#god bless jenna and john for having our backs
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Jenna People wrote in and said, There is a story going around on the Internet saying that the writers originally intended for Jim to have an affair with Cathy. 
Angela No! 
Jenna Yeah. 
Angela No! 
Jenna But that John Krasinski was so heavily against this idea that he convinced the writing staff to change their minds about the storyline. Is this true? 
Angela Well, you would have never gone for that either. 
Jenna Yeah. No. 
Angela Uh no.  
Jenna We can clear this up right now. Jim was never going to have an affair with or hook up with Cathy. However. 
Angela There's a however?
Jenna There were things about the proposed storyline that did bump me and John. Here's how it all went down. So after we filmed Cathy's phone call at the end of Special Project, you know, where she's like talking to her friend and it becomes clear that she's going to go after Jim in Tallahassee. It comes out of the blue. 
Angela Out of nowhere. 
Jenna Well, that was a total record scratch for me and John. We kind of immediately went into Paul's office and we were like. 
Angela Wha- wha- wha- what?! 
Jenna Yeah, we were like, exactly, like where is this going? We said, There is no way that Jim can hook up with Cathy. And Paul was like, That is not part of our plan, I promise you. No, that's part of her plan. That's Cathy's plan. Jim is not in that plan. And I actually checked with Warren and Halstead, who wrote this episode, and they confirmed that it was never part of the plan. And, lady, don't ask me how I have it, but I have the original Goldilocks outline for this episode. 
Angela You know why? 
Jenna Why? 
Angela Because you're my best friend. And we're both digital hoarders. You say it's really just me, But you have some old stuff you hold onto. 
Jenna I have a few things. 
Angela Now you hold on to things almost a little bit more intentionally, whereas mine is just like, you know, crazy clutter. 
Jenna Yeah. Well, I did collect things that had to do with Jim and Pam. 
Angela Yes. 
Jenna And what the Goldilocks was, it was the kind of very first story outline for every script. 
Angela Right. Before they went off and wrote anything. 
Jenna Exactly. This was what the writers could use when they went to write the script. And it was based on everything that had been pitched. And this document had to be approved by the producers. There is nothing in the Goldilocks about Jim hooking up with Cathy for this episode. Nothing.
Angela So this is even more. 
Jenna More proof. 
Angela More proof. 
Jenna Yes. When I talked to Warren about it, he said that the character of Cathy was always meant to be a kind of like provocateur. You know, you think about when she was introduced. Pam is really bothered that Jim won't admit that she's objectively attractive. 
Angela Right. 
Jenna But it was never pitched or it was never the intention that Jim would have any romantic feelings toward Cathy. It was always kind of understood by the writers that that was off limits. However. 
Angela Another however. 
Jenna Another however. In the very first drafts of this script, there was a lot more kind of teasing of the audience. Like, will he? Like, is he being charmed by her? Is he flirting back with her? Or is he just being a nice guy? Like in the version you see here, he is so clearly uncomfortable and is a giant no every time she does something. But in the original script, there was a little bit more like repartee. 
Angela Hmm. 
Jenna And John and I got to read that, and it really bumped us. We felt like even walking that line was a betrayal. And we did not want that for Jim and Pam's relationship. You know, the producers said that the idea was that they were putting temptation in front of Jim to show how committed he was to Pam. Those teases were more to create tension for the audience than they were to imply that Jim would ever do anything. But because we complained, they made some tweaks to make sure that it felt like this was 100% driven by Cathy and there would be no mixed signals from Jim. Like we didn't want there to be anything where it was like you could say, Well, Jim, you shouldn't have laughed with her in that moment, or you shouldn't have whispered in her ear during that conference room scene. Like, of course she's getting the wrong idea. Those are like examples of kind of the little things that she could have taken the wrong way. 
Angela Right. 
Jenna So the shooting draft of the script also included a scene where Pam calls Jim's hotel room on speakerphone and Cathy answers the phone. 
Angela Oh, I know. 
Jenna Yes, we shot it. It was written that Pam is really insecure about this. And even though it was really clear from Jim's side that he's really uncomfortable with Cathy in the room, Pam can't see that. So I didn't like that scene. I didn't like that Pam would become so easily insecure. Because, again, I felt like that pointed to a bigger issue in the marriage. And I asked them, like, How is that going to get resolved? Like, is Pam ever going to tell Jim her feelings? 
Angela Yeah. What's the long term ripple effect of that moment? 
Jenna Yeah. And there wasn't really an answer. They were like, Oh, it's not an arc. Don't worry. And I'm like, No, but if you're going to bring it up, it's- we should- 
Angela It's out there.
Jenna It's out there. So. Yeah. 
Angela Well, I watched that scene because it's in deleted scenes, and, you know, there is more to it. There's more to the phone call. 
Jenna Yeah. I mean, some of that was a late night writing scramble. I was going to bring it up kind of like where it would happen in the breakdown. So we should definitely talk more about it. I mean, I still have more to say. 
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humansofhds · 6 years
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Helen Byler, MTS ’18
“It’s important—even if we don’t stay in the religious tradition we were raised in—to be grateful for it, whatever it is. God uses those traditions, those people, and the communities we were raised in to make us into the people we’re supposed to be.”
Helen Byler was born in Ireland and raised in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, where she now lives again after six years of exile in Idaho and Massachusetts. She graduated with her BA in liberal arts from New Saint Andrews College and her MTS in Jewish Studies from Harvard Divinity School. Helen is currently working on becoming more like Jesus and Jon Levenson, and spending as much time as possible with the two loves of her life: the Hebrew Bible and her fiancé, Caleb.
Life in a Mennonite Community
I grew up in a conservative Mennonite community in Virginia. One thing I value about my upbringing in the Mennonite church is the emphasis placed on scripture memorization. In school we memorized a number of books—1 Peter, most of Galatians, a lot of Psalms and Proverbs, the first few chapters of Genesis, the passion story from John, and the sermon on the mount, among other passages.
At home, we memorized a lot of scripture as a family. My mom would write scripture passages on big pieces of construction paper. She would cut out pictures from magazines and Sunday school books and paste them on the paper so we had pictures to go with the Bible verses. Before we were dismissed from the dinner table, we would read over a couple of passages and memorize them together. We would all have to recite the scriptures at some point before my mom would take down the passages we’d been working on and put up new ones. We would always get a chocolate bar for reciting the scriptures. I chose a Hershey’s white chocolate cookie bar every time.
Those passages we memorized as a family have been a comfort and a joy to me over the years—especially during the first few years after I moved away from home. When something is going wrong, the words come back to me. You can always go find those words in the Bible, but there’s something special about having them in your mind. They come back to you when you’re struggling, when you’re tired, when you’re depressed. God brings them back to you in the times you need them the most.
One of my favorites is from Lamentations 3: “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his passions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” That passage has come back to me so many times. Having those promises of God in my head, at the ready when I need them, has been such a gift.
Gratitude for My Upbringing
I left the Mennonite church my senior year of college, and I thought that the phase after leaving would somehow be magically different. But I take that tradition with me wherever I go. And I’m so incredibly grateful. I didn’t realize how grateful I was for the way I was raised, for the community I had in the Mennonite church, and leaving is a decision that I’ve second-guessed many times since.
It’s important—even if we don’t stay in the religious tradition we were raised in—to be grateful for it, whatever it is. God uses those traditions, those people, and the communities we were raised in to make us into the people we’re supposed to be.
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Working in Home Hospice
I’ve been working in home hospice care since my senior year of high school, for about six years now. Growing up, families would hire you simply because you were Mennonite. They trusted that the Mennonites wouldn’t steal and that they wouldn’t mistreat their loved one who needed care. I started working because I needed money for college. I was able to work night shifts and go to high school during the day. I was usually able to sleep enough at night that I could survive school the next day. I worked a couple of nights a week.
For college, I moved to Idaho. There were no Mennonites in that community, but because I had work experience from high school, I was able to get a live-in job in Troy, Idaho. I moved in with a woman to take care of her. I still can’t believe I did this, but my parents and I drove across the country and I moved in with someone I had never met to do a job I had found on Craigslist.
She didn’t want me there at first. It took a few weeks for us to get used to each other. I had an apartment in her basement. I would cook her meals; after school, I’d spend a few hours with her before she went to bed, and I would leave for school before she got up in the morning. After she got used to me being there, we built a beautiful friendship and she became like family. I took care of her for three years until she passed away during my junior year of college. That was one of the best experiences of my life—learning to live with someone, to take care of someone that doesn’t want to be taken care of but that needs help, learning to respect someone’s privacy when you’re in their home.
“Practical” Work
I’m still doing home hospice work now. I work mostly overnights so I can go to school during the day. It’s hard to balance work and school. But when I started college, I knew I was going into a field that was not seen as very practical, and I wanted to also do work that would let me serve in practical, hands-on ways.
Growing up, there was a strong emphasis on hard work and practicality. Mennonites are very practical—you learn how to be a housewife, to cook, to clean. My dad’s business is making storage sheds. A lot of Mennonites are farmers. It’s a lot of work focused on the basics of living—and living simply—and my choice to attend a liberal arts college was probably seen as really out there. I was reading The Aeneid in Latin, I was studying theology and philosophy and art history and history of mathematics—all of these things that seem so theoretical. People asked why I would spend money to do that. So going into college, I wanted something that would keep me grounded, that would let me keep serving in a practical way, so I wouldn’t lose touch with people who aren’t in college or who aren’t studying the same things.
The Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
But I personally think studying the Hebrew Bible is the most practical thing possible! I’m finishing my master’s degree now, planning to do a PhD, and I would love to teach at the university level—or teach anywhere, really. I love teaching, love the Hebrew Bible, and I’m up for any doors the Lord opens in that area.
I still feel some pushback—people asking, for starters, why would I go to school for so long? It’s a lot of money to spend on college. Why would I spend my life doing something so theoretical, something so ungrounded in reality? It’s not going to make much money. But what I’ve chosen to study, what I feel called to study—the Old Testament—is one of the most practical things we can study.
We have the word of God. It’s His gift to us, it’s our songbook, it’s a love letter from Christ to His people, it’s our handbook for living. It’s our handbook for how to live in the world God created, how to deal with it, how to love it and nurture it, how to relate to people, how to live as followers of Christ, how to love people, how to bless people, how to be a blessing as foretold in the Abrahamic promise—that through the descendants of Abraham, the whole of the world is blessed. How do we do that? All of that information is in Scripture!
Sometimes people say it feels like God is so far away. But we have God’s word—He gave it all to us in this literarily complex, rich, beautiful book. Why would we not want to devote our lives to learn it and teach it to others? We have God’s presence through this book. It’s the living, breathing word of God, and He uses it to speak to us, to teach us, to lead us, and to show love for us today in everything we do.
Photos by Jenna Alatriste  
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Best Job Quotes
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• Acting in particular is a fun job when you have a good script. I don’t know about acting when you don’t have a great script. I’m gonna say that’s not a great job, it’s kind of a dumb job. But when you have a good part in a good script, it’s the best job, in a way. – Bob Odenkirk • Acting is the best job in the world. Look at the way they treat you when you turn up for work. They give you breakfast and a cup of tea and ask, ‘Are you all right’ They tart up your face, you say somebody else’s words, then pick up your check and go home. And you get days off. I tell you, it really is the way to live. – Bob Hoskins • Actually, acting turned out to be the perfect job for me, because I had a lot of different interests. I thought about being a priest at one point. I thought about being a teacher. I thought about being a lawyer. But I think acting is probably the best job for me. – John C. Reilly • Amidst all the clutter, beyond all the obstacles, aside from all the static, are the goals set. Put your head down, do the best job possible, let the flak pass, and work towards those goals. – Donald Rumsfeld • Anyone who says they don’t enjoy the Army is mad – you can spend a week hating it and the next week it could be the best thing in the world and the best job you could ever, ever wish for. It has got so much to offer. – Prince Harry • As an actor, you want to do the best job possible, and you want the best scripts possible because it makes life more interesting. – Mark Strickson • At the end of the day, the TV show is the best job in the world. I get to go anywhere I want, eat and drink whatever I want. As long as I just babble at the camera, other people will pay for it. It’s a gift. – Anthony Bourdain
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Job', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_job').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_job img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Being a chef is the best job in the world. – Gordon Ramsay • Being a showrunner is tough, but it is incredibly rewarding and it is, without a doubt, the best job I’ve ever had. – Graham Yost • Big money, big Liberal Party politics and big media are trying to get rid of us, of course, by letting Packer take over Fairfax – a media-only company. But we’re hanging in there and doing the best job we can for our readers while we can. – Margo Kingston • Boxing is the best job in the world to let off steam, and people are in trouble when Tyson wants to let off steam – Michael Spinks • But [Sunday] as you saw, it was obviously [the media] took some more than initiative to try to get me to kind of go down the wrong path. I know the last two teams that I’ve been on, I felt like I left those teams prematurely due to media interviews that I’ve done and things kind of taken out of context and they created sort of a media whirlwind in the locker room and things kind of went downhill from there. I’m just trying to do the best job I can do as far as answering the questions and trying to be a better teammate and not try to throw people under the bus. – Terrell Owens • Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.- Confucius • David Ortiz is an icon. He is one of a kind. But we’ll do our best job to replace the offensive aspect, however we can. – Dave Dombrowski • Directing is a nice job. It’s the best job for me. If I had to pay money to do it, I would do it… Directing is playing. Acting. – William Friedkin • Directing is a nice job. It’s the best job for me. If i had to pay money to do it, I would do itIt’s problematical. It’s disapointing often. It’s very challenging. It’s frustrating as hell. It’s extremely demanding and totally satisfying work. And if I wasn’t doing this, I would have to do legitimate work for a living. There are guys out there really working for a living, cleaning streets or coal mining, teaching. Directing is playing. Acting. – William Friedkin • Directing is probably the best job, but acting is really, really great. It’s like a fun vacation that you get paid for. – Bob Odenkirk • Every little kid that steps on the court or the field has aspirations to go pro. I think being a pro basketball player is the best job. The thing I had to realize was that I can’t do every dream that I have. – Brian McKnight • Every mother I’ve ever met, pretty much without exception, is doing the best job she can ever do. – Jennifer Weiner • Everything I do is unfabulous. Im the most normal person. I love walking everywhere, and going to hole-in-the-wall places, like nail shops, because they do the best job. And I go to vintage stores rather than high-end boutiques, because I like to dress different from other people. – Ashley Benson • For somebody who loves foreign policy, being Secretary is the best job in the world – but it doesn’t happen twice. – Madeleine Albright • I am already experiencing something better than being a pop star and that’s being a father. It’s the best job in the world. A lot of work, but a lot of fun. – A. J. McLean • I am happy with what I do. I’d love to be the manager of the Atlanta Braves, but they hired somebody this week. So I’ll just have to be inordinately happy with one of the best jobs on the planet. – Robert Gibbs • I am positive – determined to move forward with my life, bring up my babies, and do the best job I can as a mother, entertainer, and person. – Jennifer Lopez • I call ‘Community’ the best day job in the world, because between takes, I get to write music. I get to write sketches. I get to write movies. It’s the best job ever. – Donald Glover • I enjoyed the crew. The best part about ‘The X-Files’ has been the crew. This crew is an exceptional family and to go to work with a bunch of people that you really like is great. They’re all the best of the best and they really try to do the best job they can. I’ll miss that – Robert Patrick • I feel like I have to do the best job I can to basically say, “OK, I understand – you have every right to be angry, but anger is not a plan. Here’s what I want to do, and that’s why I hope you will support me, because I think it will actually improve the lives of Americans.” – Hillary Clinton • I felt like I had kind of played it out, and I wanted to see what was next, and then came Mythbusters. You know, it’s the best job I’ve ever had, on its worst day it’s better than anything else, but it’s a huge amount of responsibility, and there are days when just going into work and building something from someone else’s drawing sounds like going back to heaven. – Adam Savage • I grew up thinking the best job in the world would be a Jedi and being a psychologist is the closest thing I could get, so I wanted to be a Jedi and I don’t want to be a Sith, so that is what keeps me on the straight and narrow. – John Amaechi • I had fun pretending to be a sportscaster. People always think that was a down thing for me. I had the best job in sports broadcasting for two years. – Dennis Miller • I have everything that I could possibly want in life, from a gorgeous granddaughter and a wonderful wife, brilliant students, the best job anyone could hope for, and about half of my hair. Not the half I would have kept, but no one consulted me. – Daniel Gilbert • I have talent at playing myself. I don’t have a very broad range, but at playing myself I am a wizard. It’s more than fun; it’s the best job on Earth. – Ben Stein • I have the best job in the entire history of broadcasting. – Willard Scott • I have the best job in the world with the best fans in the world – Jeremy Davis • I have the best job in the world. – Anthony Bourdain • I have the best job in the world. I’m able to express myself, and people attach themselves to it if they identify with it. Music certainly is a driving force in my life. There’s not a moment where I’m not in it. – James Hetfield • I have the best job in the world. There’s not really a lot to moan or whine about. I’ve got the privilege of going out and doing something I absolutely love. – Boy George • I have the world’s best job. I get paid to hang out in my imagination all day. – Stephen King • I hope to focus on what I’m passionate about because I think I’d do them best job on them – education, urban education, women and children’s issues and literacy. – Jenna Bush • I just feel that God gave me a certain gift, and that was to go out, do storytelling and be an actor. And my responsibility with that gift is to do the best job possible and to re-create real life. – Eric Close • I just try to do the best job I possibly can – put the blinders on, go to work and be the best you can possibly be. Once you have done everything that you possibly can – you’ve put forth your greatest effort – then I can live with whatever’s next. – Bill Parcells • I just try to do the best job that I can, as an actor. Hopefully, that carries through. That’s all I can do. – Luke Mitchell • I know that I am my worst critic. I know that if I can walk away from the set at the end of the day and feel that I did the best job I could and feel proud, that’s what will satisfy me. – Emmy Rossum • I learned that when you do the best job that you can do, some people will idolize you, others won’t care, and some will vilify you. – Mike Love • I learned that when you do the best job that you can do, some people will idolize you, others won’t care, and some will vilify you. I believe it is important to remain humble and thankful for the blessings in our lives, for the tremendous opportunities that are a result of our musical success. – Mike Love • I love acting. I think that’s the best job in the world, but I don’t really enjoy the career of it so much. You don’t have as much control over your life or the material as you do, well, certainly when you’re a director or a producer, so while I love acting, I prefer to make my living as a filmmaker, but my rule on acting is if somebody asks me to do a part, I’ll do it. – David Hayter • I love being a mom. That’s the best job I’ve ever had. All the other stuff I love the same, but being a mom trumps all of it. – Tamera Mowry • I mean, I hate when actors talk about how hard their job is. It’s ridiculous, because we have the best job in the world. – Jon Bernthal • I really like writing in English, and it’s the best job I’ve ever had. – Nell Zink • I tell you, ‘Firefly’? Best job I ever had. Heartbroken when it was canceled, but had it not been canceled, I never would have gotten ‘Serenity’. I think ‘Serenity’ is the most incredible thing I’ve ever been able to actually get my hands on and do. I can’t even tell you how much love I have for that project. – Nathan Fillion • I think Ayn Rand did the best job of anybody to build a moral case of capitalism, and that morality of capitalism is under assault. – Paul Ryan • I think I have the