#god imagine being in like 4th grade and these long-haired weirdos come to your school and play super mario jazz medley for you
estradasphere · 6 months
i cant post the audio here because my internet is being shit, but it tickles me so much that esphere once played for a group of elementary schoolers
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xicarcalii · 6 years
friends? billy hargrove x reader (part one)
pairing: billy hargrove x (female) reader
summary: billy’s year in hawkins is numbered. him and the reader are neighbor's, slowly forming a bond billy gets FRIENDZONED! 
note: inspired by ‘when harry met sally’. there are only two months at a time only because i started this bitch at 7:00 am in the morning and it is now 3:20 pm. oh and this ones a long one folks, actually they all are going to be long so expect a lot in like the next 3 parts ;) i only re-read this once, i’ll check spelling and errors later.
warning: slight cursing...that’s about it so far.
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september 16, 1984
(y/n)'s POV
i wasn't about to wait another minute, jason was late and i wasn't going to have it. this would be the third time skipping out on me and i was not ready for him to fill my head with false excuses i never wanted to hear about in the first place. i sat on my porch with my elbows rested on my knees ready to give up on my love life. i plopped my head down to stare at the ground, just when i think i'll go inside i hear footsteps. the approaching of heavy; and i do mean heavy footsteps being dragged along the sidewalk right up to my driveway only to be coming in my direction.
someone clearly wasn't taught how to walk quietly, only to rely on the verges to muffle their steps.
as the noise came to a halt i shot my head up only to see my new found neighbor.
billy hargrove.
"hi princess." billy flashed his signature smug smile.
i rolled my eyes at the nickname that he decided to give to me since day one. i yelled at him, telling him i had something called ‘a name’ but he told me 'princess' suited me better. 
how charming right? after a while i just shut up and let it go because he wasn't going to stop calling me that anytime soon.
"hi billy." 
our eyes caught a glimpse of each other for a quick second before i dropped my head again to watch the ground again.
pretty sure he heard the disappointment in my voice.
billy and i were not friends and i put so much emphasis on the word friend. i considered us more like acquaintances. we said hi to each other at school, if we saw one another at the drive-in or the diner. we'd give each other a quick wave or a slight nod, our families took a liking to each other so there was that too, which consulted with my family having dinner with his family once and a blue moon.
so yes, we were acquaintances.
we never hung out but he could stand being around me and i had to admit he wasn't all that bad. well once you got to know "soft billy" as i would call him.
which he hated by the way.
he'd let his guard down with me but with everyone else, he put up a wall and would act like a complete and total ass-butt. i'm going to go out on a limb here and say we only got along because we were neighbor's, we had the same taste in music, our favorite movie was the shinning, he lived in california and i've always wanted to go. so i mean, i guess the little things we bonded over made us some-what comfortable with around each other.
"so wilson’s a no show again, huh?"
i sighed nodding my head as a response.
"how about i take you out? my treat."
my head shot up at his request, causing my face to tense and my eyes to squint.
was he serious?
"are you serious?"
"yeah." said billy, shrugging his shoulders throwing his hands up in a 'why not' motion.
"you don't want that perfectly good outfit going to waste, now do you?" he raised a brow giving me a smirk.
smart man. i did look pretty hot.
i got up inching closer to him, pointing my finger in his face.
"but this is not a date hargrove. okay?" i said, giving him a half smile.
"got it. not a date." throwing his hands up in surrender, he nodded.
he grabbed my arm to link it to his as he guided me to his precious blue camero.
we sat down in a booth in the back of the diner. one of my favorite spots just because it was secluded and quite. we both took our time looking over the menu, but i'm not sure why i did though, i already knew what i wanted. lost in my thoughts, they were cut off by billy's voice.
"have you done it?" asked billy trying to decipher the menu. he frowned at it before looking up at me.
"hmmm?" i asked, making sure i heard him right.
"have you done it before?"
"i'm not going to tell you that."
"fine, don't tell me." he shrugged it off looking back down at the menu.
there was a silence, finally broken by me answering his ridiculous question.
"walter bradberry, and it was great." i said, sitting up, pleased with my small accomplishment. 
he looked up from the menu closing it and placing it gently on the table before he spoke, keeping all his attention on me as he lent forward. 
i nodded.
"n-no, you did not have 'great sex' with walter." said billy, his face was expressionless as he slouched back in the booth.
"i did too."
"no you didn't."
i turned my head away from him trying to make a point that i was done with the conversation. i mean i wasn't lying. 
what did i have to prove to him? 
but he didn't get the hint.
"a walter can be your creepy 65 year old neighbor down the street, if you need someone to fix the toilet, walter's your man. i hate to break it to ya princess but humping and pumping is not walter bradberry..."
billy trailed off leaving me speechless. eyes wide and mouth open. 
