#go to sleep at 2pm at the latest wake up at midnight that's how it should be
betatrolls · 2 months
my parents are tormenting me by making me stay up until the absolute sick and twisted hour of 8pm
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fmdjace · 3 years
◤this is a pop song
❝ who do you like these days? it changes with the weather and my feelings
solo related to jihoon’s daily routine date: sometime september 2021 song choice: hit song word count: 604 notes: jihoon is very boring
routine wasn’t really something jihoon had. with schedules, personal life and everything in between, he had to make do with whatever had to be done. however, there were a few constants in his day.
“contrary to popular believe, i actually wake up early, however, that in no way makes me a morning person.“ he has to clarify. “i wake up at about... six thirty in the morning, and chill in bed for the next half an hour. i go through my phone, missed texts, any news, calendar those things.“ on most days he didn’t have anything other than the usual training in the company, maybe the odd variety show, however when schedule picked up for a comeback or something else, it was nice to know what was up.
“i then put music on, there has to be music otherwise i can’t really function and i go and brush my teeth, wash my hair, get dressed and off to the gym. the gym first thing in the morning is the best energy booster.“ in the beginning it wasn’t always like that, he would go in the middle of the night or he skipped, but nowadays he really couldn’t go without the gym. especially early in the morning “gym takes about an hour and half, so its already around 9 am when i get back home and i take a much  needed shower, skincare, hair. i have breakfast, followed by coffee and i see what i have for the rest of the day.“ he explains, using his fingers to count. he was still inly at the beginning of the day.
“when i finish with breakfast i head to the company and do some dance practice, usually i tend to stick to about three hours of dance at least, and then on most days i get with a vocal coach and we improve whatever needs improving for another two hours. that drags it out to about 3pm? 2pm?“ jihoon pauses, looking at the staff with a raised brow to see if he managed to calculate correctly “i go for lunch, which usually is no longer than an hour, i tend to scroll through instagram a bit, maybe youtube. so it stretches us to about 4pm.“
“i would either meet up with the members or some friends for dinner, sometimes i stay at the company and dance a bit more. if not i go back home and cook or bake. it’s really nice, i love cooking and just  being in the kitchen.“ jihoon explains, smiling, slowly realizing how boring he actually is “then i put on a movie or something on the tv and have dinner. after that i get on my computer to game a bit,  it’s nearly the end of the league of legends season, so i gotta get that rank.“ even after so many years had passed, jihoon still found it hard to let go of that stupid game. it was one of his few hobbies he really cared about and didn’t want to let go. there was always time for him to squeeze at least a single game, if not, he would make some.
“i game for as long as i can on days off, the latest i stay playing is about midnight. it takes me around an hour to do my night routine, get ready in bed and go to sleep. so i get a good five hours of sleep on most days.“ there is another pause from jihoon, smile tugging on his lips
“i’m really boring aren’t i?“ he asks, causing a few of the staff members to laugh behind the camera. 
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Happy STS! 💕 How do your OCs start a regular day? How do they end it?
i’m gonna answer for the siblings from TIB for this one!
Teejay my fricken virgo wakes up nice and early to an alarm, gets his breakfast ready (and gets breakfast ready for his sisters who most likely aren’t awake yet), downs a cup of coffee, and jumps on his motorcycle to work (while stopping for another cup of coffee on the way). he ends his day by getting everything he needs ready for the next morning, and then maybe an episode or two of a show he likes before going to bed at 11, midnight latest.
Peach be like, “morning routine? morning? never heard of her,” and then wake up at 11 or, depending on how late she went to bed the night before, can sleep in until 2pm. she’ll grab something to eat then start working on her writing projects. at night she works at a corner store until 11pm, then she’ll come home and, depending on how inspired she is, can stay up into the wee hours writing. she’s one of us
Baby usually wakes up at around 8:30-9, has whatever breakfast Teejay left for her, and then starts studying for her online classes to catch up on the high school she missed. at night she sometimes joins Teejay to watch a movie before going to bed.
thanks for the ask!💕
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