#going to bulgaria in two weeks which will be absolutely amazing and i just yesterday got an email with a possibility to go to ecuador
pumpking64 · 1 year
1 note · View note
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
In today’s episode, we’re going to have a look at the price of Bitcoin from a technical analysis perspective on multiple timeframes. We’re going to have a look at some fundamental on-chain data. A number of addresses holding one plus coins, for example. That number just reached 6 months low. We’re also going to talk about a hidden indicator for the potential pump. Nobody is watching as we speak right now. Then we’re going to talk about the Federal Reserve of the United States and the recent pump in their balance sheet and what that could actually mean for the economy. And this headline probably reminds all of us of 2008. Did the Fed just accidentally trigger a housing market crash? All that and more in this episode. And now let’s jump right into it. And with that said, what is going on? Everyone’s sunny decree here. And welcome back to another episode before we’re going to start with this episode. If you guys like this kind of content, please make sure to hit that like button that definitely supports the channel and it is for free and it only takes one second. Very much appreciated. Let’s see if we can get two thousand five hundred likes for this video. That will be absolutely amazing. So what we’re starting off today is this survey. This was a survey I’ve started on a Livestream on Sunday to see what the sentiment in my community is. Obviously, my community is kind of biased. And I would say more Bitcoin fans are watching my videos compared to none Bitcoin fans, obviously, but people are currently holding and accumulating bitcoin, at least the majority, as you can see in this poll, with two thousand one hundred and seventy-three votes, thirty-eight point seven percent are holding bitcoin. Twenty-nine percent are accumulating bitcoin. Only 14 percent are selling or and shorting right now. And eighteen point two percent are on the sidelines right now, just observing the markets. That definitely sets me bullish. And it also shows me that bears are slowly but surely getting outnumbered by the bulls. This is definitely what’s needed for a healthy build-up of the next bull market, of the next parabolic phase. So this definitely sets me more bullish than bearish. All right. Now let’s talk about the price of Bitcoin itself. What we’re looking at in here is the four-hour chart. And there is not all too much to say, as I’ve already said in yesterday’s video. We’re still looking at the next support level here to the downside if bitcoin would fall between 5200 and 5400 U.S. dollars. What’s very interesting here is the decline in volume. That means that we’re still in this consolidation phase. The price range, the volatility is going down, the volume is going down to interest in trading. Bitcoin is currently going down. And typically that always comes before a breakout. So, yes, guys, once again, we’re standing shortly before a breakout, a couple of hours, a couple of days, maybe a week or so. But I don’t think that this is going to go longer than one week. Also, if we have to look at the volume on 10 real exchanges over the last 24 hours, we can see that we came back down to 1.3 billion U.S. dollars. And compared to the high volatility we’ve seen over the last couple of days, over the last couple of weeks, that is not all too much for a Monday, respectively, to stay in here. So the last 24 hours. Not all too exciting. Once again, we can see the volume going down. So we are in a typical consolidation phase. And that tells us from a technical analysis perspective that a breakout is about to come. We cannot say in what direction is based on this consolidation here. Both sides are definitely possible. Once again, we have a lot of support to the downside. The next one being between 5000 to one in five thousand four hundred U.S. dollars. But obviously the other way around, we also have a lot of resistance to the upside. But what we know for sure is that a breakout is imminent. I’m going to show you some fundamental charts. Why the breakout to the upside is going to be more likely. That is going to be the hidden charge, the hidden indicator. I’m going to show you today, which is the main topic of today. If we have a look at the Bitcoin daily chart in here, we’re still far, far, far away from the 200 daily moving average, which would be very good to break. We’re still comparing Bitcoin to the S&P 500 and also to gold because they’re still very correlated. Probably you guys already figured the S&P 500 had quite a good day yesterday, actually, but often a drop of approximately 35 percent. It is not all too hard to bounce back a little bit right now. And with all the stimulus right now, would all the money getting printed, would the Federal Reserve, the government dropping helicopter money on people, literally? I mean, well, yeah, of course, this is going upright. At least temporarily. But long term once again. And this is just my personal opinion. I don’t think that we are out of the woods yet for the S&P 500. And as long as bitcoin is correlated to the S&P 500, to traditional markets, we have to be very, very careful with technical analysis, because if something happens in S&P 500, Bitcoin is going to be affected nonetheless. What that technical analysis. Bitcoin price itself is actually saying, and by the way, if you guys want to profit from the Bitcoin or all coin volatility, I definitely recommend that Femm X platform. Here you can trade Bitcoin Theorem SRP link Teslas like COIN and also gold. Yes, you heard that right. Gold all on leverage. If you’re interested, a video tutorial popping up on top of your screen right now with my link down below. You can get up to a one hundred twelve dollar sign a bonus. And FedEx is now also listed on KOIN Gecko. If you guys want to compare the volume to other leverage exchanges. And now let’s continue with the video. So now we’re coming to the interesting part on-chain analysis. And what I’ve figured out here is very, very interesting. And one of the charts I’m about to show you are indicating a potential bitcoin pump, a massive bitcoin pump, actually. But let’s get started slowly. So first of all, a big shout out to glass note for all this data. This is very, very interesting data. And also shout out to glass alerts. Was posting that on Twitter. So first of all, the Bitcoin number of addresses holding 100+ coins reached six months low. Is this scary right now? Does that mean that whales are liquidating their positions? Well, actually, it is, because once again, the number of addresses holding one hundred coins reached a six month low. So, yes, we have seen some whales dumping. We cannot deny that fact. But and this is getting interesting. The second chart tells us that