or my stunning looks.” The redhead teases, only making Beca more nervous “Haha… anyway, to answer your question. I just got back from school.” Beca takes a seat on the curb with her new acquaintance following her movement “You go to a boarding school or something?” “Yep.” The curious redhead grins “Which one?” Beca panics, unsure of what to say. “I- uh, can’t remember. Name is too long.” “That’s funny. Anyway, I feel bad I haven’t introduced myself properly. I’m Chloe Beale. I usually stay up in my room looking through the window. I always notice you and your father walking down the curb with an absurd amount of luggage nearly every beginning and end of the school year and sometimes during the holidays.” “What are you, a stalker?” Beca teases, only earning a playful shove from the redhead
“Perhaps but that’s not the point. What’s your name?” “Beca Mitchell.” The two new friends continue talking about their school as Beca continues to make up specific lies, avoiding to spill her secret about the true school she goes to. In their conversation, Beca learned that Chloe goes to Barden High School, the home school in their area and runs an acapella club with her best friend by the name of Aubrey Posen. She also learned that Chloe is at the top of her class so she speaks, loving every minute she gets to learn something new. However, talking about themselves is and was a difficult grueling task for her, attempting to make up a believable tale for her friend. The only things that Beca didn’t lie about are being friends with Fat Amy, who Chloe laughed at her name before I explained that she goes by that nickname so “twig bitches like you don’t say it behind her back,” which made Chloe laugh even harder. She also talked about being the top of her class as well, but only keeping it at that, unsure if she should explain the logistics of what a prefect is. The brunette couldn’t explain her classes… knowing that talking about the care of magical creatures and potions would raise an eyebrow out of her friend. Beca also explained about being in an intense sport which she most definitely can’t explain since it’s basically brooms flying through the air whilst trying to get balls into hoops. So, she went along with basketball when she thought of the balls going through the hoops. “Hey uh… it’s kind of hot. Do you maybe wanna, uh… get ice cream down the street?” Beca smiles. “That sounds fun. I- let me grab my wallet from my place.” She starts to get up to head back to her house but is pulled in the opposite direction by Chloe, being a breath away from the redhead’s face
“My treat, I insist.” Beca blushes at the words, feeling the heat that came off of each word land on her lips “O-okay.” Chloe smiles and interlocks their arms together, heading down the street to a small ice cream shop around the corner. Beca couldn’t understand her feelings for this girl… what made it even more confusing is that the two have just met, it was quite hard for the petite girl to believe that she already developed a close bond with the redhead. Nevertheless, Beca did enjoy her time with her so far; likewise, Chloe is definitely enjoying her time with Beca, with the brunette clueless as to Chloe’s gigantic crush on her.
this is just a small idea I have and I’m interested in turning this into an actual story! if you’re reading this leave feedback or your thoughts on this becoming a real story on ao3 or something. thank you and I hope you enjoy!
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bechloeficstuff · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Relationships: Chloe/Beca Mitchell, Chloe & Beca Mitchell Additional Tags: bechloe - Freeform, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - High School, hsm au, High School Musical AU, ft. beca the quiet chemistry nerd who doesn't actually like chemistry, and chloe the really hot basketballer, Fluff, The Author Regrets Nothing Summary: Beca doesn't expect the redhead she meets at some lame ass karaoke party to become the soundtrack to her life, but she does. (or: the HSM AU, in which beca and chloe find their way to each other, beca is nearly always thirsty, and chloe's dog proves a nuisance to their love life.)
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katelides · 7 years
One Shot 23
Check out my other One Shots on ff.net or AO3
Guest: I don’t I always have a liking with high school Bechloe au or ahtlete and cheerleader au... sooo Can you do one with Beca as a basketball or football captain and Chloe as a cheerleader.. they’re a couple.. And then new guy come into the team and took interest to Chloe.. Jealous Beca with angst Bechloe just no break up..  Thanks.. I’m sorry of its a lot and English is not my first language
One Shot 23
[From] Beca See you at practice, I need to set up the gym xx
[From] Chloe I’ll be there in 20, did you eat anything? xx
[From] Beca Forgot, can you grab a banana from my locker? :D xx
[From] Chloe Way ahead of you Becs, see you later! xx
[From] Beca You’re the best babe! xx
“Texting Beca, again?” Chloe looks up from her phone with a grin. “Oh shut it Aubrey, you and Stacie are worse.”
