#i will continue to hype this bill until it either passes or it dies
The SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act: An Update!
The US Senate bill that would let disabled & elderly people save more money while still keeping their Social Security benefits (and which is pegged to inflation so we don’t need to keep passing increases over and over!) aka baby’s personal favorite legislation of the 117th Congress, has a little update!
On 06/06/2022, the bill’s original sponsors, senators Sherrod Brown (OH Dem) and Rob Portman (OH Rep), were joined by two new sponsors, Senator Ron Wyden (OH Dem) and Senator Bill Cassidy (LA Rep). (Source: official congressional website for the SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act, also known as S.4102) The more bipartisan support, the better a chance it has of actually passing, so I’m excited!
Right now, it’s still in the Senate Committee on Finance. Keep in mind that Sherrod Brown actually introduced this legislation (or something very similar) in a previous year and it didn’t go through, but now he has Portman on board and Portman is going to get replaced in 2022, probably by a far worse Republican (fucking JD Vance, a massive capitalist who thinks welfare is Bad), so the time to get this passed is now! We don’t know what the 2022 midterms will bring.
Here’s all the current Senate Committee on Finance members, with links to their Wikipedia page. If one of these belongs to you, now would be a great time to call or send a letter! If you enter in your state on the official Senate site it will tell you their official Senate contact info. If you'd like to read the full text of the bill, I recommend it, it's very short, probably shorter than this post! I don't have a head count of who supports it at this point, but it wouldn’t hurt to let them know that they should! (I mean, I’m guessing Elizabeth Warren’s on board, lmao, but.)
DEMOCRATS on the Senate Committee on Finance
Ron Wyden, Oregon, Chairman - new co-sponsor
Debbie Stabenow, Michigan
Maria Cantwell, Washington
Bob Menendez, New Jersey
Tom Carper, Delaware
Ben Cardin, Maryland
Sherrod Brown, Ohio - original co-sponsor
Michael Bennet, Colorado
Bob Casey, Pennsylvania
Mark Warner, Virginia
Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island
Maggie Hassan, New Hampshire
Catherine Cortez Masto, Nevada
Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts
REPUBLICANS on the Senate Committee on Finance
Mike Crapo, Idaho, Ranking Member
Chuck Grassley, Iowa
John Cornyn, Texas
John Thune, South Dakota
Richard Burr, North Carolina
Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania
Tim Scott, South Carolina
Bill Cassidy, Louisiana- new co-sponsor
James Lankford, Oklahoma
Steve Daines, Montana
Rob Portman, Ohio - original co-sponsor
Todd Young, Indiana
Ben Sasse, Nebraska
John Barrasso, Wyoming
11 notes · View notes
ridleykemp · 4 years
Battlebots Season 5, Episode 1: And so we return and begin again
Well, the greatest sport known to humanity is back and…it’s wow. I’m not going to say that Battlebots will be the best thing that happens in 2020, but I’m not going to say it won’t be. The format is essentially the same: Two 250 pound robots bashing each other until one of them is too damaged to continue or three minutes pass. There are a couple of new wrinkles. Robots without wheels can be a lot bigger (500 pounds, I think), there’s no audience, and they’ve upgraded the hazards inside the battlebox so they’re presumably more than just nuisances. Other than that? It’s Battlebots. What more do you want?
There will be spoilers here. There will be so many spoilers. There will be very little that is not spoiler. If you don’t want to know how the fights turned out, you are in the wrong place.
OK, now that we’re clear, let’s go over the fights in this 2 hour season opener!
Fight 1: Sawblaze v. Whiplash
This promised to be a heck of a fight. Jamison Go’s Sawblaze made the quarterfinals last year and Jeff Vasquez’ Whiplash made the semifinals. Go and Vasquez are two of the best drivers around and their bots are among the most reliable and maneuverable, although neither of them are huge hitters. Or, at least, they weren’t last year.
Sawblaze somehow got lower to the ground than last year, and the dustpan forks on the front of it pushed Whiplash around for most of the early going. Whiplash got in a couple of hits with their articulated spinner, but they never really squared up on Sawblaze and, even after taking out one of their opponents’ tires, couldn’t win the shoving match.
Last year, Sawblaze introduced a new type of weapon: The hammer-saw. Instead of just using a sawblade on an arm that swung down on the top of their foes, they added some weight to the blade and swung the it with a great deal more force. It had never been especially destructive, but this time, with Whiplash pinned against the screws, Sawblaze brought the weapon down and split the top armor plate. Something important (and probably expensive) broke in Whiplash as it was rendered immobile and counted out.
Winner: Sawblaze (knockout)
Fight 2: MatCatter v. Fusion
I had MadCatter figured as a sacrificial lamb for the new bot from Team Whyachi. Fusion is a combination spinner; horizontal on one side and vertical on the other. The Ewert family had been pretty successful introducing new bots (check out Hydra last year), and Fusion looked like a good one. Meanwhile, Madcatter looked like…a cat. A cat with a vertical spinner and a kind of goofy paw-lifter device, but still…it didn’t look like it could live up to Martin Mason’s enthusiasm (not that anything could).
MadCatter performed the mother of all box rushes, sprinting across the box and bopping Fusion before either of them could get their spinners up to speed. The initial hit seemed to take all the speed out of MadCatter, but Fusion wasn’t exactly running rings around them.
In fact, it was MadCatter that was clearly on top, picking its spots, getting under Fusion, and delivering hits and trying fruitlessly to flip the other bot. The cat wasn’t doing a lot, but it was the only bot doing anything. Fusion was struggling mightily with things like “going in a straight line” and eventually started smoking, which is often a precursor to stopping entirely. That was the case here and the bot I thought was just there to provide an opponent won a pretty convincing victory.