the numbers of addresses holding one big coin or more just reached an all-time high. But that’s not all of it. It’s actually getting better. Also, the addresses would be holding 0.1 bitcoin. So approximately six hundred dollars right now worth of bitcoin also reached an all-time high. So once again, let me repeat that. Addresses would one hundred plus coins as six months low addresses would one bitcoin plus an all-time high. Not just the local all-time high, a real all-time high and also addresses holding zero points one bitcoin also a real all-time high. That basically means that the chey coefficient got lower. So we have a better wealth distribution. And what do we need in a fair global monetary system? A fair or as fair as possible? Wealth distribution. So this is absolutely great long term. This is great for mainstream adoption because of a low Chieko face and means a fair system. Of course, with a new monetary system, which bitcoin could be at the very beginning and we are still at the beginning, kinda not at the very beginning, but at the beginning, you have a bad Gini coefficient because the people who were in first, they hold big chunks of bitcoin and the new people, they have a hard time to get their hands on 0.1 bitcoin or in one whole bitcoin, for example. Right. So this is definitely a step in the right direction. And for those people out there who never heard about the Gini coefficient, once again, this is a measure to measure how good the wealth distribution is in a country. The higher the G coefficient, the worse the wealth distribution. And as you can see here on rank, no wonder, is South Africa then Costa Rica than Chile, then Mexico, then Turkey, Bulgaria and so on. So this is definitely a very interesting metric. So that means in South Africa, the gap between rich people and poor people is way, way bigger compared to, let’s say here, Finland or Austria or Poland in this case. And this is also something we can measure in Bitcoin and something which is very, very important for mainstream adoption. But now let’s get into the hidden bitcoin pump indicator. And I’m 99 percent sure that you didn’t have this on your radar. And that is this chart right here also from Gless notes. Believe it or not, but we have a new all-time high in U.S. dollar tethered balances on exchanges. Now, what does that mean? Wait a second. U.S. dollar Teather all-time high balances on exchanges. What is U.S. Dollar Teather supposed to do on exchanges? Just holding it there? No, not really. U.S. dollar teather on exchanges means that this tatter is ready to get into crypto, most probably into bitcoin. What we’ve seen in the crypto market is that gold coins are following bitcoin anyway, so it is very easy to say that most likely this U.S. dollar Teather is getting prepared to buy bitcoin. That is my personal opinion. If you don’t believe that, you can let me know that down below in the comments section. What do you think? I’m definitely very interested in that. But to me personally, based on my analysis, based on my observation and experience, this means something big is about to come and it pretty much can only be a move to the upside. Of course, you can say right now, well, there are options to short bitcoin. Also with us, Dollar Teather. On bitfinex, for example, on Bynum’s, for example. Yes, I agree, but I find it way more likely that this 1.4 billion US dollars tether is going to pump the price of Bitcoin eventually. Not sure if today or tomorrow or in one week, but typically it doesn’t make all too much sense to let the U.S. dollar tetras sit on exchanges for all too long. Once again, just my opinion and I’m very interested in yours down below in the comment section. All right. Now let’s jump into another headline. And this reminds me of 2008 when I saw it as I was kind of confused. But we’re going to read through this. Did the Fed just accidentally trigger a housing market crash? Now, get this. Here is how it works. Mortgage bankers hedge themselves against interest rates going up. If rates go up the hatch. Make sure they don’t lose money from customers who locked in a lower mortgage rate. It’s standard practice across the industry and almost never causes any problems until now. As part of the Coronavirus stimulus action, the Fed bought two hundred and fifty billion worth of mortgage-backed securities in a space of two weeks four perspectives that dwarf the amount they bought during the housing crisis. By 80 billion U.S. dollars by flooding the market with money. The Fed forced down rates. Problem is that just blew up to hedge mortgage. Bankers are not getting margin calls and need to pay tens of millions of dollars to meet them. Even well-capitalized lenders are on the brink of going under because of it. But that’s not all of it. Also, the air B and B bubble have popped. I’m pretty sure you guys heard about the air BMB hustlers who are renting a lot of flats, for example, and then they’re putting them on air. BMB But because people are not travelling anymore, they’re not getting paid the money from air B and B, so they cannot pay to rent. So that bubble is about to collapse as well or already collapsed. So do we have a big problem in the housing market? Well, I’m not an expert in that area, but this does not look good. And if I have a look at the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve in here, well, I mean, this is not really all too hard to understand that something is actually fishy. Something seems to be wrong in here. If we have a look at this spike in here in the Fed’s balance sheet, this was back in September 2008, up to November 2008, where the balance sheet increased massively by more than one trillion U.S. dollars. And look at where we are right nowhere. Back in February 2020, we were at approximately 4 trillion U.S. dollars and now we’re well above 5 trillion U.S. dollars, just approximately 1 to 2 months later. And well, exactly the same happened in the recession of 2008. And that is exactly where we are right now again. So once again, and I cannot say this enough. Be prepared out there by bitcoin, by gold. Make sure you have a little bit of cash. Make sure you have food and so on. Make sure you have your essentials because what’s about to come is not going to be very nice. That’s for sure. But this is it already for today’s episode. Once again, if you enjoyed this episode, please make sure to hit the like button right here. Let’s see if we can get two thousand five hundred likes. That would be very much appreciated. And also, once again, if you want to support the channel, get started on Fenwick’s or Bynum’s futures for examples or anything else. Make sure you check out the affiliate’s section down below in here. You can get all the bonuses and so on by signing up with my links. Thank you guys very much for your awesome support and I hope see all of you in the next one. By.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/hidden-bitcoin-pump-signal/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/614157076206436352