“What are we worse at?” Chloe jumps up when Stacie sneaks up on her. “Dude, I told you to stop doing that.” Aubrey and Stacie burst out in laughter. “You have been spending way too much time with Beca.” Stacie teases the redhead. “Alright if you two keep this up I’ll make you run extra laps.” Chloe threatens in a very joking way. “Oh shoot…” Chloe tries to hide her head in her locker. “What’s wrong?” Aubrey asks a bit concerned at her best friend’s behavior.
Chloe sighs. “It’s that new guy… Chicago? He keeps hitting on me, and he won’t take a hint.” Aubrey and Stacie turn around and see the tall guy walking towards them. “Well, he’s on his way here so square up cap.” Chloe grunts and pulls her head out of her locker. “Hello ladies, Chloe I’ve been looking for you. Do you have a moment?” The girls had to admit, Chicago is hot but they can see that Chloe is uncomfortable.
“Hey Chloe, you ready for practice?” The redhead has no idea where he came from but is extremely relieved when he wraps his arms around her waist and places a quick kiss on her cheek. “Hi Jesse, we were just on our way. Do you want to walk us there?” She asks sweetly, gauging Chicago’s reaction. “Sorry, I need to talk to the new recruit before practice. But I’ll see you there.” Chloe shrugs and motions the other girls to follow her towards the gym. “Later Jesse.” Stacie finishes of with a wink before linking her arm with Aubrey’s.
Chicago follows the girls with his eyes until they disappear around the corner. “I’m going to give you a fair warning since you’re the new kid.” Chicago turns around to face Jesse. “Chloe is in a very committed relationship so stay away from her, you don’t want to get in the way of them.” The newbie nods his head slowly. That won’t stop me though… a girl’s taste changes quickly. He thinks to himself. “I’m just having some fun dude, no need to get possessive over your girl.” Jesse scoffs. “You wish she was my girl.” Jesse walks away without a second glance. “Don’t be late for practice.”
Chloe is going over the new cheerleading routine with the girls when Chicago turns up and watches them closely. “With a cheerleading squad like this there’s no way our team can’t win.” He comments after a while. “True, Chloe’s routines are the best.” One of the girls comments making their redhead captain glare at her. “Amanda, I’m only as good as my team.” She practically hisses at the blonde who just grins back. “Oh come on Chlo, you’re amazing, don’t try to hide it.”
What Chicago doesn’t know is that Beca has been watching the exchange carefully. She’s not the jealous type, especially with Chloe. She trusts the cheerleading captain blindly but she doesn’t trust the new guy. “Are you even listening?” Coach Simmens asks her. “Sorry coach, I got distracted.” He looks back and sees Chloe talking to her team and a new player. “We can discuss this later, when Jesse’s here.” Beca’s face lights up and with a light ‘thank you coach’ she runs off towards the bleachers.
“Hi girls!” She always addresses the girls, they were the ones that helped Beca tell Chloe how she felt about her. A round of ‘hey’ and ‘Beca!’ comes from the group. “Hey Becs, not that I’m complaining but doesn’t practice start like… now?” Chloe asks with a bright smile. “It should but captain Swanson isn’t here yet.” Beca gives Chloe a side hug but leaves her arm around the redhead’s shoulders. “You’re the new guy, Jesse told me about you. Number one player in your old school?”
“Yeah, transferred because of my dad’s job.” Beca hums in response. “Are you settling in alright?” The tall guy nods. “Yes, a lot of cool people to talk too.” He says with a wink directed at Chloe. “I think Jesse’s here.” Chloe says trying to ease the evident tension before something goes wrong. “Yeah… Everyone to the middle circle! We lost enough time!” Beca shouts going into captain mode. “Easy there midget, are you the captain’s secretary or something?” Chicago laughs not noticing the expressions on everyone’s faces. Not just the cheerleading team but also both male and female basketball teams.
