#gonna see my friends today so hopefully that'll help but man
lost-in-frog-land · 1 month
had 4 hours of sleep and now I'm in everyone hates me land
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runningfrom2am · 10 months
the sea around us; pt.2 chapter seven
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Snowy saw no choice but to run- wondering if Rafe will ever understand that the pogues mean everything to her. JJ gets it though. JJ will always get it.
(jj maybank x f!oc)
(rafe cameron x f!oc)
warnings/tags: violence, drug/alcohol use, smoking, sexual content (if you squint), slowburn, brother’s best friend, (these tags are obv not exhaustive but regardless it’s pretty PG13)
wc: 1.8k
my masterlist, series masterlist, requests
Sarah talked on the phone with Wheezie last night, I could tell she was just so happy to hear her sisters voice again. I thought about calling my sister too, but I didn't have as good of a reason as she did.
Wheezie told her that their dad was coming down to the Bahamas today, we assumed to move the gold- which Sarah already knew he would after the break in. She got Wheezie to text the phone she called with and give us details on when and how he was going to move it, and the security company that is going to help. It's our last chance to get it after our unsuccessful attempt to rob the empty house the previous night, which ended in all of us almost getting caught.
"We're on." Sarah nods, smiling a little as she sees the text from her sister and I watch over her shoulder, putting my arm around hers and squeezing her in excitement.
I look over at John B, who looks instantly hesitant. "Okay, I guess we're doing this." He says, nodding a little to himself. "Armed robbery, I mean I'm cool with it, but are you sure?" He asks her, glancing between the two of us.
Sarah steps away from me and shakes her head just slightly. "My entire life, Ward has always gotten what he wanted. Everyone jumps for him, and I thought it was respect; but now I realize that's fear."
She stares wide eyed at her boyfriend. "And, John B," she starts, walking over and sitting down across from him. "You know the one person who never jumped for him, was your dad. He wasn't like anyone I have ever met, because he wasn't scared of him. This is for him."
John B looks down at his lap for a moment, and I find myself reaching across my body to hold my other arm, rubbing the now very dirty skin up and down my forearm as I watch the two of them.
"And Sheriff Pete." Sarah continues. "And you, and me, and Snowy, and JJ, and our friends at home."
John B nods, agreement set deep in his brown eyes.
"Then let's do this!" JJ grins, walking up next to me and patting me on the back as he takes a bite out of an apple.
"Where did you get that?" I ask, laughing a little and looking up at him as he just gestures vaguely behind him.
"Over there, that tree." He grumbled through a mouthful of apple.
"Hopefully we don't have one man down with food poisoning, but I agree. Let's do this." I laugh, looking between the three of my friends.
"The gold is here. At my dad's house." Sarah says, pointing to the house on a map we had on a computer screen while we lay out our final plans. "He's going to transport the gold from our house to a private air freight company located here."
Terrance is sitting next to her, watching closely as Cleo and Stubbs stand by the window behind them. JJ, John B and I are just watching from behind the desk, and I giggle and nudge JJ as he leans over the computer to try and peek at where Sarah is pointing.
"We need to intercept that gold before it ever gets on that plane." Sarah finishes, looking over at the man next to her as he starts to speak.
"Right, there's only two roads that'll take you there. We want to get him in these cane fields right here south of the airport," He points to another spot on the screen I can't see. "That's where we spring the trap."
I recall us going over this plan a million times in my head as we stand on the edge of a deserted road next to tall grass, the cane fields Terrance mentioned earlier. I'm pulled out of my constant repeating of the plan when he speaks to us again.
"They're gonna come from that direction." I watch where he's pointing down the windy road, nodding my understanding as John B uses some binoculars to look out. "Once Cleo and I get daddy on the ground, you four can take the gold."
"Cakewalk." JJ nods, leaning his elbow on my shoulder and putting some of his weight on me. It's only fair after how much he's had to carry me around these last few days.
"Red, are you okay to run over there? You kids are going to have to act real quick." Terrance says to me, and I find myself looking briefly up at JJ.
"I think so." I nod, shifting my weight from foot to foot to test the strength in my injured ankle. I feel a slight burn in it, but other than that it's fine. I'm not sure how I'll be running, though.
"I'll carry you. Like I said, I give a mean piggy back." JJ insists, ruffling my hair in the way he knows I hate.
"Well, whatever you guys decide, don't waste any time when we get him down. Red can wait here in the bushes if she must and we'll get you later." Terrance says. I just nod again. No way I'm going to slow us down on this one, maybe I should wait.
"How you go from livin' in Paradise Island to livin' in the street dodgin' coppa's?" Cleo asks Sarah as the three of us walk down a local street. Our goal is to find and set up our distraction long before Ward moves the gold.
"Fell in love." Sarah shrugs as she answers, making me laugh.
"Big mistake." Cleo replies. "Only got yourself to blame for that one."
"Yeah." Sarah says, squinting at the sun in her eyes.
"What about you, Red?" Cleo asks, turning to me.
"Uh, you know, I've got friends in low places. Myself included." I joke. "My parents kicked me out, then her dad tried to kill me. Twice. Then he killed someone else and blamed me and John B."
"Oh shit, so we're not just jackin' this gold for the money, huh?" Cleo laughs a little bit and me and Sarah both shake our heads. "Vengeance- I like it."
"To be fair, the gold is a nice bonus but I don't care so much about the money." I shrug in response.
"Me neither." Sarah agrees. "It's tearing my family apart, you know? I don't even know my dad anymore, or Rafe."
