#god so scared to post this bcs I j know I'm gonna get attacked
radical-thots · 1 year
We live in a world where a brown woman is threatened with death threats, is doxed and constantly harassed by the trans/lgtbq community because she dared to speak up against the white ‘non-binary’ child groomer on Tiktok. This isn’t okay, considering yall are threatening her kids as well! People literally have her kid’s private information - their address, their school etc. The fact that the lgtbq community is not even talking about this??? In fact, yall participated in harassing her and were so quick to call her ‘transphobic’ just because she said Jeffery Marsh’s obsession with kids was creepy. Jeffery Marsh still has a platform, still has thousands of fans supporting them and attacking the women or anyone else who speaks up. How is this not oppression and hate? How is silencing someone who speaks up not oppression? The lgtbq community does this then talks about being oppressed and how they’re not grooming kids? Please make it make sense. I’m disgusted asf rn. I’m all for living your life the way you want and protecting your rights, but in no world is doxing a woman and harassing her and her kids ‘protecting your rights’. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen the community being intolerant or creepy - numerous instances of people yelling on streets, a drag queen showing her naked ass to a kid and people cheering her on, a little girl intimating a stripper and collecting money and being cheered, a school that preached gender fluidity attacking a mother and refusing to show her the school’s syllabus, Jeffery Marsh preaching the isolation of kids and telling them to pay to ‘talk to him privately’ without anyone knowing. This is borderline creepy and grooming behavior and all the time that I’ve been in this community, no one ever mentions this. No one talks about the creepy aspect and people in this community. Yall love calling the conservatives oppressive and names but honestly yall are no better. Protecting a groomer and calling anyone who speaks against them ‘transphobic’. Yall may never realize this but you people are just as oppressive, just as intolerant because you can’t handle people calling u out and because you do not allow them to speak up. At the end of the day, a lot of the ideologies and behaviors of the lgtbq community are rooted so deep in colonization and patriarchy that we do not talk enough about it. 
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