0 notes
scottmapess · 4 years
In today’s episode, we’re going to have a look at the price of Bitcoin from a technical analysis perspective on multiple timeframes. We’re going to have a look at some fundamental on-chain data. A number of addresses holding one plus coins, for example. That number just reached 6 months low. We’re also going to talk about a hidden indicator for the potential pump. Nobody is watching as we speak right now. Then we’re going to talk about the Federal Reserve of the United States and the recent pump in their balance sheet and what that could actually mean for the economy. And this headline probably reminds all of us of 2008. Did the Fed just accidentally trigger a housing market crash? All that and more in this episode. And now let’s jump right into it. And with that said, what is going on? Everyone’s sunny decree here. And welcome back to another episode before we’re going to start with this episode. If you guys like this kind of content, please make sure to hit that like button that definitely supports the channel and it is for free and it only takes one second. Very much appreciated. Let’s see if we can get two thousand five hundred likes for this video. That will be absolutely amazing. So what we’re starting off today is this survey. This was a survey I’ve started on a Livestream on Sunday to see what the sentiment in my community is. Obviously, my community is kind of biased. And I would say more Bitcoin fans are watching my videos compared to none Bitcoin fans, obviously, but people are currently holding and accumulating bitcoin, at least the majority, as you can see in this poll, with two thousand one hundred and seventy-three votes, thirty-eight point seven percent are holding bitcoin. Twenty-nine percent are accumulating bitcoin. Only 14 percent are selling or and shorting right now. And eighteen point two percent are on the sidelines right now, just observing the markets. That definitely sets me bullish. And it also shows me that bears are slowly but surely getting outnumbered by the bulls. This is definitely what’s needed for a healthy build-up of the next bull market, of the next parabolic phase. So this definitely sets me more bullish than bearish. All right. Now let’s talk about the price of Bitcoin itself. What we’re looking at in here is the four-hour chart. And there is not all too much to say, as I’ve already said in yesterday’s video. We’re still looking at the next support level here to the downside if bitcoin would fall between 5200 and 5400 U.S. dollars. What’s very interesting here is the decline in volume. That means that we’re still in this consolidation phase. The price range, the volatility is going down, the volume is going down to interest in trading. Bitcoin is currently going down. And typically that always comes before a breakout. So, yes, guys, once again, we’re standing shortly before a breakout, a couple of hours, a couple of days, maybe a week or so. But I don’t think that this is going to go longer than one week. Also, if we have to look at the volume on 10 real exchanges over the last 24 hours, we can see that we came back down to 1.3 billion U.S. dollars. And compared to the high volatility we’ve seen over the last couple of days, over the last couple of weeks, that is not all too much for a Monday, respectively, to stay in here. So the last 24 hours. Not all too exciting. Once again, we can see the volume going down. So we are in a typical consolidation phase. And that tells us from a technical analysis perspective that a breakout is about to come. We cannot say in what direction is based on this consolidation here. Both sides are definitely possible. Once again, we have a lot of support to the downside. The next one being between 5000 to one in five thousand four hundred U.S. dollars. But obviously the other way around, we also have a lot of resistance to the upside. But what we know for sure is that a breakout is imminent. I’m going to show you some fundamental charts. Why the breakout to the upside is going to be more likely. That is going to be the hidden charge, the hidden indicator. I’m going to show you today, which is the main topic of today. If we have a look at the Bitcoin daily chart in here, we’re still far, far, far away from the 200 daily moving average, which would be very good to break. We’re still comparing Bitcoin to the S&P 500 and also to gold because they’re still very correlated. Probably you guys already figured the S&P 500 had quite a good day yesterday, actually, but often a drop of approximately 35 percent. It is not all too hard to bounce back a little bit right now. And with all the stimulus right now, would all the money getting printed, would the Federal Reserve, the government dropping helicopter money on people, literally? I mean, well, yeah, of course, this is going upright. At least temporarily. But long term once again. And this is just my personal opinion. I don’t think that we are out of the woods yet for the S&P 500. And as long as bitcoin is correlated to the S&P 500, to traditional markets, we have to be very, very careful with technical analysis, because if something happens in S&P 500, Bitcoin is going to be affected nonetheless. What that technical analysis. Bitcoin price itself is actually saying, and by the way, if you guys want to profit from the Bitcoin or all coin volatility, I definitely recommend that Femm X platform. Here you can trade Bitcoin Theorem SRP link Teslas like COIN and also gold. Yes, you heard that right. Gold all on leverage. If you’re interested, a video tutorial popping up on top of your screen right now with my link down below. You can get up to a one hundred twelve dollar sign a bonus. And FedEx is now also listed on KOIN Gecko. If you guys want to compare the volume to other leverage exchanges. And now let’s continue with the video. So now we’re coming to the interesting part on-chain analysis. And what I’ve figured out here is very, very interesting. And one of the charts I’m about to show you are indicating a potential bitcoin pump, a massive bitcoin pump, actually. But let’s get started slowly. So first of all, a big shout out to glass note for all this data. This is very, very interesting data. And also shout out to glass alerts. Was posting that on Twitter. So first of all, the Bitcoin number of addresses holding 100+ coins reached six months low. Is this scary right now? Does that mean that whales are liquidating their positions? Well, actually, it is, because once again, the number of addresses holding one hundred coins reached a six month low. So, yes, we have seen some whales dumping. We cannot deny that fact. But and this is getting interesting. The second chart tells us that the numbers of addresses holding one big coin or more just