#glass sliding doors adelaide
grandviewwindows01 · 16 days
Are you looking for aluminium custom doors in Adelaide for your residential or commercial premises? At Grandview Windows, we supply quality doors to building trade contractors, homeowners and renovators. We take time to understand what you are trying to achieve with your project to ensure we offer the right product.
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outpost51 · 1 year
Tiny Scene Sunday
Yes it’s them again.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Knock knock.
Something was in our house.
Well, not in, exactly, but lurking outside the sliding door was just as worthy of the pistol in my hand, as far as I was concerned. If it was Ukthyther being his usual mysterious self, he’d just have to get over it. Again.
He’d come upon me a few days prior as I emerged from the shower — Adelaide was down below doing as she pleased, and as such, I’d decided to forego the towel around my waist in lieu of using it to wring the water from my hair. The gun had been on the nightstand at the time and, as one does when startled by a salt-soaked wingless moth, I pulled the trigger. He tried to turn and dive out of the way, but he wasn’t quite fast enough.
Perhaps someone outside the situation would think me dishonorable for shooting a man in the back, but Ukthyther was no man, and I shot him in the ass. He nonchalantly plucked the bullet from its borehole, then had the gall to give me a half-offended look, as if I was the one who’d snuck up on him in his god-given glory and not a scrap of fabric more.
The hole had closed up in an instant without leaving so much as a divot or salvaging what was left of my dignity.
So frankly, I didn’t much care if he wound up with another one. Or three.
Maybe I’d empty the cylinder — Adelaide may not have been afraid during the day, but it was the middle of the night, in the middle of a storm, and she was sleeping soundly beside me. Defenseless. It was crossing a line.
The hulking shadow beyond the glass either had no eyes, or it was turned away, but one thing was certain: whatever monstrous thing was out there, it wasn’t one of the monsters I’d learned to live with. Quietly, though the howling wind likely would have drowned out the sound anyway, I slid open the door with my free hand, keeping my sights trained on the intruder. I shut the door behind me — if my target managed to take me out, I at least wanted Adelaide to have some warning so she might yet escape the same fate.
“Cute toy,” the thing whispered into my mind. I stilled. Between the rolling thunder and roaring swells battering against the rocks, I could barely hear myself think, yet it somehow drowned it all out as if it was standing right behind me. “How far you think you’ll get, Keeper?”
There wasn’t much point yelling. Or answering at all, for that matter, but I suddenly found myself unable to move my fingers. “Until?” I asked.
As it turned, I realized the shadow wrapped around it wasn’t part of its own mass, but an oilskin coat whipping to and fro with the wind. It looked upon me with a shark’s beady eyes and parted its wide mouth in a thousand-toothed grin. “You figure out that pea-shooter don’t do nothin’ out here.” It jerked its head — was it just a shark in a coat? I could kill a shark in a coat, most likely — towards the railing beside it.
My finger twitched. Whatever had been holding me had let go, but I still didn’t advance; that was the point of keeping the gun, after all, to defend myself without getting within grabbing range. When it lifted a hand to beckon me closer, I dug my heels in at the sight of it — it could grab my head and still touch its three fat, scarred fingers to its callused thumb.
“I’m not a patient man, Keeper.”
“You’re not a man at all,” I blurted out.
It — he, I supposed, even if Adelaide wasn’t there to correct me — laughed at that, drowning out the storm. “You’re more fun than the last one.”
Again, without thinking, I asked a question I didn’t want answered: “What happened to the last one?”
He turned fully then, reclining against the railing on his elbows, and flashed those rows and rows of teeth.
That was answer enough.
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Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
shamelessly grabbing this from @kitausuret bc it sounds fun and i like it
Carry You Home (Spider-Man)
Kaine was having a pretty good day before he got the phone call.
Things were quiet; with no looming catastrophes (for once), he'd spent the day lounging on the couch, paging through a dog-eared poetry book while Aracely hung upside down off the cushions at the other end, tongue stuck out in concentration while she tapped away rapidly at a game on her phone.
The Transitive Property (Spider-Man)
Kaine was already annoyed before he got to Peter's apartment. He didn't want to be here; he wanted to be halfway across the country, in his own damn apartment, dealing with the problems in his own damn city. But apparently Peter couldn't be bothered to answer the damn phone, and he'd made a promise to Wally, so here he was: scaling the outside of his brother's building so he could leave a note somewhere obvious and call his job done.
leave a light on (Spider-Man)
The knock on the door came after dinner, when Peter and Mary Jane had curled up on the couch with a mindless sitcom to while away the evening. After a brief argument held entirely through eye contact, Peter sighed and got up to answer the door while Mary Jane triumphantly settled deeper into the couch and sipped her glass of wine.
He opened the door and immediately slammed it shut again. All at once, the evening's calm had shattered; his breath stuttering, his heart pounding, his thoughts turned to static. All he could think was Not again. Not again. Not again.