Winner: MadCatter (knockout)
Fight 3: Axe Backwards v. Malice
Speaking of sacrificial lambs: Kurt Durjan’s Axe Backwards. This genuinely interesting looking bot, a full-body vertical spinner, has been dissected by some very ordinary bots and just destroyed by some of the good ones. Malice, driven by rookie Bunny Sauriol, was an unknown quantity, but the 65 pound horizontal drum spinner looked menacing enough to make me think the newbie would make short work of Axe Backwards.
Kurt taunted Bunny during the countdown, but once the fight started, the roles reversed immediately. A single hit effectively ended Axe Backwards as a mobile piece of machinery. Malice could have just pounded Axe Backwards to a pulp, but after getting in a couple more shots, she backed off and let the referee count out the flaming wreck of little plastic-y axes.
Winner: Malice (knockout)
Fight 4: Bloodsport v. Skorpios
Justin Marple’s Bloodsport had an impressive debut last year, albeit against some seriously inept bots (thankfully, the multi-bot trend has almost completely died out). Zach Lyttle’s Skorpios went a long way in the tournament last year largely by being very well-driven and very hard to hurt, but without doing much in the way of damage.
I had Skorpios as the favorite based on what I saw of Bloodsport last year, but this year’s version is a very different bot. The horizontal lawnmower blade was replaced by a spinning disk which was clever, because Skorpios’ already weak weapon was never going to get through it without destroying it’s own saw. This proved to be the case, as the first time Skorpios brought the saw down, it was bent and rendered ineffective almost immediately.
Bloodsport also surprised me by managed to get under Skorpios, something that very few bots have managed. There were no huge hits, but it was a death by a thousand cuts as Bloodsport took apart Skorpios’ front wedge and kept pounding the underside of one of the lowest bots around. Eventually, Skorpios just stopped moving and that has traditionally been something that was very difficult to achieve. Impressive.
Winner: Bloodsport (knockout)
Fight 5: Captain Shredderator v. Lock-Jaw
Brian Nave’s Captain Sherdderator has been around forever now, and very little has changed. It’s a brutal full body spinner that can do tremendous damage to an opponent while doing as much, or more, damage to itself. There was a lot of talk pre-match about how he’d simplified the bot to try to make it more reliable. In the other corner was another known quantity: Donald Hutson’s Lock-Jaw. It looked pretty much the same as always, but apparently, this was a ground-up rebuild.
I figured Lock-Jaw had this one in the bag on theory that betting on the bot that won’t beat itself is usually a good bet. But, the Captain came out swinging and knocked half of the back wedge off of Lock-Jaw right off the bat. Meanwhile, Lock-Jaw kept getting its front forks stuck in the killsaw slots because it always does that and why would you try to fix a problem like that oh my god it is so frustrating.
Lock-Jaw wasn’t moving to well, but Shredderator did the Shredderator thing of getting a big hit and coming off worse than its opponent. The Captain started smoking and eventually couldn’t move. The post-match piece blamed it on a small piece of wire that caused the brakes to engage constantly and burned out the motors. Sigh.
Winner: Lock-Jaw (knockout)
Fight 6: Rusty v. Sporkinok
This fight featured a couple of rookies and I’m going to go out on a limb and predict that neither of them make the knockout stages. Lilith Sprect’s Sporkinok is a Swiss Army bot that can be configured with either a hammer or a lifter. She went with the lifter this time, which, while disappointing from a “I like to see things hit each other” standpoint, made sense. Rusty, the brainchild of David Eaton was very steampunk looking assemblage of parts found on the farm, featuring a very short ranged hammer-spike device and what looked like an Ikea mixing bowl on it’s “head.”
Neither bot maneuvered well at all, so the “box rush” was more of a drunken stagger. Sporkinok get on the side of Rusty and flipped him over and that looked to have been that. I’m not exactly sure how, but Rusty somehow managed to self-right and start deploying the hammer-spike thingie.
It’s hard to know for sure if Rusty ever landed any blows and, if so, what they did, but two of Sporkinok’s wheels appeared to lock up. The immobile bot was counted out and the barely mobile Rusty got the win.
Winner: Rusty (knockout)
Fight 7: Sharko v. Smeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
These were, if nothing else, two of the more interesting bots on the card. Edward Robinson’s Sharko was an upgrade to last year’s Sharkoprion, a bot assembled out of, among other things, wheelchair parts. Instead of the world’s least-used vertical disk spinner, they opted for an impressive looking crusher in the jaws of the shark. Smee (add as many “e” as you like; I’m done) is a really unique design. It’s 14’ long and basically just a series of wedges with a small horizontal spinner on each end. The idea is that it’ll make contact with the opponent and then the sides will wrap around and eat their tires.
This wasn’t a great fight, but that was most because the bots were poorly matched. Sharko was never going to get its jaws on Smee, and Smee couldn’t really get around the enormous Sharko and, even if it could, Sharko’s wheels were too big and solid to damage.
The fight consisted mostly of Sharko spinning around and whippings its tail while Smee was slooooowly chewing its tires. I’m eager to see how either of these bots fare against more conventional opponents, but this match just didn’t work. This one went the distance, and Smee won since “a little damage” is better than “no damage whatsoever.”
Winner: Smee (unanimous decision)
Fight 8: End Game v. Tombstone
This was the main event, and for good reason. Ray Billings’ Tombstone is not just one of the most entertaining bots; it’s also one of the best and Ray really enjoys his overdog status. Nick Mabey’s End Game came over from New Zealand two years ago to a lot of hype, but reliability (and a torn-up battlebox) have prevented them from quite living up to it. These were two incredibly destructive bots and it as a near-certainty that it wouldn’t go the distance.
