#god tagging megaman content is hard
nieznasztejosoby · 3 years
Soo I was told that there is interest in how my swaps work yay 😁
For all the people who are only interested in sonic since this is a primary sonic related AU
have a bat Shadow that I never posted anywhere besides darkswap discord server (join us )
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the AU belongs to @darkswap
For all the people that are still here megaman is under the cut
I will start with saying that while I won't draw them Dr.Wily and Dr.Light are swapped with eachother (I just don't have any intersing desing changes for them maybe Dr. Light beard is messier I don't know )
After the failure of presenting Blues to the public Dr.Light decides that he will take over the world using them to prove their superiority over mankind .
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Roll aka DLN002 (swapped with Rock)
Created by Dr. Light as a part of the first wave of robot masters , later captured by law enforcment and re programed by Dr.Wily .Guilt ridden over the destruction she caused ,she decides to fight against Dr.Light .
*loves fighting but is very tired of Dr. Lights schemes
*exitable ball of energy
*loves her family very much
* spends most of her free time on helping charity causes
(She and Tails don't get along at the begining but they warm up to eachother over time )
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Rock DLN001 (swapped with Roll )
Not much to say about him beyond what I said about Roll .A chill mechanic and a person that keeps their house standing .(he and sonic get along pretty well )
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Blues DLN/DWN000(swapped with Forte )
The first robot master and Dr.Lights second in command as he's the only one with enough of a free will to challenge his ideas .Retains the core problem but it's significantly less severe than in canon he can live pretty long with proper maintance .(something he has to do himself or ask other robots since Dr.Light isn't going to bother )
*He used to look more similar to a canon equalivent but changed his own apperance many times (is also intersted in fasion )
*while desining him I took inspiration from Ruby spears cartoon Proto(or what I think is RS Proto based of @redrobotdefensequad 's and @megamanrecut 's fics )and Hitoshi Ariga's version of the character
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Forte DWN001(swapped with Blues)
Build by doctor Wily to replace Roll in case she wanted to take a break from constant waves of robot masters .
Stolen before complition by Dr.Light and made to belive in his ideals so that he would destoy Roll ultimately has a change of heart .
Powered out of a mysterious energy that grants him imense power but takes a toll on his mental health .
Generally not interested in fighting but helps Roll out when she's in pinch .Afraid of losing himself to the energy .
He and Blues are frends outside of Dr.Light constant wars against humanity .
Pretty chill most of the time .
I hope my rambling makes sense
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