chloeleiden-blog · 7 years
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kitty’s absolute fucking TUNES: a v, v mismatched playlist of my absolute favourite songs
no church in the wild ( kanye west, jay z, frank ocean ): kanye west is the titan to my chloe, tbh. my party trick is giving an hour long rundown of his life, defending him like i’m his fucking lawyer ( don’t @ me tho some of his shit is indefensible ). i used to have ‘kanye historian’ as my twitter bio. so it can’t be understated when i say i love him. and this is probably my favourite song of his, and my most played song ever ( according to itunes, i’ll get to my most played according to last.fm soon ). i truly feel like this song speaks for itself. the iconic production, the haunting magnificence of frank ocean’s vocals, the question, the narrative.... goosebumps. and it fuckin’ BANGS. 
magnets ( lorde and disclosure ): it’s difficult to say everything about what this song means to me, but i think i can distill it down to... ‘pretty girls don’t know the things that i know’. lorde has always popped back up in my life at the strangest times ( and hilariously enough i have had seizures in close proximity to seeing / hearing her ). when i saw her last year, she played this song. and i got to touch her hand. i still get misty eyed thinking about that night.
africa by toto: did you think anyone could make a playlist of CHUNES without africa by toto? madness, i tell you. absolute madness. fun fact: i’m going to an africa singalong event with 5000 people from facebook next week. 
feeling good ( nina simone ): i’m gonna give you an assignment, okay? listen to it. listen to it and tell me it’s not one of the greatest songs ever made. you just can’t argue with me on this one.
love drought ( beyonce ): this is the sound of heartbreak. of agony. and it’s so painful and so raw. i really don’t have that much else to say, because like most of my favourite songs, love drought speaks for itself.
SWEET ( brockhampton ): lil bit of a humblebrag, but i went to highschool with a guy who’s tight w kevin abstract so by association i am tight with kevin abstract... where to begin with sweet? i’m from the vast land of tejas ( live in the uk now ) and this is a texas anthem. the honey butter references made my life ( i’m a vegetarian but i miss honey buttahs like a mothahfuckah ). my cousins live in / are from the woodlands, which is a place referenced a thousand times in the song. ‘poolside in houston, tryna see if beyonce will take me for adoption’, ‘don’t call me stupid, that ain’t the way my name pronounced!’, joba’s entire verse... so much iconnery in here.
seigfried ( frank ocean ): i listen to this song every single day, and it’s my most played song according to last.fm, which is about right. i would tattoo every line of this song on me if i could. it haunts me. my favourite part is the switch when he sings ‘i’m living over city / and taking in the homeless sometimes.’ seigfried is pure poetry, especially at the end, and especially when he sings ‘i’d do anything for you ( in the dark )’. 
love lies ( khalid and normani ): okay i’m suffering from recency bias but i’ve played it 54 times since it came out like less than a month ago i think? ( thanks 2 last.fm as per ) i really, really love this song. i can’t say what it is, but i’m obsessed with the layering in the chorus.
in the air tonight ( phil collins or lorde idc ): this song? so fucking good. like, it’s the same deal as with africa. it’s well established that it’s a fucking tune, and it’s so SO good for screaming when you’re mad. see also: not ready to make nice by the dixie chicks.
dna ( kendrick lamar ): put this on at a party. i fuckin dare you. it goes off so, so fucking hard. same with loyalty, which has rihanna, so that’s a bonus. in all honesty choosing a kendrick song was hard, because i replay his albums constantly, but this one reminds me of some drunken nights with a friend that i love very dearly... so i hold it close. I GOT I GOT LOYALTY I GOT ROYALTY INSIDE MY DNA.
nocturnal ( the weeknd, disclosure ): chose a random song from my ‘night driving’ playlist, but this is a good one, because the weeknd is one of my most played artists and i haven’t chosen one of his songs yet. it’s atmospheric as fuck, and i love a good bit of darkness when i have the aux ( i can’t drive. it’s because i’m gay. ) and i’m speeding across the city ( jk mama ) with my friends. my aim for night driving is to make the soundtrack from drive, except longer. 
style ( taylor swift ): she’s the most disingenuous, ridiculous, human being alive, but i grew up on her songs ( hello from the south, where our song was stuck in my head for like two years ) so i have a tiny, tiny, tiny little soft spot for her. style isn’t the country singer i grew up with, but it’s an absolute fucking tune so it belongs here. this video is an incredible breakdown of what makes it so good and says more than i ever could tbh.
home ( edward sharpe & the magnetic zeroes ): this is, full stop, the only song that can make me cry. it reminds me of home, of my friends, of my family, and every single time i fucking sob.