True Lies (And Other Contradictions) (Spider-Man)
Peter's life runs on a very regular routine. His dad would say it's because he was raised to be conscientious and responsible; privately, he thinks it's more that he doesn't really have anything else to do. His alarm goes off every morning just after sunrise – his one little concession to himself now that he's living on his own. He pulls on his glasses and goes down the too-wide steps to the too-big kitchen to make coffee (decaf, to his eternal chagrin, his father's warnings about migraine triggers playing in the back of his head) and take his meds. Then it's time for work.
philling in (Blaseball)
The door to Bevan's sanctuary slams open.
"BEVAN!" Steals screeches, her chest heaving with exertion. "What did you DO?!"
first proof (Blaseball)
She hits the ground hard enough to hurt, and immediately has no idea where she is or how she got there.
After a beat, she realizes she also has no idea who she is.
Paradigm Shift (Spider-Man)
The Jackal's abandoned lab was dark, lit only by the dim glow of a console monitor and a few flickering fluorescent lights clinging stubbornly to life. This far underground there was very little noise; just the hum of machinery and the clack of Kaine's fingers on the keys of the console.
He didn't know how long he'd been down here, keeping vigil over the pod. How long since he'd stumbled in here, desperately clutching his precious cargo, and woken up the abandoned machinery. Time meant nothing to him. Only getting this right.
the remnants (Blaseball)
"Crappy season, huh?"
Adelaide jumped in her seat and looked up sharply from where she was staring at her cup to see Kelvin sliding into a seat across the table from her. Ze had zir trademark careless smirk and immediately kicked zir feet up and pushed zir chair back to balance precariously on its back legs.
low note (Blaseball)
Jolene ran pitching practice.
That was a thing she did now, apparently.
It used to be Zoey's thing. Before it was a team thing, it was a Zoey thing; Jolene would come out here sometimes, early, to watch the sun rise over the Pillars, and would find Zoey diligently plugging away. It became a habit for the two of them, and then eventually the whole rotation. Mindy would bring breakfast. It was nice.
Catch a Tiger (Campaign: Skyjacks)
Gable woke to insistent but polite knocking on the captain's door and an unfortunately clear memory of the night before. Without allowing themselves to dwell on it beyond an emphatic ugh, Travis, they rolled out of bed, tossing the blanket approximately back into place and running a hand through their ruffled hair. They wanted to at least maintain the illusion of not sleeping in the captain's quarters. They didn't need the questions it would raise, but leaving the captain unsupervised for so long made Gable… uneasy.
tagging @waveridden @iamalivenow @primtheamazing @taggthewanderer @fatwithoutkatsudon and you, the person reading this right now, do it i dare you
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facsmile · 2 years
Adelaide can't help but smile.
She knows that this is her reward, from God. On the surface there is no outward indicator, and everyone around her seems to be falling into line. The driver of the car that stopped before her seemed to be perfectly placed for his task, saying only: “The city of Spirale welcomes you.”
The situation is unfamiliar and unique for sure, but Adelaide greeted him with a silent smile, and got in the back of the car. Once she's inside, she finds herself exploring the texture of the seats, running her hands down the stitched leather. It's unfamiliar, but she's sure she's felt something familiar once.
She slides her gloved hand over to where a small and flat device sits, and next to it is a paper pamphlet. It looks welcoming, so it's obviously instructions. She pulls it open, and the words are unfamiliar - a bit hard to get through. She understands the gist, at least.
Adelaide turns her head, gazing out the window and watching this new world go by. People move faster than she can make out their faces, and her grin only grows. She's free. She made it. By God's grace, she made it. Silently, Adelaide thanks God.
So far, she's seen no sign of Abraham or the children. It makes her wonder - Have they not been brought here as well? Each one of them was a dutiful pupil who took well to the plan to Un-Tether everyone, but... It's entirely possible that only Adelaide is being rewarded by God. After all, she was the one born special.
When she holds the flat device in her hand and runs her other hand over the glass surface, she's surprised to see it emanate light. It's electronic, then. A bit confusing, as the only buttons on it are on the sides, and one of them seems to make the screen go black, and the other two don't do anything.
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There will likely be enough time to figure it out. She's noticed how relatively calm things seem here - in the city of Spirale - but even still, she dashes to the door that the driver indicated is hers. Her own home. She can't help it - Grinning, tears pour down her face.
This is all hers now, she says to herself.
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cashmerecaredental · 6 months
Enhance Your Space with Glass Sliding Doors in Adelaide
In the world of modern architecture and interior design, the emphasis is often placed on seamlessly blending indoor and outdoor spaces. And what better way to achieve this harmony than with the installation of glass sliding doors In Adelaide, a city renowned for its stunning landscapes and temperate climate, glass sliding doors offer a perfect solution for those seeking to maximize natural light and connect their living spaces with the great outdoors.
Embracing Natural Light
One of the most significant advantages of glass sliding doors is their ability to flood interiors with natural light. In Adelaide, where sunny days are plentiful, harnessing this natural light source not only reduces reliance on artificial lighting but also creates a brighter, more inviting living environment.
Whether you're enjoying breakfast with the family or entertaining guests in the evening, the expansive glass panels of sliding doors allow sunlight to penetrate deep into your home, creating an airy and welcoming atmosphere. This infusion of natural light can also contribute to a sense of well-being, enhancing mood and productivity throughout the day.