Beca narrows her eyes taking a deep breath. Jesse somehow managed to make his way to the two players knowing that someone would have to save Chicago if he doesn’t shut it. “Ok, Jesse, can you huddle everyone up? Since you’re the captain and I’m just a secretary.” The way she said it was too calm yet the look in her eyes told Jesse to play along if he wanted to survive the year. “Ok, everyone middle circle. Now!” He watches everyone scramble around and Beca runs to the circle followed by Chicago. “What is she up too?” Aubrey asks with a concerned expression clouding her face. “I don’t know but I have a feeling this is not going to end well.” Jesse answers sharing an even more concerned look with Chloe.
Coach Simmens had seen the exchange and normally he would tell someone off for such behavior. But seeing how everyone pretended that nothing happened he let it go out of curiosity. He wants to see how this ends. He would find out during the net practice, leaving the two captains to it. He trusts them so he lets them do the training sessions alone.
Practice was going smoothly or at least so it seemed for Chicago. He didn’t notice that Jesse would always go to Beca and talk to her before doing an exercise, he didn’t notice the way everyone looked at Beca when something would go wrong. What he did notice was the way Chloe would intently watch the practice not taking her eyes of the grumpy, tiny brunette. This would tick him of more often than not and he takes out his frustrations on the ‘secretary’. He calls her names when no one’s paying attention fouling her just to mess her up.
This was one of those moments and Beca has had enough. “What the hell is your problem Walp.” The gym falls silent excepts for the tall guy’s snickers. “Don’t hate the game if you can’t play.” Some ‘ooohs’ and gasps can be heard. “You think you’re better than me?” Beca challenges with a smirk. “I know I’m better than you.” Chicago answers confidently. Beca narrows her eyes and her smirk grows even bigger. “Ok, prove it.”
“Beca…” Jesse stops abruptly when he sees the amused look on Beca’s face. “Challenge accepted.” Chicago holds out his hand for Beca to take when she does he pulls her closer. “In the end she’ll choose me, when I win and you bite the dust.” He whispers before pulling away to grab a ball. “Dude are you sure? He’s like twice your size. He was the best player in his old school.”  Jesse is extremely worried about his best friend. “He might have been the best there but I’m the best here.” Without a second glance Beca makes her way to the bleachers to grab her water.
Chloe watches the situation and doesn’t hesitate to run towards Beca when she reaches her bag. “Becs, please don’t do this. I don’t want to see you hurt.” Beca scoffs. “Well, I don’t want some airhead thinking he can get away flirting with my girlfriend, saying he will ‘win’ you like some kind of prize.” Beca is too angry to actually look at Chloe because she knows that if she does her puppy eyes will stop her. Beca lets out a long sigh. “I love you Chloe and I only want the best for you – but right now I’m going to defend your honor to that moron.”
Chloe doesn’t get a chance to react  to the first ‘I love you’ ever and watches Beca walk away with a confident strut. “You hit one amazing jackpot Chlo.” The redhead turn around with a jolt. “FYI we heard everything and if that dickhead tries anything we’ll get him.” Stacie and Aubrey look out over the field both with worried expressions. “I looked up both Beca’s and Chicago’s charts from over the years and statistically Beca has a slightly higher chance to win but Chicago is twice Beca’s size so we’ll have to see how this plays out.” Chloe takes in a short breath while Stacie hits Aubrey on her arm.
“Alright, standard rules apply. First one to score 5 hoops wins.” Jesse is named the referee since the coach never really stays for the entire practice. The rest makes their way up to the bleachers. Some shoot Chloe a thumbs up, others flash her a sad smile and some even whisper sorry and Chloe decides to ignore all of it. She’s way too nervous about what’s going to happen.
The game is really intense. The score has been tight from the start, Beca being in the lead at the moment with 4 and Chicago 3. Chicago swoops in stealing the ball runs back to the 3 point line going in for a new attack. Beca tries to block him, he sticks out his elbow hitting Beca straight in the chest not caring if she’s hurt or not. He charges forward, performs a perfect lay-up and scores another point. “You’re going down hobbit.” The giant turns around and for the first time notices Beca on the floor clutching her wrist.