reached an all-time high. But that’s not all of it. It’s actually getting better. Also, the addresses would be holding 0.1 bitcoin. So approximately six hundred dollars right now worth of bitcoin also reached an all-time high. So once again, let me repeat that. Addresses would one hundred plus coins as six months low addresses would one bitcoin plus an all-time high. Not just the local all-time high, a real all-time high and also addresses holding zero points one bitcoin also a real all-time high. That basically means that the chey coefficient got lower. So we have a better wealth distribution. And what do we need in a fair global monetary system? A fair or as fair as possible? Wealth distribution. So this is absolutely great long term. This is great for mainstream adoption because of a low Chieko face and means a fair system. Of course, with a new monetary system, which bitcoin could be at the very beginning and we are still at the beginning, kinda not at the very beginning, but at the beginning, you have a bad Gini coefficient because the people who were in first, they hold big chunks of bitcoin and the new people, they have a hard time to get their hands on 0.1 bitcoin or in one whole bitcoin, for example. Right. So this is definitely a step in the right direction. And for those people out there who never heard about the Gini coefficient, once again, this is a measure to measure how good the wealth distribution is in a country. The higher the G coefficient, the worse the wealth distribution. And as you can see here on rank, no wonder, is South Africa then Costa Rica than Chile, then Mexico, then Turkey, Bulgaria and so on. So this is definitely a very interesting metric. So that means in South Africa, the gap between rich people and poor people is way, way bigger compared to, let’s say here, Finland or Austria or Poland in this case. And this is also something we can measure in Bitcoin and something which is very, very important for mainstream adoption. But now let’s get into the hidden bitcoin pump indicator. And I’m 99 percent sure that you didn’t have this on your radar. And that is this chart right here also from Gless notes. Believe it or not, but we have a new all-time high in U.S. dollar tethered balances on exchanges. Now, what does that mean? Wait a second. U.S. dollar Teather all-time high balances on exchanges. What is U.S. Dollar Teather supposed to do on exchanges? Just holding it there? No, not really. U.S. dollar teather on exchanges means that this tatter is ready to get into crypto, most probably into bitcoin. What we’ve seen in the crypto market is that gold coins are following bitcoin anyway, so it is very easy to say that most likely this U.S. dollar Teather is getting prepared to buy bitcoin. That is my personal opinion. If you don’t believe that, you can let me know that down below in the comments section. What do you think? I’m definitely very interested in that. But to me personally, based on my analysis, based on my observation and experience, this means something big is about to come and it pretty much can only be a move to the upside. Of course, you can say right now, well, there are options to short bitcoin. Also with us, Dollar Teather. On bitfinex, for example, on Bynum’s, for example. Yes, I agree, but I find it way more likely that this 1.4 billion US dollars tether is going to pump the price of Bitcoin eventually. Not sure if today or tomorrow or in one week, but typically it doesn’t make all too much sense to let the U.S. dollar tetras sit on exchanges for all too long. Once again, just my opinion and I’m very interested in yours down below in the comment section. All right. Now let’s jump into another headline. And this reminds me of 2008 when I saw it as I was kind of confused. But we’re going to read through this. Did the Fed just accidentally trigger a housing market crash? Now, get this. Here is how it works. Mortgage bankers hedge themselves against interest rates going up. If rates go up the hatch. Make sure they don’t lose money from customers who locked in a lower mortgage rate. It’s standard practice across the industry and almost never causes any problems until now. As part of the Coronavirus stimulus action, the Fed bought two hundred and fifty billion worth of mortgage-backed securities in a space of two weeks four perspectives that dwarf the amount they bought during the housing crisis. By 80 billion U.S. dollars by flooding the market with money. The Fed forced down rates. Problem is that just blew up to hedge mortgage. Bankers are not getting margin calls and need to pay tens of millions of dollars to meet them. Even well-capitalized lenders are on the brink of going under because of it. But that’s not all of it. Also, the air B and B bubble have popped. I’m pretty sure you guys heard about the air BMB hustlers who are renting a lot of flats, for example, and then they’re putting them on air. BMB But because people are not travelling anymore, they’re not getting paid the money from air B and B, so they cannot pay to rent. So that bubble is about to collapse as well or already collapsed. So do we have a big problem in the housing market? Well, I’m not an expert in that area, but this does not look good. And if I have a look at the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve in here, well, I mean, this is not really all too hard to understand that something is actually fishy. Something seems to be wrong in here. If we have a look at this spike in here in the Fed’s balance sheet, this was back in September 2008, up to November 2008, where the balance sheet increased massively by more than one trillion U.S. dollars. And look at where we are right nowhere. Back in February 2020, we were at approximately 4 trillion U.S. dollars and now we’re well above 5 trillion U.S. dollars, just approximately 1 to 2 months later. And well, exactly the same happened in the recession of 2008. And that is exactly where we are right now again. So once again, and I cannot say this enough. Be prepared out there by bitcoin, by gold. Make sure you have a little bit of cash. Make sure you have food and so on. Make sure you have your essentials because what’s about to come is not going to be very nice. That’s for sure. But this is it already for today’s episode. Once again, if you enjoyed this episode, please make sure to hit the like button right here. Let’s see if we can get two thousand five hundred likes. That would be very much appreciated. And also, once again, if you want to support the channel, get started on Fenwick’s or Bynum’s futures for examples or anything else. Make sure you check out the affiliate’s section down below in here. You can get all the bonuses and so on by signing up with my links. Thank you guys very much for your awesome support and I hope see all of you in the next one. By.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/hidden-bitcoin-pump-signal/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/03/wooow-hidden-bitcoin-pump-signal.html
