#godspeed red team hope the spiral stops at somepoint lmao
zeb-z · 7 months
Listen all I’m saying is this really is Purgatory for Cellbit, specifically. The whole reason he’s been going on his ‘give into anger and take revenge’ arc is because the Federation is responsible for taking him as a child and putting him into wars exactly like this. Now he’s back in such a similar situation, needing to fight to survive, kill to win, and it’s just re-traumatizing him again. Like the whole reason he’s out murdering is because he went through all this when he was like thirteen. It especially doesn’t help that Bad, who was with him before, is the one targeting him and his team members so badly. Like yeah of course he snapped so quickly, immediately confessing to killing the workers. In a literal hell for him, with no other idea of how to escape this, he confesses his sins, because he might as fucking well - nothing could be worse than what he’s reliving.
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