best job in the world. Seventy-one percent of the planet is covered by water, we’ve explored less than five percent of the ocean, and there are so many fabulous discoveries that have yet to be made. – Edith Widder • I think it’s a tough road if you’re a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, if you have a partner, if you don’t. It’s the best job in the world, and the toughest job in the world all at the same time. – Angela Kinsey • I think I’ve got the best job around. – Ron Wyden • I wanna do the very best job I can to fulfill the trust and faith that people have in me. – Hillary Clinton • I want to do the best job I can. – Lucas Till • I was shocked by the reaction I got for Bleak House. It was very intensive but one of the best jobs of my life. It was a chance to play a character that grows and develops and I was very enmeshed in it. But I didn’t realise how stylish it was and how much people would love it. – Anna Maxwell Martin • I would never really analyse what I do. I leave that to other people – I’m not a critic. I just want to get on with whatever I have in hand, you know? Just try to make the best job of the available material. – Dylan Moran • I’d love to do situation comedy – it’s the best job in show business. – Patti LuPone • I’m not concentrated or concerned with any other factors rather than just being able to do the best job that I can. – Benigno Aquino III • I’m not saying you need to become a spokesperson for every cause your character goes through, but it’s important to absolutely do the best job we can in portraying a disease, and all the crap that goes with it. – Monica Potter • I’m not trying to put on airs for anybody. I’m only trying to impress myself by doing the best job I can do. – Matthew McConaughey • In 1971, after seven years in college, with that magic piece of paper clutched triumphantly in my fist, the best job I was able to get was night watchman on a sewer project in Babylon, N.Y. guarding a hole in the ground to prevent anyone from stealing it. God bless the American educational system! – Spider Robinson • In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries you have these great nation states hurling their young men at one another. The victory was really going to rest on who could do the best job of bringing up their kids to become efficient and effective soldiers. That’s pretty grandiose, I guess, but I do think that, and thank God it’s been the armies of democracy that have emerged from this as the triumphant armies. – Stephen Ambrose • In the theater we’re like blue-collar workers: It’s a physical job, you don’t make a lot of money, and you’re on the road all the time. It’s worth it in that it’s the best job in the world, but you have to negotiate living in cities that don’t always accommodate you. – Randy Harrison • Inner peace is not found in things like baseball and world championships. As long as I feel I’ve done the best job I possibly could, I’m satisfied. – Sparky Anderson • It’s a form of bullying, in my opinion, to make sure that your kid gets the best grades, the best jobs and all that sort of stuff. I just want my child to be happy. I want him to do his best and trust God in the rest, but I’m not going to bully him. – Nick Vujicic • It’s basically the best job in the world. If you’re fortunate enough – and I consider myself fortunate – you get to work with your friends and you get to work on projects that interest you. – James Franco • It’s just really making sure I am doing the best job I can do as a dad. I do think that is my No. 1 job. – Tony Dungy • I’ve already felt that I want to direct. Being an executive producer is like the best job in the world because you make all these executive decisions and then you leave the money to other people. You don’t have to be on set and counting beans. – Robbie Coltraine • I’ve always thought that, as a romance writer, I had the best job in the world. I sit around all day making up emotion-drenched, conflict-laden stories that push my heroes and heroines to the edge of sanity. Then I give them a happy ending. – Ruth Glick • I’ve got the best job in the world being a senator from the United States, a senator from South Carolina in the United States Senate, representing South Carolina in the United States Senate is a dream job for me, but the world is literally falling apart. And we can’t get anything done here at home. So that drives my thinking more than anything else. – Lindsey Graham • I’ve got the best job in the world, and i meet some of the most amazing human beings on the planet. I’m one lucky guy. – Ty Pennington • Keep your head down. Mind your business and do the best job you can. – Bill Raftery • Keeping your head down and doing the best job you can in the beginning gives you the opportunity to be evaluated on the basis of the contributions you are making. [Then], when you feel strongly about your work or about a position, you’ll be given more attention [than] if you hadn’t done that constantly. – Hillary Clinton • Loving you is a full-time job. It’s a great job, don’t get me wrong. It’s the best job in the universe. But it’s not easy. – Carrie Jones • My goal was to do the best job I could in governing the state of Wisconsin, in some cases making very tough decisions to have to bring our spending in line with the resources we had at the state level. – Scott McCallum • My kids complained about Secret Service as they became teenagers, and Secret Service has done the very best job they could accommodating them, so it hasn’t restricted any of their activities. – Barack Obama • My left brain is doing the best job it can with the information it has to work with. I need to remember, however, that there are enormous gaps between what I know and what I think I know. – Jill Bolte Taylor • My slogan is I’m the least qualified guy for the job, but I’d probably do the best job. – Gary Coleman • People ask me, “How’s Teen Wolf?,” and I tell them it’s literally the best job I’ve ever had. – Shelley Hennig • People tell me I have the best job in the world, which is true, but I also work with some of the best people in the world. – Michael Silverblatt • Perform your job better than anyone else can. That’s the best job security I know. – H. Jackson Brown, Jr. • Random acts of kindness and the desire to do the best job possible lead to trust. – Jeffrey Gitomer • So to the best we can, what we do is focus on creating value for others, and how do we do that? We do it by trying to produce products and services that our customers will value more than their alternatives, and not just their alternatives today, but what the alternatives will be in the future. We try to more efficiently use resources than our competitors, and constantly improve in that, and we try to do the best job we can in creating a safe environment, and environmental excellence, and constantly improve at that. – Charles Koch • Society as a whole is better off when information is available to the public. Whether you are talking about how to prevent disease, or about who does the best job of treating disease, it is useful to provide as much information to the public as possible. – Dave Obey • Sometimes I think I have the best job in the world. – Louis Susman • The best job goes to the person who can get it done without passing the buck or coming back with excuses. – G. M. Trevelyan • The best job that was ever offered to me was to become a landlord in a brothel. In my opinion it’s the perfect milieu for an artist to work in. – William Faulkner • The best verse hasn’t been rhymed yet, The best house hasn’t been planned, The highest peak hasn’t been climbed yet, The mightiest rivers aren’t spanned; Don’t worry and fret, faint-hearted, The chances have just begun For the best jobs haven’t been started, The best work hasn’t been done. – Berton Braley • The companies that do the best job on managing a user’s privacy will be the companies that ultimately are the most successful. – Fred Wilson • The crew, the actors and the writers all work the same way. We always want to do the best job. – Robert Knepper • The last thing I think I am is perfect. I’m just trying to do the best job I can. I’m trying to be the best father I can to my kids. I’m trying to do the best job I can running my business. – James Packer • The man with the best job in the country is the vice-president. All he has to do is get up every morning and say, ‘How is the president?’ – Will Rogers • The only reason to be in politics is public service. There’s no other reason. Frankly, if that’s the best job you can get in terms of money, that’s too bad, you know. Because frankly, it’s not well paid, everyone knows that. So for most people it’s a big sacrifice. – Malcolm Turnbull • The Patriot Post not only does the best job of putting important news, policy and opinion in proper context, but also of cutting down to size the pompous praters and propagandists on the left. – Lyn Nofziger • The thing that I have done throughout my life is to do the best job that I can and to be me. – Mae Jemison • The things you don’t have control over, you don’t worry about. I have control over my attitude, my perception, how I do things, and you do the very best job you can. Other people have control over other things and you let them do their jobs. – Mike Sherman • The voters reward good performance. So, I’m going to go out and focus, if I become the governor, to do the very best job I can as governor. The rest of it will take care of itself. – Dave Heineman • The worst men have the best jobs the best men have the worst jobs or are unemployed or locked in madhouses. – Charles Bukowski • There’s nothing more fun than being out on stage and getting the vibe from the crowd. There’s nothing like being on a set where you are there to make other people happy and to make them laugh. That’s the best job in the world. – Miley Cyrus • There’s such a wide variation in tax systems around the world, it’s difficult to imagine a harmonized CO2 tax that every country agrees to. That’s not in the cards in the near term. But the countries that are doing the best job, like Sweden, are already doing both of these. I think that eventually we’ll use both of them but we need to get started right away and the cap-and-trade is a proven and effective tool. – Al Gore • These days she simply did the best job she could, accepting the good with the bad. – Nicholas Sparks • To get a job where the only thing you have to do in your career is to make people laugh-well, its the best job in the world. – Ronnie Barker • Trump claims he’d be the “best jobs president that God ever created.” But isn’t his claim to fame firing people? – Michael R. Burch • Twin Peaks’ was the best job I ever had as an actor. – Richard Beymer • We started off with a set of objectives for what we needed to communicate with the company’s identity, created several proposals intended to meet those objectives, and picked the one that did the best job. – Gabe Newell • What you realize is that a lot of actors want to be directed. They’re there to do the best job they can for the director. They have a lot of questions, and your job is to have answers. – Jon Turteltaub • Whatever it is, I just loved it and felt at my absolute happiest when I was performing for people. And if that’s what you want from a job, then this is the best job you could ever do. – James Corden • When it is going well, it is the best job [writing] in the world. For those few hours, you are god, in control of everything. However, for me, the great joy of writing is that it has allowed me to travel the world in search of stories. – Michael Scott • When you do something well, this is the best job in the world. – David Thewlis • Women are always being tested … but ultimately, each of us has to define who we are individually and then do the very best job we can to grow into it. – Hillary Clinton • Writing is hard work; its also the best job Ive ever had. – Raymond E. Feist • Writing studio movies is the best job in the world… it’s awesome. – Thomas Lennon • You can’t please everybody. All you can do is really just try to work from the heart and do the best job that you can and hope for the best. – Jackie Earle Haley • You concentrate on what you are doing, to do the best job you can, to stay out of a serious situation. That’s the way the X-1 was. – Chuck Yeager • You do the best job you can. You take it step by step. It’s hard enough to make a movie. If it works, that’s great. If it means something beyond the moment to somebody, they can take it and it lasts through the years, we’ll see. – Oliver Stone • You just go in and try to do the best job you can everyday. – Nick Cassavetes • You just try to get the best jobs that you can get. Sometimes I produce my own movies, so that’s your own sort of vision. That helps things. I don’t know what it is. Probably just circumstance. I’ve definitely been aware of the fact that I want to do different things. – John Cusack • You try to get yourself into a situation where you only have to answer to yourself, where you can ask advice of people and work with your peers and mentors and things to try to do the best job that you can possibly do. – George Lucas
