goldendunite · 8 months
Hehe, I'm alive! You can't kill me forever, Hexe you b----!!!! F--- you too, Slynn!!
*sighs* Well yall know the drill. Read below:
glitteringspells- rp content
modstar- mod posts
thecosmosask- asks
goldendoll- lore related/refs
Official Mod Info
Judgement Hour
Name & Family
Dunite's Secret
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Unlabeled
BTW Her main color is yellow, BUT I'll go back and forth between using yellow and orange for her text because im usually on mobile It'll usually be orange.
Edit: it'll continue to be orange until we get yellow text back
-Mod Star
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miamorimachi · 1 year
Ten Tricks To Give Consideration To When Caring For Your Goldendoodle
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Goldendoodle cats can be incredibly cute, which makes them challenging not just to admire but also to adore. They have become some of the hottest new dog breeds globally right now. What this means is that goldendoodle dogs are now owned by a greater number of humans plentifully, increasing annually in popularity. Even though the goldendooper is relatively recently bred, there may be those who struggle with properly maintaining their pet.
Are they properly grooming this dog like a retriever/poodle? The mixed situation can be a bit confusing to some, however, that'd be fine. We've gathered some tips to help you handle your goldendoll better, resulting in a happier family.
1. Make puppy proof your home is essential.
Puppyproofing your house is the single most effective way to care for your newly acquired goldendoodle. This goes just about equally towards you and the dog. You may not desire for your chosen puppy to enjoy chewed Manolos, yet you should also prevent him from engaging in any activity that could cause him injury.
This is a means to cover up the mess, including disposing of the cleansing materials, as well as properly sealing them back up for safekeeping. Maintaining specific herbs outside the home means addressing all other matters that must be dealt with, such as adjusting the temperature in your house, and destroying any smaller item that your pooch might chew or bite upon. There's so much to be done to set up a new dog, so it'd be better if you start early rather than later.
2. Start training your dog immediately.
Training a newly acquired dog requires educating him on how to live appropriately within your household. Waiting to start training a puppy is not advisable. It starts immediately upon receiving the dog's home, just like it should be with any dog worldwide.  This dog requires understanding what is required from him/her, which is why training it is crucial for fostering a joyful, healthy dog.
3. This fundamental, yet often overlooked by new dog owners, is to ensure that your pup has toys.
It's a crucial step that is often overlooked even though it's essential. Your puppy's needs need to be met, you must find something they can accomplish when bringing him back home, yet you still find yourself able to engage in any form of playing either with him or her. Since he has needs, you need to ensure that you always make sure that you always hold on to some kind of toy. This way, you and your dog can engage in playful play together. Consider your dog's needs for treats and toys. Like any dog, goldendoodles can tolerate all kinds of toys as long as they live in the country.
4. Invest Time and Be With Your PUP!
Caring for a goldendot is more involved in maintaining both your beloved dog's health as well as spending quality time with him. It's all about forging a relationship, loving your canine, as well as ensuring he is regarded as an important part within the household. Note: This importance is not to be overlooked; don't neglect to invest time spending time together. Spending time playing, taking a stroll, or cuddling is extremely essential for fostering your dog's love for you.
5. Establish a work schedule that includes walks, exercise, feeding, etc.
Don't you find that your schedule helps you relax and recharge better? I understand why we all perform well when things are scheduled. We do not mind a little tweaking when we feel inclined, yet we prefer to adhere to a predetermined day, schedule, or expectation. Especially with four children, it'd be essential. It's also required when having a pet within the home. Your goldendotte will greatly value your scheduled activities, particularly in regard to the feeding process or walking. He needs to be able to determine when to venture out for a walk or a meal to be able to relax.
6. Have a talk with your vet.
Your veterinarian becomes your best ally when owning a goldendottie. He is now your preferred resource. Your veterinarian is scheduled to visit your pet, assess him/her, recommend a healthy diet, inspect the dog's health, as well as ensure that you follow all of the required measures to nurture your canine. You may contact your veterinarian anytime to ask any queries, get assistance, support, etc. Being consistent with your behavior is one among the most beneficial things you could give your goldendoble.
