#gonna really have to use a thesaurus and probably reference my fave bg3 smut for description ideas
Woe smut WIP be upon ye for thirsty thursday. It's pretty much just basic action and I gotta add all the titillating description later cause I'm so fuckin bad at it.
Bea watched his eyes go back to flickering back and forth under his lids and pouted. She wanted his full attention. But he wouldn't give it to her. And so, she would make him.
Because V always gave her what she wanted.
Bea unzipped his suit the rest of the way down his pelvis. He was already halfway to hard and she had no trouble maneuvering upward. However, only the head of his cock made it past the open zipper. But she could work with that.
She kissed and tongued her way down his chest, stopping to mark him as only hers. When she got to his cock she looked up at him.
V's interface turned a bright pink and wavered in and out. Half asleep but not lucid dreaming. The biomonitor showed a flood of oxytocin to his system.
Bea spread the netrunner suit as far as it would go and lowered her head. She softly flicked her tongue against the sensitive skin that bridged the head to the shaft and V's hand twitched.
"You can do better than that," she said.
V's interface oozed into the emptiness turning everything but the maze and mouse into dripping lines. He knew what she was doing because he could feel it in his interface avatar. It was electric, an exhilarating connection.
Bea trailed her tongue flat against the underside of his cock, ending in a kiss at the tip of the head. She shoved her hands into his suit and tried dragging it down further to expose more of his rock hard cock. She needed to devour him and taste every molecule.
She got far enough that she could take a quarter into her mouth. Any further and she'd risk jacking him out too soon.
V whimpered when she enveloped him in her mouth. Her lips hit the zipper and the soft skin of his hard cock combined with the cool metal of the zipper sent shivers up her spine.
V let the rest of his interface fall away to focus his full attention on the rat in the maze and resisting Bea's temptation.
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