#glad to add 2012 to my arsenal
purplepixel · 5 months
Rise fan watched and finished 2012 TMNT
Comparing the first episode to the last is like night and day to me.
2012 did not know who it wanted to be in the beginning but over the course of 5 seasons, it slowly found its footing and its identity. It is an incredibly flawed show both in writing and animation, but it's also really fun. And anytime jj Conway is boarding you KNOW it's going to slap. It does some god awful story choices (why do the characters hate each other at the beginning? why are we pushing karai/Leo? Why are the characters undereating/overreacting to this situation? Why is shredder the most boring villain?) but also does some REALLY COOL THINGS. So many insane plotlines occur and there are some great character moments.
Most people that follow this blog are rise fans, and I'm actually very curious to know how many of you have seen this show. It was initially a very jarring experience for me going from a fast paced, colorful show that KNEW WHO IT WAS AND KNEW WHAT IT WANTED TO BE to the slower paced show that fought wanting to grow and change its story and characters but also tried to hold onto a status quo.
While I enjoyed 2012, I would not recommend this show to anyone who's not a TMNT fan. Like imo, it does not hold a candle to shows like atla, Steve universe, gravity falls, owl house, etc. And also I refuse to be like "oh it gets better after you watch the first two seasons" like naaah. No one's got time for that. This show is one that I'll rip into mercilessly in terms of the writing but I'll also be the first to defend it. I have a lot of thoughts specifically on April. 2012 April defender but not for the reasons you think. The real villain was the writers. Anyway.
This show is honestly a testimony to how I am willing to critique something negatively but also still enjoy it for what it does have to offer. Maybe also a little of what it could have been.
I will say I am very disappointed that people got so mad this show ended that they slept on rise. Maybe its bc we now live in an era where shows get one season but are split in three and pretend to be multiple seasons, or really good shows that have so much story to tell get cancelled too early. But y'all ended on a solid note with season 5. I feel sad I finished 2012, but damn I thought 2012 was going to end on a cliffhanger or something with the way people were so upset that rise was replacing it. This was not a teen titans situation.
Anyways, 2012 is simultaneously the worst and the best. If anyone wants to talk 2012 TMNT, my asks are open. I have so much to say about this iteration of the turtles.
Shout-out to my bestie @cottoncandywoof for sticking with me on our weekly watching of this show. In Gavin Hignight we trust 😌✊
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torentialtribute · 5 years
How Giroud’s belief in God is helping fuel his hunger to succeed
Only the elite know what it feels like. At that moment when the last whistle blows, the noise around you becomes white and your brain tells you that you have won the World Cup, but your emotions cannot really process the thought.
Olivier Giroud knows that feeling.
& # 39; I came 10 minutes before the end of the game, sat down on the couch and just looked around, & # 39; he says about last summer's final in Moscow, where I started for France against Croatia.
Olivier Giroud's faith in God helps him feed his success at Chelsea at the age of 32 <img id = "i-3a6e09444276632d" src = " https://dailym.ai/2V2BD5o "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-3a6e09444276632d" src = "https://dailym.ai/2V2BD5o" height = "423" width = "634" alt = "Olivier Giroud's belief in God helps him to succeed in Chelsea at the age of 32" class = "blkBorder img-share" his hunger to succeed in Chelsea at the age of 32
<img id = "i-4d5b689f3ff3c738" src = "https://dailym.ai/2ZTz74Y a-17_1557002115368.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Olivier Giroud is now a World Cup winner and you are not allowed to process it if you have "class =" blkBorder won Olivier Giroud is now a World Cup winner,
Olivier Giroud is now a World Cup winner and describes how much it is when they won
& # 39; The atmosphere is really different than when you are & # 39;
& # 39; The atmosphere is really different than when you're on the field. [On the bench] you smell the victory is coming! & # 39; One of my childhood friends told me a day before the end: & # 39; You told me that one day you would become a world champion! & # 39; My best friends reminded me of that. And it was magic! & # 39;
Olivier Giroud carries his Christian faith on his sleeve. A tattoo on his right arm reads: & # 39; Dominus regit me et nihil mihi deerit & # 39 ;. The first line of Psalm 23 translates as: & # 39; The Lord is my Shepherd, I will not want. & # 39;
He laughs at the absurdity of 10-year-old Giroud, from the Alpine village of Froges, announced that he would win the World Cup.
