#god it's so hard for me to pick up speech patterns in japanese subs
luccislegs · 5 years
😏✨ I have some Kata angst for you~ 💖 Katakuri’s wife has been a political prisoner of a different country for over a year after she was violently abducted while out on a trip. She hasn’t been treated well *at all* durning her stay, but Big Mom hasn’t let Katakuri go to rescue her because she made a good deal with them and wasnt ready to break it, so Katakuri couldnt go save his beloved wife. Eventually the other country breaks the deal, and Kata gets to go rescue her 🤩 fluff and angst please!
mey i don’t know what circle of hell you crawled out of, but i want you to know not only did i hurt myself writing this, but i made myself almost cry on numerous occasions as i was editing this.
i hope you suffer
kidding i love you
The utter panic Katakuri felt when the news that his beloved wife had been taken prisoner was indescribable. He was a wreck, barely keeping his calm cover and facade in front of his family as they explained to him what had happened. He loved his mother, loved his family, but his wife was held above all to him. Nevertheless, he couldn’t go against his mother. It would only cause trouble for him and everyone else.
So he stood there and endured it with stoic grace as she told them all about the deal she made with the country, how lucrative it was going to be for her family, ignoring the pain she might be causing her son and anyone else who loved his wife. And when Mama told him he couldn’t go and rescue her…It was the final blow.
Katakuri always knew the marriages his mother arranged were just means to an end. She held no concerns for what bonds her children might actually form with their spouses, especially those who she looked down upon for weakness or, as she so lovingly put it “creepy” features. But he had hoped that she would at least allow him, her strongest Sweet Commander, some liberties.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t the case.
Everyday, he wondered what he had done to deserve this torture, waiting for news of his love. He switched between hopeful and fearful at light speed, never able to focus on one scenario before his mind conjured up a new one. He rarely slept anymore and spent the nights doing literally anything to keep his mind occupied and off of the way he missed her so desperately.
When he did sleep, he often awoke in a cold sweat, reaching out desperately to the empty side of the bed for her, only to remember she was gone. The scent on the pillows he clung to so desperately were fading, and with it his hope that he would ever see her again.
Out of the blue one day over a year later, he received a summons to Whole Cake. Hope bloomed in his chest again and he fought desperately to quash it. It was as likely that he would be given the news she was dead as he would that she was being released. The last time he’d been summoned without notice, he received the news that his wife was captured and the abrupt refusal to allow her rescue slammed home again.
“Katakuri, I’m giving you permission to go and rescue _____. The country that has her is no longer of use to me, so do as you wish, just let them know I have no need of them anymore,” Mama said, waving her hand dismissively. There was no preamble, no faking politeness. She told him what she had to tell him and was done with the whole thing. Regardless of how beneficial the marriage between _____ and Katakuri was, it didn’t mean she cared. If she did, she would have sent him after her much sooner.
However, Katakuri did and wasted no time. He gathered up his army, sure he wouldn’t need them but the display of power might prevent a fight.
It was a long trip, and every night Kata spent his time watching the horizon, waiting for the next island to appear because it meant he was one step closer to her, and at long last it appeared. The crew began shouting orders behind him, but Kata’s focus was locked solely on the horizon, processing through the future he saw.
As he intended, his display of force, and Big Mom’s severing of ties, cowed the country’s leaders and they released _____ to him. When he first saw her, his heart thudded in his chest, unadulterated happiness filling him as she made her way towards him.
It was quickly doused as he took in her emaciated, dirty appearance. The dark circles under her eyes, the torn and dirty clothes she wore, the bruises on her skin– underneath the dirt and gods-knew-what-else– turned his joy in a white hot rage. It didn’t matter to Katakuri what happened to the people of the country, he took his revenge for his beloved _____’s treatment in moments, leaving the capital in a smoldering wreckage while the doctors took his wife back to the ship.