Seamless Integration
In a city as picturesque as Adelaide, residents are fortunate to have access to stunning views of the surrounding landscape. With glass sliding doors, homeowners can seamlessly integrate these views into their living spaces, blurring the boundaries between indoors and outdoors.
Whether your home overlooks the rolling hills of the Adelaide Hills or the shimmering waters of the Gulf St Vincent, glass sliding doors provide an unobstructed panorama, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of your surroundings from the comfort of your own home. During the warmer months, these doors can be effortlessly opened to create a fluid transition between indoor and outdoor living areas, perfect for alfresco dining or simply basking in the gentle breeze.
Space-Saving Elegance
In addition to their aesthetic appeal and functional benefits, glass sliding doors are also renowned for their space-saving design. Unlike traditional hinged doors that require ample clearance for opening and closing, sliding doors operate along a track, gliding smoothly to one side without encroaching on precious floor space.
This space-saving feature is particularly advantageous in smaller homes or apartments, where every square meter counts. By eliminating the need for swinging doors, glass sliding doors help maximize usable floor area, creating a more open and flexible living environment.
Energy Efficiency
In an era of increasing environmental awareness, energy efficiency has become a key consideration for homeowners. Fortunately, modern glass sliding doors are engineered with energy-efficient features designed to minimize heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer.
With double or triple glazing options, thermal insulation is significantly improved, reducing reliance on heating and cooling systems to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. By enhancing the overall energy efficiency of your home, glass sliding doors not only contribute to cost savings but also help reduce your carbon footprint, making them a sustainable choice for environmentally-conscious homeowners.
From embracing natural light to seamlessly integrating indoor and outdoor spaces, glass sliding doors offer a myriad of benefits for homeowners in Adelaide. Whether you're renovating your existing home or embarking on a new construction project, the addition of glass sliding doors can enhance both the aesthetic appeal and functionality of your living space.
With their sleek design, space-saving elegance, and energy-efficient features, glass sliding doors epitomize modern living in the City of Churches. So why not invite the beauty of the outdoors into your home and experience the transformative power of glass sliding doors in Adelaide?
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recorddoorsblog · 3 days
Why Sliding Doors Are the Smart Choice for Families with Pets
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Being a pet parent means embracing a bit of chaos. Your furry friends are bursting with energy, and their playful antics can transform your home into a lively playground. But what if I told you that one home feature could simplify your life? Enter the Residential Sliding Doors in Adelaide! Both practical and stylish, Residential Sliding Doors in Adelaide aren't just a trend - they're a game-changer for families with pets. Here's why these doors are the perfect choice for a pet-friendly household
Easy Access for Your Furry Friends
Picture this: it's a sunny afternoon, and your dog eagerly wags its tail at the back door, ready to explore the outdoors. With traditional swinging doors, you often have to stop what you're doing to let your pet in and out. But with Residential Sliding Doors in Adelaide, your pets can enjoy the freedom they crave! These doors glide open effortlessly, allowing your pets to come and go as they please. You won't have to awkwardly maneuver around a swinging door while holding a laundry basket!
Enhanced Safety Features
Safety is a top priority for pet owners. Many Residential Sliding Doors have advanced locking mechanisms and safety features to keep your furry pals indoors. You can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your pets are safe while you're busy with daily tasks. Some sliding doors are also made with tempered glass, which is more robust and less likely to break. This means fewer worries about accidents or unexpected escapes!
A Seamless Connection to the Outdoors
Sliding doors create a beautiful flow between your indoor and outdoor spaces. They not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home but also let in natural light, making your living area feel warm and inviting. This seamless connection is especially beneficial for pets who love basking in the sun or enjoying fresh air. With Residential Sliding Doors in Adelaide, you can create a pet-friendly oasis where your furry friends can lounge and play to their hearts' content.
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Space-Saving Design
Space is often at a premium in a home bustling with playful pets. Traditional doors can occupy valuable space, limiting furniture placement and decor options. Sliding doors, on the other hand, glide along a track and don't require extra clearance to swing open. This space-saving design maximises your floor area, allowing you to create a more functional and stylish living environment for you and your pets.
Easy to Clean and Maintain
Let's be honest: pets can be messy! Keeping your home clean can be never-ending, from muddy paw prints to the occasional fur tumbleweed. Fortunately, Residential Sliding Doors Adelaide is designed for easy maintenance. Most sliding doors feature smooth surfaces that are simple to wipe down, making clean-up a breeze. Many models also come with removable screens to keep bugs out while letting in fresh air - perfect for those warm summer days when your pets love to lounge outside.
Increased Property Value
Investing in Residential Sliding Doors isn't just a smart move for your family; it's also a savvy financial decision. Sliding doors are an attractive feature that can enhance your home's value. When it's time to sell, potential buyers will appreciate these doors' modern look and functionality, especially in pet-friendly households.
In conclusion, choosing highest quality sliding doors in Sydney is a decision you won't regret if you're a family with pets. From providing easy access for your furry friends to enhancing safety and convenience, these doors are the ultimate solution for creating a pet-friendly home. They offer practicality and add a touch of elegance to your living space. So, why not embrace the sliding door revolution? Your pets will thank you, and you'll enjoy the newfound ease in your daily routine!