& # 39; I believe we all say something like that! & # 39 ;, he says. Froges, near Grenoble, is not exactly a big football hotspot. Giroud was even a decent skier and plans to return to the sport after his retirement.
& # 39; In short, when the referee blew the whistle, I just had to run, I don't know where. I ran and I jumped to the ground crying. One of my teammates also jumped on me. It was very intense joy. Such as luck, even more. I don't cry often in my life. But I couldn't love it. It was like: "Wow!" I released all emotion!
& # 39; And then I had the opportunity to celebrate with my parents. Everything went so fast! But I will enjoy it forever. And we will remember these memories forever.
& # 39; The best moment was when I was on the field with my daughter [Jade]. She was five years old. Bless her. We took a picture of her kissing the World Cup on the field and in the dressing room with the French president. It will be as good as you forever!
<img id = "i-78fea29f94b7d04f" src = "https://dailym.ai/2WPmxkZ /2019/05/04/21/13093876-0-image-a-19_1557002127614.jpg "height =" 345 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-78fea29f94b7d04f" src = "https: // i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/05/04/21/13093876-0-image-a-19_1557002127614.jpg "height =" 345 "width =" 634 "alt =" However, the striker has good statistics, in total it scores 122 goals in 210 club appearances "class =" blkBorder img-share ", in fact 122 goals scored in 210 club appearances"
However, the striker has good statistics, essentially 122 goals in 210 club performances
That broad smile now illuminates the room. Giroud is concerned with remembering the memory and adds an intriguing footnote.
& # 39; I am very religious so at that time I just thanked God, I was very thankful that I had the opportunity to live my dream. To live for me every day is a day blessed. & # 39;
Giroud points to his right arm on which he & # 39; Dominus regit me et nihil mihi deerit & # 39; tattooed, which translates as: & # 39; The Lord is my shepherd & # 39; I won't want to. "It comes from Psalm 23. Giroud has a profound Christian faith that develops in London.
His mother always took him to church as a child and he made it a point to describe himself as a Christian, in instead of limiting himself to a certain denomination, but his faith is clearly more than just a memory of his youth.
He is committed to the spiritual life in London, connected to a church, St. Barnabas in Kensington , part of a network connected to Holy Trinity Brompton, the modern and evangelical wing of the Church of England. & # 39; I grew up with my mother who brought me to church every Sunday & he said.
Each time Giroud scores, he points his fingers to heaven, an extension of his faith <img id = "i-c4ed9d0d0c86629c" src = "https: // i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/05/04/21/13093880-0-image-a-20_1557 002131502.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-c4ed9d0d0c86629c" src = "https://dailym.ai/2ZZYSjY /13093880-0-image-a-20_1557002131502.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-c4ed9d0d0c86629c" src = "https://dailym.ai/2uS4u1n 1s / 2019/05/04/21 / 13093880-0-image-a-20_1557002131502.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Every time Giroud scores, he points his fingers at the sky, an extension of his faith in heaven, an extension of his faith
& # 39; Then I just went on and now I see a Christian priest studying the Bible together and I feel that I want to know more about Jesus Christ & # 39; I read the word of the Bible, it makes me grateful for everything that has happened to me. And positive.
Deliberately for him and uncommon for an Anglican church, St Barnabas is sufficiently attuned to his constituency that they have a French night service known as French Connect to serve the large expat population in Kensington.
Giroud's duties for Chelsea mean that he can rarely attend services on Sunday, but he still feels like a member of the community. & # 39; There is French Connect, so I can enjoy mass in French and sing in French & # 39 ;, he says.
I have been once. It is something very new. I enjoy it. If I can't go to church, the most important thing you have in your heart is praying and being close to the Lord. "
Giroud & # 39; s goal celebration is also an extension of his faith. & # 39; Every time I score, I point my fingers toward the sky & # 39;" he says.
