#god and i hate the thing about soanish language academias. i want to destroy the RAE with my bare hands
lollylandgirl · 1 year
No but I don't like when posts/tweets/conversations about languages, translations or adaptations people are like "noooo but that sounds so bad you're not doing it right" when it's just a variant thing.
Idk about other places but at least when we study Spanish philology we call them variants and not dialects of one language (because there's actually not only one original version everything else came from. They're just variants of the same language).
I'm a big fan of learning variants and I love that Latin American words are used in the European variants of the language. It may sound weird in the "wrong" (actually just different) accent but it's actually really good!! And interesting!!! Same with using words from different languages. It's learning to express yourself better and really enriching. I think most of us get it with English, so it's the same with other languages. It also means they're alive! All this changes mean people want to still use them and adapt them to their daily life. That's good.
Like there's two different things: prefering certain variants because you're used to them and they sound better to you, and considering some or the rest bad.
Variants are not bad. At all. Pronunciation is not bad if at least some people can get it. Actually the more variants you hear the more you'll be able to understand your own language. There are periodical discussions on twitter about Spanish versions and I'm tired. People complaining about different translations of anime or TV shows or whatever (yeah we call her Miércoles yeah you call her Merlina what's the problem she's the same cool character. Both were good options) and I'm tired. It's better to have two versions, or even more!!! In the same language, adapted to different places. Why not!!! The Pokémon games make sense in Spain, of course it's not the same for American Spanish speakers!!! They adapted the games for Spain and thought that was enough. Nah. You need and deserve your own adaptation (I would argue Scarlet/Violet is the only exception to this but only because it's about Spain so it makes sense to have Spanish stuff, but still it wouldn't hurt to adapt it a bit).
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