#go watch the steven universe movie you'll get it (/joking)
ashtonisvibing · 6 months
art Style is finding creative solutions to making a drawing look interesting in a way that makes you happy
i... i get that-??? which is why i'm changing it up-???
i want a style that i can have fun with, that i can have a lot of creative freedom with. i wanna be able to try new poses and body types and perspectives and all that fun stuff. and the style i have right now doesn't really give me that very well, so i'm switching it up to something different. kinda more accurate anatomy, but i am not touching realism lmao (nothing against realism it's genuinely so cool i just like being a lil funky with it)
your art changes as you draw. it can change drastically, or the changes can be minor. but it still changes as you try to find a style that makes you happy. and my art is still trying to figure out what it wants to be.
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logybearsblog · 1 year
So I don't usually go on my social media to talk about serious stuff that is happening or has happened in my life, but I need to get something off my mind that's been haunting me for years. TRIGGER WARNING: I feel like I have to put a trigger warning up, because this is going to contain content about sexual assault/abuse, manipulative behaviors, toxicity in relationships, etc.
When I was a junior in Highschool, I became very close with this guy (I don't feel comfortable using his real name so we'll just call him Chaz, because Chaz from helluva boss makes my skin crawl just as much as this dude does). We both had the same interests and somewhat same hobbies and I then became close friends with Chaz.
I was dating a girl (let's call her Sammy) at the time but we broke up for whatever reason. It was highschool, whatever the reason was for Sammy and I to break up was stupid since we were just kids. After my break up with Sammy, Chaz started talking to me more and more as a way to get my mind off Sammy since the break up did really hurt me at the time (I was 16, it was stupid lol).
After awhile, I noticed Chaz was making some flirty conversation with me. He would compliment my outfit, make flirty jokes, the list goes on. I brushed it off thinking he was just doing it to be funny or just to be nice, but that also didn't stop me from having feelings for him. I soon found out he felt the same and we started dating. We hung out all the time on my days off from work, we had movie date nights, watched anime together, goofed off, we did basically everything together.
One thing lead to another and I had developed really strong feelings for Chaz. I would go as far as to say I actually loved him. However, this story doesn't have a happy ending. We didn't stick together and live happily ever after, we didn't even really date too long for obvious reasons that you'll soon find out.
One night I was at home texting Chaz and he popped the question of whether or not we could start taking things to the next level. I wasn't comfortable with it, because I had strict parents and I just didn't see the appeal of having sexual relations at the time. I was 16 almost 17, I didn't think I was ready for something like that yet. So I said no and told him that we needed to wait. We were only maybe 2 months at most into our relationship, I didn't feel like I was ready for something like that yet. I was just a kid, the only thing on my mind was when the next Pokemon game was coming out or what was going to happen on the next episode of Steven universe. Sex was the last thing on my mind, but not not on my mind? I don't know, I was 16 and stupid.
That didn't stop there. Chaz asked over and over again and not matter how many times I said no, he still asked. I should've taken that as my first red flag. We argued about it a lot, it was a lot of back and forth. It got to the point where I felt like no was no longer an answer, so I finally agreed to go through with it.
When it was said and done I felt excited but also guilty about my first time. I was excited I was no longer a virgin like some of my friends, but I was also guilty for allowing myself to let someone pressure me into something I didn't want to do. The guilt faded, but never went away.
Now that we had a more "serious relationship" the sexual advances didn't stop. In fact they never stopped, like I hopped they would. It seemed that everytime we hung out it always became sexual. No matter how many times I said "No, I really don't feel like it right now." Or "I'm on my period, I don't feel comfortable doing this right now" or even if I kept it as a simple "No." Chaz still managed to make me say yes or he would just take control and do whatever he wanted anyway.
I felt disgusted with myself. I hated that I felt like I couldn't say no, but if I did say no it would start a fight between me and Chaz. I didn't understand why sex was so important. Why was it so important? Why did he seem to only want sex? I thought we were having fun just hanging out and watching TV or playing video games, what happened to those days?