“Beca!” Chloe doesn’t hesitate to run up the field towards her girlfriend. “Becs, are you ok?” Jesse, Chloe, Stacie and Aubrey are all kneeled beside the short captain. A grunt escapes her which only worries the friends more. “You did that on purpose you cheating bastard.” Beca hisses while trying to get up. “You got no proof, this only shows that you’re a sore loser and I’m the better player.” Beca narrows her eyes in anger. “We’re not done, I don’t give up. What example would I give to the team as captain.” The last word bounces of the walls making Chicago flinch slightly.
“I-I thought Jesse was the captain.” The newbie looks at said person with an insecure smile. “Nope, I’m her co-captain but I am the captain of the male team. But since we always train together and she’s our best player we crowned her head-captain.” Jesse explains with a shrug. “Enough japing, let’s play.” Beca reaches to grab the ball when Chloe stops her. “Becs you’re hurt, you shouldn’t be doing this.” Letting out a sigh the brunette shrugs off Chloe’s hand from her shoulder. “I’ll be fine, go back to the bleachers.”
Chicago is trying to get past Beca but every attempt he tries gets blocked. She knows each move he’s going to make and it’s getting frustrated. The narrow stares she’s shooting him are really getting to him so he loses focus and loses the ball. Beca switches places with him and shoots forward she does some stutter steps to confuse Chicago and it works. She fakes going to the left and as if he anticipated it her goes to the right so Beca has an open field to still go left. She makes a run for it, shoots with her right – less dominant – hand and…
The ball swooshes in and the pure silence erupts into loud cheers. The teams make their way down, all following Chloe who jumps into the brunette’s arms, showering her with kisses. Jesse and Luke lift her up on their shoulder but quickly put her back down when she threatens double cardio for tomorrow. She turns to face the defeated Chicago. “Good game, you are good but you have much more to learn. Are you up for that?” Beca holds out her right hand – again because anyone has yet to notice the swelling on her left – which Chicago hesitantly accepts. “Oh and FYI, back off. Chloe’s my girlfriend.”
The redhead had followed the interaction and pulled her girlfriend into a hard kiss, eliciting loud woos from the other cheerleaders and basketball players. Beca lets her head rest on Chloe’s forehead closing her eyes, deep in thought. She pulls her into a tight hug, making sure her mouth is aligned with the redhead’s ear. “I meant what I said, you know.” Chloe pulls away slightly with a bright smile on her face and tears in her eyes. “I-I love you too Becs.” Picking the slightly taller girl up for a whirl she gets pulled apart mere seconds later. “What do you think you’re doing Mitchell… look at your hand.”
Everyone heard what Aubrey said and made a circle to check their captain’s hand. “It’s just a light swelling, it’ll pass.” Beca tries to laugh it off but fails. She gets pulled and pushed out of the gym by Aubrey, Chloe and Stacie, straight into the nurse’s office. “I knew that fall looked way more painful than you let on. You could have ruined your wrist Mitchell, this could have ended you basketball career.” Beca lets out a grunt. “I know, no need to rub it in.” This only earns her angry glares from her friends and girlfriend.
“Hello girls, how can I help you.” The older school nurse walks in with a soft smile. “Hi misses Maturo could I get some ice for my wrist?” Beca asks with a cheeky grin. “Of course dear. You know the drill though. No basketball for a week.” Beca drops her head in embarrassment. “Uhm Becs?” The brunette ignores her girlfriend while waiting for the nurse to come back with the ice. “Here you go sweetie. If the swelling doesn’t go down go take a scan.” She nods and gets up from the chair. “I will, thank you very much.” With a small wave she strolls out of the room trying to ignore her friend’s stares.
“Beca Mitchell don’t you dare walk away, explain yourself.” Chloe runs in front of her stopping her. “How many times has this happened before?” Beca rolls her eyes. “Maybe 3? Or 4 times? Before you start shouting at me… I – am – fine. I was then, and I am now.” Chloe shakes her head. “I’m not going to shout at you but what goes beyond me is why you didn’t tell me.”