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equitiesstocks · 5 years
Best Job Quotes
Official Website: Best Job Quotes
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• Acting in particular is a fun job when you have a good script. I don’t know about acting when you don’t have a great script. I’m gonna say that’s not a great job, it’s kind of a dumb job. But when you have a good part in a good script, it’s the best job, in a way. – Bob Odenkirk • Acting is the best job in the world. Look at the way they treat you when you turn up for work. They give you breakfast and a cup of tea and ask, ‘Are you all right’ They tart up your face, you say somebody else’s words, then pick up your check and go home. And you get days off. I tell you, it really is the way to live. – Bob Hoskins • Actually, acting turned out to be the perfect job for me, because I had a lot of different interests. I thought about being a priest at one point. I thought about being a teacher. I thought about being a lawyer. But I think acting is probably the best job for me. – John C. Reilly • Amidst all the clutter, beyond all the obstacles, aside from all the static, are the goals set. Put your head down, do the best job possible, let the flak pass, and work towards those goals. – Donald Rumsfeld • Anyone who says they don’t enjoy the Army is mad – you can spend a week hating it and the next week it could be the best thing in the world and the best job you could ever, ever wish for. It has got so much to offer. – Prince Harry • As an actor, you want to do the best job possible, and you want the best scripts possible because it makes life more interesting. – Mark Strickson • At the end of the day, the TV show is the best job in the world. I get to go anywhere I want, eat and drink whatever I want. As long as I just babble at the camera, other people will pay for it. It’s a gift. – Anthony Bourdain
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Job', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_job').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_job img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Being a chef is the best job in the world. – Gordon Ramsay • Being a showrunner is tough, but it is incredibly rewarding and it is, without a doubt, the best job I’ve ever had. – Graham Yost • Big money, big Liberal Party politics and big media are trying to get rid of us, of course, by letting Packer take over Fairfax – a media-only company. But we’re hanging in there and doing the best job we can for our readers while we can. – Margo Kingston • Boxing is the best job in the world to let off steam, and people are in trouble when Tyson wants to let off steam – Michael Spinks • But [Sunday] as you saw, it was obviously [the media] took some more than initiative to try to get me to kind of go down the wrong path. I know the last two teams that I’ve been on, I felt like I left those teams prematurely due to media interviews that I’ve done and things kind of taken out of context and they created sort of a media whirlwind in the locker room and things kind of went downhill from there. I’m just trying to do the best job I can do as far as answering the questions and trying to be a better teammate and not try to throw people under the bus. – Terrell Owens • Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.- Confucius • David Ortiz is an icon. He is one of a kind. But we’ll do our best job to replace the offensive aspect, however we can. – Dave Dombrowski • Directing is a nice job. It’s the best job for me. If I had to pay money to do it, I would do it… Directing is playing. Acting. – William Friedkin • Directing is a nice job. It’s the best job for me. If i had to pay money to do it, I would do itIt’s problematical. It’s disapointing often. It’s very challenging. It’s frustrating as hell. It’s extremely demanding and totally satisfying work. And if I wasn’t doing this, I would have to do legitimate work for a living. There are guys out there really working for a living, cleaning streets or coal mining, teaching. Directing is playing. Acting. – William Friedkin • Directing is probably the best job, but acting is really, really great. It’s like a fun vacation that you get paid for. – Bob Odenkirk • Every little kid that steps on the court or the field has aspirations to go pro. I think being a pro basketball player is the best job. The thing I had to realize was that I can’t do every dream that I have. – Brian McKnight • Every mother I’ve ever met, pretty much without exception, is doing the best job she can ever do. – Jennifer Weiner • Everything I do is unfabulous. Im the most normal person. I love walking everywhere, and going to hole-in-the-wall places, like nail shops, because they do the best job. And I go to vintage stores rather than high-end boutiques, because I like to dress different from other people. – Ashley Benson • For somebody who loves foreign policy, being Secretary is the best job in the world – but it doesn’t happen twice. – Madeleine Albright • I am already experiencing something better than being a pop star and that’s being a father. It’s the best job in the world. A lot of work, but a lot of fun. – A. J. McLean • I am happy with what I do. I’d love to be the manager of the Atlanta Braves, but they hired somebody this week. So I’ll just have to be inordinately happy with one of the best jobs on the planet. – Robert Gibbs • I am positive – determined to move forward with my life, bring up my babies, and do the best job I can as a mother, entertainer, and person. – Jennifer Lopez • I call ‘Community’ the best day job in the world, because between takes, I get to write music. I get to write sketches. I get to write movies. It’s the best job ever. – Donald Glover • I enjoyed the crew. The best part about ‘The X-Files’ has been the crew. This crew is an exceptional family and to go to work with a bunch of people that you really like is great. They’re all the best of the best and they really try to do the best job they can. I’ll miss that – Robert Patrick • I feel like I have to do the best job I can to basically say, “OK, I understand – you have every right to be angry, but anger is not a plan. Here’s what I want to do, and that’s why I hope you will support me, because I think it will actually improve the lives of Americans.” – Hillary Clinton • I felt like I had kind of played it out, and I wanted to see what was next, and then came Mythbusters. You know, it’s the best job I’ve ever had, on its worst day it’s better than anything else, but it’s a huge amount of responsibility, and there are days when just going into work and building something from someone else’s drawing sounds like going back to heaven. – Adam Savage • I grew up thinking the best job in the world would be a Jedi and being a psychologist is the closest thing I could get, so I wanted to be a Jedi and I don’t want to be a Sith, so that is what keeps me on the straight and narrow. – John Amaechi • I had fun pretending to be a sportscaster. People always think that was a down thing for me. I had the best job in sports broadcasting for two years. – Dennis Miller • I have everything that I could possibly want in life, from a gorgeous granddaughter and a wonderful wife, brilliant students, the best job anyone could hope for, and about half of my hair. Not the half I would have kept, but no one consulted me. – Daniel Gilbert • I have talent at playing myself. I don’t have a very broad range, but at playing myself I am a wizard. It’s more than fun; it’s the best job on Earth. – Ben Stein • I have the best job in the entire history of broadcasting. – Willard Scott • I have the best job in the world with the best fans in the world – Jeremy Davis • I have the best job in the world. – Anthony Bourdain • I have the best job in the world. I’m able to express myself, and people attach themselves to it if they identify with it. Music certainly is a driving force in my life. There’s not a moment where I’m not in it. – James Hetfield • I have the best job in the world. There’s not really a lot to moan or whine about. I’ve got the privilege of going out and doing something I absolutely love. – Boy George • I have the world’s best job. I get paid to hang out in my imagination all day. – Stephen King • I hope to focus on what I’m passionate about because I think I’d do them best job on them – education, urban education, women and children’s issues and literacy. – Jenna Bush • I just feel that God gave me a certain gift, and that was to go out, do storytelling and be an actor. And my responsibility with that gift is to do the best job possible and to re-create real life. – Eric Close • I just try to do the best job I possibly can – put the blinders on, go to work and be the best you can possibly be. Once you have done everything that you possibly can – you’ve put forth your greatest effort – then I can live with whatever’s next. – Bill Parcells • I just try to do the best job that I can, as an actor. Hopefully, that carries through. That’s all I can do. – Luke Mitchell • I know that I am my worst critic. I know that if I can walk away from the set at the end of the day and feel that I did the best job I could and feel proud, that’s what will satisfy me. – Emmy Rossum • I learned that when you do the best job that you can do, some people will idolize you, others won’t care, and some will vilify you. – Mike Love • I learned that when you do the best job that you can do, some people will idolize you, others won’t care, and some will vilify you. I believe it is important to remain humble and thankful for the blessings in our lives, for the tremendous opportunities that are a result of our musical success. – Mike Love • I love acting. I think that’s the best job in the world, but I don’t really enjoy the career of it so much. You don’t have as much control over your life or the material as you do, well, certainly when you’re a director or a producer, so while I love acting, I prefer to make my living as a filmmaker, but my rule on acting is if somebody asks me to do a part, I’ll do it. – David Hayter • I love being a mom. That’s the best job I’ve ever had. All the other stuff I love the same, but being a mom trumps all of it. – Tamera Mowry • I mean, I hate when actors talk about how hard their job is. It’s ridiculous, because we have the best job in the world. – Jon Bernthal • I really like writing in English, and it’s the best job I’ve ever had. – Nell Zink • I tell you, ‘Firefly’? Best job I ever had. Heartbroken when it was canceled, but had it not been canceled, I never would have gotten ‘Serenity’. I think ‘Serenity’ is the most incredible thing I’ve ever been able to actually get my hands on and do. I can’t even tell you how much love I have for that project. – Nathan Fillion • I think Ayn Rand did the best job of anybody to build a moral case of capitalism, and that morality of capitalism is under assault. – Paul Ryan • I think I have the best job in the world. Seventy-one percent of the planet is covered by water, we’ve explored less than five percent of the ocean, and there are so many fabulous discoveries that have yet to be made. – Edith Widder • I think it’s a tough road if you’re a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, if you have a partner, if you don’t. It’s the best job in the world, and the toughest job in the world all at the same time. – Angela Kinsey • I think I’ve got the best job around. – Ron Wyden • I wanna do the very best job I can to fulfill the trust and faith that people have in me. – Hillary Clinton • I want to do the best job I can. – Lucas Till • I was shocked by the reaction I got for Bleak House. It was very intensive but one of the best jobs of my life. It was a chance to play a character that grows and develops and I was very enmeshed in it. But I didn’t realise how stylish it was and how much people would love it. – Anna Maxwell Martin • I would never really analyse what I do. I leave that to other people – I’m not a critic. I just want to get on with whatever I have in hand, you know? Just try to make the best job of the available