#god fucking damnit fenrir
saltminerising · 2 years
i love the new familiar but god fucking DAMNIT sons of fenrir didn’t win that’s 750g i’m not getting back
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theunsinkablesappho · 4 years
Thoughts After Finishing AC: Valhalla
Under The Cut Out of Respect
Knowing now that Eivor is Odin really explains all those visions Eivor had where she disagreed with Odin after killing folk. It also makes me feel a lot better about my Eivor consistently disagreeing with him.
Holy fuck my feelings. All my friends *sobbing* All of Eivors little Saxon baby Kings.
The moment where Eivor rebukes “Odin” in Valhalla, stating that she needs “everything else” is just... MY CHEST HURTS.
Fuck Basim so hard but also like... God damnit Layla. But also like... if Odin was reborn once then in theory Odin and Tyr should have continued to be reborn? So there should still be an Odin out there somewhere? Also like... Eivor and Sigurd don’t remember who they were until it is pointed out to them so... how did Basim discover he is Loki?
I know that people hate the whole “alien” thing behind AC but tbh, I find it kind of fascinating. I’m more annoyed by the premise of the Animus, especially since clocking back in at the end as Basim instead of as Layla really felt like... a violation? I was pretty uncomfy with that. I plan to resolve it in fanfiction (by literally ignoring the existence of the Animus :D )
So Eivor is Odin. Sigurd is Tyr. Basim is Loki. Aletheia is Angrboda. Is Svala actually Frejya? Or is that just how she envisions herself in Valhalla? (Okay I wiki’d this and apparently yes, Svala is confirmed to be Freyja. Interesting that only her physical appearance changes in Valhalla.) So if Svala is Freyja, and the games seem to be ignoring the existence of Frigga/Frigg, I wonder if Randvi is an Isu at all. The wiki says that all 8 of the Norse Isu Gods uploaded themselves to be redistributed, so it is possible. (Nvm, the Wiki acknowledges Frigg as one of the Aesirian Gods, which makes me wonder why Freyja is then Queen of the Aesir. Since in most Norse myths that acknowledge Frigg - there is some dispute that Frigg and Freyja may be the same Goddess - she is usually listed as Odin’s Queen. Anyway, I suppose this means Randvi could be Frigg?) If I am remembering correctly, the Norse Gods we are introduced to or who are referenced in the game so far consist of: Odin/Havi, Freyja, Tyr, Thor, Baldr (deceased), Loki, Angrboda (jotun, but confirmed Isu), Njord, Skadi, Heimdall, and Idunn/Idunna. The game also acknowledges other non-deity Isu immortals like Fenrir, Jormungandr, and presumably, Hel/Hela, as the children of Loki. (No mention of Sleipnir and The Builder didn’t have a horse this go round so...Ubisoft didn’t want to figure out how to animate an 8 legged horse, let’s be honest). I suppose Randvi could be Frigg/Frigga, Idunn/Idunna, or potentially unnamed as  Jörd/Fjörgyn/Hlódyn, lover of Odin and mother of Thor. It is unlikely she would be Skadi, since Skadi was Njord’s wife and it wouldn’t make a ton of sense to then connect her to Odin.
Of course, Randvi might just be a normal Norsewoman as well, but that idea is much much less fun than the idea of them finding each other over and over again across time.
Also like given that we now know that it was Isu manipulating some of the earliest members of what would become the Assassins, and that they were doing it for their own means... Is the Assassin Order the bad guys now? Like, are they still supposed to be the heroes? I am extremely confused (I have only played Odyssey and Valhalla, and no, I won’t be going back and playing the older games, you can’t make me). Is this somehow going to get twisted around that Loki is a hero figure? Cause tbh, his motivations - while somewhat understandable - still appear to be very selfish in nature. Is the legend of Ragnarok still true? Is the world going to end if he frees Fenrir? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS
Where is Eivor’s story going to go from here in DLC? Because tbh, there’s not a lot of *positive* material to be hand in that Aelfred storyline. I mean... Aelfred the Great won - he drove the Danes/Norsemen from England and unified England. So unless they are going to rewrite that history in a massive way, which doesn’t seem to super suit the series from my understanding, all that lies in that direction is a whole lot more of the devastation we saw in Hamtunscire. And I’m just going to say this right: I waited THE ENTIRE FUCKING GAME to get my hands on that Randvi romance. So... so help me god if all the DLC content is meant to be within current plot confines. I swear to fucking God I will SCREAM bloody murder. I need post-plot content that INCLUDES more romance development for Randvi and Eivor. I love myself some slow burn angst, but fuck off for real.
