#gojo strongest trans ally btw
mommycity · 9 months
Bf gojo who hears about your gender dysphoria and reaffirms you so much. He does it in such a weird, self reflecting way, his job as an educator is so apparent with how he makes it an interactive experience. He isn’t just smothering you in kisses but he’s forcing you to think nice and hard.
“You live your life in what you see best, what changes that now, hm?”
The soft hands of his are smoothing over the planes of your back.
“And who is to tell you can’t see what’s best? You know I see you”
Gojo’s hands slide upward from your back and lightly grasp your shoulders.
“I don’t need six eyes to tell the obvious, this isn’t who you want to be.”
There’s a push. Not a light one either. It’s a push of immeasurable force. Done so quickly, so efficiently it’s hard to register. The distance between you and the floor quickens. But what stops the fall isn’t Gojo, no. It’s you. It’s you with the knowledge and the experience to place your hands before and infront of your head. When you collide you do not topple. You land.
And Gojo sees this. And he smiles,
“So what’s next for you hm? You can stay here and live uncomfortably, lying to me”, he crouches in front and reaches to pat your back,
“-and to yourself.” It takes a glance at his ocean blues to see the conviction in his profound statement. He’s staring with such an infatuation, an adoration for you in any form.
“My six eyes tell me this isn’t who you want to be. But who knows you better than you”, his words soften at the tail end. He moves his left hand to squish the fat of your cheeks playfully before standing at his full height.
“So tell me. Are you gonna grovel in that form? Or stand with the big boys who know themselves. Don’t think too hard about it you might fizzle out that big brain of yours”
And he walks off. Yet his presence is still felt in every fiber of your body. To be admired by the strongest sorcerer. To be heard and seen. Satoru Gojo knows you like no other and his six eyes can tell him what words cannot.
So you stand up and follow Gojo out the room. He greets you with his award winning smile. The fluff of his hair shifts as he tilts his head to fix his shades.
“Thought my baby was waiting on someone to save em”
Bf gojo is definitely your strongest ally
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