7. Try to be consistent in what you do and when you do so.
Dogz, whether you admit it is true, generally understand and value consistency. If you permit a goldendottie to escape on one day but then end up getting caught tomorrow, it can cause confusion. He requires you, the trainer, to reliably guide, control, educate, moderate, maintain, honor, respect, defend, cherish, engage, maintain, protect, motivate, stimulate, listen, communicate, observe, manage, control, maintain, enforce, promote, respect, nurture, or pamper him. He requires patience and understanding, which is what you need to deliver. Our recommendation is to try and stay consistently positive to help your canine thrive.
8. Try to be gentle and kind to your dog.
Goldendoodles may not be categorized as petite, however, they're not considered mastiff-sized either. Start by being kind to your dogs, then guide your children to behave similarly. We understand it can seem difficult to motivate children to behave politely towards an animist; however, they tend to follow examples rather quickly. That implies that you should act as an example.
9. Exercise and get active!
Dog lovers enjoy going outside to play, fetch, jog, or exercise. The Cocker Spaniel mini golden doodle is no exception to this, which is why you should physically engage your canine to ensure that it is properly nurtured. This applies to multiple layers of functioning. At one, your pup is properly cared-for when allowed to exercise responsibly while getting the exercise s/he requires to stay healthy. Moreover, to a certain degree, your canine companion is actively supporting you to become physically, mentally, as well as mentally healthier. Embracing this, practice it diligently.
10. Socially engage your dog.
Goldendoodles have a very welcoming personality that loves to meet people, interact cuddly, and have fun playing alongside children, as well as spend time bonding. However, they tend to behave far more proficiently when allowed time for socialization early on. Dogs require socialization to develop skills to adapt to diverse environments, interact effectively amongst other dogs, as well as become accustomed to being introduced to those they may not have come across before.
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hypeli · 1 year
10 Tips To Consider When Taking Care Of Your Goldendoodle
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Goldendoodle puppies can be challenging to resist loving them. They have become some of the bestselling designer breeds worldwide right now. What this means for you is that there are now many greater owners of goldendoodle dogs, which has contributed to them becoming increasingly popular every year. As the goldendoll is relatively new, there may be those who lack understanding on how best to appropriately maintain their canine.
Does this dog breed receive the same attention and training that comes with owning a dog like a retriever? Although the hybrid condition may be a bit confused, that's all that matters. We've got some recommendations to help you take better responsibility for your goldendoble, resulting in a happier, healthier family.
1. Provide puppy proof for your home
The best way to care for your newly acquired goldendoodle would be to dogproof your house. This applies equally to you and the dog. You wouldn't prefer not to let your existing dog enjoy chewing on your Manolus, yet you likewise prevent him from engaging in anything threatening to hurt him.
This is a means to cover up the mess, including disposing of the cleansing materials, as well as properly sealing them back up for safekeeping. Maintaining specific herbs outside the home means addressing all other matters that must be dealt with, such as adjusting the temperature in your house, and destroying any smaller item that your pooch might chew or bite upon. Starting a new home early is preferable to waiting later.
2. Begin to train your dog immediately after acquiring it.
Training a brand-new dog involves teaching him on how to act appropriately within the home. Waiting to teach a puppy is not advisable at any stage. It should be initiated immediately after receiving a dog either from a rescue organization, or essentially the same applies to your goldendot.  This dog requires being trained correctly to be a successful dog.
3. It's fundamental yet often overlooked by new dog owners.
It's basic yet often overlooked amongst the newest dog homeowners. Your pup needs something that can be done when bringing home the dog but is unavailable to interact socially. Since he has needs, you need to ensure that you always make sure that you always hold on to some kind of toy. This way, you and your dog can engage in playful play together. Your pet requires a toy. Similar to any dog, goldendoodles can tolerate any type or toy provided that keeps them occupied and allows for quality time together.
4. Enjoy quality time spending time together.
Caring for a goldendoll is more involved than simply ensuring that the dog remains nourished. It's all about establishing a strong bond between your dogs by demonstrating love to him, as well as giving him a sense that he is an important member of the household. This should be remembered; don't neglect spending time cuddling the dog. Having play, good walking, and a cuddle are all essential for ensuring that your dog feels welcomed, loved, safe, healthy, happy, etc.