A few months went by and I started taking birth control, because of how heavy my periods were (TMI I know but this is important to the story) and because Chaz was my boyfriend, I thought I could tell him about why I had to be put on the pill. Well, needless to say it wasn't the best idea. He tried to pressure me into having unprotected sex. His excuses were "Condoms are painful." Or "it's not as good as the real thing" or "It feels like my dick is grinding on sand paper." Any excuse he could think of he was using. I kept trying to change the topic but he kept asking and even went as far as to guilt trip me into going through with it. Our whole relationship I never had the courage to stand up for myself. This time, I had to stand my ground. After all the back and forth I finally told Chaz "No condom, no sex. It is my body and I have a right to say no. You can't force me into something I don't want to do."
We didn't talk for a few days and stuck with what I said. Things went back to the way they use to be. The normal hang outs, the movies, the games, everything. I thought I changed something, but it was shot to pieces shortly after things were great again. The begging came back and no matter how many times I said no or tried to change the subject, I was tired of it. I gave up and let Chaz have what he wanted.
My confidence crumbled and I was back to basically being a toy again. I felt I hit my lowest point. Not only was this happening but I had other things going on at home. I basically shut down, but I managed to mask the pain and forced myself to keep going.
On top of everything, I did notice a change in Chaz. He was being weirdly secretive, everytime I called he asked why I called, he refused to tell me who he was with or he made up some random person. Most of the time I brushed it off, but deep down I had a feeling it wasn't something innocent. Going into my senior year, I had a rough start, but I still made new friends. I become very close with a kid we'll call Jasper. Jasper was nice, funny, and was interested in the same things I was interested in. He was a really cool person. We ate lunch together with our friend group everyday and talked about all kinds of things. I soon introduced Chaz to Jasper in hopes we could hang out and add Jasper to our friend group after school.
September rolled along and the town I live in has a festival every year to celebrate the day the town was founded. Me and Chaz hung out the whole weekend the festival was going on. He seemed standoffish and I couldn't understand why, but we still managed to have fun. That Sunday night, I got a text from Chaz and he asked if I'd ever leave him. I couldn't pin point why he would ask this but I told him I would never leave him and said I loved him. We chatted until I had to go to sleep since I had school in the morning. I didn't think anything of the conversation, I honestly thought I did something to make Chaz feel this way and felt guilty.
The next morning, I got ready like any other day. I was actually really happy that Monday. My weekend was fun and I couldn't wait to talk about it to Jasper and the others. When I got to school, I was chatting with a classmate when I saw Jasper walking down the hallway. He looked off, like he was upset about something. I asked him if he was ok and he told me we needed to talk after school. He didn't say why, but I asked him if I did something wrong. Jasper looked at me and assured me I didn't do anything wrong but that there was something wrong we needed to talk about.
This confused and scared me. In my mind I thought I did something that made him not like me anymore or if I said something that could've potentially hurt his feelings. Whatever it was I needed to figure it out. I was close with one of my teachers and I asked her for advise. She was an adult, she would know what I should do. I told her about Jasper and about the texts I got from Chaz. She told me I should tell Chaz that Jasper wanted to talk to me and if there was anything he wanted to say. So I took her advise and messaged Chaz during my resource period.
I wasn't expecting the reaction I got from Chaz. Even though it was a text, he seemed panicked. Chaz told me that no matter what he was about to tell that I had to promise to stay with him. This made my stomach drop. I told Chaz I wasn't promising anything and that he needed to tell me what was going on. He went on to say that he slept with Jasper and that he didn't have feelings for him and he didn't mean it at all. This made me sick to my stomach. Someone I trusted went behind my back and I didn't know how to process it. I felt so many emotions. Chaz knew I was already dealing with things at home (I'm not going to get into it, but it was a horrible situation) and he thought a night with someone we were close with wouldn't be a big deal. Not only that but someone who I thought was a friend and who I was very close with hurt me as well. This was the last straw. I broke things off, but what I thought was the end became a new beginning to something more stressful. Chaz would blow my phone up, come to my home to leave notes on my car after I blocked him on everything, telling my friends to make me talk to him, creating fake numbers, and more. This went on for a long time. I want to say months but thinking about it, it was almost a year of being harassed. Chaz tried to guilt me into getting back together with him and I couldn't take it. It took me threatening to get the authorities involved for him to leave me alone. After that, I was free in a sense. Things were getting better for me outside of the break up. My life was happier without him being around to hurt or control me.
