twistedfxtes-blog · 5 years
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muse 16, henrik holm, eighteen, he/him. ☼ * ⋆ : hey, check it out, it’s JONAH MYERS! everyone calls ‘em J, though. aren’t they a HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR now? man, time flies. isn’t their birthday coming up soon? it’s AUGUST 4TH, 2001, right? i gotta get them a present – i heard they like MESSY BUNS, LOUD MUSIC, NATURE. and, like, don’t tell anyone, but i think they ARE IN ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASSES. ( lolly, 24, est. )
SEXUALITY: he likes people. in general. a lot.
he never had a close relationship with his father. sure, the two would talk and occasionally throw a ball back and forth, but there was something missing between them. and he wasn’t sure he’d ever figure out what it was.
it was different with his mother. he was distant, for the most part - always residing to his room when he got home from school - but she would force her way into his life and leave a mark he wouldn’t know he needed.
she, along with his siblings, meant something to him (even if he didn’t always show them in physical gestures). and when she passed away so suddenly, something snapped inside of him. 
he couldn’t stop the anger from festering inside of him. it wasn’t fair. how could this happen? how could the universe allow this to happen to him? it didn’t help when his father showed up - someone he hardly remembered - and they had to readjust to their so-called happy family.
he got into his first fight that summer. he punched a kid right in the nose, leaving him to bleed while his friends tried to help him up. it only got worse as time went on, and he started getting sent home for aggressive behavior. 
eight or so months ago, he stood outside a bar with a fake ID. a boy his age bumped into him and called him a name he didn’t fully make out. the only thing jonah remembers from that night is sitting in the back of a police car; tired eyes locked on the bloody mess.. the one he’d created.
he was forced into anger management classes, after that. music and his classes have helped him so far, but he still struggles.
jonah is a complicated soul, as most of us are during our high school years. he’s still trying to come to terms with who he is, and it leads him to be a bit distant/reserved.
it’s not that he’s unkind... he just doesn’t want to trust the wrong person. he doesn’t want to get close to someone and then have them leave him, like his mother did.
he’s aggressive. little things set him off, but mostly because he reads situations wrong. he’s quick-tempered and always assumes the worst, even if his heart is telling him he’s wrong.
he has a lot of love to give. if only he knew how to do this without punishing himself in the process.
he’s intelligent. once you get him talking about something he enjoys, he might not stop for hours.
WANTED (dead or alive):
a fling. can be someone he met in school, or maybe he met them at a party. serious?? not serious??? booty call??? angsty? throw it all at me.
a best friend/confidant. jonah isn’t very good at forming connections with people. this person would’ve had to knock down his defenses and showed him he could trust them no matter what. i’m even down for a trio.
an ex. maybe the two absolutely hate each other, or maybe they pushed each other away. they could’ve been each other’s firsts. they can still be friends, now.
enemies. face it. we all have enemies in high school. people we don’t necessarily enjoy, for whatever reason.
a "maybe we can try”. someone jonah didn’t expect to like as much as he does, and yeah, maybe the thought scares him. he doesn’t want to get hurt. but he doesn’t like “what ifs”, either. 
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eyelas · 5 years
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muse 54, jeon somi, 17, she/her. ☼ * ⋆ : hey, check it out, it’s IYLA JANG! everyone calls ‘em IYLA, though. aren’t they a HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR now? man, time flies. isn’t their birthday coming up soon? it’s MARCH 7TH, 2002, right? i gotta get them a present – i heard they like SIMULATION VIDEO GAMES, HOLOGRAPHIC NAIL POLISH, AND TACO BELL FREEZES. and, like, don’t tell anyone, but i think they ARE BEGINNING TO HAVE SEIZURES AGAIN AFTER A DECADE OF DORMANCY. ( c, 18, pst. )
guess who’s back .... back again ... it’s me, c, with my 2nd muse (-”: this is my baby iyla, the youngest in the jang family! she is ,,, a massive Dork with a capital D. pls click that read more for some more info about her! 
