#gods i just need someone to fucking write with or something bc getting solo motivated sucks ass
selemchant · 29 days
tfw ur motivation is still at all time low and ur just wanting to scream bc you can't get yourself to fucking write
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daisychvins · 3 years
。・゚゚・ — introduction.
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introducing ... violet’s demise ! aka grayson aka her big brother she’s been wiring money to stay away in europe <33333
name: grayson swag money jeon  age: 22 turning 23 (don’t ask me about his sign that’s for liza to figure out someday <3) gender: cis male; he/him hometown: baltimore, maryland sexuality: bisexual & biromantic
listen i was feeling rlly committed to completing his stats but i’m already over it so don’t ask dont tell xx anYWAYS let’s get on to the juicy stuff hehe
i tend to ramble a lot so this intro is gonna be probably a mixture of paragraphs and bullet points and everything in between but let’s start simple. also i rlly wanna emphasize a massive DRUGS TW bc his character largely revolves around his interest in and addiction to drugs
grayson is claiming that he's been in a rehab program for the last year and is now completely sober and reformed when he really was just using the money to party and travel throughout europe.
without his parents paying to support him now, he's had to start dealing to make ends meet and keep up appearances. it’s mostly coke, but he dabbles in harder substances depending on what his connections can get him. 
grayson dabbles with calligraphy and was notorious for forging excuse notes and parent signatures all throughout high school and even now sells forgeries for a quick buck. the most notable of these was xavi’s letter of recommendation that helped him get into yale. 
grayson is violet’s older brother!!1 yes, that’s right, THE big brother who’s been out of the country getting LIT (and by lit i mean he’s been traveling europe on a series of solo trips w his parents’ money and doin lots of recreational drugs)
i haven’t fully fleshed out the dynamic he has w his parents but just know it’s ,, bad ASDHFJNK basically the jeons treated their children like accessories and expected them to be their little trophies and grayson just was not having that as a kid!!! so he acted out a lot and obviously got himself into a pretty bad scene (thank u goosie) and is basically the bane of his parents existence at this point <3 yet they still try to appease him to keep him under control but that’s for the family task to work out hehehehe
despite hating his parents, he adores both of his siblings. before the drug use started, he was always a big nurturer and would have done anything for either of them......now he wouldn’t be caught dead praising violet but he loves her in secret from afar HSJDFKG
yeah basically he met goose when he was around 15 i think????? and got introduced to drugs around 16 or 17 i wanna say and by the time he graduated high school he was just....a much different person than the soft big brother he used to be. his parents sent him off to europe pretty much as soon as he turned 18 under the guise of going to school internationally, but grayson obviously knew the truth and understood that he was being sent away so he wouldn’t be his parents problem anymore. 
he basically spent the last four years galavanting europe and just....trying to enjoy it???? but it’s hard to enjoy an extended vacation when u have no family or friends on ur side anymore </3 he basically used the money to stay in hostels and worked odd jobs here and there to stay afloat and keep supplied w the...special goods....but yeah lots of drugs, alcohol, sex, and recklessness but he DID learn a couple languages??? or at least enough to get through some pretty basic conversations in most european countries so <3 guess it’s all okay then!!!! 
anyways idk what else to put here that u won’t just find out in the family task so uhhhhhh idk lmk if u need anything else i guess
so now grayson is just vibing at yale obviously ummm he actually got super into writing after high school, especially poetry. he used to carry journals full of just random prose about his addiction and his deepest thoughts, as well as probably some lighter stuff about his love escapades or maybe goose idk...basically he used poetry as an outlet and it allowed him to really ground himself and find his place in the world even if it didnt include who he thought it would SO with that being said, grayson got into yale due to a poetry competition he was a part of. he saw some big fancy competition being advertised and on a whim decided to submit some poem about his struggles with addiction and losing his family (a v raw piece that he didn’t expect to ever see the light of day) and he actually ended up winning! it caught yale’s attention and they invited him to apply and, knowing how much it would probably disturb his little sister, grayson very smugly applied and was pretty stoked to see he got in 
because that poem gained such publicity, it was assumed that he was a survivor of addiction and was writing from a sober perspective. he didn’t want to correct anyone, so he just went with it and has basically crafted this story about his massive success and has become an advocate for addiction treatment and rehabilitation. of course, none of the companies that sponsor him or the events that host him as a motivational speaker know that he’s snorting lines in the bathroom beforehand or dealing to half the elites, but that’s between grayson, god, and the blackmailer !