Speaking of Randvi and Eivor... they seem to fuck in the Map Room like... a LOT... and Sigurd and Randvi’s old bedroom is like... right there. There isn’t even a damn door. (There also isn’t a door to the rest of the longhouse so like... at LEAST one villager is gonna get an eyeful.) So my question then becomes... how do the logistics of the game work out. The game itself does not acknowledge this but I am left with many questions. Just because Sigurd is cool with me smashing his ex-wife doesn’t mean he’s cool with being IN THE NEXT ROOM while I do it.
For me, the most practical solution is to move all of Eivor’s stuff into the Jarl’s bedroom and move the other stuff into Eivor’s old room and let Sigurd stay there. I say move their stuff because idk, if I was gonna get with my brother’s ex-wife I would be really opposed to doing it in THEIR OLD BED. Just move Eivor’s bed in. And Sigurd can take the old bed into Eivor’s alcove, unless he moves out of the longhouse altogether (which seems unlikely because it would appear he is still Jarl? That begs another question: Is Jarlskona supposed to be a female version of Jarl or is it like “The Jarl is gone so this person is taking over in their stead” and if it is the latter then... hasn’t Eivor basically been Jarlskona the whole fucking time? Google isn’t helping me here, jarlskona appears to be a word invented for the game. Best I can find, a woman Jarl would... still just be a Jarl.)
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haljathefangirlcat · 5 years
Lokasenna headcanons
because there was this post asking for them, but now I can’t find it anymore? did I dream it up? whatever, I already wrote them all down, so I’m posting them anyway.
the gods’ feasts are usually just Like That, i.e. a treasure trove of drama and juicy rumors. this one's just a particularly memorable example. everybody is more than used to having to kick Loki out at some point because he can’t hold his ale for shit, it’s just that he usually goes off to sulk somewhere else instead of coming back. the thing that pisses off Thor the most here is having to repeat the “dude, just stop and go away!” tirade something like five times before Loki gets the hint, honestly.
everybody is already aware of absolutely everything Loki says. they just think those topics aren’t the kind you bring up in polite conversation. rude, Loki, rude.
Freya thinks an angry Frigg is a terrifying Frigg. she finds her really impressive. and kinda hot.
Njord is honestly the chillest, most supportive dad with a feminist streak.
Loki is both Ullr’s real dad and Sif’s secret lover in Harbardsljod. Sif is very much “godsdamnit, Loki, we agreed not to talk about it to anyone" about it.
Tyr’s still not over the Fenrir thing because you can fucking try and pry the “Tyr and Fenrir used to be friends” hc out of my cold dead hands damnit but tries to play it cool. he... doesn’t exactly succeed.
Tyr has the biggest crush on Freyr but is totally oblivious about it, not that he’d know how to handle it anyway. Freyr knows and likes him back. Their defences of each other cause some serious eye-rolling to those few in the know.
I have a whole (still undeveloped) crackfic in my head to (unnecessarily) explain that line about Loki getting Tyr’s wife pregnant and Tyr never receiving any compensation for that. it involves Freyr dragging a very stressed Tyr on a vacation, Loki tagging along because he claimed to know the best places to let loose and have fun, and Utgard being basically Norse Vegas. and Tyr getting drunk-Vegas-married to some chick there who’s very pleasantly surprised to learn she’s snatched herself a god. and various drunken shenaningans happening before he can finally get a divorce.
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