#gonna punch this dude in the faaaaaaaaaace
notfknapplicable · 1 year
Y'all! Ya better talk me out of whooping a grown man's ass because it looks like my homegrrl's ex will be getting his shit pulled back the next time I see him.
Yeah, the one she wanted me to live with and who immediately triggered a red flag reaction from me. She dumped him because he turned out to be as toxic as I suspected - unethical nonmonogamy, yelling at her, violation of boundaries, filming her without her consent, you name it. She had to force him out of her house last night (the house I would have been in if I hadn't found another option) and is seeking out a temporary protective order today. She's literally on her way to court right now. He's threatening to send private videos of her to our workplace, and revenge porn is actually a felony in our state so let him fucken try it. I will sit on his chest and beat his motherfucking face into mincemeat. Apparently he also posted some videos of her to fb live but I'm not "friends" with him on there so I haven't seen them, but of course I believe what she says. Of course I feel guilty now for having contemplated scaling back my friendship with this excellent, smart, clever woman because of the drama he created between us, but I'll never do that again. I get easily overwhelmed and I just shut down sometimes, and that's what I was doing with her. Not happening again.
We're meeting downtown after work to drink and fellowship with one another. At my old haunt where I did all them drugs and regularly got ripshit drunk. I'm a hilarious lightweight these days and can only handle a single beer every couple of hours (they have lots of nonalcoholic options there now including a n/a IPA that's really tasty), but I can feel the spirit of the old Scumbag Me behind my eyes somewhere. She's aching to come out and burn this fucker with her cigarette.
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