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isprinsessee · 7 years
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PATRNOUS: Black Mamba AMORTENTIA: White moon flowers, cinnamon, a frozen lake BOGGART: A dark 8 foot tall, faceless figure, presumably a male WAND: Pine wood with a Dragon heartstring core 13" and Rigid flexibility ILVERMORNY HOUSE: Horned Serpent  QUOTE: “We Slytherins are brave, yes, but not stupid.  For instance, given the choice  We will always choose to save our own necks.”
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lachapellexx-blog · 7 years
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tucked in a small box under xavier’s bed. the back reads ‘01/01/2016 -- new year with my love.’  @channingrinaldi
you won't ever be  a l o n e wait for me to come  h o m e .
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v-stone-blog1 · 7 years
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a gift to @ofindiana, from lucy
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babellaby-blog · 7 years
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a gift for you, because motherly muses are the best there is!
GLOSSY TASK. @lcrkspur
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fleurrfanee · 7 years
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“Daydreaming And believing That there is something more
Greedy hands Foul tongues Your life is more than just a chore
Because Zombie Girl You’re worth more Than just a blank stare to the sky
I know it’s hard I know you think it’s a lie But you don’t deserve to die.”
Interviewer: That was just a small clip from Porcelain Judas’ song Zombie Girl off of their first full-length studio album, Dreamers and Doers. Today, I am joined with Angeline Whitehead, the vocalist and song-writer of the band. Now, Angeline, tell me-- what has it been like to release songs that are not only about a world so adored but that are also close to home?
Angeline: Sometimes things that are adored are dangerous. I feel it is my responsibility to show people that it isn’t all glitz and glam in Hollywood-- that there are some seriously awful people and circumstances that you come across and this is just one of many. It is almost therapeutic in a way, but I can also say I sleep soundly knowing I am not sugar coating or lying to those who are here to listen.
Interviewer: Great, great. Now, what circumstances can you say this character has come across? What were your intentions when writing this song? 
Angeline: My intentions were to showcase a life that was overtaken by what happens when people don’t see the potential in stars that are older. It seems the only people we think have talent are young women and then once they hit a certain age or take time out for themselves, they are forgotten and crucified. It is a real shame because the person this song is written about is a truly amazing and talented person. She was just hurt by these circumstances which only cause her pain and to go down this dark route that is described in the song. It is pretty obvious it alludes to substance abuse and lack of self control. It has to be one of the songs that mean the most to me and the fans as well. 
Interviewer: You say that this is about one of Hollywood’s fallen stars? Any hint as to who it is written about and what they think of the song? I’m sure we would all love some details on the sad little zombie girl you’ve shown to us. 
Angeline: She isn’t sad-- or at least not in the way you are making it seem. I don’t feel comfortable with disclosing anything, not even her occupation. That is kind of the point of not revealing things so that it can resonate with people and they can see things how their heart hears--
Interviewer: Yeah, that is great and all, but why write songs to not reveal who they are about? Are you pulling a Taylor Swift on us, Ange?
Angeline: For one, Taylor Swift has the right to anonymity in her songs just like the rest of this industry. Two, I’m not going to continue this interview because it isn’t my place to give out pieces of someone else’s life. It isn’t your place or mine to poke and pry. Thanks for your time, but I am going to leave now. 
*Interview tape cuts out, cutting to the rest of the video on a TMZ segment about who the zombie girl can possibly be and the Porcelain Judas vocalist’s apparent “rudeness”*
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glossymarycate-blog · 7 years
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Other people share Tequila sunrises,
while we have rum sunsets,
and I don’t know about you,
but I think this is as good as it gets.