5. Establish a schedule that includes walks, feeding, or grazing.
Doesn't it make you happier to have your day planned? I understand the fact that our family tends to flourish when things are scheduled. We don't mind changing it if it works; however, we prefer to set extend a day, a structure, or standards. Having four children makes it necessary. It's also required when having a canine companion within the home. Your goldendock will greatly value your scheduled activities, particularly regarding his food schedule or walking regimen. He requires to be able to distinguish between when to venture out or when to consume food to be able to relax.
6. Have a talk with your veterinarian when you own a goldendoodle.
Your veterinarian has become your best buddy after getting a goldendot. He, she is becoming your newest and most trusted resource. Your veterinarian will visit to examine your pet, recommend a suitable diet, assess the dog's health, etc. This will aid in ensuring your animal thrives. You may contact your veterinarian anytime to ask any question, request assistance, or ask about your dog's health, etc. Being consistent with your behavior is one of the most beneficial things you could also be doing to your goldendock.
7. Try to be consistent with your behavior.
Dogz, whether you admit it is true, generally understand and value consistency. Confusion arises when a goldendoo gets away today and lands on the road to trouble tomorrow. He requires you who can consistently advise, guide, manage, socialize, acquaint, respect, despise, respect, as well as cherish him. He requires patience and understanding, which is what you need to deliver. Our recommendation is to try and stay consistently positive to help your canine thrive.
8. Try to be gentle when speaking.
Goldendoodles may not be categorized as petite, however, they're not considered mastiff-sized either. Reward your dogs for being kind, as well as instill in your children to behave similarly. We understand that it can seem challenging to persuade a young child towards being kind to an exotic animal; however, it's a proven fact that children naturally behave accordingly when handled softly. That implies that you must act as an example here.
9. Try to get active.
1.4 Dog owners enjoy going for a stroll, a jog, or even a sprint. The Cocker Spaniel goldendoodle is no exception to this, which is why you should physically engage your canine to ensure that it is properly nurtured. This work works well for humans and can be applied at multiple levels. If you encourage your dog to exercise properly, as well as offer him the exercise he requires to stay healthy, your pet is deemed properly cared for. Finally, on another degree, your canine companion is aiding you to stay actively, physically stimulated. Accept this, practice it, and then implement it.
10. Socialized with your dog.
Goldendoodle-friendly dogs that like to socialize, interact, etc. However, they tend to be more cooperative when allowed time to socialize early on. Dogs require socialization to adjust to being able to adapt to various environments, interact amongst other dogs, or just be familiarized by those they may not be familiar or trust.
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10 Ideas To Give Consideration To When Taking Care Of Your Goldendoodle
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Goldendoodles look so cute that it's hard not to fall in love with them. They have become some of the hottest 'designer' dog models out there right now. What this means is that every year, goldendoodle breeders are being owned by a larger percentage of individuals. Due to the goldendood being a relatively young breed, there is still a lot of confusion surrounding how best to handle their animal.
Does this dog breed receive the same attention and training that comes with owning a dog like a retriever? Although the hybrid circumstance may seem a lil challenging, it's all good. We are sharing some tips which will significantly simplify the process of maintaining your goldendoll, resulting in your whole family being happier and better-functioning.
1. Make sure to puppy proof your home.
The best way to properly care for your newly acquired goldendoodle includes making sure that your house is pup-proofed. This applies equally to you and the dog. You may not desire your miniature goldendoodle to engage in chewin', yet you'd like him not to engage in any that could damage him.
This involves scrubbing, organizing, stocking up, and ensuring that all equipment is securely stored, preventing unwanted plant life from invading the home, ensuring that no underwear is left behind, or ensuring that any pet-safe toys are removed. There's so much to be done when preparing a property to house a dog; it'd be better if you start early instead of later.
2. Start training your dog immediately.
Carering for a brand-new dog implies properly training him and guiding him around the home. Waiting to teach a puppy is not recommended. It starts immediately upon receiving the dog's home, just like it should be with any dog worldwide.  This dog requires understanding what'll be expected from him/her, which is why training becomes vital for bringing up a playful, content dog.
