#goddammit i forgot if i had a zzs/jby tag
deepestbluesky · 4 months
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new fanbinding! several months ago (please don't ask me to check that, i refuse to acknowledge the passage of time) i made a book for @orchisailsa of her zzs/jby fic Field Research. it was very cute and small! i also forgot to take pictures before i sent it to her 🤦🏻‍♀️ and then this week i was feeling antsy and also in my zzs/jby feelings, so i decided to bind a copy for myself!
the printing this time around: so easy. incredible wow 10/10 would recommend doing a second copy of things when you already know what the fuck you're doing. same with folding and cutting (tho i probably should have trimmed more closely, some of the cuts were uneven but it's fine).
the coptic bind a second time: terrible. it's been so long i forgot how to do it and had to look it up again and then made the same fucking mistakes i've made the other times i've done it!! which like, are not structual issues, it's just that the stitches don't look nice and i still don't think i'm getting them quite right. also the tension of the stitches is weird, idk how to make that better but i'm sure i could with practice.
i thought i was going to have to use a different paper for the cover but it turns out the covers are so small that i only used one of my pieces of it last time, so i had enough to do it the same way including making sure to get a whole nice flower on the front!
overall i'm really happy with how this turned out and very happy to have a copy of this excellent fic :D
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