#god someone euthanize hermit
dozingzzz · 3 months
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more doodles 😁😁
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dozingzzz · 3 months
a personal favorite tickling scenario is when someone is tricked into holding their arms up and then they get tickled under their arms and on their ribs— idk it’s happened to me before and it’s all i ever think about
- @aceofspades-doodles
first of all- that’s SO cute omfg second of all- i drew it 😁
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btw i found these guys kinda look like some stick man minecraft fandom? just would like to clear up these are my ocs! i’ll introduce them all soon since i’m doodling them so much these two are mari (yellow) and zen (green). i’ll explain backstory n stuff later but there is 7 others! you’ve seen a few in past doodles lol
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dozingzzz · 3 months
doodley tickle comic 🤭❤️
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lee mood is getting to me.. hfhdndhjf
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dozingzzz · 4 months
as someone with ticklish biceps something i daydream about a lot is someone pinning my elbow down and super gently spidering on the inside of my arm.
HDMDHDMDH??? i want but ik would tickle so bad 😭😭
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dozingzzz · 12 days
the first tickle moment ive had in yearsss happened today HENDBNDD it was tiny but omg in putting it under a cut cus imma be RAMBLIN
okok so. im sitting in the library doing some history work n whatnot yk reading my textbook and taking notes and my friends (ill call them o and j) come back from their class and come sit by me and are just doing work and messing around jokin around j can never be serious for 10 seconds lmfao
but yk i go back to my work, occasionally j says something to o that im like wtf what are you talking ab lmfao?? and go back to my work just back n forth for a lil while and then
all of a sudden
j traces their finger down my back and im like
??!?!??!!?? and squirm away so hard and j LAUGHS. they knew what they were doing fs. but omg lately ive been doubting like am i actually ticklish? no more doubt not for my back thats for sure. like. it was so weird its been so long since ive felt that it was just so HDNDHND??
j does the same thing to o who has a very minimal reaction and then was like "i did that to [irl name] did you see they reacted so funny" and im just like BDNDVDMHEJDBDN DEAD but just go liek "dont. do that." CUS IM SO NERVOUS and go back to work to not bring attention to it cus AAAA and its all i can think about the rest of the time they're there and was a lil nervous theyd do it again but they didn't
but like
J WHYYYYYYY BROO it was so weird its such a funny feeling like i didn't even mean to move i just did like knee-jerk reaction hdndhdndb
losing my mind
im so glad it wasn't more violent tho cus last time a friend did somthin like that to me was in middle school and i kneed my desk and it was super loud and i really dont wanna bring that attention to myself in the super quiet library HDMDBDM
it. was fun fine ill admit it but AAAAAAAAA and maybe yeah I hope j does it again but BDNSHDNDBND?!?!??!??!! im losing it
it was so weird its such a silly feeling i lowkey forgot
ty for coming to my ted talk
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dozingzzz · 4 months
you wanna know something i think is soo evil when a ler pokes you like.. with all 5 fingers (OR TEN IF THEY'RE MEAN) and that little like claw just poking all over your belly AAA
as someone whos also totally poke ticklish im screaming into my pillow about it
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dozingzzz · 3 months
my ears are ticklish???? BSNDBDNBD??
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dozingzzz · 2 months
one tease i dont see very often that gets me like. so bad :') is when someone is just poking a bunch and just says "poke! poke! poke! poke!" with each poke HDNDHDMHF its SO CUTE AND FLUSTERY RHNEHDKDHKF poke tickles are so underrated
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dozingzzz · 4 months
i need to cuddle someone on the couch with pillows n blankets n plushies and watch a silly show and when the ad breaks come on i poke you all over your tickly spots not only because its super cute and it gives us something to do while we wait, just to see how giggly and nervous you get when you see that an ad popped up 🤭❤️
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dozingzzz · 3 months
so my condolences to my fellow americans with ticklish ribs for all of the mentions of ribs today 😔🙏
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dozingzzz · 4 months
wanna know something silly about me
im a switch but im literally way too shy to tickle someone irl like as much as i talk about wanting to tickle somone i dont know if id actually have the guts to do it irl 😭
maybe if i meet another person in the community irl 🥲
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dozingzzz · 4 months
if im not able to have a tickle fight with someone soon i think i will explode 🥲
can you tell im in the biggest switch mood ever
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dozingzzz · 4 months
these are @robbie-lee-zombie 's tickle questions! (sorry for the tag! ik you dont know me haha)
i thought id answer them because why not! also its a fun way for yall to get to know how i am tickle-wise since my blog is so new ☺️
1. What’s your favorite tickle tool?
honestly, just hands. but feathers and paint/makeup brushes are fun too. i just dont like the harsh/scratchy ones
2. Favorite Ler? (Tag them if you dare~)
im not super close with really anyone on here just yet, (totally feel free to change that, send me a dm lets be friends!!) so im not sure! i dont wanna tag someone i hardly know lol
3. Favorite Lee? (Tag them to call them out~)
same as #2!
4. Opinion on blindfolds/restraints? Why or why not?
not really my thing! they scare me like a lot haha. like im okay with maybeee my arms up or being pinned if i trust someone, but that's as far as ill go.
as a ler, ill pin a lee if they want it, but big bondage is still not my style. whatever the lee prefers other than that ☺️
5. A spot that gets you squealing?
this question is so cruel 🥲
lower back n back ribs
6. How long do you estimate you could last before calling mercy?
not sure. ive never been tickled for an extended period of time before, but id estimate maybe 2 minutes? before I need a break.
7. Ever have tickle fantasies?
if "fantasies" is being used non-sexually in this case, absolutely. haha i think about lots of cute little scenarios of either me tickling someone or them getting me.