3. Remember This: Always Ensure That Your PUP Has a Toy.
It's basic yet often overlooked amongst newly acquired dog people. Your pup needs something that can be done when bringing home the dog but is unavailable to interact socially. He requires you also to provide some toys for you and your dog to enjoy playing together. Your puppy needs to have some toys. Any dog can play safely using all kinds of toys, as long as they're kept entertained while having fun.
4. Make time to spend quality time together as well as socialize your pup.
Caring for a goldendotte is much more involved compared to just ensuring that your pet remains nourished. It's all about establishing a strong bond between your dogs by demonstrating love to him, as well as giving him a sense that he is an important member of the household. This should be considered, so don't overlook spending time cuddling the canine. Play, play, play, cuddle- all of these are essential for establishing your pooch as a part of the family.
5. Establish a schedule that includes walks-ins, feeding, or both.
Don't you generally experience much greater happiness when things are scheduled? I understand the fact that we flourish when life is predictable. We don't feel reluctant to break it whenever it works, yet we prefer to maintain a planned day, a routine, a timeline, as well as boundaries. Having four children also implies its necessity. It's also required when having a pet housed. Your goldendoll will greatly enjoy following your schedule, particularly when it comes down to his food intake or walking. He needs to be able to determine when to venture out for a walk or a meal to be able to relax.
6. Have a talk with your veterinarian about your goldendoodle.
Your veterinarian has become your closest friend now that you own a goldendotte. He's your newest go-to resource. Your veterinarian will examine your pet, advise on a healthy diet, assess your pets' health, as well as insure you're not neglecting to care properly. You may consult your veterinarian anytime to ask any queries, request assistance, and to tell you how to proceed, etc. Being consistent is one of the greatest implementations you can make for both your goldendot and your dog.
7. Try to be consistent in what you do and when you do so.
Doggies, whether you know it or not, greatly benefit from being persistent. When a goldendot gets away today and ends up getting into trouble tomorrow, it can be challenging. He requires you know-how to reliably motivate, supervise, manage, challenge, enforce, maintain, encourage, create rules, communicate clearly, communicate effectively with him, as well as demonstrate affection. He requires patience and understanding, which is where you come in to help him. Our recommendation is to stay consistently organized to help your canine thrive.
8. Always be gentle when dealing with your dog.
Although goldendoodles may not be considered miniature, they're not considered to be as aggressive as mastiffs. Start by being kind to your dogs, then guide your children to behave similarly. We understand it can seem difficult to motivate children to behave politely towards an animist; however, they tend to follow examples rather quickly. That implies that you must act as an example here.
9. Try to get active.
Dog lovers enjoy going for a long-distance drive, walking, running, or living an energetic lifestyle. The Cocker Spaniel goldendoodle is no exception to this, which is why you should physically engage your canine to ensure that it is properly nurtured. This work works well for individuals and can be applied at numerous levels. If you encourage your dog to exercise properly, as well as offer him the exercise he requires to stay healthy, your pet is deemed properly cared for. Similarly, on another layer, your dogs are also assisting you to be more physically, mentally, as well as physically energetic. Accept this, then implement it diligently.
10. Socializing with your dog is essential.
Goldendoodle puppies tend to be very social canines that thrive on making friendships, playing together, as well as spending time together. However, they tend to behave far more proficiently when allowed time for socialization early on. Dog owners must be socialized to become proficient at behaving appropriately across environments, interacting amongst those they interact with, as well as bonding well with unknown strangers.
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clairepeterson5581 · 1 year
Ten Tips To Consider When Caring For Your Goldendoodle
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Goldendoodle is incredibly cute, which makes it challenging not to love them. They have become some of the bestselling designer breeds worldwide right now. What this means for you is that a greater number of individuals are now claiming or importing goldendoodle breeds, which increases their popularity annually. Due to the goldendood being a relatively new breed, there is still some confusion regarding how best to maintain their pet.
Does this dog breed receive the same type of attention and training from a pooper and a retriever? While the hybrid scenario may be a tad bit confusing, that'd be all that matters. We are sharing some tips which will significantly simplify the process of maintaining your goldendoll, resulting in your whole family being happier and better-functioning.