It's been years since this happened. I'm in a happier place in life now. I found someone who treats me with the up most respect and showed me what real love was. They even made me feel like I was in control of my own body and showed me that consent is key.
I wanted to write this as a way to not only get it off my chest, but to also raise awareness to those who are going through the same thing I went through. The lesson to learn from this is no matter what if you aren't comfortable with doing something with someone, you're not obligated to do it just for to make the other person happy. You are in control of you, do not let others tell you or make you feel other wise. Please, I can't stress this enough, please look for red flags and read the signs that are presented to you. DO NOT make the same mistakes I did. Always stand up for yourself and know your worth.
I spent so long trying to figure out what it was that made me still feel guilty about this situation. Why was I still so disgusted with myself even after all this time? Did I not move on the way I needed to? I did research and I found out why. There's a form of sexual assault called sexual coercion.
Sexual coercion is unwanted sexual activity that happens when you are pressured, tricked, threatened, or forced in a nonphysical way. Coercion can make you think you owe sex to someone. It could be someone you trust like a friend or boyfriend/girlfriend or someone with power over you such as a teacher, boss, landlord, etc. NONE OF THIS IS OKAY!!! When I realized this is what I experienced, I felt my heart break. Not only did I let someone I trusted/loved sexually abuse me but I also gave them power over me. It took a long time for me to find my self worth and for me to love myself again.
Chaz and I haven't talked in about 4 years. However, everytime I see him in public, I mentally shut down. All the memories flow back everytime I see him and it triggers me. My fight or flight kicks in and thankfully I choose flight. I don't think he would ever try anything, but I know that he can sense my panic and uses it against me. He'll follow me without trying to make it obvious (which he still does), but I have people with me who make me feel safe. They reassure me that everything will be ok and he can't hurt me anymore. I hope that others who have or are going through this find their safe place and get their justice for what's happened to them. Everyone has a different experience but nonetheless their feelings, thoughts, and struggles are valid. To those that are experiencing this or have in the past, please know you're not alone. If any of you have experiences this and need to talk about, please don't hesitate to message me. I'm always here to listen and talk you through your feelings. You're valid, no matter what.
Thank you for reading this. I'm sorry it's so long, but it was a lot to go through. Like I've said before, please don't hesitate to reach out if you're going through this. I'll always be an ally. I love all you guys and tomorrow is a new day for everyone.
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m-to-z-andbackto-m · 6 months
About Me! (MasterPost???)
Hi! I'm MZM I a lil' silly sometimes-
MZM are my irl initials used as an online name, but I genuinely think of myself as "MZM" sometimes!
You can also just say M! (But if saying the letters feel weird, type it as Em, one friend actually felt that way lol) Nicknames should be a-okay unless I voice discomfort!
(The nickname "MZ" is a little personal, I'd prefer if you don't use it, "Zizi"/"ZeeZee" is for close friends, respect that too :D)
Demi-Girl: She/Her/They/Them
AroAce Spectrum 🫶
March 28th 2007 - 17 Years Young c:
Racism, sexism (misogyny AND misandry), homophobia, transphobia, aphobia, faithism of any kind, ableism, you know what, prejudice/discrimination in general, keep that to yourself and move along buddy.
Offensive and disgusting "jokes", look, I like dark humor as much as the next person but there is a line and I guarantee you have made someone uncomfortable and they just didn't say anything, set boundaries with your friends, people, or just don't make certain jokes.
Proshipping (As in shipping that's incest, pedophilia, non consensual, etc...), I'm a (somewhat) sane multishipper and I will not cross that line. Fiction Or Not.
Realistic Gore, Children/Babies Screaming/Crying, Disturbing Things In General (I Get Paranoid)
Art Trades And Requests Closed!!!
