#god this took forever my legs are c r a mp ing and my body is s h o t
cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
ALRIGHT ITS DONE- G O D- I’ve been drawing for the last 3, maybe 4 hours- more? idk bfjdkjfgdks g o d
but also btw this is based off a song from tiktok I heard a LONG time ago (I didn’t use all the lyrics just the ones i thought fit best and changed one entirely, it’s called ‘Don’t look under your bed’)
I can’t draw Skid to save my life and Boys n Grills Bob nearly gave me a fucking stroke trying to draw him gfjkldjgfdfs
TW: Implied Cannibalism
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Also the second page to finish!
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I can’t draw Lila so I can’t draw my funny bonus panel ;-; BUT imagine her rushing in and just beating the shit out of Bob lmao bc she would
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