1. Always ensure puppy proofing in your home.
Probably the most important thing that you, as a newlywed, can and should, can be to properly manage and look after your goldendoodle. This is crucially linked to establishing and maintaining dog and puppy proof in your residence. This, however, is equally important not only to you but also to you, just like it's meant to be both essential and meant only to aid in managing the dogs' behavior. While you may not wish for your newly adopted goldendoodle to engage in chewy Manolos, you likewise don't wish for him to engage in anything potentially harmful.
This is a means to cover up the mess, including disposing of the cleansing materials, as well as properly sealing them back up for safekeeping. Maintaining specific herbs outside the home means addressing all other matters that must be dealt with, such as adjusting the temperature in your house, and destroying any smaller item that your pooch might chew or bite upon. There's so much to be done when preparing a property to house a dog; it'd be better if you start early instead of later.
2. Training Your dog should be started immediately.
Training a newly acquired dog involves instructing him on how to act appropriately within your household. Waiting to teach a puppy is not advisable at any stage. It should be immediately started once you acquire his/her home, just like with any dog worldwide.  This dog requires understanding what needs to be done, while training becomes imperative for fostering a playful, joyful dog.
3. Always Remember to Ensure Your Poodle Has Toes.
It's basic yet often overlooked amongst newly acquired dog people. Your pup needs something that can be done when bringing home the dog but is unavailable to interact socially. He requires you also to keep playing with him to allow you all to interact. Inspect your dog's needs for a toy. Similar to any dog, goldendoodles can tolerate any type or toy provided that keeps them occupied and allows for quality time together.
4. Make Time to Bond and Communicate With Your Poodle.
Caring for a goldendot is more involved than simply maintaining your pet's health. It's all in establishing a relationship between you two, demonstrating love towards him while ensuring that he becomes an important part of the household. This should be remembered; don't overlook spending time cuddling the canine. Spending time playing, taking a stroll, or cuddling is extremely essential for fostering your dog's love for you.
5. Create a schedule that allows for walking as well as feeding.
Don't you not enjoy living by a schedule? I understand how our family functions best when everything is scheduled. We don't mind letting go when we feel inspired, yet we prefer having structure in our day, a routine, plans, schedules, etc. Having four children, it's required. It's also required when having a canine companion within the home. Your goldendoll will surely respect your scheduled routine, especially when it comes to his food schedule or his walks. He needs to be able to distinguish between when to exercise, when to urinate, or when to graze comfortably.
6. Have a talk with your veterinarian!
Your veterinarian becomes your best ally when owning a goldendottie. He is now your all-time fave resource. Your veterinarian will visit to assess your dog, recommend a healthy diet, test him to determine if he needs it, as well as test your dog's health. You are free to contact your veterinarian anytime regarding any question, assistance, relief, suggestion, etc. Being consistent is one of the most important things you could possibly provide for your goldendottie.
7. Try to be consistent.
Dogs, whether you know it, really enjoy being consistently disciplined. Confusion arises when a goldendoo gets away today and lands on the road to trouble tomorrow. He requires you as a consistent trainer to effectively teach, nudge, reward, or unconditionally love him. He requires patience and understanding, which is why it's up to you to offer them. Our recommendation is to stay consistent so your canine thrives.
8. Try to be gentle when dealing with dogs.
While goldendoodles may not be compared to a smaller canine, they're not considered mastiffs either. Show your dogs some compassion by being patient while also encouraging your children to behave similarly. We understand that it can seem difficult to get a kid to behave correctly towards an empathetic animal; however, they tend to follow through and behave accordingly. That implies you must demonstrate it through example.
9. Try to get active.
Dogs love to get outside, take a long stroll, jog or engage in an activity-rich lifestyle. The goldendoodle is no exception when it comes to this, which is why you should exercise your canine a lot outdoors to ensure that he is properly nurtured. This operates at various degrees. In one sense, your dog is adequately cared-for when allowed to exercise flexibly while obtaining the healthy exercise that your dog requires. Furthermore, your canine companion is actively participating with you to become more physically engaged, physically strong, as well as mentally agile. Accept this, then cultivate it through working.
