#god im dreading posting this knowing how tumblr will annihilate the already fucked quality
leadrains · 3 years
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The Bride of Frankenstein (1935) // Hannibal (2013-2015) // Killing Eve (2018-) // Jennifer's Body (2009) // Paulo Coelho // Death and the Maiden, Egon Schiele // King Kong (1933) // Dans Las Mare, Art of Sappho // I Caught Fire, The Used // Frankenstein, Mary Shelley // The Angel of Death, Evelyn De Morgan // Haunted, Evanescence // Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte // Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene, Hozier // Souls on the Banks of the Acheron, Adolf Hiremy-Hirschl // Love's Labour's Lost, William Shakespeare // The Creation of Adam, Michaelangelo // Bloody Mary, Lady Gaga // Demolition Lovers, My Chemical Romance // If I Killed Someome For You, Alec Benjamin // Crimson Peak (2015) // Take Me to Church, Hozier // The Death of Hyacinth, Alexandre Kisseliov // The Young Woman and Death, Henry Levy // Dante and Virgil, William-Adolphe Bouguereau // The Angel of Death, Horace Vernet // The Death of Hyacinthos, Jean Broc // Better Love, Hozier // It Will Come Back, Hozier
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