“Because I don’t want you to worry and secondly we weren’t dating yet at the time.” Chloe throws her head back. “Fine but from now on I’ll make sure you listen to all the orders given.” With a soft smile the basketball captain nods. “But now I really want to do this.” Chloe wraps her arms around Beca’s neck pulling her into a deep kiss. Stacie and Aubrey take that as their queue to leave and to drill their friend later. “Do you know how hot you look when you’re jealous and protective?” Chloe purrs. “I do not.”
“Now you know and also I love you. By the way I doubt I’ll get tired of saying that.” With a giggle Chloe pecks Beca on her lips again. “I love you too.”
“We should go back they’re waiting for their captain.”
“Let’s go babe.” Chloe links her arms with Beca’s and they slowly make their way back to the gym. No matter what happens these two would always be there for each other.
Let me know what you think, feedback is always fun to have :D
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ao3feed-wlw · 5 years
by aca_awesomenerd
The story you know and love, but the Barden Bellas are a basketball team and of course bechloe endgame.
Updated: 2019-10-14 Words: 5314, Chapter: 5/?, Language: English, Hits: 1115
Fandom: Pitch Perfect (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Relationships: Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell
Characters: Beca Mitchell, Jesse Swanson, Chloe Beale, Aubrey Posen, Fat Amy (Pitch Perfect), Cynthia-Rose Adams, Stacie Conrad, Barden Bellas
Additional tags: Basketball AU, bechloe - Freeform
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hazmutt-class-seven · 8 years
I wanna write a basketball themed au for a pair but I don't know which pair to pick bechloe flonks any of The others
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aca-awesomenerd · 4 years
Hey awesome nerds!!
Finally wrote another chapter! Enjoy!
Chapter 13
It was about halfway through the year now and Barden had played against every team in their league once. In about a week, they will be playing one of those teams for a second time. This worried Beca. She knew that their play wouldn’t work anymore, but no matter how hard she tried to get Aubrey to change her mind, the captain wouldn’t budge. However, the Fire and Ice duo, also known as Beca and Chloe had been leading their team to a huge amount of victories. Beca and Chloe could easily lead Barden to the five wins they needed to easily go straight to the semi-finals. Everyone was talking about their unbelievable chemistry on the court and their incredible plays. Some people (mostly their teammates) would argue they had even better chemistry off the court.
“So Becs, how much longer until you ask Chloe out?” Stacie asked.
During their free time, Stacie and Beca would hang out in one of their dorm rooms or play basketball together. They had become really great friends and Beca appreciated Stacie’s company… Most of the time. Stacie had been mentioning their redheaded captain more often every time they spent time together. Beca was trying really hard not to make her feelings for Chloe show but it was hard to ignore when Stacie was constantly mentioning it.
When Stacie noticed Beca wasn’t answering she added: “Look Becs, you can keep ignoring me but I know you can’t tell me I’m wrong. I see how you both act when you are together…”
Beca continued to ignore what Stacie was saying until her tall friend said: “Fine keep ignoring me! I just want you to know that your feelings aren’t one-sided”
“Even if the feeling is mutual, I don’t want to ruin what we already have! I have so much fun with her before practice and the plays we make in-game are incredible. I would never want to put that in jeopardy.”
“I understand what you mean, but imagine the plays you can make if you both dealt with the tension and the chemistry you and Chloe have!”
“I don’t think it’s the right time to be starting a relationship with her. Not with  such important games coming up!” Beca replied hoping the conversation could end there.
“When will it be the right time Beca! You can’t keep pushing this back! One day you’ll be too late and then what will you do,” Stacie said, frustrated with her best friend’s behaviour.
“I’m going to get ready for practice. I’ll see you there.”
Beca left Stacie’s dorm room and started heading to the gym. Deep down, she knew Stacie was right, but Beca could never ruin one of the best relationships she’s ever had. As she continued toward the gym, she tried distracting herself from thinking about the conversation she just had with Stacie. She had to make sure she was very focused on the upcoming games. She had to help the team get to the semi-finals.
