mcdaniel1967 · 7 years
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Recently, I heard a sermon in which the speaker described the human body as a tool to worship God, or a tool for Satan to destroy souls. I may have butchered that a bit, but you get my drift. We get ONE body. God granted you a body that is truly unique, and adaptable. If we treat it well, like the gift that it is, it will perform great things. If we don't, it will be ravaged by pain, and illness. Our bodies were meant to move, to hunt and gather. We weren't created to sit on the couch and eat whatever fried concoction we can come up with. We were meant to consume of the earth, the fresh berries, vegetables , and meats. What will you do with your body today? How will you use your body to honor your Creator? #thebodyisatemple #godgaveyouagift #eatsmart #moveyourbodyeveryday #blessed
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