0 notes
cryptosharks1 · 4 years
In today’s episode, we’re going to have a look at the price of Bitcoin from a technical analysis perspective on multiple timeframes. We’re going to have a look at some fundamental on-chain data. A number of addresses holding one plus coins, for example. That number just reached 6 months low. We’re also going to talk about a hidden indicator for the potential pump. Nobody is watching as we speak right now. Then we’re going to talk about the Federal Reserve of the United States and the recent pump in their balance sheet and what that could actually mean for the economy. And this headline probably reminds all of us of 2008. Did the Fed just accidentally trigger a housing market crash? All that and more in this episode. And now let’s jump right into it. And with that said, what is going on? Everyone’s sunny decree here. And welcome back to another episode before we’re going to start with this episode. If you guys like this kind of content, please make sure to hit that like button that definitely supports the channel and it is for free and it only takes one second. Very much appreciated. Let’s see if we can get two thousand five hundred likes for this video. That will be absolutely amazing. So what we’re starting off today is this survey. This was a survey I’ve started on a Livestream on Sunday to see what the sentiment in my community is. Obviously, my community is kind of biased. And I would say more Bitcoin fans are watching my videos compared to none Bitcoin fans, obviously, but people are currently holding and accumulating bitcoin, at least the majority, as you can see in this poll, with two thousand one hundred and seventy-three votes, thirty-eight point seven percent are holding bitcoin. Twenty-nine percent are accumulating bitcoin. Only 14 percent are selling or and shorting right now. And eighteen point two percent are on the sidelines right now, just observing the markets. That definitely sets me bullish. And it also shows me that bears are slowly but surely getting outnumbered by the bulls. This is definitely what’s needed for a healthy build-up of the next bull market, of the next parabolic phase. So this definitely sets me more bullish than bearish. All right. Now let’s talk about the price of Bitcoin itself. What we’re looking at in here is the four-hour chart. And there is not all too much to say, as I’ve already said in yesterday’s video. We’re still looking at the next support level here to the downside if bitcoin would fall between 5200 and 5400 U.S. dollars. What’s very interesting here is the decline in volume. That means that we’re still in this consolidation phase. The price range, the volatility is going down, the volume is going down to interest in trading. Bitcoin is currently going down. And typically that always comes before a breakout. So, yes, guys, once again, we’re standing shortly before a breakout, a couple of hours, a couple of days, maybe a week or so. But I don’t think that this is going to go longer than one week. Also, if we have to look at the volume on 10 real exchanges over the last 24 hours, we can see that we came back down to 1.3 billion U.S. dollars. And compared to the high volatility we’ve seen over the last couple of days, over the last couple of weeks, that is not all too much for a Monday, respectively, to stay in here. So the last 24 hours. Not all too exciting. Once again, we can see the volume going down. So we are in a typical consolidation phase. And that tells us from a technical analysis perspective that a breakout is about to come. We cannot say in what direction is based on this consolidation here. Both sides are definitely possible. Once again, we have a lot of support to the downside. The next one being between 5000 to one in five thousand four hundred U.S. dollars. But obviously the other way around, we also have a lot of resistance to the upside. But what we know for sure is that a breakout is imminent. I’m going to show you some fundamental charts. Why the breakout to the upside is going to be more likely. That is going to be the hidden charge, the hidden indicator. I’m going to show you today, which is the main topic of today. If we have a look at the Bitcoin daily chart in here, we’re still far, far, far away from the 200 daily moving average, which would be very good to break. We’re still comparing Bitcoin to the S&P 500 and also to gold because they’re still very correlated. Probably you guys already figured the S&P 500 had quite a good day yesterday, actually, but often a drop of approximately 35 percent. It is not all too hard to bounce back a little bit right now. And with all the stimulus right now, would all the money getting printed, would the Federal Reserve, the government dropping helicopter money on people, literally? I mean, well, yeah, of course, this is going upright. At least temporarily. But long term once again. And this is just my personal opinion. I don’t think that we are out of the woods yet for the S&P 500. And as long as bitcoin is correlated to the S&P 500, to traditional markets, we have to be very, very careful with technical analysis, because if something happens in S&P 500, Bitcoin is going to be affected nonetheless. What that technical analysis. Bitcoin price itself is actually saying, and by the way, if you guys want to profit from the Bitcoin or all coin volatility, I definitely recommend that Femm X platform. Here you can trade Bitcoin Theorem SRP link Teslas like COIN and also gold. Yes, you heard that right. Gold all on leverage. If you’re interested, a video tutorial popping up on top of your screen right now with my link down below. You can get up to a one hundred twelve dollar sign a bonus. And FedEx is now also listed on KOIN Gecko. If you guys want to compare the volume to other leverage exchanges. And now let’s continue with the video. So now we’re coming to the interesting part on-chain analysis. And what I’ve figured out here is very, very interesting. And one of the charts I’m about to show you are indicating a potential bitcoin pump, a massive bitcoin pump, actually. But let’s get started slowly. So first of all, a big shout out to glass note for all this data. This is very, very interesting data. And also shout out to glass alerts. Was posting that on Twitter. So first of all, the Bitcoin number of addresses holding 100+ coins reached six months low. Is this scary right now? Does that mean that whales are liquidating their positions? Well, actually, it is, because once again, the number of addresses holding one hundred coins reached a six month low. So, yes, we have seen some whales dumping. We cannot deny that fact. But and this is getting interesting. The second chart tells us that the numbers of addresses holding one big coin or more just reached an all-time high. But that’s not