It did not go the distance.
The opening exchanges were explosive but largely even as the bots went weapon-to-weapon right off the bat. There was the sense that one big hit to anything but a weapon would end the fight quickly and, wouldn’t you know it? That’s pretty much how it went down.
End Game got a good hit that put Tombstone off-balance and drove it into the screws. One of the Tombstone’s wheels got stuck, leaving the King of Kinetic Energy a sitting duck. End Game moved in and blasted Tombstone over the screws and out of the arena for a very quick and decisive win.
Winner: End Game (knockout)
Well, that had a little of everything, didn’t it? Fireballs, upsets, close fights, not at all close fights, comically inept bots. With 7 knockouts in 8 fights, there weren’t even any “Duck was robbed” moments where the judges made a baffling decision.
I wouldn’t call it a legendary episode, but it was a very good one and if the rest of the season can keep it going, this is going to be a lot of fun.
0 notes
Not Your Usual Tattoo
***PLEASE NOTE: This is Part Two of a series. You can find Part One linked below.***
Pairing: TattooArtist!Daveed x Reader
Summary: You go to a clipping. concert and get a lot more than you asked for. (This contains smut.)
Warnings: some aspects of d/s, fingering, oral sex, some biting, hickeys, hair pulling, slight dirty talk (i guess), Daveed with tattoos (tbh that’s the real killer in this AU)
Words: 6.5k+ (shit, I am so sorry)
Part One | Part Two
A/N: So this has been in the works for a longgg time and it is FINALLY done! I am so excited to release it! I hope you guys like it! <3 shoutout to @helplesslylins for being the B E S T and sticking with me through this ride! Also first fic on my rebirth account!
Tags: @tempfixeliza @daveeddiggsit @diggs4life @americanrevelation @patron-saintof-sluts @icanneverbesatisfied @merrahonthawall, @hamilbroke, @sharkastic-issues, @videogamedriver, @boredonatuesdaynight @thehamiltonpost , @hamiltonwrotetheother51 @butlinislin, @nadialinett14 , @librarychild , @spidey-boii , @me-hoy-me-trash , @serkewen12 , @daveedish , @linmanuclmiranda , @autistic-alien , @runnerriley, @hamilsquad-writings , @runnerriley
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t overly excited for the concert. The past week you’ve been playing strictly clipping. Clipping. was the only thing that felt right during your commutes around the city. You knew a fair amount of songs by the time the concert rolled around. Doors were at 8 but you decided to be in the area at 7:30, there was a small line but it wasn’t anything crazy. Everyone seemed to be chill and friendly, there was excited chatter about clipping. but most of it was centered around Daveed.
“I’m just saying if he wanted to pull me backstage I would not mind.” A girl to your left spoke to her group of friends.
They all burst into laughter and you quietly agreed in your head as you unlocked your phone.
“Hey Rafael!”
You looked up, a few people in line were calling out to Rafael who was walking past. You two connected eyes for a second and he did a double take before walking to you.
“Hey! You came.” Rafa smiled, tucking his hand into his pockets.
“Of course! Studio versions of songs are amazing but there’s something about live performances, you know?”
“Yeah, I feel that.” Rafa nodded in agreement.
You shifted uncomfortably under the stares of some people in line, was Rafael a big deal around here as well?
“I told him I was down the block and he still isn’t out here waiting for me. Can you believe how I get treated?”
You chuckled, looking at the front door of the venue.
“Maybe he’s busy soundchecking? Or his phone isn’t on him?” You shrugged, watching as Rafael pulled his phone out of his pocket.
“Let’s try this again.” Rafa sighed, clicking call and putting the phone to his ear.
“Oh, so you can answer your phone but not answer a text? Luckily I had Y/N out here to entertain me or I would’ve died of boredom.”
Rafael smiled as you chuckled.
“Mhmmmm.” Rafa dragged out his response, looking you up and down. You raised a brow, tugging at the neckline of your shirt to cover your chest a bit more. You weren’t showing it all but you weren’t the most modest either.
“Yeah, and she expects an amazing show. Also, she thinks you should come get me from outside, I’m out here with food that’s getting cold.”
You glanced down and noted the plastic bag hanging from Rafael’s left hand.
“Finally. Jesus.” Rafa groaned dramatically, taking the phone from his ear and hanging up.
“You are the definition of a drama queen.” You snickered.
“I’ll happily admit that I am.” Rafa winked at you before glancing over at the now open front door. Daveed popped his head out of the doorway, scanning the area for his best friend. Eventually, his eyes landed on you and Rafael. You waved and Daveed waved back before his attention was pulled to some fans in the front of the line who noticed him. You expected Rafa to start walking over to the front door but he looked over at you.
“You know, being on the list means you get early access.”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. Rafael rolled his eyes playfully.
“I’m saying, come inside with me.” Rafa clarified, turning around and walking before you could respond.
You were frozen for a second, still processing what was said but once it clicked you followed behind Rafael to the door. The two of you slipped in behind Daveed who was still talking to the fans in line.
“He’s gonna be a while, the fans tend to favor him.” Rafael said, walking to the bar and setting down the bag of food.
“That smells really good, I should’ve gotten a snack before I left.” You sighed, setting your bag on the countertop.
“I got a bagel if you want half of it.” Rafa pulled out the tinfoil wrapped bagel, holding it out to you.
“You sure? I don’t wanna deprive you of food.” You replied, taking the bagel out of his hand and unwrapping it.
“Go for it, they really packed it this time around. Plus I have another plate of food in here for me. I insist.” Rafa flashed you a warm smile.