material. – Dylan Moran • I’d love to do situation comedy – it’s the best job in show business. – Patti LuPone • I’m not concentrated or concerned with any other factors rather than just being able to do the best job that I can. – Benigno Aquino III • I’m not saying you need to become a spokesperson for every cause your character goes through, but it’s important to absolutely do the best job we can in portraying a disease, and all the crap that goes with it. – Monica Potter • I’m not trying to put on airs for anybody. I’m only trying to impress myself by doing the best job I can do. – Matthew McConaughey • In 1971, after seven years in college, with that magic piece of paper clutched triumphantly in my fist, the best job I was able to get was night watchman on a sewer project in Babylon, N.Y. guarding a hole in the ground to prevent anyone from stealing it. God bless the American educational system! – Spider Robinson • In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries you have these great nation states hurling their young men at one another. The victory was really going to rest on who could do the best job of bringing up their kids to become efficient and effective soldiers. That’s pretty grandiose, I guess, but I do think that, and thank God it’s been the armies of democracy that have emerged from this as the triumphant armies. – Stephen Ambrose • In the theater we’re like blue-collar workers: It’s a physical job, you don’t make a lot of money, and you’re on the road all the time. It’s worth it in that it’s the best job in the world, but you have to negotiate living in cities that don’t always accommodate you. – Randy Harrison • Inner peace is not found in things like baseball and world championships. As long as I feel I’ve done the best job I possibly could, I’m satisfied. – Sparky Anderson • It’s a form of bullying, in my opinion, to make sure that your kid gets the best grades, the best jobs and all that sort of stuff. I just want my child to be happy. I want him to do his best and trust God in the rest, but I’m not going to bully him. – Nick Vujicic • It’s basically the best job in the world. If you’re fortunate enough – and I consider myself fortunate – you get to work with your friends and you get to work on projects that interest you. – James Franco • It’s just really making sure I am doing the best job I can do as a dad. I do think that is my No. 1 job. – Tony Dungy • I’ve already felt that I want to direct. Being an executive producer is like the best job in the world because you make all these executive decisions and then you leave the money to other people. You don’t have to be on set and counting beans. – Robbie Coltraine • I’ve always thought that, as a romance writer, I had the best job in the world. I sit around all day making up emotion-drenched, conflict-laden stories that push my heroes and heroines to the edge of sanity. Then I give them a happy ending. – Ruth Glick • I’ve got the best job in the world being a senator from the United States, a senator from South Carolina in the United States Senate, representing South Carolina in the United States Senate is a dream job for me, but the world is literally falling apart. And we can’t get anything done here at home. So that drives my thinking more than anything else. – Lindsey Graham • I’ve got the best job in the world, and i meet some of the most amazing human beings on the planet. I’m one lucky guy. – Ty Pennington • Keep your head down. Mind your business and do the best job you can. – Bill Raftery • Keeping your head down and doing the best job you can in the beginning gives you the opportunity to be evaluated on the basis of the contributions you are making. [Then], when you feel strongly about your work or about a position, you’ll be given more attention [than] if you hadn’t done that constantly. – Hillary Clinton • Loving you is a full-time job. It’s a great job, don’t get me wrong. It’s the best job in the universe. But it’s not easy. – Carrie Jones • My goal was to do the best job I could in governing the state of Wisconsin, in some cases making very tough decisions to have to bring our spending in line with the resources we had at the state level. – Scott McCallum • My kids complained about Secret Service as they became teenagers, and Secret Service has done the very best job they could accommodating them, so it hasn’t restricted any of their activities. – Barack Obama • My left brain is doing the best job it can with the information it has to work with. I need to remember, however, that there are enormous gaps between what I know and what I think I know. – Jill Bolte Taylor • My slogan is I’m the least qualified guy for the job, but I’d probably do the best job. – Gary Coleman • People ask me, “How’s Teen Wolf?,” and I tell them it’s literally the best job I’ve ever had. – Shelley Hennig • People tell me I have the best job in the world, which is true, but I also work with some of the best people in the world. – Michael Silverblatt • Perform your job better than anyone else can. That’s the best job security I know. – H. Jackson Brown, Jr. • Random acts of kindness and the desire to do the best job possible lead to trust. – Jeffrey Gitomer • So to the best we can, what we do is focus on creating value for others, and how do we do that? We do it by trying to produce products and services that our customers will value more than their alternatives, and not just their alternatives today, but what the alternatives will be in the future. We try to more efficiently use resources than our competitors, and constantly improve in that, and we try to do the best job we can in creating a safe environment, and environmental excellence, and constantly improve at that. – Charles Koch • Society as a whole is better off when information is available to the public. Whether you are talking about how to prevent disease, or about who does the best job of treating disease, it is useful to provide as much information to the public as possible. – Dave Obey • Sometimes I think I have the best job in the world. – Louis Susman • The best job goes to the person who can get it done without passing the buck or coming back with excuses. – G. M. Trevelyan • The best job that was ever offered to me was to become a landlord in a brothel. In my opinion it’s the perfect milieu for an artist to work in. – William Faulkner • The best verse hasn’t been rhymed yet, The best house hasn’t been planned, The highest peak hasn’t been climbed yet, The mightiest rivers aren’t spanned; Don’t worry and fret, faint-hearted, The chances have just begun For the best jobs haven’t been started, The best work hasn’t been done. – Berton Braley • The companies that do the best job on managing a user’s privacy will be the companies that ultimately are the most successful. – Fred Wilson • The crew, the actors and the writers all work the same way. We always want to do the best job. – Robert Knepper • The last thing I think I am is perfect. I’m just trying to do the best job I can. I’m trying to be the best father I can to my kids. I’m trying to do the best job I can running my business. – James Packer • The man with the best job in the country is the vice-president. All he has to do is get up every morning and say, ‘How is the president?’ – Will Rogers • The only reason to be in politics is public service. There’s no other reason. Frankly, if that’s the best job you can get in terms of money, that’s too bad, you know. Because frankly, it’s not well paid, everyone knows that. So for most people it’s a big sacrifice. – Malcolm Turnbull • The Patriot Post not only does the best job of putting important news, policy and opinion in proper context, but also of cutting down to size the pompous praters and propagandists on the left. – Lyn Nofziger • The thing that I have done throughout my life is to do the best job that I can and to be me. – Mae Jemison • The things you don’t have control over, you don’t worry about. I have control over my attitude, my perception, how I do things, and you do the very best job you can. Other people have control over other things and you let them do their jobs. – Mike Sherman • The voters reward good performance. So, I’m going to go out and focus, if I become the governor, to do the very best job I can as governor. The rest of it will take care of itself. – Dave Heineman • The worst men have the best jobs the best men have the worst jobs or are unemployed or locked in madhouses. – Charles Bukowski • There’s nothing more fun than being out on stage and getting the vibe from the crowd. There’s nothing like being on a set where you are there to make other people happy and to make them laugh. That’s the best job in the world. – Miley Cyrus • There’s such a wide variation in tax systems around the world, it’s difficult to imagine a harmonized CO2 tax that every country agrees to. That’s not in the cards in the near term. But the countries that are doing the best job, like Sweden, are already doing both of these. I think that eventually we’ll use both of them but we need to get started right away and the cap-and-trade is a proven and effective tool. – Al Gore • These days she simply did the best job she could, accepting the good with the bad. – Nicholas Sparks • To get a job where the only thing you have to do in your career is to make people laugh-well, its the best job in the world. – Ronnie Barker • Trump claims he’d be the “best jobs president that God ever created.” But isn’t his claim to fame firing people? – Michael R. Burch • Twin Peaks’ was the best job I ever had as an actor. – Richard Beymer • We started off with a set of objectives for what we needed to communicate with the company’s identity, created several proposals intended to meet those objectives, and picked the one that did the best job. – Gabe Newell • What you realize is that a lot of actors want to be directed. They’re there to do the best job they can for the director. They have a lot of questions, and your job is to have answers. – Jon Turteltaub • Whatever it is, I just loved it and felt at my absolute happiest when I was performing for people. And if that’s what you want from a job, then this is the best job you could ever do. – James Corden • When it is going well, it is the best job [writing] in the world. For those few hours, you are god, in control of everything. However, for me, the great joy of writing is that it has allowed me to travel the world in search of stories. – Michael Scott • When you do something well, this is the best job in the world. – David Thewlis • Women are always being tested … but ultimately, each of us has to define who we are individually and then do the very best job we can to grow into it. – Hillary Clinton • Writing is hard work; its also the best job Ive ever had. – Raymond E. Feist • Writing studio movies is the best job in the world… it’s awesome. – Thomas Lennon • You can’t please everybody. All you can do is really just try to work from the heart and do the best job that you can and hope for the best. – Jackie Earle Haley • You concentrate on what you are doing, to do the best job you can, to stay out of a serious situation. That’s the way the X-1 was. – Chuck Yeager • You do the best job you can. You take it step by step. It’s hard enough to make a movie. If it works, that’s great. If it means something beyond the moment to somebody, they can take it and it lasts through the years, we’ll see. – Oliver Stone • You just go in and try to do the best job you can everyday. – Nick Cassavetes • You just try to get the best jobs that you can get. Sometimes I produce my own movies, so that’s your own sort of vision. That helps things. I don’t know what it is. Probably just circumstance. I’ve definitely been aware of the fact that I want to do different things. – John Cusack • You try to get yourself into a situation where you only have to answer to yourself, where you can ask advice of people and work with your peers and mentors and things to try to do the best job that you can possibly do. – George Lucas
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Elijah Cummings Is Remembered as a ‘Master of the House’ https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/24/us/politics/elijah-cummings.html
His voice could shake mountains’: Cummings lies in state at U.S. Capitol
By Jenna Portnoy and Ovetta Wiggins | Published October 24 at 1:00 PM ET | Washington Post | Posted October 24, 2019 |
Longtime congressman Elijah E. Cummings was remembered Thursday as the moral backbone of Congress, a leader who — like the prophet whose name he shared — “saw wrongdoing and spent his life working to banish it from our land.”