all of it. It’s actually getting better. Also, the addresses would be holding 0.1 bitcoin. So approximately six hundred dollars right now worth of bitcoin also reached an all-time high. So once again, let me repeat that. Addresses would one hundred plus coins as six months low addresses would one bitcoin plus an all-time high. Not just the local all-time high, a real all-time high and also addresses holding zero points one bitcoin also a real all-time high. That basically means that the chey coefficient got lower. So we have a better wealth distribution. And what do we need in a fair global monetary system? A fair or as fair as possible? Wealth distribution. So this is absolutely great long term. This is great for mainstream adoption because of a low Chieko face and means a fair system. Of course, with a new monetary system, which bitcoin could be at the very beginning and we are still at the beginning, kinda not at the very beginning, but at the beginning, you have a bad Gini coefficient because the people who were in first, they hold big chunks of bitcoin and the new people, they have a hard time to get their hands on 0.1 bitcoin or in one whole bitcoin, for example. Right. So this is definitely a step in the right direction. And for those people out there who never heard about the Gini coefficient, once again, this is a measure to measure how good the wealth distribution is in a country. The higher the G coefficient, the worse the wealth distribution. And as you can see here on rank, no wonder, is South Africa then Costa Rica than Chile, then Mexico, then Turkey, Bulgaria and so on. So this is definitely a very interesting metric. So that means in South Africa, the gap between rich people and poor people is way, way bigger compared to, let’s say here, Finland or Austria or Poland in this case. And this is also something we can measure in Bitcoin and something which is very, very important for mainstream adoption. But now let’s get into the hidden bitcoin pump indicator. And I’m 99 percent sure that you didn’t have this on your radar. And that is this chart right here also from Gless notes. Believe it or not, but we have a new all-time high in U.S. dollar tethered balances on exchanges. Now, what does that mean? Wait a second. U.S. dollar Teather all-time high balances on exchanges. What is U.S. Dollar Teather supposed to do on exchanges? Just holding it there? No, not really. U.S. dollar teather on exchanges means that this tatter is ready to get into crypto, most probably into bitcoin. What we’ve seen in the crypto market is that gold coins are following bitcoin anyway, so it is very easy to say that most likely this U.S. dollar Teather is getting prepared to buy bitcoin. That is my personal opinion. If you don’t believe that, you can let me know that down below in the comments section. What do you think? I’m definitely very interested in that. But to me personally, based on my analysis, based on my observation and experience, this means something big is about to come and it pretty much can only be a move to the upside. Of course, you can say right now, well, there are options to short bitcoin. Also with us, Dollar Teather. On bitfinex, for example, on Bynum’s, for example. Yes, I agree, but I find it way more likely that this 1.4 billion US dollars tether is going to pump the price of Bitcoin eventually. Not sure if today or tomorrow or in one week, but typically it doesn’t make all too much sense to let the U.S. dollar tetras sit on exchanges for all too long. Once again, just my opinion and I’m very interested in yours down below in the comment section. All right. Now let’s jump into another headline. And this reminds me of 2008 when I saw it as I was kind of confused. But we’re going to read through this. Did the Fed just accidentally trigger a housing market crash? Now, get this. Here is how it works. Mortgage bankers hedge themselves against interest rates going up. If rates go up the hatch. Make sure they don’t lose money from customers who locked in a lower mortgage rate. It’s standard practice across the industry and almost never causes any problems until now. As part of the Coronavirus stimulus action, the Fed bought two hundred and fifty billion worth of mortgage-backed securities in a space of two weeks four perspectives that dwarf the amount they bought during the housing crisis. By 80 billion U.S. dollars by flooding the market with money. The Fed forced down rates. Problem is that just blew up to hedge mortgage. Bankers are not getting margin calls and need to pay tens of millions of dollars to meet them. Even well-capitalized lenders are on the brink of going under because of it. But that’s not all of it. Also, the air B and B bubble have popped. I’m pretty sure you guys heard about the air BMB hustlers who are renting a lot of flats, for example, and then they’re putting them on air. BMB But because people are not travelling anymore, they’re not getting paid the money from air B and B, so they cannot pay to rent. So that bubble is about to collapse as well or already collapsed. So do we have a big problem in the housing market? Well, I’m not an expert in that area, but this does not look good. And if I have a look at the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve in here, well, I mean, this is not really all too hard to understand that something is actually fishy. Something seems to be wrong in here. If we have a look at this spike in here in the Fed’s balance sheet, this was back in September 2008, up to November 2008, where the balance sheet increased massively by more than one trillion U.S. dollars. And look at where we are right nowhere. Back in February 2020, we were at approximately 4 trillion U.S. dollars and now we’re well above 5 trillion U.S. dollars, just approximately 1 to 2 months later. And well, exactly the same happened in the recession of 2008. And that is exactly where we are right now again. So once again, and I cannot say this enough. Be prepared out there by bitcoin, by gold. Make sure you have a little bit of cash. Make sure you have food and so on. Make sure you have your essentials because what’s about to come is not going to be very nice. That’s for sure. But this is it already for today’s episode. Once again, if you enjoyed this episode, please make sure to hit the like button right here. Let’s see if we can get two thousand five hundred likes. That would be very much appreciated. And also, once again, if you want to support the channel, get started on Fenwick’s or Bynum’s futures for examples or anything else. Make sure you check out the affiliate’s section down below in here. You can get all the bonuses and so on by signing up with my links. Thank you guys very much for your awesome support and I hope see all of you in the next one. By.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/hidden-bitcoin-pump-signal/
0 notes
heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