( @brycbrooks )
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jesseandrewsx-blog · 7 years
Womping Willow
Womping Willow: One of our muses has greatly upset the other muse:
The snow was falling to the ground in Hogsmeade and the Three Broomsticks was bustling with foot traffic. People were all looking for a way out of the snow and into the warmth provided by the inn. Because of that, it was extremely crowded and the room was warmer than usual. Jesse and Bella had gotten a booth in the corner, tucked away from prying eyes and while she sat and warmed up, Jesse got them drinks. He returned with two glasses of mulled mead, setting one down in front of her as he sat. 
“You’re quiet,” he observed after a moment, taking a sip of his drink and watching her. 
She shrugged and agreed, “I am.” 
Okay. So I fucked up. He held back his sigh, because the last thing he wanted to do was make Bella even more upset than she already was by sounding like he was annoyed by whatever was bothering her. “What did I do?”
“You’re seriously asking me this?” She took a sip of mulled mead and rolled her eyes. “Just forget it, Jesse. I don’t want to talk about this.” As she spoke, she moved away from him, sliding to the other side of the booth and completely ignoring his eyes. 
He leaned forward a little, covering her hand with one of his before she jerked it away and his hit the table. “I can’t fix it if you won’t tell me what’s wrong.” 
“What’s wrong,” she hissed, voice raising and drawing attention to their table. All eyes were on them suddenly, prepared to watch a fight or a break up or to see Bella hex him with something particularly nasty. (Jesse wouldn’t put it past her.) When she spoke again, she had at least gotten control over her volume. “What’s wrong is that last night, I had to deal with you, high off your ass on Muggle drugs.” 
“You know I don’t like that shit. I especially don’t like it near me and yet, my boyfriend goes out of his way to smuggle them into the castle.” She stood up quickly, leaving almost an entirely full glass on the table.
Jesse sighed. “Bella.” He tried to grab her arm as she walked past but she shook him off, hand drawing her wand and holding it to him. Her eyebrows were raised, like she was asking for a reason, just one reason, to jinx him. He held her gaze, a silent dare for her to do it but she didn’t. She lowered her wand and stormed out. 
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lovelacedx · 7 years
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A glimpse into Kai and Fern’s shared Netflix profile; a gift for @kaiowns
Fern: i can’t come over tonight
Kai: 😞
Fern: i know
Fern: but ill be over tomorrow if you’re available
Kai: i am
Fern: ok good
Fern: if you watch black mirror without me, i’ll kill you
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isprinsessee · 7 years
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@ryleighjake + AN AESTHETIC POST
“Talk to the waves as they pull me in I can feel the warmth of a long lost friend I believe in God but I’ll drown in sin Filthy rich with a poor mans skin And we don't like the way it hurts We're afraid that it's a curse Please do your best to learn To learn from me.”
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a gift for @babellaby
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PATRONUS: The impala is known for its speed, agility, and grace. These natural runners are extremely adaptable to their surroundings and prove to be a challenge to any predator.
WAND:  Beech wood with a unicorn hair core, 12" and unbending flexibility
BOGGART: Being ordinary with no remarkable talents or care for a craft. 
AMORTENTIA: Vanilla, fresh scrolls, baked bread, blown out candles.
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v-stone-blog1 · 7 years
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Veronica Stone
house: slytherin
wand: blackthorn with a phoenix feather core, 12 3/4 inches, unyielding flexibility
patronus: vole
boggart: her siblings, dead at her feet
amortentia: ginger, citrus, freshly fallen snow, coffee 
bloodstatus: unknown
career: obliviator
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babellaby-blog · 7 years
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I'm headed straight for the c a s t l e They’ve got the kingdom locked up And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's Saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut Straight for the castle
GLOSSY TASK. @lacey-lay
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glossymarycate-blog · 7 years
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@marcatieturn: reasons why you should shop at Threads: a thread
@marycatieturn: the clothes are cute
@marycatieturn: the store is cute
@marycatieturn: ji nee is cute
@marycatieturn: literally what else do you need
( @pcrkjinee )
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jesseandrewsx-blog · 7 years
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a gift for @oftriumphs
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