#god i forgot how Much she is im so sorry ALKJS;GA
venalier · 1 year
“bogworms’ brains,” caeldori swears to herself under her breath. if only she’d left just a few days earlier! then she could’ve been out there with the rest of them on the field, measuring her skill and strategic studies against her peers. a few wins, or even the grand trophy! — would’ve been the perfect accomplishment to include in her first letter home, convincing her father that her decision to come and complete her time here was far from a waste!
what she didn’t want to tell him was that there were people she was hoping to see again, too.
“andrei, there you are!” there he is prone in the healer’s camp just like she’d been told. the excitement of an old fr— ally? ... pleasant acquaintance? — overruns any concern about his injuries for now. there’d be nothing crippling from the battle of eagle and lion, anyway.
she tries ( and mostly succeeds! ) at fighting back a smile, not wanting to look overeager about something as simple as a familiar face. but there’s an energy to her step that betrays her as she draws up beside him, ignoring the glances of clerics and passersby. “i was looking all over for you. i've come back. i hope you've been well. and what’s this about you having a pegasus now?”
   ♡   //   @ulircursed
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