“Thank you.” You smiled back, taking a half of the bagel and biting into it.
“It’s still kinda warm from the toaster.” You hummed happily, swinging your legs on the bar stool.
Rafa bit into his half, nodding in appreciation.
“This is some good shit right there.” He agreed, opening a bottle of water and taking a sip.
“Would you happen to have another bottle of water in there?”
Rafael rummaged through the bag, pulling out another bottle of water.
“You’re in luck. I do.” He held it out to you. “Can I supply you with anything else?”
You shook your head no, smiling sheepishly.
“Aren’t you supposed to wait for everyone to get their food before you eat?”
You turned around at the sound of Daveed’s voice. He looked good in a shirt that fit him too well, a beanie, black jeans, sneakers and a pair of glasses. The glasses threw you off the most, you never saw them on him before but they made him look even more attractive.
“Weren’t you supposed to be outside waiting for me when I got here?” Rafael retorted, mocking Daveed’s tone.
“Hey!” Rafa yelled out as Daveed snatched the rest of the bagel out of his hand and took a bite.
“You don’t gotta be a jerk.” Rafa mumbled, pulling out a bag of chips.
“You don’t gotta sass me.” Daveed countered, sitting on the other side of you.
Daveed smirked, running his fingers through his hair.
“That bagel was yours anyway.” Rafa confessed, a smug grin on his face.
Your eyes widened as you looked at the small bit of bagel you still had in your hand. You glanced over at Daveed, who was already looking at you.
“I swear I had no idea, I wouldn’t have eaten it if I had known it was yours.” You rambled, a blush spreading through your cheeks.
“No need to apologize, it’s fine.” Daveed gave you a reassuring smile and took another bite into his bagel.
“Okay good because I wasn’t trying to give this bit of bagel back to you.” You tossed the last piece into your mouth.
Daveed shook his head, continuing to chew instead of responding to you.
“Your tattoo is looking good. Have you been having any issues with it?” Daveed asked, eyes shifting down to your collarbone then continuing a little bit lower to your chest for a split second before returning to your face.
“Nope, it’s been going great. I think it will be fully healed in a few more days.”
Daveed nodded, leaning forward so he could see Rafa.
“Pass me my water please.”
“Yeah…about that…” Rafa’s gaze slowly shifted to the water bottle currently in your hand.
“Why am I friends with you?” Daveed sighed, standing and heading for the back.
“You love me!” Rafa called after him, chuckling.
“I can’t believe you basically gave me Daveed’s food.”
“Oh please, the venue probably gave them a shitload of snacks, he won’t die. He doesn’t like to eat big before a performance anyway.” Rafael tossed his now empty bag of chips into the trash can behind the bar.
“So, did you catch up on your clipping.? Daveed loves it when the crowd knows the words.”
You didn’t like the sly smirk on Rafael’s face, it couldn’t mean anything good.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“No reason! Oh, by the way, Daveed favors stage right. Just so you know.”
Rafael gave you a smile as you narrowed your eyes at him.
“You’re not very subtle.”
“I never said I was.” Rafael responded, shrugging and glancing at the stage.
“Just trying to give you the best experience, trust me you will want a front row view for this concert.” Rafael stood up from the stool, cleaning up the bar, “Doors open soon, go claim your spot.”
With those last words, Rafael disappeared backstage and you heeded his advice, taking a spot in the middle of stage right. The room slowly filled with people but it wasn’t to the point where you were crushed. You could move around with ease and dance in your spot if you wanted to. As the lights dimmed, you realized this was really happening. Even as the opener hyped up the crowd and performed, your mind was elsewhere thinking about what was to come. After 40 minutes the opener finished and exited the stage. Immediately the crew came out and moved speakers before disappearing behind the scenes again. When Bill and Jon took the stage and the crowd went wild, adrenaline coursed through your veins at a dizzying speed. Then Daveed jogged on stage with a wide grin. He approached the mic stand, instantly jumping into ‘Get Up’. You bounced to the beat, screaming along with the crowd as Daveed rapped at an insane speed.
“Y’all ready to turn the fuck up?” Daveed yelled as the song came to an end.
You cupped your hands around your mouth and cheered with the crowd.
“Nah, y’all can do better. I said, are you ready to turn the fuck up?” Daveed repeated, smiling as the crowd yelled back with more enthusiasm.
He took the mic off the stand as the second song started, dancing around the stage until the beat dropped. Song after song, Daveed only increased his energy. By the time he neared the end of the set he was drenched in sweat. Every time he shook his head, sweat flew in every direction. He made eye contact with you a few times, giving you a small smile before moving to the other side of the stage. You sang along to every song as if your life depended on it.
“This song is for all the ladies! And everyone else!” Daveed called out as the beginning of Body & Blood played.
This was your hands-down your favorite song by clipping., so you made sure to go all out. The crowd did the same, feeding off the energy Daveed was giving them. Daveed neared your side of the stage and looked you right in the eyes as he rapped.
“She got a diamond tattoo on her upper thigh. Another fineness walks by and cuts eyes. She let her go, she got a bad little body.” Daveed winked as he finished the lyric before turning away and walking towards the other side of the stage.
You bit your lip, watching Daveed control the crowd with his movements and words. He was even more attractive when he was growling lyrics, the veins in his forearms becoming defined. You definitely weren’t prepared for him to take off his shirt and jump into the crowd. The energy spiked immensely, the crowd jumping with Daveed as he finished the last song.