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, a fellow Maryland Democrat, made the biblical comparison as hundreds of current and former members of the House and Senate gathered in Statuary Hall in the Capitol to honor their friend and colleague.
Leaders from both chambers, and both sides of the aisle, lauded Cummings as a public servant who always prioritized the constituents who elected him.
“Elijah Cummings did not just represent Baltimore, he embodied it,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), recalling the Democrat’s efforts to calm rioting after the 2015 death of Freddie Gray, a young unarmed black man, of injuries sustained in police custody.
“Let’s go home. Let’s all go home,” McConnell recalled Cummings saying to protesters. “Now our distinguished colleague truly has gone home, home to his father’s house,” McConnell continued. “And we pray that our God will now reward the service Elijah Cummings gave in life, with the peace of God which surpasses all understanding.”
Senate Minority Leader Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Cummings was “universally respected and admired in a divided time,” with power that came not from his booming baritone, but from his moral force.
“He was strong, very strong when necessary, but also kind and caring and honorable,” Schumer said. “ His voice could shake mountains, stir the most cynical hearts, inspiring us all to better.”
Cummings is the first African American lawmaker to lie in state in the Capitol. Two other African Americans have received the honor, known as lying “in honor” for nonelected officials: Civil rights icon Rosa Parks, in 2005, and Capitol Police Officer Jacob J. Chestnut Jr., who was killed in 1998 by a gunman who had burst into the Capitol.
Cummings (D), who chaired of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, died Oct. 17, at age 68.
Former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton will be among those delivering remarks at his funeral Friday at New Psalmist Baptist Church in West Baltimore, where Cummings worshiped for decades.
Late Thursday morning, lawmakers and guests stood silently as the flag-draped coffin was slowly rolled into a packed Statuary Hall, followed by Cummings’ widow, Maryland Democratic Party chair Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, and other family members.
Two military guards stood at attention at either end of the coffin.
Current and former members of Congress crowded together against velvet ropes, wearing dark suits and dresses. D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton was seated between Reps. John Lewis and Maxine Waters, also Democrats. Former congressman Jim Moran stood with Rep. Gerald E. Connolly (D-Va.) and freshman Rep. Elaine Luria (D-Va.).
After the “arrival ceremony,” the coffin was moved to the entrance of the House chamber, where members of the public may pay their respects until 7 pm.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the coffin was placed atop the same catafalque that held the remains of Abraham Lincoln. She described Cummings as a mentor to generations of young political leaders, quoting his frequent refrain that children are “the messages to a future we will never see.”
“Elijah was truly a master of the house. He respected its history, and in it he helped shape America’s future,” Pelosi said.
When committee assignments were made, Pelosi recalled, Cummings wanted as many freshmen as possible in his committee. “I love their potential and I want to help them realize it,” he said, according to Pelosi.
Cummings was a regular on television news panels and a leading figure in the Trump impeachment inquiry.
But mourners at a day-long celebration in his honor Wednesday at Morgan State University in Baltimore, where Cummings served on the board of regents, said they would remember him as a man who always fought for his city and its people.
“He spoke for the forgotten,” said Emanuel J. Stanley, grand master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland, a national fraternal organization to which Cummings belonged. “Now he is dancing with the angels.”
Noreen Wright, 59, a home health-care nurse, brought her 9- and 12-year-old grandsons to the historically black research university, saying she wanted them to witness history.
“He’s an icon,” Wright said of Cummings, who she called a modern-day civil rights leader. “He’s someone that the next generation can look at to see how it’s supposed to be done.”
More than two dozen speakers took turns at a lectern directly behind the casket , which was guarded by Prince Hall Freemasons. Local, state and federal elected officials praised Cummings as a champion who expanded health care access, protected the right to vote and fought for educational opportunities for children.
Many also shared personal stories about how he mentored them in their careers and family lives.
“He wasn’t about the people, he was the people,” said Del. Nick J. Mosby (D-Baltimore City). Alluding to Cummings’s dignified response when President Trump insulted him and Baltimore this summer, Mosby said: “He governed with emotion but never allowed emotions to govern him.”
Mosby said he and his wife, Marilyn J. Mosby, who is the state’s attorney for Baltimore, will miss their double dates with the late congressman and his wife.
Former senator Barbara A. Mikulski, who retired in 2016 as the nation’s longest-serving female senator, said Cummings could “investigate, legislate and agitate” and inspired a feeling of connection with every man and woman in his beloved city.
“I’m back!” she told the crowd. “I’m back for Elijah. And Elijah always had my back, and Elijah always had your back, too.”
Making Capitol History, Cummings Is Remembered as a ‘Master of the House’
Representative Elijah E. Cummings, who died last week, became the first African-American elected official to lie in state in the Capitol on Thursday.
By Sheryl Gay Solberg | Published
October 24, 2019 Updated 2:47 PM ET | New York Times | Posted October 24, 2019 |
WASHINGTON — The late Representative Elijah E. Cummings, the powerful Democrat whose booming baritone and impassioned cries for decency reverberated through the halls of Congress for more than two decades, made history one final time on Thursday, as the first African-American elected official to lie in state in the United States Capitol.
A son of sharecroppers who rose to the chairmanship of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, which gave him a towering perch from which to investigate President Trump, Mr. Cummings, 68, who died last week after a series of health challenges, was memorialized by congressional leaders in both parties as a man of faith and dignity, and a dedicated public servant, but also as a friend.
“Perhaps this place and this country would be better served with a few more unexpected friendships,” said a teary-eyed Representative Mark Meadows, the conservative North Carolina Republican whose close friendship with Mr. Cummings, despite their strong political differences, was well known in the Capitol. “I know I’ve been blessed by one.”
Political luminaries and lawmakers — including Mr. Cummings’ fellow members of the Congressional Black Caucus, many wearing African kente cloth scarves — poured into the Capitol to witness his coffin draped with an American flag ascend its marble steps, carried by a military honor guard. The Rev. Al Sharpton came. So did the former House speaker, Paul D. Ryan.
One luminary not in attendance was President Trump, whose fractious relationship with Mr. Cummings hit a low point over the summer, when the president attacked Mr. Cummings as a “racist” and described the congressman’s home city of Baltimore as a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess.” Mr. Cummings responded by urging the president to visit.
Vice President Mike Pence, however, was expected to come to to the Capitol early Thursday afternoon, when the coffin was moved to a spot in front of the House chamber so the public could come to pay respects.
Mr. Cummings’ loss was a profound one inside the Capitol, especially among freshmen, whom Mr. Cummings took care to mentor. Speaker Nancy Pelosi called him a “master of the House” and a “mentor of the House,” and described how Mr. Cummings asked to have as many freshmen as possible on his committee because he saw in them so much energy and potential.
Two Democratic freshmen — Representatives Ayanna S. Pressley of Massachusetts and Lauren Underwood of Illinois, both black women whose own elections made history last year — walked out of Thursday’s ceremony with tears streaming down their cheeks.
“Elijah would continually remind us when we came short of our goals and ideals: We are better than this,” said Representative Steny H. Hoyer, the Democratic leader and Mr. Cummings’ fellow Marylander. “That was his answer when confronted with the differences between America’s promise and its reality.”
The service, featuring remarks by leaders of both parties, took place in National Statuary Hall, which served as the House chamber before 1850. Mr. Cummings’ coffin lay just feet from the statue of civil rights leader Rosa Parks, who in 2005 became the first African-American to lie in honor (the title reserved for private citizens) in the Capitol.