basically grayson showed back up because of violet’s blackmail being exposed. he was off in europe, unable to defend himself, and with a massive vendetta against his family so he decided what better way to reenter society than by publicly outing himself as a martyr <3333 his plan is basically to bash the family name to fulfill whatever angsty coming of age arc he has in store for him to make up for the pain of being sent away .... really angsty yeah </3 rip grayson 
anyways yeah he’s a total fake. he’s been using his status as a martyr to his advantage a lot, the best example being his recruitment into the elites. he guilted them into accepting him by discussing the PR benefits of recruiting a member that struggles with addiction and how supporting addiction treatment and second chances would be such a good look for them. like he basically threatened to publicly expose them for denying him due to his troubled past and accuse them of being exclusionary so they said boop ! ur in. now the elites are proud advocates for second chances <3333
i would describe grayson as fearless, overconfident, infamous due to his condition being exposed recently, a little gloomy, he’s kind of just got this chip on his shoulder and feels like he has something to prove....he’s gotta be better than his parents, gotta stick it to them and to violet and to everyone who doubts him. he’s a grumpy guy with a massive vendetta and a need for some kind of justice. he just doesn’t know what that is yet. despite all of the bad, however, he’s genuinely a pretty good guy. he’s really goofy and a genuine person, pretty friendly with literally everyone until they give him a reason not to be. basically, unless you are a member of the jeon family he probably likes you or is at least cordial to you (unless we plot differently ofc but u know). he’s just a big lovable dummy with some sweet drug connects and a knack for poetry. he also knows calligraphy but that’s beside the point . 
idk if this is enough to describe him but yeah if u have any questions just let me know hehe
this is probably gonna make things hard but considering violet was just exposed i think that he’s pretty new to yale ???? like probably just transferred in/started this spring semester rather than being here for the entire year/a prolonged amount of time so most of our plots will likely have to be newer/center on him first showing up OR we can establish their connections from pre-europe which is also fine w me....idk i didnt rlly think this timeline through so let’s just plot and see what happens aghbfjnd anyways i included some connection ideas to help us all just in case
wanted connections
i’d say he’s the honorary dealer of the elites aghbdfjn so literally anyone who needs a plug could be a potential connection. we can obviously tweak this and customize it to each character <3
maybe someone who met grayson in europe. they could have travelled together for an extended period of time or even just a brief encounter. he was over there for four years, so the possibilities are endless. 
building off the last one, this same connection could work with a romantic interest. maybe they were romantically involved for a time in europe and fell out of touch or maybe grayson/your muse just left in the middle of the night and they never saw each other again until now and maybe there’s some unresolved feelings/one-sided longing or need for closure. it could also be that they just hooked up whenever this person was in the area and that was that, no strings attached. 
maybe someone who genuinely believes that grayson is actually sober and really admires his strength and idk maybe they’re struggling w their own issues and seek advice from him or maybe they just make it harder for him to actually do his thing bc they’re constantly around and it’s not like they can catch him strung out and acting up 
someone in the literature department or with a background in english or writing. someone he could read poetry to, or share his favorite lines with. someone who’s taken the same professors and can tell him who to watch out for or what to expect. idk i just want him to have someone to share his passions with. maybe a little crush is forming? maybe they’re just friends who share a love of fiction? idk i’m open to literally anything 
he’s sort of a motivational speaker now bc he advocates for rehabilitation resources and stuff so like maybe ur muse saw him give a presentation or participate in some kind of seminar and they called bullshit on him after the show bc they were like,,, bro i literally saw u partying w max and avery last weekend what the fuck are u on about and now they could potentially hold that blackmail over his head hehe......
exes plots are always fun we love angst in this house 
fuck it let’s bring another family member BHJFNGKM no but grayson rlly is a nurturing guy and like....definitely develops unhealthy attachments to cope w his loss of family so he’d love all the sibling-like bonds he can get to kinda numb the pain of “””””losing””””” violet 
if none of these interest you i’m literally so down for anything pls just let me know and i’m happy to brainstorm always <333333 
thank u for reading this....smooch . 