iyla was born march 7th, 2002, making her a pisces! and she rly is a pisces tbh she will cry on sight
was a really sensitive kid?? she was the kid who would have to stand outside the school with her parents bawling for a solid 12 minutes because she didn’t want them to leave her sksksks
has always been a hypochondriac; things that stress her out are like, completely normal to other people ??? especially when it comes to school & her career and stuff
she has no clue what she wants to do with her life ! she loves art & has been in theater pretty much her whole life, but she doesn’t think she’s good enough to actually become an actor ! is also super interested in psychology, so maybe she’ll do that ! she has no idea and it’s really starting to freak her out tbh !! 
is goldstone high’s number 1 fan. is at all the sports games, running for student body president, etc etc. its mostly because it looks good on college applications, but her parent being the principal is also part of the reason why as well sksksk 
super determined ! total workaholic ! like, stubbornly so ! she’s the kind of person to completely overflow her plate and then wonder why the hell she’s so busy all the time, and purposely only get .2 hours of sleep at night and then complain about being tired
Massive Dork Hours with this one i s2g,,,, is cripplingly awkward when it comes to mass socialization and prefers to just stick to her lil circle of friends
what ????? is love ???? she’s never had any sort of significant other before simply because she’s convinced that nobody would ever .... want to date her sksksksks
imposter syndrome ! perfectionist complex ! crippling self-doubt !
she was diagnosed with epilepsy as a baby and had frequent seizures pretty much all the way up until third grade as doctors tried to nail the right balance of medication for her; they finally did when she was about eight, and her seizures subsided for pretty much the rest of her life up until now
now that she’s starting to have to make a lot of really stressful decisions as she finishes high school, the stress is starting to take a toll and recently triggered another seizure. it wasn’t a huge one; in fact, it was just a few moments of her feeling out of it, but she had them so much as a kid that she recognized immediately what was happening. but, she’s determined to keep it under wraps and try to stop them from continuing simply bc she thinks she & her family are too busy for her health to be a priority rn !
is also ??? v v annoyed by what’s going on at home rn ??? all she’s ever known is her parent & her two siblings so it’s suddenly Very Strange for the house to be so big and full of people all the time,,, will 100% be passive aggressive towards her step siblings 
basically she’s just .... the softest ... big geek hours .... video games galore .... Baby, but will fight u if necessary 
wanted connections:
friends !!!!! she’s v soft and just ??? wants to be liked by everybody
a ?? crush ???? someone who she thinks is Real Cute ??? bonus points for the “muse a thinks muse b is cute but muse b is oblivious” trope sksksksks
she crazy smart, so maybe someone she’s tutoring ??
a Parental Figure other than her parents !!! she’s v irritated by the state of her household rn so perhaps somebody she can confide in for advice ???
a Soft Squad (TM) because i’m a heaux for that trope
childhood friends !!! somebody who can make fun of her for crying when her parents dropped her off at school every day !
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rosethcrnz · 5 years
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muse 17, josefine frida petterson, 23, she/her. ☼ * ⋆ : hey, check it out, it’s ROSEMARY MYERS! everyone calls ‘em ROSIE, though. aren’t they a/n COLLEGE SENIOR now? man, time flies. isn’t their birthday coming up soon? it’s JULY 14TH 1996, right? i gotta get them a present – i heard they like PICNICS WITH WINE, STOPPING AND SMELLING THE FLOWERS LITERALLY, THE FEELING OF RUNNING ON THE BEACH and, like, don’t tell anyone, but i think they RUINED A MARRIAGE WHILE ON A VACATION. 
