#god don't you love inflation adjustments built into legislation? doesn't it make you downright giddy???
The SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act: An Update!
The US Senate bill that would let disabled & elderly people save more money while still keeping their Social Security benefits (and which is pegged to inflation so we don’t need to keep passing increases over and over!) aka baby’s personal favorite legislation of the 117th Congress, has a little update!
On 06/06/2022, the bill’s original sponsors, senators Sherrod Brown (OH Dem) and Rob Portman (OH Rep), were joined by two new sponsors, Senator Ron Wyden (OH Dem) and Senator Bill Cassidy (LA Rep). (Source: official congressional website for the SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act, also known as S.4102) The more bipartisan support, the better a chance it has of actually passing, so I’m excited!
Right now, it’s still in the Senate Committee on Finance. Keep in mind that Sherrod Brown actually introduced this legislation (or something very similar) in a previous year and it didn’t go through, but now he has Portman on board and Portman is going to get replaced in 2022, probably by a far worse Republican (fucking JD Vance, a massive capitalist who thinks welfare is Bad), so the time to get this passed is now! We don’t know what the 2022 midterms will bring.
Here’s all the current Senate Committee on Finance members, with links to their Wikipedia page. If one of these belongs to you, now would be a great time to call or send a letter! If you enter in your state on the official Senate site it will tell you their official Senate contact info. If you'd like to read the full text of the bill, I recommend it, it's very short, probably shorter than this post! I don't have a head count of who supports it at this point, but it wouldn’t hurt to let them know that they should! (I mean, I’m guessing Elizabeth Warren’s on board, lmao, but.)
DEMOCRATS on the Senate Committee on Finance
Ron Wyden, Oregon, Chairman - new co-sponsor
Debbie Stabenow, Michigan
Maria Cantwell, Washington
Bob Menendez, New Jersey
Tom Carper, Delaware
Ben Cardin, Maryland
Sherrod Brown, Ohio - original co-sponsor
Michael Bennet, Colorado
Bob Casey, Pennsylvania
Mark Warner, Virginia
Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island
Maggie Hassan, New Hampshire
Catherine Cortez Masto, Nevada
Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts
REPUBLICANS on the Senate Committee on Finance
Mike Crapo, Idaho, Ranking Member
Chuck Grassley, Iowa
John Cornyn, Texas
John Thune, South Dakota
Richard Burr, North Carolina
Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania
Tim Scott, South Carolina
Bill Cassidy, Louisiana- new co-sponsor
James Lankford, Oklahoma
Steve Daines, Montana
Rob Portman, Ohio - original co-sponsor
Todd Young, Indiana
Ben Sasse, Nebraska
John Barrasso, Wyoming
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