In today’s episode, we’re going to have a look at the price of Bitcoin from a technical analysis perspective on multiple timeframes. We’re going to have a look at some fundamental on-chain data. A number of addresses holding one plus coins, for example. That number just reached 6 months low. We’re also going to talk about a hidden indicator for the potential pump. Nobody is watching as we speak right now. Then we’re going to talk about the Federal Reserve of the United States and the recent pump in their balance sheet and what that could actually mean for the economy. And this headline probably reminds all of us of 2008. Did the Fed just accidentally trigger a housing market crash? All that and more in this episode. And now let’s jump right into it. And with that said, what is going on? Everyone’s sunny decree here. And welcome back to another episode before we’re going to start with this episode. If you guys like this kind of content, please make sure to hit that like button that definitely supports the channel and it is for free and it only takes one second. Very much appreciated. Let’s see if we can get two thousand five hundred likes for this video. That will be absolutely amazing. So what we’re starting off today is this survey. This was a survey I’ve started on a Livestream on Sunday to see what the sentiment in my community is. Obviously, my community is kind of biased. And I would say more Bitcoin fans are watching my videos compared to none Bitcoin fans, obviously, but people are currently holding and accumulating bitcoin, at least the majority, as you can see in this poll, with two thousand one hundred and seventy-three votes, thirty-eight point seven percent are holding bitcoin. Twenty-nine percent are accumulating bitcoin. Only 14 percent are selling or and shorting right now. And eighteen point two percent are on the sidelines right now, just observing the markets. That definitely sets me bullish. And it also shows me that bears are slowly but surely getting outnumbered by the bulls. This is definitely what’s needed for a healthy build-up of the next bull market, of the next parabolic phase. So this definitely sets me more bullish than bearish. All right. Now let’s talk about the price of Bitcoin itself. What we’re looking at in here is the four-hour chart. And there is not all too much to say, as I’ve already said in yesterday’s video. We’re still looking at the next support level here to the downside if bitcoin would fall between 5200 and 5400 U.S. dollars. What’s very interesting here is the decline in volume. That means that we’re still in this consolidation phase. The price range, the volatility is going down, the volume is going down to interest in trading. Bitcoin is currently going down. And typically that always comes before a breakout. So, yes, guys, once again, we’re standing shortly before a breakout, a couple of hours, a couple of days, maybe a week or so. But I don’t think that this is going to go longer than one week. Also, if we have to look at the volume on 10 real exchanges over the last 24 hours, we can see that we came back down to 1.3 billion U.S. dollars. And compared to the high volatility we’ve seen over the last couple of days, over the last couple of weeks, that is not all too much for a Monday, respectively, to stay in here. So the last 24 hours. Not all too exciting. Once again, we can see the volume going down. So we are in a typical consolidation phase. And that tells us from a technical analysis perspective that a breakout is about to come. We cannot say in what direction is based on this consolidation here. Both sides are definitely possible. Once again, we have a lot of support to the downside. The next one being between 5000 to one in five thousand four hundred U.S. dollars. But obviously the other way around, we also have a lot of resistance to the upside. But what we know for sure is that a breakout is imminent. I’m going to show you some fundamental charts. Why the breakout to the upside is going to be more likely. That is going to be the hidden charge, the hidden indicator. I’m going to show you today, which is the main topic of today. If we have a look at the Bitcoin daily chart in here, we’re still far, far, far away from the 200 daily moving average, which would be very good to break. We’re still comparing Bitcoin to the S&P 500 and also to gold because they’re still very correlated. Probably you guys already figured the S&P 500 had quite a good day yesterday, actually, but often a drop of approximately 35 percent. It is not all too hard to bounce back a little bit right now. And with all the stimulus right now, would all the money getting printed, would the Federal Reserve, the government dropping helicopter money on people, literally? I mean, well, yeah, of course, this is going upright. At least temporarily. But long term once again. And this is just my personal opinion. I don’t think that we are out of the woods yet for the S&P 500. And as long as bitcoin is correlated to the S&P 500, to traditional markets, we have to be very, very careful with technical analysis, because if something happens in S&P 500, Bitcoin is going to be affected nonetheless. What that technical analysis. Bitcoin price itself is actually saying, and by the way, if you guys want to profit from the Bitcoin or all coin volatility, I definitely recommend that Femm X platform. Here you can trade Bitcoin Theorem SRP link Teslas like COIN and also gold. Yes, you heard that right. Gold all on leverage. If you’re interested, a video tutorial popping up on top of your screen right now with my link down below. You can get up to a one hundred twelve dollar sign a bonus. And FedEx is now also listed on KOIN Gecko. If you guys want to compare the volume to other leverage exchanges. And now let’s continue with the video. So now we’re coming to the interesting part on-chain analysis. And what I’ve figured out here is very, very interesting. And one of the charts I’m about to show you are indicating a potential bitcoin pump, a massive bitcoin pump, actually. But let’s get started slowly. So first of all, a big shout out to glass note for all this data. This is very, very interesting data. And also shout out to glass alerts. Was posting that on Twitter. So first of all, the Bitcoin number of addresses holding 100+ coins reached six months low. Is this scary right now? Does that mean that whales are liquidating their positions? Well, actually, it is, because once again, the number of addresses holding one hundred coins reached a six month low. So, yes, we have seen some whales dumping. We cannot deny that fact. But and this is getting interesting. The second chart tells us that the numbers of addresses holding one big coin or more just reached an all-time high. But that’s not all of it. It’s actually getting better. Also, the addresses would be holding 0.1 bitcoin. So approximately