hi ! i’m bee and im dumb obsessed with a lot of shit tbh. i just saw IT chapter two and have not shut up about it so i apologize now for me saying how much i love richie tozier and exclusively calling pennywise penny wide bc rip to georgie but im different but anyways pls take rosie she’s my go to gal and i have Changed her a lot through her time so like if things arent consistent,,, its bc IM DUMB !!! but anyways like to this plot ok love u all
plain and simple, she’s stupid as hell. in high school she was book smart enough to be a B student but like street smarts wise? stupid ! it’s not even a cute kind of stupid because it gets her into some wack circumstances. she has definitely gotten into a stranger’s car because they said they were her uber when she doesn’t even remember ordering an uber
she struggles to express herself a lot. she has such a good heart and soul but her go to coping mechanism was always to just be cold and act like she didn’t care when she has always had so many feelings. she just doesn’t know how to act on them in the slightest. 
so so so headstrong. once she has an idea in her head, she won’t rest until she sees it through.
stubborn as hell !!!!!! it definitely comes from her not fully knowing how to express herself but she doesn’t want anyone else telling her what to do. probably because she can’t even tell herself what to do.
she cannot be bored. she’s constantly doing things to keep herself busy whether that be pretending she can bake or pretending she can knit, she’s constantly doing something.
genuinely so into fitness??? in high school she was a varsity volleyball player and was voted one of top ten young best female athletes in california. she always thought she would go onto being an olympic volleyball player but obviously that didn’t happen. 
she has the Too Much gene. she doesn’t know when to stop. ever. and unless someone makes her stop, she won’t.
she loved growing up as the only girl in the family. also loved having a twin because she loved flexing on people in school.
she was definitely one of those people in high school who could talk to anyone and be friends with them. granted, she probably was cliquey as hell but like ! it’s the thought that counts. 
at one point was engaged and pregnant. she is now neither pregnant or engaged :-)
she also definitely ruined someones marriage while on a vacation but im thinking abt making that a wc so we gonna not go too in depth
i genuinely cannot think of anything else and i’ve had a very Chaotic day so im gonna redo this in the morning and im gonna make a proper wc page in the morning too but for the time beings
a rebound from after she called off her engagement could be Fun
i really want her to have a girl squad she gets wine drunk with
idk why but i want someone she just absolutely hates and cannot stand bc im a messy hoe
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rckfllrs-blog · 5 years
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☁ * ⋆ : aw, look at this photo! it’s ORION ROCKEFELLER with their family! they’re an ARCHITECT, right? this photo must have been before HIS SON WAS BORN, but after HE RENOVATED ROCKEFELLER MANOR. i heard that when they were younger, they used to DRAW/PAINT – i can’t imagine them doing that now! man… i wonder if their family knows they ARE SUFFERING FROM UNDIAGNOSED PTSD. ( c, 18, pst. )
hellllooo everybody! i’m c ( the shawn mendes mascot on the main ) and this is my dorito of a muse, orion rockefeller. i’ve been working him up in my mind ever since we started working on goldstone and i am so freakin’ hyped to be able to finally write him with u all <3 so pls, keep reading for some info about him! ( and buckle up, bc it’s kind of a wild ride! )
tw: death, mentions of ptsd.
orion was born on february 14th, 1979 which makes him an aquarius, and also a valentine’s day baby
he's a GIANT goofball. ever since college, he's always been sort of a social butterfly and a people pleaser
genuinely one of the most caring people on the planet??? as a kid he'd get into fights with bullies who were picking on the smaller kids
has the DEEPEST divide between his private and public life. even his own son is mostly unaware of his childhood/background
he's an architect, and designs buildings/infrastructures for communities and stuff like that. he's won tons of awards for his work and travels a lot for conferences and things like that
his mother passed away during childbirth, so he never got to meet her, but her name was emily rockefeller ( originally adams ) and from what his father told him about her, she was a lovely, kind, but passionate woman and she would’ve loved him fiercely. ( his father also often told orion when he was being particularly stubborn that orion reminded him of emily, and that he has her eyes. )
his father was james “jimmy” rockefeller, a decorated US airforce pilot. he was also a descendant of the rockefeller family ( if you’re not from america/not too versed in american history, the rockefellers are considered the richest family in american history — john d. rockefeller was a stupid wealthy man! )
growing up without a mother was difficult, but he and his father were extremely close, and james made sure that he was close with his mother’s family, especially her sister and her parents. as for his paternal family, he didn’t know much about them growing up, besides the fact that he’s distantly related to america’s first millionaire. he was also pretty close with a lot of his father’s friends from the military and their children as well.