“It’s Clipping., bitch.” Daveed said, jumping back on the stage and putting the mic on the stand. He walked offstage with Jon and Bill in tow, all of them waving as they exited. The lights turned on and you leaned on the stage, still thrumming with adrenaline. What now? You turned around and walked to the bar to get a cup of water. You chugged it down, refilling the cup before turning back to the crowd that wasn’t getting any smaller despite doors being open again. Then you saw the reason why. Daveed, Jon, and Bill were all talking with fans. Daveed had, sadly, put on another shirt. You found yourself observing from across the room, watching Daveed interact with fans. He was genuinely happy, a smile never leaving his face as he went through the big crowd surrounding him. When you looked away to toss out your empty water cup, you realized you were one of the few people still wandering around. Part of you wanted to approach Daveed but the more shy part of you told you to just slip out.
“Enjoyed the show?”
You jumped and looked to your left to see Rafa taking a seat next to you.
“My throat hurts right now and my legs are sore from dancing so I’m gonna go with hell yes.” You chuckled, spinning around to face him.
“I could tell. You are quite the dancer Y/N.”
“You were watching me?” You raised a brow.
“It was hard to keep my eyes off you when you were moving like that.” He shrugged, leaning on the counter with a sly smirk.
“You’re tipsy, aren’t you?” You asked, if you didn’t know any better you would think he was flirting with you.
“Little bit. Alcoholic gummy bears. So many of them.” Rafa chuckled, adjusting the beanie on his head.
“And you didn’t share? I’m hurt.” You clutched your chest as if he had physically hit you.
Rafa rolled his eyes and pulled a plastic bag out of his pocket and put it on the counter, inside was a bunch of gummy bears.
“Go ahead.” He nodded towards the bag.
You opened it and took out three, tossing them into your mouth and savoring the bitter taste of vodka. You took a handful more and tossed them into your mouth.
“Might wanna slow down there.” Rafa laughed, taking a bear out of the bag and tossing it into the air and catching it in his mouth.
“I can do that too.” You said, taking another gummy bear and tossing it into the air but it fell on your nose instead of into your mouth.
“Ah, so close!”
“Fuck off.” You softly elbowed him before grabbing another and tossing it up, this time it fell in your mouth.
You threw your arms up in victory, smirking at Rafael. He clapped sarcastically and you bowed dramatically.
“Thank you. Thank you. I know. What talent. What grace.”
“And I thought I was dramatic.” Rafa rolled his eyes playfully, handing you another gummy bear.
“What are you two up to over here?”
You turned to see Daveed walking towards you with his jacket on his arm, glasses once again on his face. Your nerves kicked into high gear again as he got closer. The question was for both you and Rafa but he was focused on you.
“Some fun adult festivities. Think fast!” Rafa launched a gummy bear towards Daveed who caught it in his mouth.
“Gotta be quicker than that.” Daveed said, chewing on the bear and stopping in front of you and Rafael.
“Yeah yeah yeah.” Rafa responded, nudging the bag toward you, “You can have them if you want.”
“Or, we could get a real drink at a nearby bar.” Daveed suggested, once again turning his attention to you.
“Yeah, drinks sound good. You coming, Rafael?” You turned to him but he was already shrugging his jacket on.
“Nah, I’m smashed enough as it is but, you two have fun.” Rafael smirked, walking off and leaving you and Daveed behind.
You smiled shyly at him, getting off the barstool and picking up the bags of gummy bears. Daveed smiled back, walking to the front door and holding it open for you. You stepped out into the cool night, zipping up your jacket as Daveed followed you out.
“This way.” Daveed nodded up the block.
You fell into step with him, hands in your pockets. You felt like you should say something but for some reason your mouth wouldn’t cooperate. So you both walked in silence for about three blocks before he was opening another door for you. You thanked him and walked inside, looking around.
It was a small bar with a few booths, a jukebox, and a pool table.
“Booth or bar?” Daveed asked, staying behind you.
You headed towards one of the empty booths, Daveed took in the view of your ass as your hips swayed. You slid into one side and Daveed set down his jacket.
“What do you want to drink?”
“Hm, a Piña colada please.”
Daveed nodded and walked off to the bartender. You took a moment to send a quick text to your friends so they knew you were alive and well. You locked your phone as Daveed set your drink down in front of you.
“Thank you.” You said, taking a sip.
“Welcome.” Daveed responded, setting down his drink and sitting.
“I gotta say, you really know how to put on a show. My throat hurts a bit from screaming.”
Daveed grinned at that, some of his nerves melting away.
“I’m glad you had fun. You knew a lot more words than I thought you would.” He admitted, swishing the liquor in his glass.
“So you had no faith in me is what you’re saying.”
“I never said all that now. Just didn’t think you’d learned so much in a week.” He put his hands up as if he was surrendering.
You giggled, taking another sip from your drink.
“Well, I listened to your music fairly often. By that I mean when I was doing literally anything.”
“Is that so? So you must enjoy what you hear.”
“Nah, I go to shows because I hate the music I’m hearing.” You replied sarcastically.
“Ha ha. So funny.” He deadpanned, smiling when you started laughing.
“Don’t ask dumb questions and you won’t get dumb answers.”
“Alright, so no more dumb questions.” Daveed nodded, sipping his drink before setting down his glass, “You look amazing.”
You looked down at your glass, chewing on your lip. Daveed found it rather cute how easily you get flustered.
“You do too, even with the lack of a shirt.” You joked, meeting his gaze again.
“Many seem to like the no shirt look.” He shrugged, folding his arms in front of him.
“I can see why.” You said, eyeing the tattoos on his arm.
It wasn’t a new sight but you loved looking at them.
“Does that mean you liked what you saw?” He raised a brow, tilting his head to the side.
You got distracted by how his curls bounced before getting yourself back on track.
“Who wouldn’t? You look good and you know you look good, Daveed.”
“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed watching me as much as I enjoyed watching you.”