10. Socializing your dog is a must.
Goldendoodle puppies can be extremely socialized, delighting in making friendships, playing along children, or bonding time together. However, they tend to be more cooperative when allowed time to socialize earlier in life. Dogs require socialization to develop skills to adapt to diverse environments, interact effectively amongst other dogs, as well as become accustomed to being introduced to those they may not have come across before.
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sophieyork · 1 year
5 Ideas To Keep Your Goldendoodle
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Behold, a Goldendoople is a glorious creature! Goldenendoodles have been bred from Golden Retrievers to Poodles, known to be known among dog owners as having a friendlier temperament and intelligence while maintaining a hypoallergenic coat. To assure that your dog golden doodle thrives with happiness, it's crucial to pay attention. This article will provide five helpful hints on how to properly care for your canine companion.
Select the Correct Diet
Beginning to care is by providing your Goldendoll with a well-balanced diet. Consultation with your veterinary professional to ascertain the appropriate nutrient-dense diet that suits both your dog and you. The best dog food for goldendoodles that includes crucial nutrients like Vitamins, Minerals, and Protein is critical to their health. Try not giving your Goldendoll table scrapings, junk food, and chew toys due to not causing obesity/health problems. Ensure that your dog always has access to freshly filtered water.
Continued exercise is recommended for maintaining mental stimulation.
Goldendoodles demand daily exercise in order to remain energized while also preventing boredom-associated behavior. Engaging in daily walks, playing with fetch in the park, or allowing your dog to run safely and securely outside. Mental stimulation should also be encouraged. Playing interactive toys, puzzle games, or obedience courses can benefit children in keeping their brains engaged while preventing any deviant tendencies.
Grooming and Coat Maintenance
One among the distinguishing characteristics associated with Goldendoodles can be observed in their stunning curled coat. Repeating grooming can help prevent tangle-prone coats or matting. Brush your Goldendoodle's coat regularly to remove dirt, dead skin, or accumulated debris. Occasionally, depending upon the fur length, you might have to cut it. Additionally, regularly performing ear cleansing, nail trimming, or orthodontic care is crucial to maintaining your mini golden doodle health.
Health care, wellness, veterinary visits, etc.
Just like all breeds of dog, the Goldendoodle needs regular annual veterinary care to ensure that their overall health is being assessed thoroughly; early detection of any health problems is encouraged. Vaccination, flea, tick, and heartworm prevention play a vital role in safeguarding your dog against infectious diseases or parasites. Recurring vet appointments also provide an opportunity to discuss any issues you might face as well as to seek advice from a qualified veterinarian regarding ensuring your Goldendoodle's well-being.
Socialization and training is crucial.
Socialization is important for Goldendoodle owners as they naturally like to interact with others. Expose your Goldendote enough around different situations, humans, or even dogs so that they can develop into well-adjusted, socialized, happy, trusting individuals. Enrol them at puppy class or opt to obtain obedience instruction from a reputable trainer. Rewarding behaviors preferably benefit these highly motivated, highly-intelligent, eager-to-be-please canines.
To summarize, maintaining your Goldendottie requires a fulfilled journey that requires effort, time, effort, love, etc. Through the proper diet, regularly exercise, grooming, health care, and training, you will be able to maintain decorative Goldendoodles that live a long, contented life. The relationship you share with your canine companion will strengthen even further when you begin this thrilling adventure.
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olia-skater-blog · 5 years
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Эта фотография у меня ассоциирует всю серию. Кстати, вот ещё секрет из опыта) Этот грим делался 3ч. Позже я определила это время для себя как максимально возможное для грима: практически, если грим делать дольше, то есть риск получить им уставшую модель с замученным взглядом в кадре (а это, если что, видно. серьезно) поэтому образы с 5часовым гримом - большая проблема) в таком случае я бы предложила использовать дополнительные аксессуары, например здесь, у нас - это перчатки. #посекрету #технический момент _____ #drawing #inspiration #хочустатьлучше ___ На образ меня вдохновила работа @lisamarie_murphy (вообще, у нее много сказочных работ). В роли модели выступила @vera_kerrigan, Обработка фото @olia_skater.photo, автор идеи, орг и гример я - @olia_skater :) Материалы от @kryolan_russia и @tagbodyartofficial ____ Удивительно, этой работе скоро год, но она до сих пор в топе моих сильных и любимых. #грим #гриммосква #гример #гримермосква #криолан #kryolan #скелет #хэллоуин #идеядляфото #doll #scull #goldendoll #dolls #goldscull #art #artwork #drawing #olia_skater (at Moscow, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4wZl8eBLMz/?igshid=l5lrj623og9h
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goldendunite · 7 months
Aoki is a bit worried, but brushes it off as a weird dream.