When Beca finally got to the gym, she was surprised to see Chloe was already there starting their “before practice” routine. The redhead noticed Beca’s arrival right away and ran over to give the short brunette a hug.
“Hey Becs! Looks like I beat you to the gym today!” Chloe teased.
“Yeah, I guess you did,” Beca replied half-heartedly.
“Everything okay?” Beca was usually very excited to get to the gym before practice to train with Chloe, but the co-captain noticed right away that something was up.
“I’m fine, just a bit tired that’s all.”
Chloe wasn’t convinced of Beca’s answer.
“Are you sure that’s all?”
‘“Yeah. Don’t worry about it, everything’s great!”
Chloe knew that there was more to it, but decided to let it go knowing the brunette doesn’t like sharing what she is feeling. If it was important, the co-captain knew she would be the first to know what Beca was thinking.
The two of them started their drills together and played until their practice began.
The team’s practice was going very well. The girls have been building a strong bond over the past few months and it was paying off. Their passing was very smooth and they always knew where their teammates were at all times. However, they constantly practiced their one and only play, which was always executed perfectly but gave the team very few scoring chances since they were so predictable. This is where Beca and Chloe came into play. The duo would take advantage of every open chance they got and they could get the ball to each other no matter where they were on the court. Even if they couldn’t practice their impromptu moves at practice, they never missed.
It was about halfway through practice at this point and the team was taking a water break. Beca was feeling much more relaxed, basketball always helped calm her down. Stacie, however, was feeling guilty for upsetting the shorter brunette earlier so she decided to take this break to go and apologize to Beca.
“Becs, can I talk to you for a sec?” Stacie asked.
“Yeah, sure what’s up?”
“I just wanted to apologize for earlier, I went too far and I don’t want to rush you. I totally understand your point and if you ever need help asking her out just let me know.”
“Of course! Don’t worry about it Stace, I know you want what’s best for me and I’ll consider what you said.”
“Hug?” Stacie questioned, knowing Beca wasn’t too fond of hugging.
“Do we have to?” Beca replied jokingly as she hugged Stacie back.
From further away, the redheaded captain was watching Beca and Stacie’s exchange and couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous. Although, she would never let anyone know that was what she was feeling. Her mood quickly changed when Beca walked right back to her spot next to Chloe.
The team was getting ready to play a five-on-five scrimmage. They split into their usual teams and started playing. The game was going exceptionally well. Their play was working pretty well and everything else was going smoothly. Beca had stolen the ball and proceeded to dribble down the court to start a fastbreak. She immediately spotted Chloe right next to the net and threw the ball directly to her. She was so focused on getting the ball to the redhead that she didn’t see Stacie defending her on her left and fell as a result of the impact from the collision.
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aca-awesomenerd · 4 years
Chapter 12 of Nothing but Net is finally here and this chapter is dedicated to @green-eyed-weirdo !!! Happy birthday!! I hope you have a great day!!!! 💛💛
The next morning Chloe and Aubrey were having breakfast while discussing what they think the team should practice while going over the game from the previous day. Although, the conversation was pretty much one-sided. The redhead seemed distracted. Everything was going perfectly until they reached the door and Beca, who avoided eye contact all night, had spent the entire party at Stacie’s side. Had she scared her away? Was she moving too fast? Chloe, however, couldn’t figure out what exactly caused Beca to completely freeze and that’s why she was distracted this morning. She kept replaying the whole night over in her head, but could never pinpoint the moment that could have caused the brunette’s reaction.
Beca, on the other hand, could not forget that specific moment. She pictured over and over again the redhead’s lips getting closer and closer to hers and suddenly getting interrupted by Fat Amy. If Stacie hadn’t been there to keep her company during the party, she would have never stayed.
At practice, the team followed Aubrey’s orders as usual. However, something seemed off. The girls were still performing the play perfectly and the rest of the gameplay was running smoothly as well, but there was something different.