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sawadeaustralia · 3 months
Where are vertical blinds Adelaide-wide used?
Thinking of getting vertical blinds in Adelaide? Great choice! Vertical blinds are versatile, stylish and practical. But where can they be used more precisely? Let's take a look at the popular vertical blinds in Adelaide.
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Living rooms
Living rooms are an ideal place for vertical blinds. They provide excellent light control, allowing you to adjust the amount of natural light entering the room. This makes them ideal for watching TV or relaxing without the sunlight. In addition, they add a modern look to your living space.
Sliding Glass Doors
Sliding doors are common in Adelaide homes and lead to a patio or garden. Vertical blinds are a great choice for these doors. They slide gently along the rail, making it easy to open and close the curtains without blocking the door. They also offer privacy and light control.
Vertical blinds are also popular in Adelaide offices. They create a professional look and at the same time provide the features you need. Whether it's a home office or a commercial workplace, vertical blinds help reduce glare from computer screens and create a comfortable work environment.
In bedrooms, vertical blinds provide privacy and control of natural light. They can be adjusted to let in just the right amount of light or completely closed for darkness. This flexibility is perfect for creating a comfortable and invigorating atmosphere in your bedroom.
Large Windows
Homes and offices with large windows can benefit greatly from vertical blinds. They cover large areas efficiently and can be easily adjusted to direct the light. Adelaide vertical blinds are a practical solution for controlling light and privacy in rooms with large windows.
Adelaide conservatories and sunrooms also use vertical blinds. These rooms can get hot in direct sunlight. Vertical blinds help regulate temperature by blocking excess sunlight while allowing you to enjoy the view outside.
Vertical blinds Adelaide-wide are used in a variety of settings, from living rooms and bedrooms to offices and conservatories. Block-out curtains Adelaide-wide can be used in all these places. They offer excellent light control, privacy and a sleek, modern look. Consider installing vertical blinds in your home or office to enjoy these benefits and maximize your space.
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lumeagroup6 · 5 months
Innovative New Home Designs in Adelaide
Innovative New Home Designs in Adelaide with its rich cultural heritage and vibrant lifestyle, is a city where architectural innovation meets contemporary living. The demand for new homes in Adelaide is on the rise, prompting architects and designers to create innovative designs that cater to modern living preferences. If you're in the market for a new home in Adelaide, here are some of the latest trends and designs to consider:
1. Sustainable Living Spaces Sustainability is a key focus in modern home designs. Adelaide's new homes are incorporating sustainable features such as solar panels, rainwater harvesting systems, and energy-efficient appliances. These features not only reduce the environmental impact but also lower utility bills, making sustainable homes a practical choice for many Adelaideans.
2. Open-Plan Living Open-plan living has become increasingly popular in Adelaide. These designs create spacious and light-filled living areas that are perfect for entertaining guests or spending quality time with family. Open-plan layouts also make homes feel larger and more connected, enhancing the overall living experience.
3. Indoor-Outdoor Integration Adelaide's Mediterranean climate makes outdoor living spaces a valuable addition to any home. New home designs often feature seamless indoor-outdoor integration, with sliding glass doors and outdoor entertaining areas. This integration allows residents to enjoy the beautiful Adelaide weather and create a cohesive living space that flows from indoors to outdoors.
4. Smart Home Technology Smart home technology is transforming the way we live, and Adelaide's new homes are embracing these innovations. From smart lighting and thermostats to security systems and entertainment options, smart home technology enhances convenience, security, and energy efficiency in modern homes.
5. Architectural Diversity Adelaide's architectural landscape is diverse, with a blend of historic and contemporary designs. New home designs in Adelaide often draw inspiration from this diversity, creating homes that are unique yet respectful of the city's architectural heritage. Whether you prefer modern minimalism or classic elegance, you'll find a new home design in Adelaide that suits your taste.
6. Customization Options Many new home builders in Adelaide offer customization options, allowing you to tailor your home to suit your lifestyle and preferences. From choosing finishes and fixtures to modifying floor plans, customization options give you the flexibility to create a home that is truly yours.
In conclusion,
Adelaide's new home designs blend style and functionality, creating homes that are not only visually appealing but also practical and sustainable. Whether you're looking for a modern masterpiece or a classic home with a contemporary twist, Adelaide has a range of new home designs to suit every taste and lifestyle.
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jolongseoau · 6 months
Where will you get the best stacker doors in Adelaide?
Where will you find the finest stacking sliding doors made with quality materials in Adelaide?
Stacker doors have become one of the most reliable, durable, and stylish options for homeowners as well as businesses in recent years. These doors glide smoothly and effortlessly along their tracks, which allows for easy opening and closing. These doors are also highly customizable and are aesthetically pleasing. That means you can choose a design that can complement the existing aesthetic of your property. Jolong is one of the most trusted and popular dealers and manufacturers of stacking sliding doors Adelaide. You will have a wide range of styles and configuration choices available here. Just choose the preferred design and it will be tailor-made as per your requirements.