Commissions will open as soon as I make a reference sheet and figure out payment methods :/
Interests/Hobbies/Things I Do: Art/Drawing, Animation, Cooking/Baking, Sewing, Learning To Use Watercolors
Fandoms I'm Familiar With: UTAU/UTMV (UnderTale AUs/Multiverses) 🫶, TMNT (A little 1987, mostly 2003 and 2012, some 2007, 2014/16, and 2018), VenomVerse, Spiderman (Mostly the animated content but I'm catching up on the Marvel movies to prepare for Venom 3 💪), FNAF, The Owl House, Amphibia, Steven Universe, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, etc... because we'll be here all day if I go on- 😭
(Remember, love the content/concept, don't mind controversial creators)
I Dabble: Voice Acting, Music (As In Singing), Literature
Extra activities I have done/tried but don't/can't do regularly: Roller And Ice Skating, Ceramics, Embroidery, Have an unfinished plushie head in the basement, probably some other stuff
Don't be rude, literally, just scroll past what you don't like, keep interacting and you'll get more of it, then you're a masochist at that point
A Little More About Me: Sometimes I feel extra childish, bare with me, I'll understand if you need some space, I can be overstimulating sometimes
Some More Stuff I Like: My Friends <3 (Duh), Animals, Mythology (+ Creatures), 80's/90's shows I watched for some reason instead of normal cartoons 😭, Cartoons In General (including a few unpopular ones) 💕, Cultures (Religion included but I'd rather not talk about it), LOTTA QUEER STUFF 😊
~Other Socials (In Order Of Activity + Links If You Click Name)~
Discord (Maybe I should make a server at some point...)
Tumblr - You're Here! :D
YouTube - ꧁Lazy MZM꧂
Quotev - しᎯⲍႸ ⲘⲌⲘ
I was gonna put Amino but I rarely use that mf-
And others I either forgot about or don't use
Just to be clear, sometimes, or, well, a lot of the time, I think randomly and process things differently/weirdly, please be patient with me and tell me if I need to reword something 😭
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ramblinseahorsey · 2 years
Top 10 fandoms go
Hmm, rating fandoms as a whole can be difficult, since ppl usu think of bad things first when they think of things memorable that have happened in fandom, and I'm no different in having that bias when I think about fandom. The squeakey wheel gets the grease and all! Instead of mentioning the fandoms themself, I'll ramble and will tell u my fav shows, games, movies, and books that I am technically a part of the fandoms of! Or, am adjacent to enjoying the stuff, dunno how involved, if at all, ya gotta be to call yourself a part of a fandom, or just, an enjoyer of the media in question.
These aren't in order of how much I like them, just top ten of each. As is obvious, I am a simple basic gal who's eternally a sucker for animation, happy endings, kids content, and to be completely honest, a lot of popular stuff. Opinions and personal taste, it's ok if ya completely disagree with me on anythin!
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1 The Iron Giant-Excellent writing, excellent humor, very moving. Watched it like 7 million times as a kid, have it memorized. Will never get sick of it!
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2 Cats Don't Dance-So sweet, simple and darling, great music, characters, everything. I love sappy found family, love the animation, also have the whole movie memorized, not just the songs, everything, though Tell Me Lies is what I'm most likely to sing to myself
3 Kiki's Delivery Service-Good cheer me up movie, encouraging, delightful, timeless
4 Atlantis: The Lost Empire-One of the most quotable movies ever, every character is just so dynamic for what little screen time they get
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5 Raggedy Ann and Andy:A Musical Adventure-So, so so cute and innocent, and some of the best animation you'll ever see
7 The Cat Returns-Funny as heck, uplifting and lighthearted
8 Howl's Moving Castle-Literally every good thing anybody's ever said about it, unexaggerated, I usu don't go for romances but Ghibli just does it right
9 How to Train Your Dragon-Clever, well paced, bangin music, fun, eye pleasing, technically better than the books, but man I wish they'd kept the original plot and made it a tv series
