#goddamit josuke
finn0cchio · 10 months
okay so! These screenshots gave me the idea for this godforsaken comic
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Hope my handwriting is clear 👍
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yea. That's all folks.
Arrivederci 🫡
2024 edit: i changed blogs and im planning to revive my the star josukoi au by changing the plotline and making it an original (?) au! Follow me on pewpop if you want!! in the next days i'll post some josukoi content!!!
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leoneslover · 3 years
Reacting to their s/o calling them a pet name ☆
Jojo’s(2-5) x reader(gn!)
Synopsis: pretty self explanatory, just their reactions to you calling them a loving pet name for the first time!
Warnings: none
A/n: I may have added some pet names in Italian for some of these lol I hope you enjoy.
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You’ve been dating for a while, and it was no secret that the man here was all lovey-dovey with you all the time
Whether it was by touching you in any kind of way, or calling you sweet names, he was constantly sharing his appreciation for you.
And while he understood that you could be a little bit more on the quiet side when it came to love (unlike him), he still wished that some of his actions rubbed off on you.
So when you finally decided to start opening up to him, he was beyond elated.
It happened one day after hamon practice.
He came back to your room, completely exhausted and in need of cuddles.
You watched with a soft smile as the tall male made his way towards your bed, flopping into the empty space next to you.
“(Y/nnnnn)” he called for you, his voice muffled since his face was hidden in the sheets.
You laughed lightly, perfectly knowing what it meant.
You patted your thighs, as an invitation for him to lay his head on them.
“Come here, amore”
His head immediately snapped up at the sound of the word falling from your lips.
He looked over at you, eyebrows rised in surprise and a faint blush on his cheeks.
You smiled back at him, a little embarrassed.
He grinned as well, moving towards you and laying his head on your lap.
You started to play with his hair, a content sigh escaping his lips as he spoke.
“So... amore huh”
You smacked his head lightly, as a sign for him to shut up and not bring it up.
He laughed loudly, a string of ‘sorry’s’ following.
“It’s alright baby cakes, I like it... I like it a lot actually”.
“Yeah, you better” you snorted, still feeling your face a little warm from the embarrassment
He smiled, the word amore still echoing in his head as he slowly fell asleep to your touch.
Oh my boy Jotaro did not see that coming.
He wasn’t particularly the most loving boyfriend per se, but that didn’t mean he was a bad lover.
However, his vague love language didn’t really help in giving you confidence to show your love to him.
That’s why he thought you just weren’t one for romance either, which he didn’t necessarily mind.
So when you unexpectedly called him other thing rather than his name (or nickname for the matter), he didn’t really know how to react.
The burning heat from outside was slowly killing you, even after finally spending a night at a hotel instead of camping in the middle of the desert.
“Darling, can you turn on the fan please?”
Your boyfriend looked up at you, a small frown of confusion painting his features.
You looked back at him, waiting for him to do what you asked him to do.
However he stood still, looking intensely at you for a solid minute.
That’s when you realized what you had called him, and you couldn’t help but feel a wave of embarrassment wash over you.
“S-sorry I didn’t meant to... it just kinda slipped y’know...” you tried to explain.
But to your surprise, he just sighed, standing up to turn on the fan for you.
“I don’t mind you calling me that by the way” he let out suddendly, his gaze not meeting yours.
“Oh, really?” A glimmer of hope flashed through your eyes.
“You can call whatever you want, I don’t really care” he tried to play it nonchalantly, laying down on his bed, hat falling over his face.
“Oh... ok then, darling” you smirked playfully, looking directly at him.
“Yare yare daze” he pulled his hat down.
But you still managed to see the small smile tugging at his lips.
Please, the first time it happened he almost had a heart attack.
I like to think of him as the perfect middle ground, not too overwhelmingly loving, but not too dry either.
He plays it cool, holding hands while you guys are outside, the occasional peck in the cheek or forehead when he has to go.
Y’know, casual interactions.
So you decided to play along, mainly so both of you could be comfortable enough and go at your own pace.
But sometimes slips happen.
Like the time when you were sitting in his bed, watching amused as your boyfriend tried to get his hair right for the thousand time.
“Goddamit” he sighed, frantically combing it upwards with a deep frown on his face.
You giggled behind him, taking one of his pillows in your arms.
“It looks good love, you don’t have to worry about it”.
He was about to complain, but then he realized what you just called him, making any attempt of discussion die in this throat.
He stared at you through the mirror, eyebrows raised and comb forgotten in his hand.
You stared back at him, a little embarrassed, but also amused at his reaction.
“Um, thanks I guess” he blushed, still taken aback by the whole thing.
You giggled, watching as he tried to hide his burning face in the mirror while adding his ‘finishing touches’.
Then he stood up with confidence, slight grin plastered on his face as he turned to look at you.
“Ready to go, sweetheart?” He extended his hand for you to take it.
Now it was your turn to get flustered, and he couldn’t help but laugh loudly at your expression.
Taking your hand in his, he dragged you out of his bed, deciding to get on going with your date.
However, the little kiss he pressed at your temple before he opened the front door didn’t go unnoticed by you.
I like to think of Giorno as a little bit more on the romantic side.
Which means that he was probably calling you sweet stuff before even getting together.
So when he finally could call you amore mio without it sounding awkward, he was on cloud nine.
However, as much romantic he can be, he also understands boundaries, so when he noticed that you weren’t as responsive with your love language as him, he thought that maybe he needed to tone it down a little.
Don’t get me wrong, the fancy dinners each weekend and the opening doors for you is still a thing.
But besides that, he tries to match your love language the best he can so you can be comfortable.
(He still calls you amore and cara every once in a while tho).
He wasn’t really expecting for you to be all lovey-dovey at any point really, so the whole interaction took him by surprise from the start.
You entered his office late at night, while he was still working even though he shouldn’t.
He briefly looked up from his desk to look up at you, shooting you a little smile before going back to his work.
You walked up towards him, rounding the desk and getting behind his chair to see what he was up to at such a time in the night.
“It’s late amore you should go to bed” he spoke, scribbling something on a piece of paper.
“But how can I go to bed if you’re not there with me tesoro”.
He stopped his ministrations, almost freezing in his place as you wrapped your hands around his shoulders.
“Come to bed with me? Please?” You begged, pressing your cheek agaisnt the top of his head.
He couldn’t help but blush to tip of his ears at both your words and actions, his heart fluttering at your affection.
Oh how could he resist when you were just so cute?????
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