orion had a relatively normal childhood, save for the slight melancholy around mother’s day every year. his father did his best to deter him from any sort of toxic masculinity, and made sure he was getting the best education possible. when his father was away on assignment, he was usually in the care of his mother’s sister. he rarely got into trouble at school except for the occasional fight when he’d stick up for the smaller kids who were getting picked on.
his father was rarely away on assignment, maybe only once or twice, and when he was he usually returned within a few months. in the summer of 1990, he was deployed to iraq to serve in the gulf war, and he promised orion it would be his last deployment.
in february 1991, when orion was about to turn twelve, his aunt picked him up early from school one day, and said they were going to see one of his father’s military friends. orion thought it was odd, but he wasn’t going to complain — what kid doesn’t want to leave school early? when he got there, the home was full of people he didn’t recognize, all with solemn looks on their faces. his aunt had to turn away as they bore the news.
that afternoon, one week before he turned twelve, orion learned that his father had passed away. he was spared the details, but learned later in life that the plane he’d been piloting had been shot down in a freak ambush.
orion doesn’t remember much of the next few years of his life. they were a blur of a young boy learning how to mourn all over again, and trying to grow up at the same time. at first, he was placed with his mother’s sister, but as a traveling artist, she was deemed unfit to care for him. he was then sent to a distant uncle on his father’s side somewhere in rural Iowa who treated him like he wasn’t even there. orion attempted to run away twice, and succeeded on his third try when he made it all the way to chicago. he survived there, somehow, for a few weeks before he was found by a few federal agents — lo and behold, his uncle ( who probably wasn’t even his uncle, but orion doesn’t remember ) refused to take him back. so, orion, at the age of fourteen, was put in the foster care system.
on paper, nobody would’ve wanted him. riddled with the deaths of his parents and a habit of running away, coupled with the fact that he missed the “desirable adoption age” by about thirteen and a half years, most people didn’t even want to try. the ones that did, decided he would be too difficult to handle after they met him and saw the cold isolation in his eyes, and the stubborn set to his jaw.
he was moved from foster family to foster family over the next four years, all over california, and had been re-placed five times by his eighteenth birthday. but all the while, he managed to get through school and save as much money as he could, selling five-minute portraits in downtown LA and getting small gig jobs here and there. by the time he turned eighteen, he was determined to have enough to go to college — or at least move out on his own and finally do something on his own volition for once.
little did he know, someone would come knocking on his foster home’s door asking for him a few days after he turned eighteen. they represented the rockefeller estate, and they wanted to have a chat with him about his father.
james had left him his entire estate. all of it. every penny, everything he’d ever owned, all of his mother’s belongings — and on top of it all, the massive manor passed down through the rockefeller family located just at the edge of goldstone, california. his hometown.
he used some ( a relatively small portion ) of the money to accept his offer at university of california, san diego as an architecture major, and was at the top of his class there all the way up until he graduated as part of the class of 2001.