10 The Secret of Nimh-Gorgeous, well paced, whimsical, classic Don Bluth majesty.
11 Scooby Doo and the Alien Invaders-Really fun, very nice dialog, feels more "real" than a lot of scooby contents dialog ever felt, without being crass, yknow? Like, they're still the same nerdy goody two shoes meddling kids, but at the same time, it's got that same smooth, natural feel only Zombie Island, Witch's Ghost, and Where's My Mummy really shared, typical friend group banter and well meaning teasing like Daphne sticking her nose up at Velmas taste in men, Crystal trying not to sound judgey (and failing) at Shaggys name being Norville. Cute, silly romance, good pacing, I'm totally not biased by nostalgia or anything no sir
Books (I haven't read book in awhile outside of school cause no attention span, so bare with me here, lots of nostalgia skewed choices
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1 Holes-Literally perfect. Blessed with one pf the few ever actually good and accurate movie adaptations, but the books still better. Such astoundingly good writing. Got me emotional. The sequel Small Steps is great too
2 How to Train Your Dragon-The whole series tbh, amazing plot and characters, better than the movie series plot honestly, but no where near as funny, very clearly set to the humor of 3rd grade boys, some poo jokes and the like, not for everybody. I like kids content, lol, will forever mumble "I'm a jellyfish in a skirt" to myself
3 A Series of Unfortunate Events-Whole series, Quirky, clever, strange, sad. Exactly what you'd expect from the pen name Lemony Snicket. I love his random tangents nsskjcsjdj
4 Bunnicula-Whole series, but especially Bunicula Strikes Again, very funny, wholesome series, very quick read, can't recommend enough. My favorite book series ever.
5 The ABC Mysteries-Gonna call myself out here, only Agatha Christie book I've ever finished, I'd usu just watch the show with my parents, lol, which is also quite good. As clever as you'd expect from the great Hercule Poirot.
6 The Hobbit-Dad read it to me when I was very very teeny so it barely even counts, IM GONNA READ LOTR ONE DAY I PROMMY I JUST GOTTA GET MY BRAIN WORKIN THOSE BOOKS INTIMIDATE ME. What I do remember was quite nice though, love the ragtag group teasing Bilbo.
7 Do dogs in general count as a fandom? Lol, I love to peruse this giant Dog Encyclopedia I got when I was 10 at Christmas, gives dog biology, histoey, care,, and breed knowledge, lists every single breed and its possible colors, needs, size, past use, whether good with kids, etc. I love Labrodoodles. They never look real, even in person.
8 Howl's Moving Castle-Everyone is extremely sassy all the time, it's awesome
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9 Redwall- Really immersive, transports you to a different world well, also read Mattimeo, always liked the birds, if the old timeyness or the 5000 sequels intimidate you I suggest the show, it's more relaxed dialogue wise but despite being a kids show, it doesn't skimp on the on screen(? dang memory) deaths, so be careful.
10 Bone-Full series, Graphic Novels, quick, thrilling reads, some ducktales vibes, a beautiful fantasy epic, but most memorable for the great humor and characters. The world might end but Smiley cannot be darned.
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1 Undertale-One of the most amazing subversions of not just video game storytelling, but storytelling, period. Your choices have a consequence in Undertale, and it makes the characters feel real in a way many games can't. All you take for granted as instinctual game logic will be called to question in Undertale. The concepts of family, forgiveness, choice, loyalty, identity, Undertale does not let you escape anything without making you think. Nothings wrong with more relaxed games where you can just thoughtlessly be a little evildoer without much consequence, or at least not consequences emotionally, but if that's the only kind of game you'll like, Undertale isn't for you.
As powerful as the games story is, and the tension that haunts you for replaying despite its immense replay ability, the game isn't too somber, it is very, very funny, and very hopeful, depending on how you play it. Love the puzzles, but beware if bullet hell games stress you out. Also, there are themes of suicide within the game, so trigger warning for that, and child death.
2 Wandersong.-A pure delight. One of the most happy, hopeful games you'll ever play. Brightly colored and lovingly made, like Wander Over Yonder, there's a new color pallete in each area. It's gorgeous to look at, and some of the most fun gameplay ever. A very forgiving game, doesn't ever send you back very far if you mess up, not a game to cause stress. The singing and dancing is endlessly fun, the love in the details is boundless, you'll never believe it was made by only three ppl.
Very good story too, it can get serious at times, with talk of war and death, but it never pulls down the sense of hope throughout the story. The game may seem simple at first, but the story has some very interesting twists I didn't see coming. Wonderful characters, wonderful songs, wonderful everything. You get to play a bard and save the world, what's not to like? You will spend ALOT hours just dinking around in this game, it's great.