"you see, i just can't imagine a girl who is, keep in mind, mid-orgasm...” he stopped mid sentence letting out a chuckle before continuing. “screaming in mid-orgasm saying, 'do it to me...walt-er, you're an animal..walt-er, ride me big..walt-er.'“ he trailed off shrugging his shoulders continuing to laugh. “see? doesn't work.”
he shot me that stupid smile again only for me to roll my eyes and scoff. 
thank god the waitress came over because my foot was about to meet his groan. 
"what can i get you kids today?"
"i'll have the number three, no onions and extra cheese." said billy, giving the waitress the menu.
"and you sweetheart?" she turned to me.
i cleared my throat, hoping she was writing this down.
"i'd like the chef salad please with the oil vinaigrette on the side and the apple pie a la mode." i finished with a smile.
"ok..chef and apple a la mode." she muttered to herself, writing it on her notepad.
but oh no, i wasn't done. she glanced up at me when i began speaking again. i could already tell she was getting annoyed.
"but i'd like the pie heated and i don't want the ice cream on top, i would like it on the side, and i'd like strawberry instead of vanilla if you have it; if not no ice cream just whipped cream but only if it's real, but if it's out of a can then nothing."
i could see billy from the corner of my eye, he glanced upward at the waitress then back down to me. his eyebrows furrowed, mouth pursed but slightly open and loose as he blinked profusely almost as if he was trying to refocus his eyesight.
"not even the pie?" the waitress asked. clearly done with my picky ass but i wasn't sorry. i'm picky about almost everything, especially when it came to food.
i look back up at her. 
i flashed her billy's infamous grin.
"no just the pie but then not heated." i look away, placing my napkin on the floral dress i borrowed from tina.
"uhhh-huh." she tilted her head to the side, slipping the pen behind her ear before rolling her eyes and walking away.
i look back up at billy who was just staring at me like a weirdo, like he never saw a person before which kind of creeped me out because the only other person who ever starred at me like was steve harrington back in 2nd grade when i let him have my juice box at lunch because tommy h. took his.
which lead to him liking me for 3 years.
"what?" i asked, brows furrowed and face tense.
he shook he head quickly giving me a genuine smile this time which caught me by surprise making me give a small smile in return.
he cleared his throat and folding his hands as we both just looked around the half empty diner waiting for our food. making the situation more awkward then it already was.
october 28th, 1984
billy's POV it had been 6 weeks since (y/n) and i first hung out at the diner.
soon after that we sorta made it a weekly thing.
i usually hated sunday's only because they were followed by monday's which meant going back to school.
i'd spend countless hours listening to tommy talk off my right ear. kissing my ass 24/7, listen to carol whine to tommy about how he had felt up amber in the girls bathroom during 4th or how he made out with vicki at one of tina's parties. something that was really annoying was always having a random group of chicks either following me around or shoot googly eyes at me until i gave them the time of day. i mean don't get me wrong, i love sex as much as the next 17 year old teenage boy...shit, maybe even more but ever since i took the 'king' title away from harrington i had to do what i had to do. 
yes, it had it's perks but most of the time it got old.
but anyway, back to what i was saying before.
every sunday at 9:00 we'd meet here and have breakfast at benny’s, then after we’d drive back to (y/n)'s place and just hang out in her room for the rest of the day and listen to music. well that or drive around which i preferred doing. (y/n) didn't only because 1.) she didn't smoke, so when i'd light one, i'd have to roll down the windows, and 2.) after me doing that, she would complain how the wind was messing up her hair. 
she was cute. okay no, scratch that. she was hot. but god she was a real piece of work.
so here i was at benny's waiting for (y/n) in our usual spot.
in the back.
i asked her why she always wanted to sit in the back and she told me because it was 'secluded and quite'. i rolled my eyes making her think she sounded ridiculous but in reality i thought it was actually kind of cute.
there was a rosiness to the leaves today that wasn't there only a week ago. I couldn't actually tell if the sky was covered with the grey clouds from yesterday, but regardless it was kind of relaxing, even if it was raining outside. which i kind of thought was nice but i'd never say that out loud.
well, i mean i could maybe talk about how nice the leaves looked in the fall but i could only say all this shit to (y/n), but i didn't want her to think i was a pussy. so no. fuck that. i'll keep that one to myself for now, however, i did open up to her over the past few weeks when we did hang out about other stuff. i told her about california, how blue the water was at the beach, how warm the sun felt on your skin, and how free i felt there.
her (y/e/c) eyes always lit up a bit every time i would talk about it.
shit, i even told her about my mom passing away and how hard it was for me to leave my old friends. i told her about how i'm leaving this rinky dink town after graduation to go back home to california.
and of course she brought up my dad.
she asked why i got so tense around him. so quiet. 
i wanted to avoid talking about him but i didn't want her to know about the shit he puts me through. 
i just brushed it off telling her he was just a grade-a asshole who, at the end of the day, didn’t understand.
i didn't want to bring up the abuse. the abuse i told no one about.
but i trusted her even if we just met.
she considered me her friend and i considered her mine. we both respected that...
even if i wanted it to be something more.
even if she was slowly putting me in the friendzone.
my thoughts were cut off as she walked up to the booth with a small smile.