*Her next words are really clear.*
I want y'all to meet him..... think you'd feel better 'bout me being here....
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MusicVideoAlert !!! 💜🏳️‍🌈✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏻✊🏼🏳️‍🌈💜 new Video out now!!! " Fake Face" by Kokoff Make up by me #kokoffofficial #benjaminfranklinandre #makeupartist #musicvideo #queerartist #LgbtiaRevolution #goldendolls #goldendollsberlin Link here 👇🏽 https://youtu.be/6d5waN2HnO0 (hier: Golden Dolls Exclusive Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQs5cBoFvmx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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interior-lab · 5 years
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День Единица!! But should be equal!💋 💋любимые💋💋 #candyman #goldendolls #Luna 💋 #ТАЙФУН лени Голикова #amsterdam #отзакатадорассвета #corsar Примерно так #СПб But should be equal! Equal day;, https://www.instagram.com/p/B4dCaDylRYe/?igshid=rqv0tsqzjsx2
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goldendunite · 7 months
[…I am….I have my thoughts, yes.]
He smiles more, blushing and hugging her closer.
*She giggles a little under her breath.*
... don' be mean, Ry'n.... he ain' like tha, 'n I 'on like tha' either. Y'too, Dad...
[Me struggling at slurred mumbly speech so I just write it as if she's having a stroke]
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yourdreamwrld66 · 4 years
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7 notes · View notes
shreejisgroupsblog · 3 years
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Congratulations Gargi Sarmah @gargis2001 upon winning Title For TIGP Glamorous Role Model! We are privileged to be part of your success celebrations!! #ShreejisDutchTruffleCake Inner Truffle Outer Golden Doll Design #Shreejis #ShreejisGroup #ShreejisNaviMumbai #ShreejisCakesAndChocolates #CelebrationsWithShreejis #ShreejisAddingSweetnessToLives #cakes #chocolates #cakeloversclub #ShreejisCupCakes #ShreejisCakesicles #dutchtrufflecake #tigp #featured #missindia #missteenindia #mrsindia #internationalpageant #DollCake #GoldenDoll #GoldenDollCake #BarbieDollCake #BarbieCake #Barbie #goldencaketopper (at Vashi Town (Navi Mumbai City, Maharashtra - INDIA)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTh3dbtIitA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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artchrisdale · 4 years
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Golden Doll
2020, acrylic on paper, 36 × 24 in, 91 × 61 cm Adorned for displays she is placed on a table for a photo.
#art #Canada #Child #eyes #goldendoll #hands #painting #photography #portrait #small #southasian #studio #table #toronto
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Videoshoot for @kokoffofficial 💜🏳️‍🌈✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼✊🏻🏳️‍🌈💜 #benjaminfranklinandre #makeupartist #actor #freestyla #goldendolls #kokoffofficial #NonbinaryPride #LgbtiaRevolution #PRIDEMONTH #pride🌈 #brownskinbeauty #QueerHipHop🏳️‍🌈 #BlackTransLivesMatter #loveislove #LetLoveWin 🏳️‍🌈💜🏳️‍🌈💜🏳️‍🌈💜🏳️‍🌈💜🏳️‍🌈💜 https://www.instagram.com/p/CQdcs3Hhj36/?utm_medium=tumblr
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interior-lab · 5 years
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День Единица 💋любимые #candyman #goldendolls #Luna 💋 #ТАЙФУН лени Голикова #amsterdam #отзакатадорассвета #corsar Примерно так #СПб But sgould be equal! Equal day; https://www.instagram.com/p/B4dCaDylRYe/?igshid=whs109c98sya
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