“So you were watching me?” You leaned in closer, giving Daveed a flirtatious smile.
Daveed licked his lips, leaning in as well.
“Mostly out of the corner of my eye, I have to be fair with my attention to the crowd but damn you were distracting. Especially when you were dancing and losing yourself in the music.”
“I wouldn’t have been able to tell with the way you performed. The control you had over the crowd, your stage presence, your energy. It was always at one hundred percent.” Your mind drifted back to the image of shirtless Daveed growling his lyrics.
Daveed noticed the distracted look in your eye but chose not to comment on it.
“I’ve been told I’m good with control. In many different settings.” Daveed lowered his voice, an underlying tone in his words made your thighs tense up involuntarily.
“Is that so? Do you like to be in control?” You quirked a brow, sipping from your glass.
“I thrive off of it. Something about being able to direct something, or someone, however you see fit gives me this rush. Wouldn’t you agree?”
You stirred your drink with your straw, willing your hormones to chill the fuck out but Daveed’s stare was intense and strangely, a turn on.
“I would say I like to be controlled.” You admitted, looking down at the table as Daveed bit his bottom lip.
“Then this should work perfectly.”
“What exactly is this?” You asked, meeting Daveed’s gaze again.
“You tell me.” Daveed challenged, pushing his empty glass aside.
You bit the inside of your flushed cheeks, you could blame it on the alcohol but Daveed wasn’t doing anything to help that.
“I’ll think about it over another drink.” You responded, glancing at the bar.
Daveed chuckled, sliding out the booth and walking back to the bar. You took a deep breath, only one drink in and you already felt the buzz. Daveed set down another Piña Colada in front of you as he sat back down. He refilled his glass as well.
“I want another tattoo, when are you free?”
Daveed seemed surprised by your statement, taking a sip of his drink before answering.
“I could do tomorrow if you want it soon.”
“What time?”
“Anytime.” Daveed shrugged, “What do you want this time?”
“You’ll see tomorrow at 10 PM.” You replied, giggling as Daveed rolled his eyes playfully.
“Alright, alright. This better be good.”
“Oh, trust me. It is.”
After a few more drinks and a lot of flirtatious talk, Daveed paid the tab and walked outside with you. You didn’t think Daveed would be a giggly drunk but trying to get an Uber was a mess of sentence fragments and loud laughing between you two. Eventually, Daveed was able to call an Uber. Daveed got in first and you slid in next, leaning against him as the driver pulled off.
“How you feelin’?” Daveed put his arm around you, watching traffic pass out of the window.
Your eyes were closed as you rested your head on his shoulder, the motion of the car soothing your intoxicated mind.
“Really good. I had a lot of fun.”
“Good, because I don’t want you puking on my nice jeans.” Daveed teased, laughing as you hit his leg.
“Fuck off.”
“I’m joking.” He chuckled, rubbing your back.
You traced patterns on his jeans, sitting in comfortable silence as you drove through the city. Soon the car came to a halt and Daveed shook you lightly.
“I think we’re at your place.” He whispered, slowly moving his arm from around you.
You sat up, looking at your apartment building then at Daveed and making an impulse, alcohol-influenced decision.
“You know…you could come in with me.” You purred, moving closer and placing your hand on his thigh.
Daveed looked at your hand, then your face. He leaned in closer to you and you closed your eyes for a kiss. You didn’t expect it to be on your forehead. You opened your eyes and looked at him with furrowed brows.
“As tempting as that is, you’re drunk. Your mind isn’t all the way there and I don’t want to be that guy.”
That was not the response you were expecting. You sat there, replaying the words in your head as Daveed slid your hand off his leg.
“Goodnight Y/N, I’ll see you tomorrow for your tattoo.” Daveed gave you a warm smile as you opened the car door.
“Goodnight Daveed.” You replied, climbing out of the car and grabbing your bag before closing the door.
You made your way to your building, the Uber driving off once Daveed knew you were safely inside. You got into the elevator, clicking the “3” button and leaning on the wall as you ascended. You shouldn’t have been so shocked by what just happened because he was right, you were pretty tipsy though you could still control yourself. You just didn’t expect him to say no. You made your way to your apartment and unlocked the door. You went through the usual routine of tossing down your bag, taking off your shoes and forcing yourself to brush your teeth because if you didn’t you knew you’d hate yourself in the morning for it. You slipped out of your clothes and put threw on your pajamas before collapsing onto your bed. You were asleep within a matter of seconds. 
 “I’m leaving now!” Rafa yelled down the hall, throwing his bag on his back.
“What? We don’t close for another hour.” Daveed pointed out, walking to the front of the shop.
“Well, you said Y/N was coming right?”
“Yeah. Why?” Daveed asked, leaning against the counter.
“I want you to be able to do whatever you want. As long as it’s in your station.” Rafa stressed as Daveed rolled his eyes.
“We aren’t fucking in the parlor Rafa, you’re ridiculous.”
“She basically invited you to smash last night! She wants it, Diggs. I’m just giving you the option to give it to her.” Rafa opened the front door, “Have fun!”
Daveed shook his head as he watched Rafa walk down the block. You turned the corner and saw Rafael coming toward you. He began to smile but then his eyes trailed down your body. He whistled, stopping in front of you.
You blushed, tugging at the end of your dress. You were getting the response you wanted though it wasn’t from your original target.
“You like it?” You spun in a circle slowly, putting a hand on your hip.
“You look really good.” Rafa’s eyes slowly raked over your body again before meeting your eyes.
“Thanks! It’s most convenient outfit for the tattoo I want.”
“And where would this tattoo be?” He said suggestively, raising a brow.
“Not where you think, nasty.” You chuckled and starting walking away towards the parlor.