in his junior year of college, like any other guy, he slept around a bit, and thought nothing of it — up until a girl he’d slept with months ago approached him in the middle of his senior year and told him she was pregnant. she didn’t want to keep it, but it was also too late to terminate the pregnancy, so she was thinking of putting the baby up for adoption. immediately, memories of his entire adolescence flooded back to him, and he begged her not to — instantly, he offered to take full custody of the child, and she could visit whenever she wanted, if she wanted to at all. she agreed, and lo and behold, branwen rockefeller was born. ( he named him branwen after somebody his father had told him about when he was a kid — he doesn’t remember the story, or if he was related to him, but he remembered the name. )
he then went on to pursue a masters in architecture, and his main project was actually renovating the rockefeller manor — obviously, after 22 years of being owned by a bank, and many years before that of no upkeep, it needed some renovation. orion spent his entire MA studies renovating it and actually presented the whole process to receive his masters degree, which he did.
he spent the next few years traveling — with branwen by his side, they’d stay in goldstone for most of the school year, but every chance they’d get to take a vacation, orion would take them somewhere he’d always wanted to go as a kid.
finally, in 2014, when branwen was starting high school, orion figured it would be a good time to completely settle down in goldstone, stop travelling so much and pour his attention into the one thing he’d left unfinished — the manor. it wasn’t unfinished from a construction perspective — it was stunning actually, fully furnished with a gym, a home theater, countless bedrooms, and fully ready to be lived in — but for orion, there was one thing he’d always wanted to do when the timing was right: give kids who felt lost a place to call home. give kids who were like him, back in the day, a place to call home.
so that’s what he did. he spent months gathering the proper licensing and credentials to finally open rockefeller manor to the public. he’s a licensed social worker now, and rockefeller manor offers a place to stay to anybody between the ages of fourteen and twenty one, so long as they display a significant need for help. ( orion often ends up taking the “tougher cases” — the ones with nowhere else to go. and sometimes, kids just show up on their own, nobody to represent them — and who is he to turn them down? )
now, he divides his time between architectural projects for work ( he’s designed countless buildings all over southern california, and is incredibly busy designing new projects all the time ) and taking care of the manor, whether that be the kids that live in it or the building itself.
( as for his secret, he’s experienced symptoms of ptsd ever since his dad passed, but never really knew what it was. it worsened when he began moving around, unable to ever really call one place home, and now that he’s completely boxed away the memories of his adolescence, he’s completely compartmentalized it and honestly made it worse whenever he does get around to thinking about what he’s been through. he’s also never told anybody about his background -- the furthest he’ll go is that his father was an air force pilot, and he grew up in goldstone. he’s always just tried to push through it and ignore it, but when he’s under significant stress or there’s a lot on his plate, he’ll tend to shut down or even spiral into a panic attack. he keeps himself so busy because he can’t be by himself for too long, as his past has drilled into him an innate fear of being alone. during these episodes, he’ll often shut himself in his office with the door locked until it passes, terrified that one of the kids will see him like this — too stubborn to let any of them, especially the ones who look up to him, see him as weak. )
obvs, the kids from the rockefeller manor !! he's definitely a parental/paternal figure to them and runs a pretty tight ship to keep everybody in line, but he also knows when it's time to just let them be.
childhood friends?? he lived in goldstone until he was twelve and then disappeared after his father passed until he was in his thirties, essentially. so it would be interesting if there was somebody who knew him as a kid and can see the huge difference in him now (he used to be really irreverent and rambunctious and is now a Certified Gentleman)
his personal assistant !! this one is on the wc page on the main, but he has an assistant that helps him organize his work as an architect. they're probably the closest person to him other than his own son, so maybe they've caught glimpses of his ptsd episodes??