Mr. Cummings’ ascent in American politics was, in his own view, something of a miracle. A lawyer and former state legislator, he was the first African-American in Maryland history to be named speaker pro tem. He once spoke of his bringing his father to his first swearing-in after he was elected to Congress.
“He said, ‘Isn’t this the place where they used to call us slaves?’” Mr. Cummings said, recounting their conversation. “I said, ‘Yes sir.’ He said, ‘Isn’t this the place where they used to call us three-fifths a man?’ I said, ‘Yes sir.’ ‘And isn’t this the place they used to call us chattel?’ I said, ‘Yes, yes sir.’”
The congressman said he would never forget his father’s next sentence: “When I think about you being sworn in today, now I see what I could have been if I’d had the opportunity.”
Lola Fadulu contributed reporting.
Elijah Cummings lies in state in Capitol Building today(VIDEO)
Published October 24, 2019 9:02 AM
Updated October 24, 2019 12:08 PM | CBS News | Posted October 24, 2019 |
The late longtime Maryland congressman Elijah Cummings, who died last week at the age of 68, is lying in state Thursday in the U.S. Capitol. There was a formal ceremony in the morning open to lawmakers, Cummings' family and invited guests. The public viewing is taking place after the memorial service.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke at the ceremony and referred to Cummings, who was deeply respected by both Democrats and Republicans, as the "North Star" of the House. Pelosi said that Cummings was "truly a master of the House."
The late longtime Maryland congressman Elijah Cummings, who died last week at the age of 68, is lying in state Thursday in the U.S. Capitol. There was a formal ceremony in the morning open to lawmakers, Cummings' family and invited guests. The public viewing is taking place after the memorial service.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke at the ceremony and referred to Cummings, who was deeply respected by both Democrats and Republicans, as the "North Star" of the House. Pelosi said that Cummings was "truly a master of the House."
"God truly honored America with the life and legacy of Elijah Cummings," Pelosi said. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said at the ceremony that Cummings was "universally respected and admired in a divided time."
Republican Congressman Mark Meadows spoke about his "unexpected" friendship with Cummings.
"This place and this country would be better served with a few more unexpected friendships. I know I've been blessed by one," Meadows.
Cummings' wife, Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, who is the chair of the Maryland Democratic Party, has said her husband worked until the end of his life because of his belief that "our democracy was the highest and best expression of our collective humanity and that our nation's diversity was our promise, not our problem."
Cummings, the House Oversight and Reform Committee chairman and a 23-year House veteran, was a key figure in the impeachment inquiry into President Trump and a recent target of intense criticism by the president. He led multiple investigations of Mr. Trump's dealings, including probes in 2019 relating to the president's family members serving in the White House.
The president responded by criticizing Cummings' district as a "rodent-infested mess" where "no human being would want to live." The comments came weeks after Mr. Trump drew bipartisan condemnation following his calls for Democratic congresswomen of color to get out of the U.S. "right now" and go back to their "broken and crime-infested" places of origin.
A sharecropper's son, Cummings was a formidable orator who passionately advocated for the poor in his black-majority district, which encompasses a large portion of Baltimore as well as more well-to-do suburbs.
After Mr. Trump's criticism, Cummings replied that government officials must stop making "hateful, incendiary comments" that only serve to divide and distract the nation from its real problems, including mass shootings and white supremacy.
"Those in the highest levels of the government must stop invoking fear, using racist language and encouraging reprehensible behavior," Cummings said in a speech at the National Press Club.
Throughout his career, Cummings used his fiery voice to highlight the struggles and needs of inner-city residents. He was a firm believer in some much-debated approaches to help the poor and addicted, such as needle exchange programs as a way to reduce the spread of AIDS. Cummings was very popular in his district, where he was a key member of the community.
Cummings said in an interview with "60 Minutes" in January that he was one of the few members of Congress who lived in an inner city environment.
"I like to be among my constituents," he said. "Let me tell you something man, if I don't do well in this block I'm in trouble. I mean, if you wanna take a poll, if I lost in this block I might as well go — I might as well stay home."
Rep. Elijah Cummings hailed as a guiding light for Democrats
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other congressional leaders spoke at the arrival ceremony.
By Associated Press | Published Oct. 24, 2019, 11:47 AM EDT, Updated Oct. 24, 2019, 1:03 PM EDT | NBC News | Posted October 24, 2019 | VIDEOS |
WASHINGTON — The late Rep. Elijah Cummings was hailed as the "North Star" for fellow House Democrats as congressional leaders and colleagues paid tribute to him at a Capitol ceremony Thursday.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., a close personal and political ally, said that not only was Cummings a guiding light, "Elijah was truly a master of the House."
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., recalled Cummings' efforts to calm his native Baltimore amid violent 2015 protests following the death of a black man, Freddie Gray, in police custody. Cummings' involvement, taking to the streets with a bullhorn, helped quiet the disturbances.
By day, Cummings was at the Capitol in the halls of power, McConnell said, but at night he returned to Baltimore to encourage unity.
"Let's go home. Let's all go home," McConnell recalled Cummings saying at the time. "Now our distinguished colleague truly has gone home."
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said that like Cummings' namesake, the Prophet Elijah, the congressman "saw wrongdoing and spent his life working to banish it from our land."
Hoyer also recalled the 2015 Baltimore protests and said Cummings was "a calming influence in a sea of rage."
The son of sharecroppers, Cummings rose to become a civil rights champion and chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, where he was a leader of an impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump.
Cummings died Oct. 17 after complications from long-standing health problems.
Hoyer and other speakers remembered a frequent Cummings lament when events went awry or politicians acted badly: "We are better than this," Cummings would thunder to all who would listen.
Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus, said Cummings was respected and revered in the caucus, "a quiet giant" whose words were heeded.
"He pulled no punches. He was authentic to the core and a champion of our democracy," Bass said.
Rep. Mark Meadows, a North Carolina Republican who frequently sparred with Cummings on the Oversight and Reform Committee, called Cummings a close friend whose "smile would consume his whole face."
But Cummings "also had eyes that would pierce through anybody that was standing in his way," Meadows recalled. Bowing his head, Meadows sad he was blessed to know Cummings, adding: "Perhaps this place and this country would be better served with a few more unexpected friendships."
The public was to have the chance to pay respects to Cummings later Thursday in Statuary Hall. Cummings is just the third African American to lie in honor at the Capitol and the first black lawmaker.
A wake and funeral are planned Friday in Baltimore.
As a tribute to Cummings, no votes were scheduled Thursday in the House.
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allinmycorner · 6 years
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Yep. We lost another female star. And she was in the bottom two with another female star. This apparently has never happened before on Dancing with the Stars and I’m not entirely sure what’s behind it. (Besides the obvious--the women are voting for the men because they are cute. I guess there is no ugly guy no one wants to ogle to get rid of first? I don’t know). 
Anyway, it was also Halloween night--which is probably the antithesis to Disney Night so it’s funny they followed each other this year. But it’s always a frightfully fun night, so let’s see what unfolded! 
Mary Lou and Sasha: It’s a shame she went home this week. She was getting better and better. Her tango with Sasha was an absolute treat and she handled playing a demonic teacher punishing a troublesome student very well. I can’t wait to see her again at the finale! 
Juan Pablo and Cheryl: His jive was amazing but I feel we’re back to the feeling that of course it is. We expect him to be really good. He needs to wow us. I felt he and Cheryl could’ve had a bigger ending. The one they had just felt like the music stopped. Not really a proper ending in my opinion. 
Milo and Witney:  Now that’s how you wow! Milo is very close to Juan Pablo in the “we expect him to do well” category but this contemporary blew everyone away. I think I sat there with my mouth hanging open, watching as he executed the routine perfectly and exuded such a disturbing air as a patient in an asylum. Bravo, Milo! 
Evanna and Keo: Evanna expressed frustration about her scores and decided to stop trying to dance for the judges. Rather she was going to dance for herself and then delivered an amazing tango. She exuded confidence and carried herself well as she danced as a black cat. The judges definitely noticed and gave her some of her best scores of the season. 
Alexis and Alan: The saga of their growing feelings continued this week. Alexis admitted she had feelings for him and asked him about his. He deflected, saying that he would let her know but wanted time to understand what he was feeling for her. It didn’t affect their Willy Wonka inspired jazz number, which they performed well enough even though the musicians seemed to struggle with the music. It even dropped out at one point but Alexis never lost the beat! My guess is that they had to censor the song so much, it just got confusing. But I’m impressed with how well Alexis handled it. 
DeMarcus and Lindsay: I’m not sure the “bride comes back from the grave for her groom” theme was the right choice but DeMarcus did handle the salsa well. I think there were a few missteps but otherwise, it was an entertaining routine. And God bless Lindsay as she continues to do stunts that could lead to some serious injuries should they go wrong. 
Bobby and Sharna: Bobby certainly played against type this week and it was awesome. He was appropriately menacing as a serial killer in his tango with Sharna. Was his technique the best? No. But he’s trying and he’s taking this seriously So credit where credit is due. 
(He probably still should’ve gone over Mary Lou. Same with the next person on our list). 
Joe and Jenna: Was Joe’s dance good this week? Yes, it was. Should he have stayed over Mary Lou? I personally don’t think so but it seems the rest of American disagrees with me. But he did pull off a good tango, even if something went wrong with the final trick. They pulled it off, though, and finished pretty well. 
John and Emma: The Beetlejuice theme music is probably not the best choice for a paso. John and Emma tried and succeeded for the most part. There was a part in the middle where he got ahead of the beat but corrected himself. Still, there probably was a better dance choice or music choice they could’ve been given. 