“I’ll see you later Rafael!”
“Have funnnn!” Rafa chuckled to himself, continuing down the block.
You stopped outside the front door and glanced down at your dress. It was a simple summer dress that stopped a little above your knee but, it fit you in the best way possible. You already made the choice to wear it and now you had to own it. With your head held high you entered the shop, keeping a cool face as Daveed looked over at you. His reaction was almost exactly like Rafa’s, eyes looking everywhere except your face.
“Hey Daveed.” You walked over slowly, confidence increasing with every step toward him.
“Y/N, that dress looks…amazing on you.” Daveed said, his gaze finally meeting yours.
You could tell he wanted to say something else by the way he paused mid-sentence but you’d take what you could get.
“Thank you, I like the tank, it brings attention to your sleeve.” You glanced down at his arms before walking down the hall to his work station.
You could hear Daveed following behind you as you sat down on the chair.
“Alright, let’s hear this amazing tattoo idea.” Daveed sat on his stool, moving closer to you.
“Well, one of my favorite songs by clipping. is Body & Blood. Something about it just makes me feel confident, makes me feel sexy.” You began, crossing your legs which made your dress slide up your thighs a little.
Daveed’s eyes followed the movement before flickering back to you.
“So, what better to do then get a tattoo based on Body and Blood?”
“You want a tattoo based off one of my songs?” Daveed raised a brow.
You nodded.
“Specifically, a diamond tattoo on my upper thigh.” You lifted your hips to pull your dress further up until it was bunched up at your hips, pointing at your right thigh.
Your heart was pounding in your ears, you decided being bold could get you what you wanted. You would either make a huge fool of yourself or you would get what you want. From the look on Daveed’s face, it seems you’d get the latter.
“Wow…Not gonna lie that’s flattering and hot at the same time.” Daveed licked his lips, reaching for some paper.
“How do you want it to look?” He asked, picking up a pencil.
“You’re the artist, what do you think it would look like?”
Daveed thought for a moment before he started drawing. A few minutes passed before he spoke again.
“This is what I had in mind.” Daveed said, holding up the piece of paper.
“Then let’s put it on me.” You leaned back, shifting a bit so you were more comfortable.
Daveed grabbed a disposable razor and ran it over your thigh a few times before wiping your skin clean with an antiseptic wipe. You watched as he made the stencil and transferred it to your skin. Once he finished setting up his equipment, he wheeled himself over and looked up at you.
“You ready?” He asked, tattoo machine roaring to life.
You nodded, not trusting your voice as Daveed’s hand settled onto your thigh. The first line was more of a slight annoyance instead of searing pain because of the adrenaline running through your body. You watched Daveed closely, noticing him trying his best to not stare at your lace panties you intentionally wore for today but you saw his eyes sometimes flicker to them then quickly back to the stencil. You closed your eyes, trying to stop the slight squirm of your hips.
“You’re tensing up, you alright?” Daveed asked, moving to get more ink.
You opened your eyes and looked at him, nodding your head.
“Yeah, sorry, still not used to the feeling I guess.” You laughed weakly.
Daveed seems to buy the excuse because he continued his linework. You took a deep breath in hopes of calming down your hormones but then Daveed’s hand shifted and your thighs involuntarily clenched.
“You sure you’re okay? You’re getting goosebumps.” Daveed looked at you again, an amused look in his eyes.
“Yeah. I-I’m fine. It must be cold or something.” You stammered, heat spreading through your cheek as wetness started settling between your thighs.
Daveed licked his lips, moving away to get more ink.
“Really? Want me to turn up the heat or something?” He offered, starting his work on your thigh again.
“No, it’s fine.”
Daveed nodded, even though his head was mostly down, you swore you could see a smirk on his face.
“You’re handling this a lot better than the first tattoo, not that you were acting horribly during your first tattoo.” Daveed said, wiping the excess ink off your thigh.
“Really?” You looked down at him again.
“Yeah, you were shaking a little last time but this time you’re still. You keep tensing your thighs though, are you ticklish or something?”
You couldn’t tell Daveed that the placement of his hands and his overall existence was making it hard to control your hormones so you went along with it.
“Yep! That’s it. I’m ticklish, sorry I’ll try to relax.”
“Is there any way I can help you relax?” Daveed asked.
Your cheeks flushed as you recognized the suggestive tone he used at the bar last night.
“Uh…” You struggled to come up with a response, his words from last night replaying in your head.
“I’ve been told I’m good with control. In many different settings.”
You swallowed thickly, squirming again under his gaze. His eyes drifted to your chest for a second, a smug look forming on his face before he looked you in the eyes again. Without another word, he went back to doing your tattoo as if nothing ever happened. A few minutes of silence passed and Daveed put down the machine.
“You’re all done, Y/N.” Daveed said as he cleaned up the tattoo and you peeked at it, a wide smile appearing on your face.
“It’s as sexy as I thought it would be.”
“I have to agree with that.” Daveed said, securing the bandage with tape.
“You think it’s sexy?” You sat up, lifting your leg so he could reach under it.
“Of course, it’s my design on a beautiful woman. Who’s in a really sexy dress that I’m assuming isn’t everyday wear.”
As Daveed leaned in closer to you, you leaned back until you were laying on the chair again. You felt cornered but, you liked it. You liked the way he was looking at you with intense eyes, that taunting smirk returning to his features.
“So, I’ll ask again. Is there anything I can do to help you relax?”
Your thighs clenched again, another wave of arousal hitting you from his words.
“I-I can think of a few things.”
“Then, tell me what it is. What do you want, Y/N?”
“You.” You blurted before you started second guessing your decision.