Afterwards, when he peeked in on her, he found her fast asleep, stuck with needles to rehydrate her and treat the pneumonia and infections she had developed during her stay. His heart thudded in his chest, still unable to believe she was really in front of him. He really, truly expected it to vanish, for him to wake up in a cold sweat again and for his heart to break once more.
As gently as he could, he sat down beside her and took her hand, careful of the IV in her hand. Even that was enough to jar her awake, and she jerked up in bed, her head swiveling around in a panic. Eyes wide and breathing shallow, she looked to Katakuri like a terrified deer, ready to bolt at the smallest sign of movement.
“Shh, love,” he whispered, pulling his scarf down and pressing her hand to his lips. “I have you now.”
“Oh god, Kata, I–” she whispered, her head starting to spin and her vision growing black as the situation hit her. She was going home, home to Komugi Island and Kata, who was with her right now and she was safe. “Kata.
“I’m here, and nothing like this will ever happen to you again,” he answered, moving so that he was perched beside her on the bed. Her voice was sweet music to his ears, driving home that she was here. His hand came up, cupping her bruised cheek so gently it was barely a caress. Even still, she flinched as if he was going to hit her, and his eyes narrowed. Now that she was clean, thanks to some of the nurses, he could see the extent of her injuries, which were numerous. Cuts and abrasions, presumably from being dragged around, littered her elbows and knees and the bruises were too many to count. 
“Kata, please, I just want–” she cried, hiccuping as she reached out to him.
Ever so carefully, he maneuvered around to hold her, careful not to cut off any of the tubes running into her, though he wanted desperately to rip them out and squeeze her as if he would never let go. If he had a choice, he never would.
Still, it seemed to do the trick for her; she continued to cry in his scarf, hiding her face away from him, but her sobs were quieted, only the shaking of her shoulders giving anything away.
He whispered to her, words of love and comfort, until the doctor came in to check on her. He started, seeing the Sweet Commander in bed with his patient, but quietly worked around him while _____ dozed on his chest. She murmured in her sleep a little while he fiddled with the IVs, but never woke.
Before he left, Kata asked about her general state and the doctor looked pityingly at her, his eyes soft with compassion. “Mrs. _____ has been through quite a bit in the last year. I’ll do a more thorough exam when we reach Flour Island but sir, she’ll need a lot of rest and care, I do know that.”
Katakuri nodded, looking down at his sleeping wife. She was pale, unhealthily so, from lack of sunlight, and so thin he could see her bones poking through her skin. She shivered, coming closer, and he jostled her slightly as he pulled her up, but she only nuzzled closer when she felt the warmth of his scarf around her shoulders and his lips graze her forehead.
“I missed you, Kata. So much. I thought of you everyday,” she whispered in his ear, tracing the scars on his cheek with cold fingers.
“I did too, _____. I waited everyday to come and get you. I’m so sorry it took me so long,” he answered, taking her trailing hand and kissing it. He made his way slowly up her arm, lingering at the deep bruises, until he reached her shoulder and paused. “Mama wouldn’t– She said–”
_____ stopped him, holding his head to her shoulder as she carded her fingers through his hair. “I understand, Kata. You’re here now, and that’s all I care about.”
He pulled back, staring into her bruised and dull eyes, so devoid of the emotions he used to see in them. But there was still that soft love as she stared back, and when he leaned down to kiss her, careful of his teeth in a well-practiced manner, she leaned into him, cupping his cheek in her hand.
He tasted salt as he pulled back and found her crying. Afraid he’d hurt her, he started to panic, examining her lips for blood, but found nothing but her smile. “_____, what is it?”
“Nothing, Kata. I thought I’d never get to do that again,” she answered, tugging on his scarf to pull him back, and he went willingly. The second kiss was slower, more languid, until she needed to breathe. “Don’t leave me, Kata. Please stay.”
Even had she not asked, he had no intentions of leaving her side for a good long while, and tucked her into his side, holding her possessively close as she slid back into sleep, half hidden in his scarf.
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