#go read his actual dialogue with low int courier and then we can talk. slams a boulder over your head HES A GOOD MAN!!
maxiepkmn-moved · 2 years
like so many fnv fans must've been playing with their hands over their eyes and the sound off because they sooo deeply misunderstand arcade as a character and his relationship with the courier he stays with them because he trusts them to be GOOD at the end of it all he would not follow someone he thinks is a fucking idiot or as corrupt as the rest of the strips big shots into the lions den
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cheznieba2a2 · 5 years
Narrative Strategies W4
The weekly chapter summary which I’m actually starting to enjoy
Chapter 7
Tis another Utterson and Enfeild walk
They discuss the murder case and the mystery of Hyde’s location
They see Jekyll in the window of the lab at his house that Hyde would use
Jekyll is complaining about feeling low and that he can’t join the two for a stroll 
Jekyll suddenly slams the window shut and disappears in some kinda weird terror
Chapter 8 
This chapter is all about the things that have happened previously
Starts with Poole visiting Utterson concerned about Jekyll and thinking he’s dead
He thinks this because he was outside the lab and the voice that talked back to him was 100% not Jekyll’s
Who ever was inside was asking for Poole to go to the chemist to grab some drug but nowhere stocked it
Poole briefly saw the owner of the voice and was now 101% sure it isn’t Jekyll and is most likely Hyde
Utterson and Poole arm themselves and breakdown the door to the lab
They find a dead Hyde who had committed suicide, but no sign of Jekyll
They find an updated will that puts Utterson as the dude that gets all of Jekyll’s stuff 
There’s also a note telling him to read Lanyon’s letter
Utterson goes home
Learning objectives!!
LO1: Demonstrate knowledge and application of the key techniques, materials and processes associated with your subject
LO2: Identify relevant historical, cultural, and ethical concepts and principles and apply them to a race of contexts
LO3: Demonstrate knowledge of problem solving approaches used in your discipline and show a critical approach to practise-based enquiry in your work
LO4: Critically reflect on the boundaries of your knowledge and learning
LO5: Articulate the findings of your research and practice using appropriate means of production and communication
LO6: Demonstrate your ability to identify, plan, and where appropriate, participate in relevant work-related learning
Well that was formal, wasn’t it
Script structuring 
As you know, we have a 2,000 word goal for this project, split between a script and an evaluation. It’s recommended to go for that sweet 50/50 balance, but there is a smidge of leeway. The script should have like 150-200 words per page, and should come together to form around 1 minute of film. They also need to be industry standard - courier 12 font following the 5 basic conventions of screen writing:
Give every new scene a heading in all caps (”INT/EXT”, LOCATION and TIME OF DAY)
Slug lines are followed by scene action/description (the non-dialogue nonsense). These should be simple, clear and visual and ALWAYS written in present tense. Character names are put in caps for the first mention only.
Dialogue: Lay-out. H
Parentheticals: Directions in brackets. Usually used to show who a character is talking to or the emotions they have going on. It can also be used for action
Sound: Divided into voice over (V.O.) or offscreen (O.S.). Sound effects must be put in caps.
It must be remembered that this is for an animated short, not live action - Animation needs more descriptive language for action.
We took a look at Steveson’s use of duality in Jekyll and Hyde, starting at the women present in the carew murder case chapter.
There’s two notable ladies - the ‘romantically given’ maid who is a witness to the murder and Hyde’s landlady who is described as ‘evil’ and has a face ‘smoothed by hypocrisy’
Hyde and Carew represent good v. evil - Carew is described super romantically by the maid and obviously Hyde is evil because he murdered the poor chap
Sigmund Freud
Fun bullet points
Frued believed that all art is a form of sublimation - playing out fixations via art allows peeps to avoid acting on they’re dirty habits themselves
Frued identified what he believed to be the ‘psychic apparatus’ of the mind - there are 3 categories:
1. Id (instincts)
2. Ego (reality)
3. Superego (morality)
The unconscious is the place where urges, wishes, desires, and memories hang out away from our conscious awareness
Healing of mental troubles could be done with ‘free association’ - totally free and uncensored expression of ya thoughts and ideas
If a patient can remember the first time they experienced a symptom, then whatever ailed them would disappear 
Phrenology - outdated study of a pseudo-science that was all about recognising a persons personality via the shape of their skull
Developing our stories
Time to progress to a story outline from the beat sheets! Story outlines are basically a more developed version of a beat sheet, and actually has fully structured sentences in it.
A story outline is different from a treatment, that’s used to sell a script
Wow, that was a lengthy one. I’m not entirely sure how I’ll use psychology in my project so to say, the stuff about duality and structure will, without a doubt, be incredibly useful to me.
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