At the end of practice, all the girls stayed in the gym to chat before heading to the showers. All the girls, except for three. As soon as practice finished, Beca headed for the showers, Chloe headed to her apartment after telling the girls she was tired and Aubrey was with the coaches.
“Ok, can someone please tell me what’s going on between those two,” Cynthia Rose said after a moment of silence.
“Yeah! Their chemistry was amazing during the first game and now it’s a disaster waiting to happen if they play at the same time,” Ashley added.
“I think something happened on the night of the party. It looked like I was interrupting a moment between them when I opened the door,” Fat Amy confessed.
Not wanting to lose Beca’s trust, Stacie stayed silent. She thought of what she could add to the conversation without revealing Beca’s secret.
“Whatever it is that happened. I think we should make sure they fix it sooner rather than later. We need their chemistry to win games,” the tall brunette finally said. “I also think their chemistry goes beyond the game.”
The team nodded in agreement.
“It’s settled then. Operation Bhloe is a go!” Fat Amy cheered.
“Bhloe?” Stacie asked.
“Beca and Chloe. Together it makes Bhloe.”
“Okay… Whatever we call them, we have to get them together by the end of the season! Who’s with me?”
The entire team agreed with Stacie and Fat Amy once more.
“Great,” Stacie said, “but I think we should wait until whatever is going on between them right now is over before we do anything. I do want to make it worse than it already is.”
“Alright team, it’s the second game of the season and I want everything done exactly the same as the last game,” Aubrey ordered.
They were lucky the opposing team hadn’t heard they were keeping the same strategy from the previous season. Barden easily got the upper hand in the first quarter. However, something else was causing them to lose their lead. Barden’s head coach changed the lineup putting Beca and Chloe on at the same time. Beca used her confusion as fuel during the game and played really well. Chloe, on the other hand, was very distracted because of the whole situation and very upset that she hadn’t spoken to the brunette since the night of the party. The coaches pulled her off the court soon after she was sent in to play and didn’t play for the rest of the game.
Beca’s fire throughout the game led Barden to their second victory, but using the same strategy over and over again was getting more challenging every game. After the game, the coaches wanted to speak to the star of the game to congratulate her. Once she arrived in the locker room everyone had already left. All of her teammates except for one.
“Chloe… Sorry you had a rough game,” Beca said hesitantly.
Chloe shrugged. “It happens, I was just a little distracted.”
Beca nodded and started heading towards the showers but stopped when she heard the redhead speak again.
“Can we talk?”
“Uhh… Yeah sure. Here? Of course here otherwise you wouldn’t be asking, right? Unless you want to talk when we leave the dressing room. I’m good with anything. Completely up to you. Sorry I’ll stop.”
Chloe patted at the seat on the bench next to her. Beca slowly made her way over to the redhead’s side, nervous about the conversation she had been picturing for the past few days. She knew it was inevitable.
“I don’t want to make this conversation any more awkward than it already is,” Chloe began. “I just wanted to make sure everything is going to be okay between us.”
“Don’t worry about it. I overreacted. Let’s just forget that whole situation ever happened and move on and keep being a great duo.”
“A great duo?” Chloe asked curiously.
“Yeah. A great basketball duo.”
This took Chloe by surprise. She was sure there was something between them, but if that’s all Beca wanted to be for now then that’s what they will be.
“Of course! We will be the best duo the basketball-verse has ever seen!”
Beca smiled at Chloe’s reply, which caused Chloe to smile as well.
“I’m going to shower now. I’ll see at the next practice,” Beca said as she got up from her seat.
“See you!”
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aca-awesomenerd · 5 years
Finally finished another chapter!
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aca-awesomenerd · 5 years
Another chapter! Enjoy!
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aca-awesomenerd · 5 years
Chapter 8 is up!
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aca-awesomenerd · 5 years
Chapter 3 finally posted!
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aca-awesomenerd · 5 years
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aca-awesomenerd · 5 years
Chapter 4!
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aca-awesomenerd · 6 years
Hey guys!
I’ve finally decided to post the first chapter of my bechloe basketball fic, but I can’t decide what title I should use. So I made a poll and if any of you have other ideas than the two I already have please send them!
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