Daveed’s eyes traveled down your body again before he reached behind you and pulled a lever. Slowly the chair flattened until you were parallel to the floor.
“We’re limited due to your tattoo but I know something I can still do.” Daveed walked to the opposite end of the chair, near your legs.
“You sure you’re okay with this?” Daveed asked again, looking at you.
You spread your legs slightly in response and Daveed wasted no time grabbing your hips and pulling you down until you were at the edge of the chair. He started to sink to his knees to he could settle between your legs when he suddenly stood back up.
“Hold on.” Daveed walked out of the room and to the front of the shop. During his absence you carefully slid off your panties, tossing them onto your bag. Daveed made sure the shop was empty before locking the front door and making his way back to his station.
“Eager, are we?” Daveed raised a brow as he walked back into the room, noticing your lack of underwear.
“Should I put them back on?” You teased, watching Daveed sink down to his knees in front of you again.
“I think we both know you don’t want to do that, do you?” He asked, lips ghosting over your inner thigh.
You shook your head no, watching as his hands carefully moved to your hips. He kissed up your thigh slowly, getting closer to where you desperately wanted him but then skipping over to your other thigh instead. You bit your lip, trying to be patient as Daveed sucked a hickey onto your inner thigh. He bit lightly after he was done, once again moving towards your core. You held your breath as he got close but once again he skipped over it, nipping at your thigh and leaving another hickey. You whined softly, feeling him smile against your thigh.
“Tease.” You mumbled, looking down at him.
He sent a wink your way before using one of his thumbs to slowly rub your clit. You let your head fall back onto the chair, sighing in relief.
“So this is why you kept squirming. Couldn’t handle sitting in your own wetness?” Daveed looked up at you, watching your blissed out face.
You didn’t answer, your mind focused on his quickening movements instead of trying to form a response.
“Keep your hips still, or I’ll stop.” Daveed commanded, his grip on one of your thighs tightening.
“S-Sorry.” You stuttered, gasping as tongue replaced his thumb.
Daveed sucked lightly on your clit, flicking it with his tongue before moving down to your folds. You reached down and fisted his hair, pulling whenever he hummed and sent vibrations through your body.
“Fuck.” You mewled, thanking God that Rafael had left the parlor because you weren’t doing anything to quiet your moans.
Daveed’s tongue went back to toying with your clit as he slowly slid a finger into you. He curled it slightly, moving at a pace that was torturous.
“F-faster, please.” You sighed, moaning as he added another finger and pulled his face away from your thighs.
“Who’s in control?” He husked, moving his fingers even slower.
“Y-You are, Daveed.”
“That’s right. I control the pace. I control your pleasure. I control when you get to come. What do you do?” He asked, curling his fingers and moving them faster.
You struggled to answer him as he reached your g-spot.
“Y/N.” He said, his stern tone bringing you back into reality.
“I-I submit to your control.”
“Good girl. Submit.”
“Submit…” You repeated as Daveed’s head returned to its place between your legs.
“Submit…submit…” You repeated between mewls and moans.
Daveed let his thumb replace his tongue as he pulled back to watch your face. Your eyes glazed over, lips slightly parted, repeating his words with a blank expression on your face. He kept watching as his fingers increased in speed, your legs quaking as your orgasm started to build.
“F-Fuck, Daveed I-, fuck!” You cried out, digging your nails into the chair under you as he increased the speed of his fingers again.
He was loving watching you fall apart under him; loved watching as everything you tried to say turned into an expletive, watching you claw at the chair under you, watching as you lost all self-control and your hips started bucking on their own.
“C-Close.” was all you could utter before Daveed’s head was buried between your legs again, lapping at your folds.
“Come.” Daveed growled, the vibrations pushing you over the edge.
You gripped his hair tightly, thighs tensing around his head as you came. Daveed sucked on your clit softly, aiding you through your orgasm. Slowly your thighs relaxed and your legs felt like jello as you let them collapse. Daveed moved back, standing up and licking his lips. Daveed grabbed some paper towels and cleaned you up before wiping his face clean. By the time you caught your breath, he was sitting on his stool holding out your panties and a bottle of water.
“Thanks.” You said, taking your panties and carefully putting them on, “Is the tattoo okay?”
Daveed glanced at your thigh before nodding.
“You’re good, I made sure not to fuck it up.”
You took the bottle of water, taking a small sip before putting it down. You tried to stand up but your legs weren’t quite ready yet.
“Woah! I gotcha.” Daveed caught you, helping you stand up straight.
“Thanks.” You whispered, tugging your dress down over your ass again.
“You’re welcome.” Daveed replied, his arms still around you.
There was silence for a moment before you looked at him, surprised to find that he was already looking at you, his eyes moving to your lips then back to your eyes. You leaned in first, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him closer. Daveed followed your lead, leaning in until your lips met in a short kiss. He pulled away slightly, searching your face for any discomfort before going in for a longer one. Your fingers found their way into his hair again, your touch gentle this time around. Daveed slid his hands from your waist to your ass, squeezing lightly which made you giggle into the kiss. You pulled back, looking at him with a wide smile.
“I think we did that backward. Typically you kiss before you go down on someone.” You joked, moving your hand out of Daveed’s hair.
“Well, I guess we aren’t typical.” Daveed chuckled, letting you go.
You picked up your bag, grabbing one of the aftercare packets on his station. He walked with you to the front door, unlocking it for you. You kissed his cheek before exiting onto the street.
“Oh, Y/N.” Daveed said, leaning on the doorway.
You turned around to face him.
“Call me when that tattoo heals.” He winked, giving you a sly smile.
You smirked, rolling your eyes playfully as you walked off. Of course when the time came around, you would definitely call him.
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