We give you the freedom to hand pick features like glazing options, mesh quality, colours, hardware and much more. Our doors are designed to provide you flexibility to create the perfect office or living space. We offer double as well as triple toughened glass and many more glazing options. These glasses are very difficult to break compared to normal glasses and provide excellent protection against harsh weather conditions. To further tighten your security, we provide powerful and durable locking mechanisms. These locks are designed to prevent any attempt of forced entry. Making them a secure option for both residential and commercial properties.
Jolong doors do not need constant upkeep. Stacker doors require little maintenance and you can operate them for a long time with minimal effort. Our doors not only provide exceptional functionality but also enhance the visual appeal of any space. If you are considering a renovation or want to build something new, stacker doors are a worthwhile investment that can help to transform your property. So, if you are looking for versatile and prime quality stacking sliding doors Adelaide, contact us today and get a quote!
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stanbondsecurity · 1 year
Where in Adelaide are security doors installed?
In the picturesque city of Adelaide, security doors have become an essential addition to homes, blending protection with style. These robust doors aren't limited to a single location – they can be strategically installed in various areas to provide comprehensive security and peace of mind. Let's explore the key places where security doors are commonly installed in Adelaide.
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Main Entry Points:
The most common location for security doors is at the main entrance. Whether it's the front door or the back door, installing a security door at these points adds an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access and break-ins.
Patio Entrances:
Adelaide's pleasant climate makes outdoor spaces a popular spot for relaxation. Security doors installed at patio entrances not only allow you to enjoy the fresh air but also keep your indoor spaces secure.
Sliding Doors:
 Sliding glass doors are a common feature in many homes, offering panoramic views. However, they can also be vulnerable points of entry. Security doors designed for sliding doors provide added security without compromising the view.
Balcony Access:
If you have balconies, especially those on higher floors, installing security doors ensures that these spaces remain safe and secure, preventing accidental falls and intrusions.
French Doors:
The elegant charm of French doors can be enhanced with the addition of security doors. These doors maintain the aesthetic appeal while offering protection and peace of mind.
Carport Entrances:
Don't overlook the security of your vehicle. Security doors can also be installed at carport entrances to prevent unauthorized access to your car or garage.
Laundry and Utility Rooms:
Some homes have access to the outside through laundry or utility rooms. Installing security doors here ensures that these functional spaces remain secure and provide an additional point of entry.
Pool Enclosures:
For homes with pools, security doors are often installed to enclose the pool area. This not only adds safety for children and pets but also enhances security for your property.
From the main entrance to patio doors, in Adelaide, security doors find their place in various locations across homes. Their versatility and effectiveness make them a popular choice for homeowners looking to enhance both security and aesthetics. Whether you're aiming to safeguard your family or boost the value of your property, installing security doors in Adelaide ensures that you're making a practical investment in the safety of your home.
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grandviewwindows01 · 16 days
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Bi Fold Doors Adelaide
Grandview Windows offers stunning bi-fold doors in Adelaide, perfect for transforming your living space. These stylish, space-saving doors seamlessly connect indoor and outdoor areas, providing a versatile and modern touch to any home. Made from high-quality materials, our bi-fold doors are designed for durability, energy efficiency, and easy operation. With customizable options, including various finishes and glazing choices, you can tailor the doors to suit your aesthetic and functional needs. Ideal for entertaining or simply enjoying the outdoors, Grandview Windows’ bi-fold doors enhance natural light, ventilation, and the overall appeal of your Adelaide home.
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Different Types Of Shower Screens For Every Home
When you're looking to update your bathroom or add a new shower screen, it can be hard to find the perfect fit. There are several different types of shower screens that each offer their own benefits and drawbacks. Whether you're looking for an attractive frameless shower screens or something more secure like a framed one, we'll help you choose the right option for your home!
Frameless Shower Screens
A frameless shower screen is a type of Glass Adelaide that can be installed without an enclosure. The glass itself allows you to see through it and enjoy the view outside your shower, while still keeping water inside the tub or stall where it belongs.
Frameless showers are an excellent choice when you want to add some style and beauty to your bathroom while still maintaining functionality and practicality. They're also good if you have limited space in which to install them because they take up less room than other types of enclosures would require--especially those with doors!
Glass shower screens
Glass Shower Screens Adelaide are a great option for small bathrooms. They're also suitable for larger ones, but you should consider the size of your bathroom before buying one. Glass shower screens are easy to clean and maintain so they'll last you a long time. They come in different styles and materials:
Acrylic glass is an inexpensive alternative that can be molded into any shape or pattern you like. It's lightweight but strong, making it perfect for sliding doors and other types of frameless enclosures (and also good at keeping out heat).
Tempered glass is stronger than regular plate glass because it has been treated with chemicals during production that make it more resistant to breakage when struck by something sharp or hard like an object falling off a shelf above onto the top surface of your shower screen enclosure--hence its name "tempered." Tempered glass won't shatter into dangerous shards when broken either; instead it will just crack into large pieces which won't cut anyone who may come into contact with them later on down through their lifespan because they're still sharp enought o cut through clothing fabric easily though not flesh unless someone gets really close up against them without noticing there's something wrong until after they've already been injured!
