#gonna make an updated list of banned foods until I've got to 55kg
corpsegold · 2 years
Day 8 23/10/22 TOTAL 1407 Really pissed off with myself for finishing that sushi and not getting my grandpa to eat it. I did ask him to. But he had a steak and mushrooms instead. He bought us steaks, duck breasts and beef mince a while ago and because I’ve been restricting the time is going by on them and theyre gonna go out of date. I REALLY need to try harder with restricting/fasting but I think in the next few days I’m gonna have to bite the bullet and just cook these things. I’ll have them for breakfast or something because protein is super filling and then fast after? Or I could fast until midnight and eat between midnight and 2am. Because my sleep schedule is currently that I’m awake between 2pm and 5am >.> I spent £1200 today on clothes for skinny future me to stay motivated, as well as a new gaming pc and monitor. Maybe I can get good again and stream... Anyways today I had loads of vegetables that were gonna gho out of date so I made a vegetable chicken lentils and chickpeas soup which made me bloat like a mother fucker. I ate 4 bowls of it throughout the day LOL. Overall now I have a 2025 failed calorie deficit that I’m gonna have to make up low restricting and fasting at some point soon. I don’t know if I will try to fast tomorrow because increasing my lamotrigine dose too quickly for the appetite suppressant effect is making me break out in hives and taking ritalin makes me more psychotic. Maybe caffeine  is the answer. Breakfast: 1002 Spinach-7 carrots-105 broccoli-45 chicken breast-211 green lentils-224 chickpeas-292 red bell pepper-50 oyster sauce-60 soy sauce-8 Lunch: 0 Dinner:0 Snacks: 405 Sushi-341 frozen berries-64
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