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serceleste · 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
Okay I’m watching Hawkeye 1x6 and the part where Kate tells Clint about how she saw him fighting aliens and it made her realize she didn’t have to be scared and that anyone brave enough to do what’s right can be a superhero made me cry (predictably, it’s me, lmao), omfg, my two Hawkeyes <3333333
(Also wow, what a perfect encapsulation of what makes Clint great as a hero, and why Kate becomes a hero herself)
30 notes • Posted 2021-12-25 02:32:15 GMT
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This little butthole got a clean bill of health from the vet! Both he and I are extremely relieved to be done with medications, lol. But little does he know, he’ll be getting his teeth cleaned in the next few months!
43 notes • Posted 2021-06-05 16:21:47 GMT
Watching Scenes From a Marriage and I have to ask, how in the fuck does a person become no longer attracted to Oscar Isaac, he’s so hot in this and I’m attracted to him even when he’s styled unattractively, even when he’s playing disgusting characters who shoot women in the head I’m like ‘eh I’d still fuck him’.
58 notes • Posted 2021-09-21 23:41:17 GMT
Just watched Tick Tick... Boom! (which I loved btw) and there’s a scene where Jonathan and his friend Michael have an argument and Michael says something like ‘yeah, that’s what the world needs, more art’ and I have to say, that really hit me.
Because you know what? Art is IMPORTANT. I cannot even begin to discuss all the ways art has affected me, and the emotional impact it has. I mean, just imagine if someone like Jonathan Larson had decided ‘fuck it, I give up’, and then there’s no Rent, and all the people who saw Rent and were inspired, they don’t have that, and then we don’t have it, the world doesn’t have it, and it’s just a slide of things we would miss out on.
The past few years have been rough, both in general and for me personally, and you know what happened in the summer of 2020? Hamilton got released in a filmed version, and it absolutely changed my life. Maybe that sounds silly! But that’s what art does. It speaks to you, and it grabs hold of you. I must have watched that movie 15 times by now, and it always cheers me up. I have listened to the OBC recording God only knows how many times, enough that I can sing the whole thing, and it drives me, it motivates me, and it makes me feel good. Even when I’m crying because the emotional bits speak to my soul, it just helps me. I used to listen to it at my shit job that I hated and then I would put it on during study breaks to get me through my return to school so I could leave my shit job I hated. I listen to it in the car, while I run, all the time, and it never fails to boost me. Hamilton even got me to write a little bit, when I’ve been in a creative low. And that’s just one single piece of art.
Yeah, maybe a guy sitting in his apartment writing songs isn’t saving the rainforests, but what he’s doing is a vital part of the human experience. Musicals have certainly saved me in a way I can't articulate. Remembering being a little kid seeing a live performance of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and having my mind absolutely blown. Learning On My Own to perform in a class that I thought was a chorus and was instead a solo class and realizing I could fucking do it, I could sing that beautiful song in front of a room full of people while I was totally terrified and crush it. Sobbing to Nina Rosario singing Breathe because that song understands me and how I feel. Belting out Defying Gravity in the car on the way to a job interview because it makes me feel strong and powerful and in charge of my own destiny. Dancing to Living It Up On Top because the joy is infectious. Laughing along to A Little Priest because somehow it’s impossible not to laugh with crazy weirdos having way too much fun making cannibalism puns.
tl;dr: Art fucking matters, and I don’t want to live in a world without it.
130 notes • Posted 2021-12-20 02:08:07 GMT
so this update because of apple is fucking annoying given most of the time when i check tumblr i’m on my phone, but i have to say i find it hilarious that alec lightwood is banned, alec, what did you do to deserve this? are you too sexy for tumblr?? what does magnus think about this, is he just like ‘yeah makes sense, my husband is hot af’ or is he bitter because he’s not banned too?
209 notes • Posted 2021-12-26 15:25:49 GMT
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