six hundred dollars right now worth of bitcoin also reached an all-time high. So once again, let me repeat that. Addresses would one hundred plus coins as six months low addresses would one bitcoin plus an all-time high. Not just the local all-time high, a real all-time high and also addresses holding zero points one bitcoin also a real all-time high. That basically means that the chey coefficient got lower. So we have a better wealth distribution. And what do we need in a fair global monetary system? A fair or as fair as possible? Wealth distribution. So this is absolutely great long term. This is great for mainstream adoption because of a low Chieko face and means a fair system. Of course, with a new monetary system, which bitcoin could be at the very beginning and we are still at the beginning, kinda not at the very beginning, but at the beginning, you have a bad Gini coefficient because the people who were in first, they hold big chunks of bitcoin and the new people, they have a hard time to get their hands on 0.1 bitcoin or in one whole bitcoin, for example. Right. So this is definitely a step in the right direction. And for those people out there who never heard about the Gini coefficient, once again, this is a measure to measure how good the wealth distribution is in a country. The higher the G coefficient, the worse the wealth distribution. And as you can see here on rank, no wonder, is South Africa then Costa Rica than Chile, then Mexico, then Turkey, Bulgaria and so on. So this is definitely a very interesting metric. So that means in South Africa, the gap between rich people and poor people is way, way bigger compared to, let’s say here, Finland or Austria or Poland in this case. And this is also something we can measure in Bitcoin and something which is very, very important for mainstream adoption. But now let’s get into the hidden bitcoin pump indicator. And I’m 99 percent sure that you didn’t have this on your radar. And that is this chart right here also from Gless notes. Believe it or not, but we have a new all-time high in U.S. dollar tethered balances on exchanges. Now, what does that mean? Wait a second. U.S. dollar Teather all-time high balances on exchanges. What is U.S. Dollar Teather supposed to do on exchanges? Just holding it there? No, not really. U.S. dollar teather on exchanges means that this tatter is ready to get into crypto, most probably into bitcoin. What we’ve seen in the crypto market is that gold coins are following bitcoin anyway, so it is very easy to say that most likely this U.S. dollar Teather is getting prepared to buy bitcoin. That is my personal opinion. If you don’t believe that, you can let me know that down below in the comments section. What do you think? I’m definitely very interested in that. But to me personally, based on my analysis, based on my observation and experience, this means something big is about to come and it pretty much can only be a move to the upside. Of course, you can say right now, well, there are options to short bitcoin. Also with us, Dollar Teather. On bitfinex, for example, on Bynum’s, for example. Yes, I agree, but I find it way more likely that this 1.4 billion US dollars tether is going to pump the price of Bitcoin eventually. Not sure if today or tomorrow or in one week, but typically it doesn’t make all too much sense to let the U.S. dollar tetras sit on exchanges for all too long. Once again, just my opinion and I’m very interested in yours down below in the comment section. All right. Now let’s jump into another headline. And this reminds me of 2008 when I saw it as I was kind of confused. But we’re going to read through this. Did the Fed just accidentally trigger a housing market crash? Now, get this. Here is how it works. Mortgage bankers hedge themselves against interest rates going up. If rates go up the hatch. Make sure they don’t lose money from customers who locked in a lower mortgage rate. It’s standard practice across the industry and almost never causes any problems until now. As part of the Coronavirus stimulus action, the Fed bought two hundred and fifty billion worth of mortgage-backed securities in a space of two weeks four perspectives that dwarf the amount they bought during the housing crisis. By 80 billion U.S. dollars by flooding the market with money. The Fed forced down rates. Problem is that just blew up to hedge mortgage. Bankers are not getting margin calls and need to pay tens of millions of dollars to meet them. Even well-capitalized lenders are on the brink of going under because of it. But that’s not all of it. Also, the air B and B bubble have popped. I’m pretty sure you guys heard about the air BMB hustlers who are renting a lot of flats, for example, and then they’re putting them on air. BMB But because people are not travelling anymore, they’re not getting paid the money from air B and B, so they cannot pay to rent. So that bubble is about to collapse as well or already collapsed. So do we have a big problem in the housing market? Well, I’m not an expert in that area, but this does not look good. And if I have a look at the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve in here, well, I mean, this is not really all too hard to understand that something is actually fishy. Something seems to be wrong in here. If we have a look at this spike in here in the Fed’s balance sheet, this was back in September 2008, up to November 2008, where the balance sheet increased massively by more than one trillion U.S. dollars. And look at where we are right nowhere. Back in February 2020, we were at approximately 4 trillion U.S. dollars and now we’re well above 5 trillion U.S. dollars, just approximately 1 to 2 months later. And well, exactly the same happened in the recession of 2008. And that is exactly where we are right now again. So once again, and I cannot say this enough. Be prepared out there by bitcoin, by gold. Make sure you have a little bit of cash. Make sure you have food and so on. Make sure you have your essentials because what’s about to come is not going to be very nice. That’s for sure. But this is it already for today’s episode. Once again, if you enjoyed this episode, please make sure to hit the like button right here. Let’s see if we can get two thousand five hundred likes. That would be very much appreciated. And also, once again, if you want to support the channel, get started on Fenwick’s or Bynum’s futures for examples or anything else. Make sure you check out the affiliate’s section down below in here. You can get all the bonuses and so on by signing up with my links. Thank you guys very much for your awesome support and I hope see all of you in the next one. By.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/hidden-bitcoin-pump-signal/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/wooow-hidden-bitcoin-pump-signal
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