"what's new hargrove?" she said, plopping down across from me.
"nothing much princess. " i said, crossing my arms in front of my chest, sinking back into the booth giving her a coy smile and a wink.
(y/n) did what she always did when i flirted with her. she rolled her eyes and chuckled, shaking her head. 
she took her napkin and placed it on her lap. 
something i noticed though was that she places it diagonal. she doesn't just throw it onto her lap, then she smooths it out exactly 4 times and sighs after like she had just accomplished something. 
i am so infatuated with this girl it’s going to kill me.
i lean forward, placing on elbow on the table to lean on it and stare at her in awe.
her gaze lifted from her lap to a confused expression.
"what..? do i have something in my teeth?" she said, turning around only to, yes, pick at her teeth.
i chucked.
"no, no it's not that. you're just a very very beautiful." i tried to sound as genuine as possible but anybody who knew me knew it wasn’t too far fetch, me saying anything a girl wanted to hear just to get into their pants. 
i mean they were right 99% of the time but this was not one of those times.
scouts honor, okay?
"oh, well...thanks i guess?"
"tina and carol never said how beautiful you were." i said, shaking my head. i made sure my gaze didn't leave her.
"well, maybe they don't think i'm beautiful." (y/n) said, fixing her posture to fold her hands on the table.
"yea well, i don't think it's up for a matter of opinion or argument." i trailed off. 
"needless to say, you're beautiful."
"i wasn't doing anything?"
i kind of was.
“you’re coming on to me!” she said, leaning forward to whisper a little louder than she had lead on.
"can't a guy say a girl is beautiful without it being a 'come on'?"
she said nothing, her shaking her head was all i got out of her.
i sat up. nodding, throwing my hands in surrender.
"ok let's just say for the sake of the argument it was indeed...a 'come-on' princess."
throwing my hands up in the 'why me' position I drop them back on the table. my eyes caught her gaze, her face not moving an inch. the only thing that moved on her face was her eyes and you all can guess what that was.
her signature eye roll.
"what do you want me to do? huh?"
still nothing.
"okay fine, fine. i take it back."
"nooo! you can't take it back!" she spat out.
"why not?" i let out a chuckle, gliding my tongue along my bottom lip.
was she serious?
"because it's already out there billy!"
"ohhhhhhh jeez, what are we supposed to do? call the cops, it's already out there!"
my voice got a tad louder. i was getting annoyed, i didn’t want her to see it but she did. yes i was kind of being a dick not respecting her boundaries when it came to me flirting with her even if it was as innocent as this but i was starting to get pissed off.
she didn't like me like the way i liked her. 
me raising my voice at (y/n) caused everyone's heads to turn to our table, only for (y/n) to sink in the booth to hide her face.
"just...let.it.lie...okay?" she mumbled sternly into the sleeves of her sweater.
i rolled my eyes and looked down at the menu.
"great, let it lie. that's my policy. that's what i always say...let.it.lie." i said under my breath.
i look up at (y/n) only to find her still with her face in her sleeves.
being this vulnerable around someone, especially someone like (y/n) would take sometime. i knew i couldn't just snap at her like i did with other girls because she wasn't like any other girl and i didn't want her to run away.
i didn't want to scare her away.
"wanna spend the night in a hotel?"
her head shot up before i could even finish the sentence.
"see what i did there? that time i didn't let it lie." i said, raising a eyebrow giving her a playful grin.
(y/n)'s mouth twitched, and I was pretty sure she was fighting a smile. i felt a little better knowing she knew i was trying to lighten up the mood. i was more than the hot-headed bad boy everyone either hated, was scared too look at, even hang around.
"billy..." she cocked her head to the side.
"i said i would and i didn't-"
"i went the other way-"
"billy..!" (y/n) said, grabbing both my hands into hers.
"what...?" i whispered, giving her a playful smile whilst squinting my eyes.
"we are just going to be friends...okay?"
"yes, i know! friends!" i said, nodding my head.
this time she gave me a real smile. a smile she hadn't given me in the 6 weeks i've known her, even the few weeks prior to that. 'smile' wasn't the right word for it-her top row teeth were showing, and there was a faint curve to her lips, but there was  also no crease below the eyes, no movement of the cheeks. On anyone else, it would be a grimace, at best. but on her face, it was almost symmetrical, delicate. and i took it all in. 
tagged: @emilia-grosso @dacremontgomerylover
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