#goin out for a freakishly easy swim inside her boyfriends innards wooooooooooooh 🤙
spotsupstuff · 1 year
"with the nature of her and Euros' relationship this often times results with the Inspectors yoinking her to play or cuddle with"
Imagining some inspectors hauling Sparrows into a zero-g section of his structure for cuddles and/or watching her spin futilely for their own amusement lol.
Speaking of - is there any particular mechanic equipment designed to help traverse the zero-g sections of an Iterator, or are the mechanics expected to stay Well Away from those areas for safety reasons and only enter when the gravity is enabled?
i imagine that like... 80% of the whole structure is constantly in 0g with the rest of 20% havin the low kind of gravity that we see In Pebs' labs for the sake of easier travel of the mobile components, so turning off the gravity disruptors wouldn't be beneficial for shite especially for long periods of time
the Mechanics get a LOT of training in 0g to figure out the best movement for themselves. the Ancients in general r better wired in the brains for the movement than slugcats thanks to being originally water animals (Rivulet in my heart can better traverse Pebbles than other slugcats too, after they figure out the differences between floating in water and floating in 0g)
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But! indeed there are some mechanical stuff that help them out. both Sparrows regular boots and the boots for the special suit have magnets in the soles (?)
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i don't REALLY have it figured out visually all that well, but one can turn those on n off
the Mechanic's watch is able to send out... not really a "distress" signal in this case, but like "hey help out here will ya" signal that mobile/capable components can n will answer. like an Inspector comin in to watch out for her just in case while working on the transform arrays (endlessly affectionate bout Inspectors savin the player's ass from hazards even though i haven't experienced it myself yet), or one of those red floaty noodle things twisting themselves that way and the other so she can grab on and right herself or propel herself forwards
i've also thought about possibly using the breathing mask equipment for movement in the sense that the tube that connects the face mask with the gill mask could be unscrewed and propel her forward with air but like........ there isn't exactly much of a strong airflow in there to cause such movement so 😔 guess nu
it's mostly about knowing the movement n being clever about it (+routing so you pop out from the tunnels closest to the goal) and the magnetic shoes
oh, but a fun thing for travel around the structure in general! i'll mention it here since it's at least a lil connected
to be able to get around the whole giant structure without needing to like. camp out in multiple spots and actually get shit done, there are specialized tunnels for fast transport of defensive components like for example the Inspectors again. they are comparable to lymphatic system in human body and inspired by the sea currents of the Ancients' original home. Mechanics and Admins, posing as something of a supreme white cells from the outside (antibiotics could work as a comparison too???) in the structure to human body comparison, can use these tunnels freely as much as they want to
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