3 Hollow Knight-On the opposite end of excellence, Hollow knight is almost Wandersongs mirror, equal in enjoyment imho, but opposite in every way. It also will also give you countless hours of entertainment, and is very emotional and wonderful, but in an extremely melancholy way. While there is joy here and there, this game is very dismal, and not to be played of you are not ready for many characters to get sad ends. It also is not very forgiving, you will need to be patient to beat this game, and very skilled to see extra story bits, or willing to just youtube some cutscenes, lol. Very good atmosphere, if Wandersong feels like a joyous pop up book bring to life, Hollow Knight feels like a beautiful collection of detailed oil paintings.
4 Smile for Me-Not too difficult, not very long, nice eclectic cast of characters, very adorable, with some sprinkled in sinister. Also I'm just so in love with how the characters talk. Not just the goofy sounds they make as they speak, but the bonkers things they say, everyone's weird and I love them.
5 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky-The power of friendship man. It just never gets old. Very good writing, both in script in plot. A LOT of story too, lots of twists and turns, mysteries and revelations, and your only halfway done when the main story's done. Incredibly living, earnest story, really puts a smile on your face. The partner is the biggest sweetheart. Also, you get to be a pokemon!!! Heck yeah!!!
6 Wind Waker-Absolutely amazing, everyone knows it, lots of game play, amazing artstyle unique for a zelda game, with very expressive characters, good humor and countless side quests, your very own boat. A good time.
7 Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility-Nostalgia def coming in big time with this one, but it's just so cute man, you build rainbows ride ostriches and can get married and have 5 pets and go mining and buy a big ol rancher hat. Live off the land and say there there in a cutsey voice when you pet your cows. Makes me happy.
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8 The Dog Island-Why does everyone always act so surprised that the plot of this game is so dang good?? People have been writing stories about animals dealing with the concept of death for forever, why does this one shock them? Besides, it is one of if not the most lighthearted stories on this list, you get to pick your dog breed and go on a magical adventure to save your sibling in an adorable fantasy world! Its very fun and laid back, it's got great music and characters, no gender locked items, and while sniffing will need to be done throughout the whole game, there are plenty of other game mechanics, fishing, bug catching, races, etc. Petasi is perfect in every way and we don't deserve em.
9 Portal 1 and 2-Duh! One of the best game series ever made! Despite the gloomy setting, it's not the kind of game to bring you down, Glados is the most character ever and you'll never get enough of her, great puzzles, great everything, the cake may be a lie but the hype isn't.
10 Celeste-A treasure that hits close to home to those with anxiety. A beautiful, emotional platformer game that may take you awhile, but is more than worth it. It's made perfectly for ppl with anxiety too, a very hard game at its default, but with all kinds of settings to make it easier so you don't have to be an epic gamer toplay it. Very touching, very good gameplay, homey 8 bit artstyle.
Tv shoes
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1 Wander Over Yonder-My favorite show ever. EVER. The animation, the humor, the characters, there is nothing this show can do wrong. Elastic, smooth, rich movement, countless gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous backgrounds, color schemes, extremely creative background characters, complete goofballs for main characters, yet you get so attached to them, take them so seriously. And the show is constantly improving throughout! Craig McCracken being an animation beast, like always. Peepers needs anxiety meds.
2 Over The Garden Wall-Dare ya to find a flaw with this series. Dare ya. Dripping with atmosphere, gets you so in love with the cast in just 10 episodes, so many easter eggs and clever foreshadowing, Gravity Falls and Steven Universe levels of you can never watch it the same way twice. Stunning voice cast, hilarious, timeless, gorgeous, I recommend it to literally anyone and everyone. Woy is my fav, but Otgw is the best, if that makes sense? Wander is glorious, but attracts a specific audience, would not make people who don't like sillyness happy, and does make plenty of more recent references. Although it doesn't rely on them, they are often. Despite the countless cultural references such as Dantes Inferno and rubber hose and the like, Over the Garden Wall will never age.