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Shower partitions
Shower partitions are designed to divide the shower space into multiple areas. They can be made from glass, acrylic or metal and can be used for privacy and to create a more spacious feel in your bathroom.
Shower screens come in different styles, colours and sizes so you can find one that suits your home perfectly.
Walk-in showers
Walk-in showers are designed for people who have difficulty getting in and out of a regular shower. A walk-in shower features a larger door that allows you to enter the shower without having to step over the threshold.
Walk-in showers come with many different features, including:
Waterproof benches or seats built into the walls of the shower stall so you can sit while bathing (if your mobility issues allow it)
Grab bars around the walls or ceiling for added safety and stability
There are many different types of shower screens and Glass Adelaide on the market today, which can make it difficult to choose one. But with our guide, we hope that you will be able to find the right one for your needs!
Source:- Different Types Of Shower Screens For Every Home
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scftpetalls · 2 years
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                      𝔰𝔢𝔯  𝔳𝔦𝔨  𝔯𝔢𝔡𝔴𝔶𝔫𝔢  &  𝔩𝔞𝔡𝔶  𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔩𝔞𝔦𝔡𝔢  𝔪𝔞𝔩𝔲𝔰
@blossomhcir​​ / @bruiisedpetals​ ; 𝔫𝔰𝔣𝔴 (𝔪/𝔣) 𝔦𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔢 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔪𝔭𝔱𝔰     12. a — ( here )   ;   set further ahead in their canon threads / timeline.
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he was leaving again in a few days , back to kings landing.  vik had been in the reach for at least a few months but hadn’t expected to have to depart so suddenly — his lord cousin had to attend and so , vik would go also as commanded.   vik had expected , and hoped , to see adelaide tomorrow as he’d sent a letter to let her know that he would be leaving at weeks end ... he’d not expected to hear a soft knock at his door late in the evening as he was about to retire to bed ; opening the door to see her there.   vik stood shirtless in a pair of cotton sleep pants , hair half-pulled back in a braid , and adelaide ...  her face obscured by night shadows and a lowly-drawn hood against the cool air , but he knew it was her.   “adelaide, wh—”  she cut him off with hand against his chest , pushing him backwards slightly so she could slip inside his room without question and without being seen.      ‘you’re leaving again,’ she said , and he noticed his scroll in her hand — it wasn’t that far to sweetgrove , but the fact that she was here told him she must have left shortly after receiving it.   he nodded slowly , “the day after tomorrow.  we ride at daybreak ,” adelaide didn’t reply , quiet as she unfastened her heavy cloak and pulled it off.  she seemed off , but he couldn’t pick why ... “is something wrong?-”    she didn’t reply , instead she quite suddenly strode forward , wrapped her arms around him , pressing herself up on her toes as she kissed him — the unexpected ferocity of her embrace causing him to stagger backwards a few steps , his arms remained around her waist ; his legs bumped against the bed.
vik was caught offguard , genuinely , but the way she kissed him ... it was like she had been wandering in a desert and he was a glass of cool water , his concerns were slowly replaced by the easily flamed passions he harbored for her — she hadn’t been so aggressive in her want of him before , but now her fingers gripped his hair and her body was flush against him ; parting her lips to invite him to deepen the kiss and arching herself into his embrace as vik gripped her waist with purpose.  he still didn’t understand exactly what was going through her mind , as she gently pressed herself against him so they both fell back onto the plush of the bed ... instantly , a part of his mind began to race & wonder if he would have to  ( for the first time )  actually stop her from taking their intimate dance too far.  he tried to pull away to question her , is half query cut off by her shaking head and her whispering against his mouth — ‘don’t,’ was all she said , her hands sliding down his bare chest to fumble and unlace his pants , and he would have asked again ... stopped her even , but adelaide didn’t make to remove her own clothing ... and he trusted her to know herself in this regard.   her soft hand wrapped around his hardening cock , causing him to hiss out a moan and buck his hips up —-  she kissed him again , and again and again , stroking him carefully and purposefully ... until vik wasn’t even sure that he would have had the sense and sanity to stop her if she suddenly moved a few inches up his body , pushed her skirts aside and slid herself down onto him   ( the thought alone was enough to cause an unbidden moan and for him to grasp at her thighs. )  
when she pulled her lips from his , her face somewhat obscured still as her hair fell about her features and she seemed to avoid his unyielding gaze as his blue eyes followed her flushed features , vik watched — semi motionless — as she moved down his body ... her lips skimming across bare abs and taut skin.   while vik anticipated what she was doing , he didn’t expect it ... because she never had put her mouth on him like this ... her eyes didn’t even find his before she bowed her head to tentatively but deliberately slide her lips around his cock.   it took everything in him to not immediately thrust up into the delicious warmth of her mouth , he bit down hard on his lip to stop what would have been a too-loud moan.   vik was awash in sensations and the whirlwind of how quickly this had happened ; he wondered if she had done this before as she curved the flat of her tongue against his cock and slipped another inch into her mouth.   he could see the furrowing of her brow and the way her eyes pressed closed in concentration , his hand moved from the bed where he had gripped the sheets ... and then moved to her cheek , pushing her hair back from her face ... eyes fixed on her in a sense of illicit wonder and affection.  when she opened her eyes and connected her gaze with his , the simple intensity of it and the sight of her pink lips wrapped around him , viks hips thrust up unbidden and he watched as her eyes widened a little in surprise —  but then she leaned forward and took him deeper , swallowing deliciously around his cock and his eyes fell closed on a long moan as his whole body shuddered in pleasure.