friends!!! he def has a lot of friends around town, he's a pretty familiar face throughout goldstone
perhaps??? a past love interest??? he swore himself off from dating after he had branwen, at least for a while, bc he wanted to focus on being a dad and taking care of the manor, but uh .... love doesn't work like that buddy pal ! hehe
literally anything else i am a heaux for plots
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ofthcpacific · 5 years
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muse 27, kathryn newton, 19, she/her. ☼ * ⋆ : hey, check it out, it’s MERRITT MACPHERSON! everyone calls ‘em MERE, though. aren’t they a COLLEGE SOPHOMORE now? man, time flies. isn’t their birthday coming up soon? it’s JULY 20, 2000, right? i gotta get them a present – i heard they like bullet journals, sunsets on the beach, and oversized sweaters. and, like, don’t tell anyone, but i think they ARE ACTUALLY GLAD HER PARENTS DONT WANT HER SURFING ANYMORE. ( b, 20, est. )
what up i’m b, i’m 20 and i never fucking learned how to proofread. if this is a disaster i apologize, i’m out of practice. anywayyyy this is my sweet girl merritt (or mere, or rit/ritz, she’ll respond to anything tbh)
this sweet little babie is miss merritt macphearson. the youngest macphearson and only girl child. she has legitimately always been insanely calm and level headed, even as a baby she rarely threw fits. 
she’s had her nose in a book from a very young age. while other kids took sand toys to the beach she took her newest book with her. 
speaking of the beach, a girl has practically spent her entire life on a beach. whether is was getting her own surfing in or just watching her family do what they do best
the problem with that? she actually HATES it. she hates surfing. she had been wanting to quit for years. so after her brother’s accident when she was forbidden from doing it there was a sense of relief. she could use that as her reasoning instead of telling her family how unhappy she was. 
she’s a relatively timid girl. she’ll speak her mind if you’re her friend and she knows you well, but other than that she keeps her mouth shut
she just began her sophomore year at the university of cali san diego and is studying marine biology. there is nothing she loves more than the ocean, so she wants to learn as much as she possibly can. 
i think as of right now her plan is to eventually get a phd and continue doing research
is overall just a very soft gal who can often be seen on the docks doing homework
also does not like the spotlight on her family?? has never been a fan of the attention and never will be
ok here are some wcs but honestly these are just the ones i can think of. i want ALL of the plots
friends of all kinds –– college friends? high school friends? ex-friends? friends since childhood? family friends? gimme ‘em all
i’d love a bad influence for her
maybe an ex –– she doesn’t rlly make time for dating and she’s always hesitant that people are just using her to get to her family, but maybe someone broke through before
maybe someone she’s been tutoring or helping with class
maybe a rival???
literally anything
ok pls like this for plots <3
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poscy · 5 years
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muse 10, ester exposito, 17, she/her. ☼ * ⋆ : hey, check it out, it’s POSEY CUNNINGHAM! everyone calls ‘em PJ, though. aren’t they a HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR now? man, time flies. isn’t their birthday coming up soon? it’s JANUARY 14th 2002, right? i gotta get them a present – i heard they like their toes buried in the sand, cheerleading competitions, and flying through the air. and, like, don’t tell anyone, but i think they GOT A FULL RIDE CHEERLEADING SCHOLARSHIP AWAY FROM HER FAMILY.
hi all !! here’s my second lil bean posey !! she is definitely not as sweet as the first one !! so go ahead and press the lil ♡ down there if you’d like to plot with miss pj !!
gonna leave any facts about the cunninghams out of this so ! op !
growing up, posey was very indifferent about being a quadruplet and it took her a very long time to actually realize that it wasn’t normal. like not everyone grew up with three siblings born on the same day as you.
she was very energetic as a kid so the easiest thing to put her in was gymnastics, and she literally hasn’t looked back since. her first practice and she was gone. it got to the point where if practice was canceled, she would just lock herself in her room and do her best to practice there. 
because she was so into it so quickly, she caught on to doing stunts rather quickly as well. she was flying before middle school. she was on the highest level of competitive cheer by the time she turned fourteen. she spent as much time as her parents would allow in the gym or at a tournament.
it wasn’t until her eighth grade year that an opportunity was presented to her. her competitive gym and cheer coach was the graves academy cheer coach and had offered her a scholarship to cheer for graves academy for high school. 
which meant she’d go to a different school than her siblings for high school.