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3 Infinity Train-Insane levels of creativity, boundless opportunity in its amazing setting, and uses it to its fullest. An emotional rollercoaster, always keeping you on the edge of your train seat, amazing character designs, and even better writing. Not the funniest show on this list, but some of the most clever humor, if that makes sense. Wanders cancellation hurt a lot too, but that ending felt a lot more solid, while Infinity Train didn't leave on a cliffhanger, all the questions it left with drive me crazy, esp when Owen wanted 8 seasons. You should still watch it tho, each season can stand on its own, although the ways they connect are awesome, like that ever present darn cat. No, I shall not grace her with her The, cause even though she's amazing I'm mad at her.
4 OK K.O. Let's Be Heroes!-One of the funniest shows on this list, if not the funniest besides Wander and Gumball. Like Wander, it's very wholesome, like Gumball, it starts off just sweet, but gets way more unhinged as the series goes on, and the writers really start to realize what they can get away with, not in a dirty way, but in a, can we pull this insanity off in 11 minutes and not fry anyone's brain? Not as cynical as Gumball, just shares the memey fast paced meta humor. When a joke falls flat, which is rare, like Gravity Falls, you barely notice, cause a new better joke is already happening. Good story, good characters, the cancelation is sad, but doesn't leave you hanging or anything.
5 Sym-Bionic Titan-CANCELLATION VERY MUCH LEAVES YOU HANGING OR ANYTHING. Freaking amazing series, but get attached at your own risk, plot does NOT get resolved. Great action, characters, humor, typical awesome Genndy Tartakovsky extreme facial expressions, cute romance.
6 Gravity Falls-What can I say that hasn't already been said? Amazing characters, mystery, suspense, very rewatchable, all around loved. Had a lot more fat jokes in it than I remembered though, very disheartening.
7 The Amazing World of Gumball-Laugh your self silly humor, gets better as the series goes on, doesn't let the cynicism ruin the show or its surprisingly wholesome moments, endlessly creative and a treasure visually, right when you think there's no way they can break the 4th wall in a way they haven't already, they do, plot sneaks up on ya once in awhile. Like We Bare Bears, it's mini arcs, not a full length plot, you you can watch out of order, but I don't recommend it.
8 We Bare Bears-Charming and dear to my heart. Usually a good comfort show, but once in awhile feels come and punch you in the gut. Great characters, humor, nice rainy day show.
9 Ducktales-Francisco Angones, one of the main writers on Wander, has done it again, him and Matt Youngberg made a modern masterpiece, one of the most well rounded shows I've ever seen. No bad episodes. The writers are huge nerds for the old series and comics, esp the comics, and it shows! It's insane how many characters they're able to bring back without hurting the plot. So much happens, and it all fits so seamlessly. Constant nods to old duck artwork, a cohesive mixture of the entire Duckverse (marvel wishes), goof troop, dark wing, tailspin, the life and times of scrooge mcduck, Donald's diary, rescue rangers, gummi bears???? EVERYONE IS HERE!!!!! Amazing animation, quick, smart humor, superb plot, and as always, a great series puts its focus on its characters. Would suggest to anyone oddly enough, never strays too far into silly or serious to be for one group, like Gravity Falls or otgw.
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10 and of course, as you saw coming if you've so much as glanced at my blog, STEVEN UNIVERSE!!!-Where do I even start. I can not begin to express how this show gets my emotions. How much I think about the characters every single day. Rebecca Sugar writes emotion like no one else. Everything feels so palpable, so close to your own heart, the characters are vastly interesting and complex, and the cast is just full of richly fascinating and morally grey characters, like, actually morally grey, not edgy anti hero who wants everyone to die and who's few connections are killed off for shock before you even got attached to them. Characters who's actions are understandable but not excused, characters who live a story full of hope, that declares you can break the cycle of abuse, you can find love, even for yourself.
This is gonna sound like a pretty darn crazy take, and just to remind, this is all opinions, it's okay if you disagree, but I think Steven Universe is the best written show out there besides Otgw. I mean it. The realistic writing of kids, the honest writing of trauma, the amazing pacing (which, anyone who's ever been ticked off by CNs stupid scheduling or doesn't like "filler" character development episodes will kick and scream at hearing given any praise), the natural, charming dialogue, down to the awkward pauses, dad jokes, soft humph of someone picking something up, leaves out no details that could keep you from feeling a part of Steven's Universe.