Another Halloween night in the books! The couples were very good, though the creme of the crop is certainly starting to pull away from those at the bottom. 
Next time: Country Night! 
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ahmerjohnny-blog · 7 years
Family Quotes Love
Family Quotes Love
Looking for the first-class inspirational and smart family quotes? You’ve come to the proper location. We’ve compiled the most comprehensive listing of popular, inspiring and truly the best fees and pictures approximately own family (and love, happiness, blessing, satisfaction, support it brings).
Family Quotes Love
Family Quotes Short
“Without a family, man, alone in the world, trembles with the cold.” – Andre Maurois (Family Quotes Short)
“I have a great family, I live an amazing life.” – John Oates
“I don’t think quantity time is as special as quality time with your family.” – Reba McEntire
“Family always gonna be there. The material things, they come and go.” – Romeo Miller
“I’m surrounded by great friends and family. I don’t know what I would do without them.” – Emma Roberts
“The family is the first essential cell of human society.” – Pope John XXIII
“I believe family first. Blood is thicker than water. I grew up like that, and I want to continue to keep that goal in my heart. Just family first! Just honesty, integrity, and respect. All of that. I live by the code of those things. If you do that you’ll be fine.” – Cory Hardrict
“When trouble comes, it’s your family that supports you.” – Guy Lafleur
“Sunday, for me, is all about being home with the family with no plans.” – John Lasseter (Family Quotes Short)
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“I’m a strong person, I’m a strong family man, I’m a strong husband and a strong father.” – David Beckham
“Families are like fudge – mostly sweet with a few nuts.”
“It’s all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and friends and family.” – Philip Green
“A real man loves his wife and places his family as the most important thing in life. Nothing has brought me more peace and content in life than simply being a good husband and father.” – Frank Abagnale
Family Quotes Short
“I would rather start a family than finish one.” – Don Marquis
“It takes a lot of work to put together a marriage, to put together a family and a home.” – Elizabeth Edwards (Family Quotes Short)
“Pray in your family daily, that yours may be in the number of the families who call upon God.” – Christopher Love
Family Quotes
“One’s family is the most important thing in life. I look at it this way: One of these days I’ll be over in a hospital somewhere with four walls around me. And the only people who’ll be with me will be my family.” – Robert Byrd (Family Quotes)
“My family was my guide to my reality.” – Haywood Nelson
“My family is everything. I am what I am thanks to my mother, my father, my brother, my sister… because they have given me everything. The education I have is thanks to them.” – Ronaldinho
“The single most important factor in our long-term happiness is the relationships we have with our family and close friends.” – Clayton M. Christensen
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“You have to defend your honor. And your family.” – Suzanne Vega
“I’m a minimalist. I don’t really need much to enjoy a good holiday – just my family and the bare essentials.” – Jean Reno
“I am blessed to have so many great things in my life – family, friends, and God. All will be in my thoughts daily.” – Lil’ Kim
“My family comes first. Maybe that’s what makes me different from other guys.” – Bobby Darin (Family Quotes)
“For me, nothing has ever taken precedence over being a mother and having a family and a home.” – Jessica Lange
“Family is the most important thing in the world.” – Princess Diana
“I’m a lucky person because I’ve been loved a lot. I have a great family.” – Monica Bellucci
“My family is more important than my party.” – Zell Miller
Family Quotes
“What is important is family, friends, giving back to your community and finding meaning in life.” – Adrian Grenier
“It’s very important to prioritize. I know, for me, my family comes first. That makes every decision very easy.” – Jada Pinkett Smith
“Family and God – that is what’s important. Money, cars, those are things that come and go.” – Fabrice Muamba (Family Quotes)
Inspirational Family Quotes
“Tennis just a game, a family is forever.” – Serena Williams
“Work is work, but family is for life. That’s what really matters to me.” – Akshay Kumar (Inspirational Family Quotes)
“My family is my life, and everything else comes second as far as what’s important to me.” – Michael Imperioli
“Seeing the family is a very important part of my weekend.” – Susannah York
“Family is a unique gift that needs to be appreciated and treasured, even when they’re driving you crazy. As much as they make you mad, interrupt you, annoy you, curse at you, try to control you, these are the people who know you the best and who love you.” – Jenna Morasca
“I think family is key, and if you have a love for family, then you have a love for others – and you have unity as a people.” – Marlon Wayans
“The most important thing in the world is family and love.” – John Wooden
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“For me, family always comes first; I would do anything to protect them.” – Mark Wahlberg (Inspirational Family Quotes)
“My family is my strength and my weakness.” – Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
“I find the family the most mysterious and fascinating institution in the world.” – Amos Oz
“Our family is a circle of the strength of love with every birth and every union the circle grows.”
“I have a wonderful shelter, which is my family. I have a wonderful relationship with my brother and sister; this makes me feel that I know always where I belong.” – Jose Carreras
“The children have been a wonderful gift to me, and I’m thankful to have once again seen our world through their eyes. They restore my faith in the family’s future.” – Jackie Kennedy
Inspirational Family Quotes
“You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” – Desmond Tutu (Inspirational Family Quotes)
“When you start with family, about lineage and ancestry, you are talking about every person on earth.” – Alex Haley
Latest Family Quotes
“The family – that dear octopus from whose tentacles we never quite escape, nor, in our inmost hearts, ever quite wish to.” – Dodie Smith
“I sustain myself with the love of family.” – Maya Angelou
“Parents were the only ones obligated to love you; from the rest of the world you had to earn it.” – Ann Brashares
“Human beings are the only creatures on earth that allow their children to come back home.” – Bill Cosby (Latest Family Quotes)
“That’s what people do who love you. They put their arms around you and love you when you’re not so lovable.” – Deb Caletti
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“It didn’t matter how big our house was; it mattered that there was love in it.” – Peter Buffett
“What greater thing is there for human souls than to feel that they are joined for life – to be with each other in silent unspeakable memories.” – George Eliot (Latest Family Quotes)
“You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world but a world lives in you.” – Frederick Buechner
“Families are messy. Immortal families are eternally messy. Sometimes the best we can do is to remind each other that we’re related for better or for worse…and try to keep the maiming and killing to a minimum.” – Rick Riordan
“I was angry and frustrated until I started my own family and my first child was born. Until then I didn’t really appreciate life the way I should have, but fortunately, I woke up.” – Johnny Depp
Latest Family Quotes
“A mother discovers with great delight that one does not love one’s children just because they are one’s children but because of the friendship formed while raising them.” – Gabriel Garcia Marquez
“The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.” – Henry Ward Beecher (Latest Family Quotes)
Best Family Quotes Love
“The family you come from isn’t as important as the family you’re going to have.” – Ring Lardner
“Everyone needs a house to live in, but a supportive family is what builds a home.” – Anthony Liccione (Best Family Quotes Love)
“Women’s natural role is to be a pillar of the family.” – Grace Kelly
“I love spending time with my friends and family. The simplest things in life give me the most pleasure: cooking a good meal, enjoying my friends.” – Cindy Morgan
“If someone were to harm my family or a friend or somebody I love, I would eat them. I might end up in jail for 500 years, but I would eat them.” – Johnny Depp
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“The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is the family.” – Lee Iacocca
“If you come from a solid family structure, it doesn’t matter what you go through in your life. You’re going to be okay.” – Alyssa Milano
“Think of your family today and every day thereafter, don’t let the busy world of today keep you from showing how much you love and appreciate your family.” – Josiah
“Life is precious and relationships are precious. I’m a great believer in family.” – Len Goodman (Best Family Quotes Love)
“A family is a place where minds come in contact with one another.” – Buddha
“The one thing that kept our family together was the music. The only thing that our family would share emotionally was to have our dad cry over something the kids did with music.” – Dennis Wilson
“I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it.” – Harry S. Truman
Best Family Quotes Love
“Love your family. Spend time, be kind & serve one another. Make no room for regrets. Tomorrow is not promised & today is short.”
“In every conceivable manner, the family is linked to our past, bridge to our future.” – Alex Haley (Best Family Quotes Love)
Family Quotes Christmas
“I come from that society and there is a common thread, specifically family values – the idea that you do anything for your family, and the unconditional love for one’s children.” – Ednita Nazario
“In every dispute between parent and child, both cannot be right, but they may be, and usually are, both wrong. It is this situation which gives family life its peculiar hysterical charm.” – Isaac Rosenfeld
“I have a family to support. And I’m not always going to be doing exactly what I want to do.” – Patrick Warburton
“To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there.” – Barbara Bush (Family Quotes Christmas)
“Next to hurting my family, cheating on me is the worst thing someone could do.” – Robert Buckley
“Talking with my friends and family every day helps keep me grounded and connected to home. They are the most important things to me.” – Colbie Caillat (Family Quotes Christmas)
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“Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones you accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, and who love you-you no matter what.”
“Family life itself, that safest, most traditional, most approved of female choices, is not a sanctuary: It is, perpetually, a dangerous place.” – Margaret Drabble
“A home with a loving and loyal husband and wife is the supreme setting in which children can be reared in love and righteousness and in which the spiritual and physical needs of children can be met.” – David A. Bednar (Family Quotes Christmas)
Family Quotes Christmas
“Unconditional love is loving your kids for who they are, not for what they do… it isn’t something you will achieve every minute of every day. But it is the thought we must hold in our hearts every day.” – Stephanie Marston
“The single most important factor in our long-term happiness is the relationships we have with our family and close friends.” – Clayton Christensen
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