that was sort of the big zinger for her. actually going to a separate school than her siblings and she recognized the ups and downs very quickly. she couldn’t come home and ask for help on homework  ––  because the other three didn’t have the same homework  ––  but she was lucky in the sense that there were some people who attended graves academy who had no idea she was a quadruplet. she had her own identity. and she loved it.
not to say she didn’t love her family because she absolutely does. however, ever since freshman year of high school, she felt a little bit disconnected. almost felt like she wasn’t a quadruplet for a bit.
which sort of made her distance herself even more ??? dont get me wrong she was a lot like the family dynamic and surface level is still very close to her siblings she just ... sorta feels out of the loop sometimes ?
then again, if anyone ever saw that, smh. the girl is completely different inside her house compared to outside.
personality wise, she is not the nicest. body image tw she spent a lot of her life watching what she eats and almost perfecting herself as much as she can  ( although she was never satisfied )  which in turn sort of gave her a shitty attitude towards other people. quite like a bully unfortunately. a silent bully. backhanded compliments and snickers and sarcastic comments are her bread and butter. unfortunately, she doesn’t even know thats how she acts sometimes. it’s almost like she judges herself so much on every sort of thing that it leaks onto the people she speaks to. is definitely a hbic with a strong strong emphasis on the b. 
as for her secret, this summer, she went to cheer camp at the university of louisville where they offered her a full ride scholarship to attend next fall on their cheerleading squad. of course, she accepted, but now she has to fess up to her parents and siblings and it’ll just be a whole big mess.
i think that’s all as of now for her ?? i’ve got some wc ideas  (  personally i’d love any friends with benefits, exes, ex friends!!!, maybe some semi friends that she hasn’t offended too badly?  )  but don’t be afraid to like that heart and i’ll message you for plots !!
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cocokaramazova · 5 years
margot robbie, 29, she/they. ☂ * ⋆ : that’s COLETTE “COCO” KARAMAZOVA over there, isn’t it? they’ve been in goldstone for, like, ONE MONTH. they’re a HOUSEWIFE or something like that. there’s a rumor that they MARRIED HER/THEIR HUSBAND TO COVER THE FACT THAT HE’S GAY, but i don’t believe it. all i know is that their order at the coffee shop is A LARGE STRAWBERRY FRAPP. hey, don’t judge – i was behind them in line yesterday! ( cody, 22, gmt+12:00. )
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hello! i’m cody and alongside peaches i have this beautiful bab coco! like peaches they use she/they pronouns, however in public they use she/her and they/them is more for in private and with people they’re very close to
- coco grew up in paris, and was rich af. their family had a hand in just about every major business in france and they lived an extremely privileged life. private schools, summers in cannes and winters in switzerland, designer clothes, the works. but it never made them entitled or a brat, they were always very sweet and affable
- trained violinist and fucking amazing at it, likes to play to relax
- v whimsical and romantic, just really soft ok pls be gentle
- met their husband when in moscow for the summer and they hit it off really well. they are the only person in the world who knows his true sexual orientation and will take that knowledge to their grave if they must
- when their husband asked them to be his spouse to cover his homosexuality, coco agreed as they genuinely care for him very deeply. they would prefer that he be honest about who he is, but they understand why he’s so hesitant
my main wc is coco’s husband, and if you would like to fill that pls contact me first! but aside from that, anything is welcome! they are very new to goldstone but loves to make friends so come at them!
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pcachcsharris · 5 years
devery jacobs, 21, she/they. ☂ * ⋆ : that’s PEACHES HARRIS over there, isn’t it? they’ve been in goldstone for, like, SHE/THEIR WHOLE LIFE. they’re a TATTOO ARTIST or something like that. there’s a rumor that they ARE JEALOUS OF HER/THEIR BESTFRIEND GABRI, but i don’t believe it. all i know is that their order at the coffee shop is A LARGE CHAI LATTE. hey, don’t judge – i was behind them in line yesterday! ( cody, 22, gmt+12:00. )
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hello everyone! im cody and this is my baby peaches! they use she/they pronouns and grew up in goldstone! got some extra info in bullets below!