I think a lot of the hate the shows writing gets for anything other than season 5s ending (which would have felt a lot less rushed if CN let Rebecca have more seasons like they wanted, I'm still mad about the chest CN), comes from people equating not making them happy personally as written bad.
A lot of people suggest SU to friends applauding it as a space war drama, but they fail to mention its also very consistently a comedy. If you don't like comedy, if you don't like sillyness, you won't like su, I'm sorry. You can't just watch the plot episodes and feel satisfied, the characters development and drop fed foreshadowing is what makes the emotional and plot pivotal moments really hit. Episodes that seem filler besides character bonding to get you attached to them turn out to be VERY important later. A cherry picked Universe has no punch. If you don't like su season 1, it's nothing wrong with you or the show, it's just not your genre. The only problem with season 1 is Cat Fingers and Frybo being so close to the beginning of the show, quite the tonal whiplash.
I never understood people saying season 1 is bad but future is good, the whole show is an unapologetically weird lil comedy, future is the only season as crazy as season 1, as the show always follows Steven's mental state, and he's as lost as he was with his powers at s1. People don't realize it's not the humor thats the problem, the show just doesn't usually meet their preferred angst level. I hate the sentiment a shows only well written when it's sad. If you don't like sillyness, this show isn't for you, and that's fine! But if you do. Holy Moly. There will never be a show like Steven Universe. It has a depth I cannot describe, the only way you can fully take it in, is to watch.
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The Gray (Sanders' Sides)
Three: Found
Roman pressed his forehead against the newly fixed door. "Remus, please, just talk to me," he begged. His pleas were met with silence. Roman brushed away the tears that were gathering in his eyes and tried again. "I understand how you feel. I lost someone I loved-- well, love-- a long time ago. He was dark and gross and he scared me because Thomas's parents said the things he came up with were wrong, but I loved him anyway because he was a part of me. Then, one day he wasn't." Roman rubbed his eyes aggressively. Those stupid tears had the gall to try and regroup. "I was so lost. I felt small, kinda like I was supposed to be taller, and lonely, even though he was standing right in front of me. And then I met new people who pushed me to separate from him because he had new friends who didn't have the best reputation, so I did, and now he probably hates me, and--"
Roman was cut off by his own sobbing. He sat down and leaned against Remus's door, acknowledging that he wasn't going to be able to win the battle against his emotions. "I didn't want things to happen the way they did, but I was afraid that if I didn't cut ties with you, Patton and Logan would leave, and you would eventually do the same, and I didn't want to be alone again. I'm sorry, Remus. But if there's anything I've learned, it's that things are going to be okay. You might not feel like it now, but it's possible for you to love again. Someday, you're going to find someone amazing. Someone who laughs at all your jokes, even the gross ones, who will watch serial killer documentaries with you. Someone who loves you and wants to be with you just because you're you and won't leave just because you're flawed. I don't know when or how, but someday, you'll find him, and he's going to make you feel so loved. And all the bad things that are happening now will feel like a distant memory." Roman sighed and closed his eyes.
"I lost you a long time ago, maybe forever. But you haven't lost Janus. He may not return your feelings, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care. He's not moving in with me permanently, as much as I'd like him to. I should probably go now. Just think about what I said, okay?" As Roman stood up, Remus finally spoke. He didn't say anything about Janus or this hypothetical dream guy Roman rambled about. He just asked the question Roman least expected him to ask.
"Do you really think I hate you?" Roman froze.
"Well, you probably do. I mean, if I was in your position, I'd hate me." Remus sighed. His voice was slightly muffled because of the door, so Roman leaned closer to hear.
"I don't hate you, Ro. I was mad at you for leaving and for stealing the guy I like, but I never hated you. I thought you hated me, though, but...." Roman backed up as the door opened. Remus's eyes were red and puffy and his makeup was smeared, but he was smiling.
"Now that I know I was wrong, wanna bug Virgil? I was gonna get Janus to help me sew his My Chemical Romance shirts at the bottoms, glue them to the wall, and fill the with bugs and blood, but I bet we could think of something better." Roman laughed despite himself.
"Yeah. Yeah, I bet we could." He pulled Remus into a hug and, for the first time in years, King Creativity was together.
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