#go bac fa22
go-bac · 2 years
GO Lawrence - Bailey's Week 3 Update!
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For week 3 our team headed to Lawrence in the morning and began exploring the city. We began by walking to the arts center right by our building and met a wonderful woman who directs the art gallery. She invited us to her upcoming show, and spoke highly of the community of Lawrence and how everyone works together to accomplish the things that their city can benefit from. Talking to her really validated our presence in Lawrence, and made me excited to begin our community work. We continued exploring and saw several outdoor art installations that spoke to the diverse cultural embrace meant within the city. We walked around antique shops and then ended our exploration with a delicious lunch at a Dominican cafe.
For the second half of the day we worked with fabricator Jay Cadwallader on laser scanning the entire space. It was a fun experience- we learned about the process of laser scanning and even got to operate it ourselves. Afterwards, Manola, Beth, Jay and I all went to the local brewery and enjoyed a beer together. It was such a beautiful day!
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aub145eeg · 2 years
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Hi all, my name is Aubrianna. I am a senior at the BAC and part of the Go Lawrence team for this Fall's Go BAC. I am inspired by Gaudi's organic fluid motions within his structures and his inventiveness. He saw outside the forced structural norms and created beauty.
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mapsites · 2 years
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Elizaveta Basov  B.Arch
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elizabethannh · 2 years
Hi Everyone! I am Elizabeth Henderson and I am in my second year of the 3.5 year Online M.Arch. I am located in Florence, Alabama and I'm really excited to work with everyone across the country and globe. I'm looking forward to sharing ideas and collaborating in the virtual space together and work towards building connection in the online world.
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mujahid1994 · 2 years
Hi, this is Mujahid Shahid. Im a M.Arch student and a part of the Go Lawrence team at the BAC. I am currently working on BAC's gateway project and I am highly inspired by Geoffrey Bawa.
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bac-practice · 2 years
BLG's Intro
Howdy everyone! I'm Beth Lundell Garver. It is thrilling to be guiding the cohort of *new* Gateway fellows working on GO Lawrence!
I will forever be inspired by Auburn University's Rural Studio. I was Samuel Mockbee's student many years ago, and the experience was life-changing. I envision a Gateway Office that transforms the way our students see the world of design for the rest of their lives.
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kroohiz · 2 years
GO Online test
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go-bac · 2 years
Go On BAC's 5th Floor!
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Hurdles are made to be overcome! Rough week, but we keep on!
I was responsible for putting in windows, doors, & thresholds for floor 5. This is that story, stacked atop itself to show how the levels & project are starting to come together....literally. ;)
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go-bac · 2 years
Elizaveta's Week 6 Update
This week, we saw other groups working on their projects via Zoom. It was nice to see what they are working on. We saw how they were renovating the building and scraping the floors.
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go-bac · 2 years
Go On - BAC Floor Plans!
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This week as we continue to compile data, attain measurements, and start rowing in the same direction… After reaching out to a few sources, it seems as though there were no prior digital files available so our path forward would require a ‘rough’ sketchup model to start us on a way to a 3D model. It’s certainly not perfect, but its my contribution for the week. LFG!
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go-bac · 2 years
GO Lawrence - And so it begins!
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Another busy day for the GO Lawrence team! We masked up, put on some knee pads and got to work. Just to sum up what we did in our Lawrence office:
Opened up all the windows.
Swept big pieces out of the way (loose nails/screws, broken pieces of floor board, and miscellaneous items).
Vacuumed using our heavy duty HEPA vacuum cleaner to suck up the dust and dead bugs on the window sills.
Removed old nails from the floor boards with hammers and pliers.
Soaked the floor boards using a wet towel-wrapped long broom using a mixture of: water, vinegar and fabric softener to scrape off the old adhesive.
This is just the beginning. Look forward to next week as we take you on a journey to restore this historical space!
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go-bac · 2 years
GO Lawrence - Bailey's Week 4 Update
For week 4 we began the floor process using our research from the weeks prior. We began by vacuuming the entire space, ripping up the nails from the floor boards, and then working in small sections wetting and scraping the adhesive residue on the floor. We realized this would be a tedious and long process, but honestly, I really enjoyed it! It felt like we were truly accomplishing something. After a few hours of cleaning and prepping, we headed back to the BAC where Jay gave us some CAD training for the laser cutter and CNC.
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go-bac · 2 years
GO Lawrence - Bailey's Week 1 Update!
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My first impression of Lawrence was that it was very different from Boston. It is quieter, cleaner, and has unique Mill architecture that you don’t find in Boston. The renovation and reuse of historic mill buildings seems to embody the general mindset and vibe of Lawrence: working with what you have, who you have, and all together. This town felt like a canary in the coal mine of Boston. The people were extremely friendly and helpful, with genuine intentions, and on multiple occasions saved our group from added stress. I am looking forward to working here- and excited ti continue talking yo the community so that we can shape our work to accommodate what the community is asking for.
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go-bac · 2 years
Here, There, Anywhere!
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Today was an incredible day. I saw artists in all the GO Lawrence fellows as we begun to roll up our sleeves and capture the space at 4 Union Street in several ways.
HERE we stand on the Union Crossing bridge over the canal in Lawrence, MA. This was after we moved a bunch of furniture for our neighbors (Japu restaurant) and after our GO Guide Jay helped us laser scan the interior and exterior Gateway Office space. It felt exciting to see how we can share this space with our partners ANYWHERE in the world using Matterport. As dusk fell upon us, Jay and I wandered through the urban wild of the island, only a 7 minute walk from our office. I can't wait to go THERE with the fellows. There is so much to explore. Let's GO together!
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go-bac · 2 years
GO Lawrence - In the works
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GO Lawrence is so excited to get the ball rolling! We took some CNC and laser training, drew up a floorplan for the electrical, and even found free materials to use for our Lawrence office space. There's a lot to be done but we are staying focused!
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go-bac · 2 years
GO Roxbury - Week 2
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This week we divided the tasks among our team members. My teammate and I went to the site and labeled the trees, traffic lights, lamp posts, and public transportation. Later, this map will be used to build a model of the site to present it to a community. We are trying to create a model that will be easy to read for people without design backgrounds.
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