he had no clue what had possessed her to come to him like this with a clear desire and aim fixed in her mind — evidently —   but vik was torn now between trying to gather the shreds of his restraint to stop this before he totally lost control ,  and the hungry , sinful desire to return the favour and bury his face between her thighs with his tongue pressed inside her cunt until she fell apart for him.      ... but for now , in this moment , vik’s touch roamed gently over her face ; lovingly combing her hair away as he gazed down at her with a mix of affection and carnal hunger glistening in his eyes.
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Sliding Doors – Update Your Home with a Modern Sliding Door
Sliding doors are an ideal option for making the most of the available space in your home, while still allowing you to enjoy a smooth transition between indoor and outdoor living spaces. They are easy to maintain, stylish and can be fitted in any type of home.    
Update your home with a modern sliding door.  
A sliding door is an excellent choice for modern homes. They can be used in any room and are ideal for creating seamless spaces, as well as for adding interesting elements of design to your interior.
Sliding doors can be installed as a single door or in pairs, creating the perfect balance between style and functionality. They are available in a variety of materials: aluminum, steel, timber, and glass – each with their own unique variations on the classic design. You may even wish to install your sliding door as a French door or bi-fold door if space allows!  
The popular choice for modern homes.  
Sliding doors are a popular choice for modern homes, but they can also be used in a wide variety of residential and commercial buildings. Sliding doors are usually installed as an addition to existing homes, or new construction projects.
With the popularity of home renovation shows on TV that highlight sliding door frames, there has been an increase in homeowners installing modern sliding doors in their homes as well.
Maximize your space.
In a modern home, there is no need for bulky sliding doors. Instead, a simple yet functional glass door will be more than sufficient. The modern look of the sliding glass doors will allow you to see through them clearly while still maintaining privacy. This type of window can open to any size as well as make use of tinted or mirrored glass panels, which will let light into your house without allowing people to see inside easily.
Smooth transition between indoor and outdoor living.
Sliding doors are the perfect option for maximizing space and creating a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor living. They can be used to create an indoor/outdoor living space, or an entrance which leads directly from your home into your garden. Sliding doors can also be installed to open a hallway or kitchen that would otherwise be closed off, allowing you to easily access all your cupboards without having to walk through the entire house.
Energy efficient design.
Sliding doors are a wonderful way to reduce energy usage.
Sliding aluminum doors Adelaide, being made of glass, can be tinted, or filtered to block out heat gain, thereby reducing the need for air conditioning when the door is left open during warmer weather. As well as this, aluminum sliding doors are exceptionally good insulators (as opposed to most other types of doors), so you will save money on heating bills too. If you decide to invest in one of our upgraded double-glazed seals, then you will be able to reduce your heating and cooling costs even further!
Sliding doors are a wonderful way to make the most of your home, while still allowing you to enjoy a smooth transition between indoor and outdoor living spaces. They are also ideal if you want to maximize your space by adding another room or two without creating awkward structural changes in your home. You can find the perfect one for your needs at Adelaide Designer Windows today!
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adelaideglaziers · 2 years
Can a Glass Pet Door be Repaired?
If you have a pet door and that too of a glass, your major worry would be, can a glass pet door be repaired? Well, of course it can be like any other doors unless the glass is broken into a half. Even a broken glass can be replaced if cannot be repaired. Now the question is how and when to get your glass doors repaired or replaced, when is the calling time? Maintenance of glass doors is not a tough task and do not call for heavy budgeting.
Struggling with opening and closing the doors: Sometimes you would experience trouble in opening the door, it can be getting stuck at hinges or could have chipped from somewhere. These create hindrance and restricts the movement. This can be replaced easily.
Rollers: This is essentially for sliding doors as shower screens in Adelaide, many times users face difficulty in sliding the door, it gets jammed. This is because of the faulty rollers, and need to be changed for smoothness.
Damaged Glass: A small chip on the glass door is enough to let warm or cool breeze enter the house. Usually, we do not care about pet doors, but continuous movement of the pets can cause a small dent and air could be passing and coming through it. That’s the time for glass replacement in Adelaide.
Gap: A glass pet door would need to be repaired when the gap between the frame and the door widens. Take a look, it could be due to several reasons, which an expert can identify and do the required.
Adelaideglaziars is a professional glass repair and installation company. If you want to know more about glass pet door repair, installation or sliding glass doors or pet glass door, you can get in touch with them today by filling the form below.
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oigimi · 3 years
. glasses .
. arthur x oc . 1.1k words . day 5 of @scummy-writes​’ arthur week .
