#gleamknight 02
necroticrose · 2 years
"Zelos. Been a while-- how's Lloyd feeling?" It surprises Lilith that Zelos passed her; normally he's pretty good at evading her sneak attacks.
...and her attempts to get a few digs in at his expense.
She leans against a wall, dexterously spinning the knife she'd taken from the forge in her hands.
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"Heard he got into a pretty nasty accident a while back." She clicks her tongue, smiling. "He should really be more careful, don't you think?" Sure, she knows she's playing with fire, but it can be fun to rile him up. After all, anger is the easiest thing to sense in a person.
And there's nothing more frustrating than someone she can't read.
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ascarletflame · 4 years
Grimm decides that today is a day where he will be dreadful.
He'd gotten Zelos's teaching schedule from the new founded Big Dipper Talent. The curiosity was simply too much for the nightmarish moth to bear, and he wanted to see Zelos's dancing prowess for himself. It would be too cruel to bother him so often that it ruined his job performance, but just this one time wouldn't hurt. Much.
And the ultimate goal of this exercise will be to get Zelos to dance with him on this day, the Troupe Master has resolved.
He invites himself in, smiling that toothy grin ever so brightly at his new friend. He even bows politely.
“Zelos, good afternoon! I would like to sit in on your lesson today. That shall not pose a problem, correct? Not to worry – I'm not interested in critiquing, unless you wish it. I only desire to watch.”
Just Grimm in the background. Staring and smiling.
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