- peaches is mohawk and proud of it, they are very knowledgeable about their heritage and will punch a racist no questions asked
- extremely good at drawing, not so much painting. been a tattoo artist for a year now.
- 100000% unironically dresses like a tiktok e girl because they think the style is rad as shit fight them on this karen
- once spent an entire day doing nothing but playing the electra heart album by marina and the diamonds. make of that what you will.
- pan, has no real preference in any direction
- their secret is based on the fact that they view Gabri as being superior to them in every way. they do genuinely love and care for Gabri the way a best friend can, but that doesn’t stop the feelings.
don’t really have any wcs but feel free to hmu to plot!!!
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twistedfxtes-blog · 5 years
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muse 8, charlie hunnam, thirty-nine, he/him. ☁ * ⋆ : aw, look at this photo! it’s DONALD CUNNINGHAM with their family! they’re a FIREFIGHTER, right? this photo must have been before HIS ACCIDENT, but after HE HAD FOUR KIDS. i heard that when they were younger, they used to ROCK CLIMB FOR THE THRILL – i can’t imagine them doing that now! man… i wonder if their family knows they ARE PARTIALLY BLIND IN ONE EYE. ( lolly, 24, est. )
SEXUALITY: heterosexual.
he originally planned to go to school for environmental science. a friend of his joked about how he’d look sexy as a firefighter, and, alas, the idea didn’t seem so bad.
insert info on how he met his wife here.
it was frustrating; the idea of them not being able to have kids, when plenty of others could do so without a problem. she wanted to try a fertility treatment - a one last resort kind of thing - and he was more than supportive of this.
then the treatment ended up working too well, and he wasn’t sure they’d be able to juggle work and four kids without a whole lot of “we’re getting a divorce!” arguments. somehow, they did it. four kids. all theirs. for a second time in his life, he was genuinely happy.
when their children turned ten years old, don got into a major accident on the job. his line of work was never easy, but on this particular day... he wasn’t sure how he’d made it out alive.
he was hospitalized for nearly a month, undergoing multiple surgeries and treatments. when he finally woke up - on a day that felt like any other - he realized something was off. his right eye... it could only recognize shapes. everything looked fuzzy. his accident had left him partially blind.
he couldn’t let his family know. he didn’t want them to worry about him anymore than they’d already had, especially when they had their own troubles to deal with. as far as he’s concerned, no one knows about his eye, and he doesn’t plan on telling anyone anytime soon.
don is incredibly kind to everyone he meets. sure, he has his bad days, as we all do, but he’s a genuine human being who likes to help people whenever he can.
he likes to make people laugh. besides his eyes, the first thing people compliment him about is his sense of humor. he’s the guy at the bar who cracks a joke every five seconds (you either love him for it or want him to leave).
he likes to think he’s good at being a dad, but he definitely has his flaws. being in a field that requires him to protect other people made him stricter than he’d intended to be. he’s over-protective and quite irrational at times, especially when it comes to change.
after his accident, he became moodier than usual. sometimes he snaps randomly, without thinking. other times, he comes home and closes his bedroom door, as a way to say “i don’t want to be bothered”.
WANTED (dead or alive):
an ex? someone who refuses to believe they’re over, even though he’s been married for years. or maybe he slept with someone before he met his wife, and he has a child he doesn’t know about.
a best friend/partner-in-crime. maybe they work with him? or they know him from highschool? maybe the two grew up together, and they’re the only one who knows about his secret? or maybe they don’t, and that could cause angsty issues later on.
enemies. people who are jealous of him or just don’t like him in general. someone he’s tried getting along with, but they just don’t click.
someone he’s saved in the past. the two have kept in contact all this time, and they’ve kind of found something they’ve been missing all this time. platonic or past-romantic. 
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