8. Why did you make your tickle blog?
ive had a few before this that i abandoned, and have lurked for like 2 years since my last one, but i joined again because i love interacting with this community and having tickle friends makes me soo happy
(again, dm me!! id love to be friends)
9. Does anyone irl know of your interests?
nope! farr, far too scared haha
10. Can you say the t-word?
i think i can, ive never actually said it in front of anyone before because it never comes up, but like ive said it just fine sitting in my room or while reading aloud
11. Verbal teases, yes or no and why?
depends. some of the stuff i see is awkward and corny, i guess i would have to really experience it myself because most of what i see online doesn't appeal to me. im not sure if that would change if it was an actual interaction haha
this also is the reason i dont rp online as a lee, because its just awkward to me lol. i dont actually feel anything lol 😭
12. Upper body tickles or lower body tickles?
i like both, but probably upper body if i had to choose.
no, definitely not because my belly and back are there shush
13. Neck or ear tickles?
i dont think my ears are very ticklish, so probably neck tickles haha
14. Pinned on your back, or your stomach?
i dont think i could choose haha both make a bad spot super vulnerable 🥲
15. What do you love about the lees you know?
they're SO tooth-rottingly adorable oh my goddess. they make me wanna hold them in my lap and just gently tickle them silly you literal cutie pies.
16. What do you love about the lers you know?
one, they're also so adorable, and two, they're so nice about tickles 🥲 they make me feel so safe and nice
17. Feathers or Paint Brushes?
this question.. 🥲
i dont think i could choose i love them both
18. How long have you known about your interests in the community?
since i was young, like maybe 7-8 years old, i had that feeling about and fixation on tickling, and thats also when i became a little scared and very shy about the subject on top of being a very reserved child, and only just secretly watched yt tickle compilations in my bedroom. i didn't find out about the community until i was more like 11-12. it was huge to me since i thought i was just.. weird haha, and while i was very dumb and didn't put up proper boundaries, i engaged with tickle content for a while. when i was 14, i believe, i had this like year-long phase where i wanted to not be like that anymore, deleted tumblr, and tried to completely push it out of my life but surprise surprise haha! at 15, i started lurking again and here i am now at 17 with my current blog!
19. What’s your favorite way to be tickled? (As in provoked, teased into asking, etc.)
surprise tickles or having someone straight up ask if they can tickle me would probably be my favorites because i feel its SO cute, and also doesnt involve me asking.. also the second one usually means gentler tickles like we're cuddling on the couch or something and those aaa are for sure my favorites
20. Are you/Do you like Polite Lees or Bratty Lees? (Asking for tickles vs Pissing someone off for tickles)
i love all lees because all of you are adorable and i will never say anything different, but someone coming up to me and asking for tickles will always hold a special place in my heart because AA its so incredibly cute it makes me so happy
i myself am a polite lee, im very shy irl in general and that kind of bleeds into how i am about tickles, so while it would take like a whole day of hyping myself up and figuring out how to ask and i would almost 100% chicken out, if i could ask i would. i don't like making people mad either haha
if you have any other tickle (or just normal!) questions you want my input on, my asks are open! ask away!!☺️
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dozingzzz · 4 months
i decided to finally finish the animal themed tickle ask post thing. im putting it under a cut cus its kinda long 🥲
🐙 - how do you feel about multiple lers?
ive never experienced any lers haha but i feel like i would like both one and two lers.
tickling is a silly bonding thing to me, so having one would feel more personal and like we are sharing a cute moment, but also two lers would be like a group bonding moment where a group of friends are all being silly together. both of those concepts are adorable to be and id like to experience them some day.
🐌 - do you like being chased before being tickled? are you easy to catch?
absolutely. hdjddh it seems so fun and i know id get all giddy and shit that silliness is so adorable.
i am fast but i have joint issues and exercise induced asthma so my stamina is horrible because i couldn't run much as a kid 🥲 dhjdhdjd that means ill be caught every time tho
🦄 - share a tickle fantasy you have!
i dont like the word fantasy per say since it is usually correlated to sexual stuff so keep in mind im using this word in a 100% sfw context
as a lee i love the idea of basically the "give me the remote!" concept where someone would tickle me to get it back. i think about it a lot shdjdh
as a ler i think about a similar concept but yk when people who are taller than you take something and hold it above their head so people who are 5'3" like me cant get it? i want to just squeeze their sides till they give it back. it would be so cute how theyd yelp and bring their arms down so quick 🥲
i daydream about stuff a lot so i think about lots of cute scenarios so thats definitely not the only ones
🦥 - do you enjoy lazy/gentle tickles? on what spots?
yes hxmdhd they're my favorite 🤭 literally anywhere is nice
🐇 - do you enjoy fast/rough tickles? on what spots?
yes, as long as its not super rough. i don't like the really rough ones but the faster ones or moving spots super quick is fun too 😁
🐬 - describe your giggles/laughter!
its kind of hard to explain. its only a bit high-pitched, its mostly in the middle. i laugh a little and then kind of gasp? a couple times to inhale again. its odd 🥲 i laugh silently really easy, and then you can hear how wheezy i am lol 😭 not super often, but sometimes i snort, it's super embarrassing 😭😭 i think its from the gaspy thing i do lol
🐷 - do you make any noises that aren’t laughter when tickled?
im not sure specifically when im being tickled, but when i laugh i get wheezy easily and snort sometimes.
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dozingzzz · 3 months
i realized only recently how bad of an idea sleeping with my arms above my head is
I DO IT EVERY NIGHT its very comfortable
but also dangerous when your biceps, under your arms, ribs, pretty much everywhere your arms hide are your worst spots hdnfbdndbnf
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dozingzzz · 2 months
hey guysss how mad would you be if i completely changed my brand. and online persona. and online name. and my whole blog look and feel..
how. how mad?
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