#going to a fancy fall dinner at a local cidery tonight
Roni hi hello how are you
So not to be unhinged but I have read everything on your AO3 twice in the last month (even your orphaned fics they’re also top tier as far as I’m concerned) and I’m starting to get twitchy 😂
Love your writing muchly!
Anything you’ve got on the go at the moment you can microdose us with?
Hope you’re having a wonderful day!
haha wow!! thank you very much. no praise as high as a re-read.
because you asked, here's a snippet from the John finds out fic I'm working on.
John wiped his face on his arm as he left the washroom and went out into the hot, wet night, the smell of baking asphalt a salve on his soul, a known entity. The Impala sat gleaming behind pump number three and John could see Dean standing by the rear, half obscured by the pump. The kid needed to quit it with the band tees, he was twenty now, but John wasn't equipped to have that conversation. Something with a collar, he'd grunt, doesn't need to be nice, just no pictures on it. Not that Dean had any trouble picking up girls. If the hickeys he regularly failed to hide were any indication, he—
Sam, too, was standing by the pump, close enough to Dean that John thought of them swimming under the dock for the first time in days. John's gait slowed without him thinking about it.
Where there'd been sun and toothy smiles under that dock, there was gloom now. Their heads were bowed, bent towards one another—Sam nearly taller now, when he cared enough to stand up straight—and Dean was rubbing the back of his neck in an anxious tell. Sam was talking fast with his hands jammed into the pockets of his jeans, and his eyes cut over to the side far enough that John could see the whites, bright in the dark.
Sam and Dean didn’t fight often, or if they did, they did it quiet enough that all John caught was moments like these: quick, tense words when they thought he wasn’t around. He had no idea what they fought about, which made him feel fucking insane if he thought about it for too long. They felt like strangers sometimes, two cagey young guys he chauffeured around the country because he didn’t have anything better to do.
He banged his hand on the hood as he went around the front of the car, and Dean jumped, which was disturbing because it meant he didn’t know John was there. Sloppy. Sam saw him the second he came out of the gas station.
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