#god the weasley family i forgot ab that vanishing cabinet? closet what was that??
percydarling · 1 year
I need to confess something-
I barely remember the last 2 books atleast book 1 to 5 I remember some details at the very least, the main summary of what happens
But book 6 and 7? Totally lost no clue wtf is happening
I just know there's hocruxes and they're finding them bla bla and the funniest thing is that that's the most imp part , the hocruxes information and Idr shit ab it at all, says that
I just lost interest by book 6 plus with all that sappy romance drama in book 6 uggh and
book 7 i just dont know truly I have no idea wtf was happening like hocruxes okay and war okay?
Sooo whatever book characters were there in book 6 n 7 whatever their personality is i dont know ab it. SOO what im saying is the characters i recollect are PROB VERY diff from the canon characters
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