Those goals may be more common than some observers think: Struck in the starting order at Arsenal by Alexandre Lacazette and Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang, he joined Chelsea just to find himself behind Alvaro Morata and now Gonzalo Higuain.
He has two goals in the Premier League this season but 10 in 13 in the Europa League, with Chelsea still on track for the final after the 1-1 draw in Frankfurt on Thursday, since joining Arsenal in 2012 , he played the equivalent of 210 club games and scored 122 goals. The goal of Olivier Giroud and the score of assistants in English club football is 0.82 per 90 minutes "
] objectives of Olivier Giroud and the score v an assistants in English club football is 0.82 per 90 minutes. "
The goals of Olivier Giroud and the assistance in English club football is 0.82 per 90 minutes
& # 39; It's all about statistics when you're a striker because people expect you to be efficient, to be decisive for your team & # 39 ;, he says. & # 39; But not only that, I feel like I'm a team player, I think about being a selfless striker "I like to set goals for my teammates. It would have been interesting to tell me my assistants too! I think it's 60 or something like that. & # 39;
In 2012, club games have been 52 , only his goals and assists are 0.82 per 90 minutes in English club football.
Put it together and it's interesting, & he says. & # 39; I am happy with that, but I still have a few good years ahead, I still have a few goals, short and medium term, and I still feel fresh. & # 39;
If you are a World Cup winner and you meet PAOK Salonika in the Europa League group stage two months later, it would make sense to lose some motivation. Not Giroud.
<img id = "i-8387240bed3505ee" src = "https://dailym.ai/2V4pc8V image-a-22_1557002156023.jpg "height =" 450 "width =" 634 "alt =" Even at the age of 32, almost 33, Giroud still wants to be a competitor, saying he feels good "
] Even at the age of 32, almost 33, Giroud still wants to be a competitor, saying he feels good
& # 39; I am a competitor & # 39 ;, he says. & # 39; I am 32, almost 33. I feel very good physically. I have one of the best physical tests [at Chelsea]. I feel good with my body and the most important thing is to still be hungry to win more trophies, to play more games.
& # 39; As a competitor, I want to play more. [Recently] I answered a simple question: "Am I glad to play the second role?" As a competitor, logically, I answered, "Not really."
Talk will be next season. His contract has expired, Chelsea has an option to extend for another year and boss Maurizio Sarri says the club wants to do that.
& # 39; I really want to be here & # 39 ;, Giroud says. & # 39; As the manager said, they really want to keep me and give me another year. I am very happy to stay, because I like to play for Chelsea, I feel very good from the first day I arrived, as if I were part of the family.
<img id = "i-83b245d09e5119d4" src = "https://dailym.ai/3012C59. jpg "height =" 505 "width =" 634 "alt =" Chelsea are still in the battle for the Europa League and the Premier League top four finish "class =" @ <img id = "i-83b245d09e5119d4" src = "https://dailym.ai/2V0xDlP" height = "505" width = "634" alt = "<img id =" i-83b245d09e5119d4 "src =" https://dailym.ai/2ZUyRmi image-a-23_1557002158951.jpg "height =" 505 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-83b245d09e5119d4" src = "https: //i.dailymail. co.uk/1s/2019/05/04/21/13093894-0-image-a-23_1557002158951.jpg "height =" 505 "width =" 634 "alt ="
Chelsea is still fighting for the Europa League and the top four of the top class
Chelsea & # 39; s season is in the balance. It can end with a trophy and Champions League qualification secured. But Giroud agrees that that would not be enough. & # 39; Chelsea is a club that has to fight for the title every year, so this year was disappointing & # 39 ;, he says.
& # 39; But if you look at our history, this is a great opportunity to finish in the top four. Playing the Champions League next year will be huge. And the Europa League is a big one. It is the second trophy in Europe. So it's a big target for us.
And Giroud is decisive in setting out his goals for the following year. & # 39; Win the Europa League, close the top four, play the Champions League with Chelsea and play the next summer with my national team in the euro. & # 39;
Giroud still seems to prove much.
MSC Cruises is the official worldwide cruise partner for Chelsea FC. For more information, visit www.msccruises.co.uk
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