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The little maid made her rounds around the house, collecting sheets and blankets and anything else that needed washing. It had been months since she’d made her way into Le Comte’s mansion, and it had been the best few months of her life. Adelaide had made more friends than she ever could have back home, and she’d even fallen deeply in love with a man she never would have had the chance to meet under ordinary circumstances. His name was Arthur, and he was everything she could have ever wanted. He was strong and smart, and he’d keep her safe from anything that could hurt her. Arthur’s arms were her safe haven. His voice eased her soul. His smile drummed her heart.
By the time she’d gotten to Arthur’s room, Adelaide had already excited herself with the thought of seeing him again. She had a smile on when she opened the door that soon gave way to quiet laughter. Arthur was asleep at his desk. His manuscript was spread all over the surface, and most amusingly, his glasses were slipping off his face.
“Ohh,” Adelaide giggled, sneaking in to get a closer look at Arthur’s face. He had such a beautiful face, even while he slept. His mischievous grin melted into a peaceful little pout, and his ocean-blue eyes were softly shut. How nice would it be to be in his arms, joining him in his state of slumber, Adelaide wondered? She would bet everything that he was just as warm and protective then as when he was awake, that he was the greatest partner the world could offer. That’s the charm he had. That’s what made so many women beg to spend the night with him. The feeling that you’re loved and cared for that Arthur gives you. When a girl was with him, there was nothing that could bring her down. And by God, did Adelaide want to be one of those girls.
But alas, Adelaide had never found it in her heart to confess to Arthur how she felt. There was the world’s selection of women at his fingertips, and she was just a timid little maid. She’d only end up embarrassing herself, and possibly tarnishing the friendship with him that she’d cherished so deeply.
Snapping out of her thoughts, Adelaide’s eyes shifted back to Arthur’s glasses. They were slipping even further down his face, and already starting to leave marks. She decided to slide them off, inspecting them closely. Even his glasses felt handsome and refined in her hands. Curiosity got the best of the maid, and she put them on her face. “Whoa!” she laughed, seeing the world instantly go out of focus. “Is this what he sees normally?”
As she turned around to get the full scope of the room, Arthur’s eyes fluttered open. He snickered, watching Adelaide talk to herself in her native German. “Now what are you up to, little Laidey?”
“Arthur! Oh gosh, I’m sorry!” She jerked back around and took off the glasses, placing them back on his desk. “You were sleeping and the glasses were falling and- oh gosh…”
He shook his head, clicking his tongue. “Mmn, naughty girl. What were you doing watching me while I slept? If you really want to get so close to me, you don’t have to do anything but ask.” Just as he expected, her face heated up in a dark scarlet hue. She stuttered over her words, some in English and some not. “Love, love! I’m only teasing you! Oh, please don’t burn yourself out!” Arthur stood up and laughed, making his way over to the flustered little maid. “You’re too cute.”
“Th-thank you,” Adelaide whispered, covering her face. “Sorry for taking your glasses without permission.”
“Don’t worry, don’t worry.” He put his hand on her shoulder and tilted his head, another tongue click escaping his lips. “Hmm, but I have to say. There ought to be some sort of punishment for taking one’s accessories and trying them on, especially when they’re asleep, don’t you think?”
Adelaide nodded slowly. “I suppose so, yes.”
“Then do me a favor.” Arthur reached forward and tilted her chin up, the tips of their noses touching. A classic smile stretched across the author’s face before he continued. “You looked rather fetching in my glasses, I’d say. I’d like you to put them back on for a while, and stay somewhere where I can see how beautiful you are. Like… my lap, perhaps?”
“Y-your lap?!”
“Is that a problem?” he murmured, eyes slightly widening. “I think we’d both enjoy it, don’t you think? You get a little break from work, and a nice warm place to sit. And I get a lovely little Laidey in my arms while I work on my manuscript. Doesn’t it sound nice?”
She blinked, finally taking note of how quickly her heart was pounding. Still in some slight shock, Adelaide gave a little nod, grinning and reaching out for the glasses in Arthur’s hand. He, as one would expect, was a few steps ahead of her, and slid them onto Adelaide’s face for her.
“So cute…” he whispered, poking the bulb of her nose. Arthur scooped her up in his arms, lowering her down in his lap as he took his place. Something about the way the maid and the author fit into each other was more perfect than they’d expected. Arthur’s lap hosted Adelaide’s body like a puzzle piece waiting for its matching half, and his arms warmed her up like an electric blanket. The German’s cheeks heated up again as she rested her head on his chest, exposed by his half-buttoned shirt. He really was everything she’d imagined. Warm and protective, yet just as flirty and frivolous as he presented himself to be.
Adelaide closed her eyes, cherishing the scent of Arthur’s cologne. Her wish was coming true. Or at least her temporary one. Being snuggled by Arthur was one thing, but being completely and utterly his was another. She couldn’t help but yearn for more than just a snuggle session born of an impulsive decision to wear a sleeping man’s glasses. Was that selfish of her? To want more than just what she was given?
She rested her hand on Arthur’s chest and decided to cast away such thoughts. Being in Arthur’s arms was enough to make her happy for years. The maid smiled to herself, allowing the sounds of a pen scratching on paper and the beating of her crush’s heart lull her into a little nap of her own.
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