#god like--all fandoms have awful subgroups
randomcanbian · 2 years
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btsandvmin · 4 years
Your words cure my soul. I'm reaching that point where I wonder if loving these 7 dorks, their music, their friendship, their interactions... makes up for all the bad blood around the fandom. Lurking around Twitter or Youtube is like walking through a landmine field, you never know when taekookers and jikookers will unleash their fury. And the Vlives? Don't let me get started on those, I mean, the boys read the comments, for God's sake! Anyway, so glad I found you and your reasonable thinking :)
I am glad you like my blog and hope that you still do even though this ask is very old. Personally if you or anyone ever feel like it might not be worth loving BTS and everything they give us because the fandom (or certain parts of the fandom) I would suggest becoming a less active fan. Simply back away a bit and watch and enjoy BTS without bothering with what negativity the fandom aspect of it might make you feel.
You can watch videos without comments, and if you still can’t ignore the bad in the fandom I hope it at the very least doesn’t change your view of the boys themselves. That goes for indivuduals because of solos or ships because of shippers as well. I know some things haters or shippers does are aweful, like commenting on vlive or weverse or trending tags etc. For me I try to ignore it, report but don’t give attention. Because I can’t handle it and I refuse to give up loving BTS because of other people. Look at BTS, hear their music and watch their shows and try if you can to avoid all the unneccessary drama. I myself has backed off from engaging in discussions because it doesn’t lead anywhere most of the time, except in making me feel bad and angry.
I am sorry for answering this so late. Also please no hate towards other subgroups within this fandom, that’s not why I posted this. All groups have bad ones, the bigger the group the worse it can get. Let’s all just try to be the nice guy. <3
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