"Who?" Cleo asks.
"My brother. Her boyfriend." Sarah gestures to me as she speaks and Cleo's eyes widen.
"The plot thickens. You still with him? I thought JJ was your boy."
"Well, I don't really know. I can't imagine Rafe still wants that and JJ is here so.." I reply.
Sarah laughs a little at that. "His problem for not coming." She shrugs. I can't tell her that he begged me to stay.
I look up again as Terrance walks off, and Cleo pats me on the shoulder. "We've got this, guys." She says, smiling at us as she walks down towards the truck behind the older man. "And remember what I told you, girls."
Me and Sarah nod and share a look, remembering what she told us about not trusting captain T. He stays two steps ahead, so she says, so we'll stay three. We hope. Well, we'll try.
JJ gives her a salute as they slam the truck doors and drive off down the road a little bit. "What? What did she tell you?" JJ asks as soon as they're gone.
"Don't trust the captain." I tell him, looking up at him where he stands just next to me.
"Well, alright then." He says, nodding as he contemplates my statement. "Here, sit." He adds, sliding his hoodie off his shoulders and placing it on the ground behind me.
I smile and ignore how my cheeks heat up as I sit down on my makeshift blanket, waiting now for the sun to rise.
"What are we gonna do with all this gold, anyway?" Sarah asks after a few minutes of silence.
"I dunno." John B responds, picking apart a leave he pulled off a nearby plant. "Maybe get a new boat, pay some bills, get a good lawyer for my murder trial. Who knows?"
"I'm gonna pay my restitution, then travel the world, follow the wind, surf in every ocean and on the best waves in the world." JJ sighs, laying back next to me and crossing his arms behind his head. "What about you, Snow?"
I think about that for a second. I really don't know. My gut tells me to buy my family a new home, a nice one, on the cut, but that doesn't feel right. Maybe I should be a little more selfish with it, get a new car and take off and drive back to BC just to see it again. Just because I can. "I think I'll buy a van, like the Twinkie, and drive back up to BC. Just for fun."
"Can I come?" JJ asks and I nod, glancing over at him.
"BC has some great surfing spots, that's what I've heard." I smile.
"What about Rafe?" Sarah asks, and I avoid eye contact with JJ.
"Who gives a shit about him?" JJ cuts me off, shuffling beside me.
"J, come on..." I sigh a little, covering my face with my hands and letting out a sigh.
"What? You're not together anymore anyways. I doubt he'll be your biggest fan if he finds out you stole half a billion dollars from his dad."
"I'm not talking about him right now." I shake my head. Silence falls over the four of us at that. I feel sick about the whole thing. I feel sick because I miss him, because I hurt him and I know that. Part of me hopes he'll forgive me, but I'm afraid that will only be at the cost of my friendship with JJ.
We all jump when the phone rings after a what must be a few minutes. "Are we moving?" John B answers, putting it on speaker immediately as we all sit up to listen.
"They got a truck and two defenders." Stubbs says, and I look nervously over at JJ who still looks tense. We figured Ward would hire security, but now it's feeling very real.
"But just my dad in the truck with the gold, right?" Sarah asks.
"It's two in the truck." He responds.
"Two?" John B mumbles, looking around at us confused.
"Rafe." Sarah mumbles.
"Rafe?" I repeat, my heart dropping into my stomach suddenly. JJ pushes himself up quickly and tries to pace to vent his frustration in the small opening we've made in the cornfield.
"It's gonna be fine, Snow." John B whispers to me.
"Two defenders, front and back." Stubbs continues as we all internally panic.
"Are they armed?" John B asks.
"To the teeth."
John B loads the gun he was given, looking out to the road while I try and bargain with the dread building in my gut about seeing Rafe again.
taglist:@boo22sstuff, @madelynie, @username5786451, @peachprairie, @slut4drudy @sadfury, @mutual-mendes, @cecesrings, @winterrrnight,  @bookishbabyyy, @s-we-e-t-t-ea, @tahliac11, @obxdude, @maybankslover , @redhead1180 , @suzyheartsrafe , (i also tagged some mutuals so message me or reply if you want to be added (or removed!!))
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fall-out-boytoy · 6 months
Midtown (Rob Hitt) interview From supersonicmag.com November 13th, 2001 via email
Where did the name "Midtown" come from? We wanted a name that was pretty much ambiguous so you wouldn't be able to hear the band name and all of the sudden be able to classify who we are. Ya know, ska bands for example, say, Skaskank Redemption, right there, without a doubt you know what kind of band you're dealing with. We're nothing near ska, but still we wanted the music to speak more than the band name. Gabe was in NYC in 1998 and looked up and "voila", saw "Midtown" and then brought the name to us and we knew it was what we wanted.
How has the band changed, since it began in 1998? It's funny you ask that because just the other night we watched one of our first practices from my basement in December of 1998. We saw ourselves making the same dumb jokes and acting pretty much the same as we do today. As much as we would have hoped we'd be more mature when we got older we haven't seen it yet...
Musically I think we've mainly become better songwriters. Hopefully on the new album the songs will be a bit more cohesive and rock a bit more.
I think it's really great to see more than one person in the band singing lead vocals. Aside from that, what else makes Midtown a unique band? I don't think that it's just that they switch singing lead vocals, but the fact that everyone sings different parts of the songs going back and forth. In addition to just singing alone everyone contributes in three part harmonies so in essence the three lead vocals act like one at times. It helps a lot to have 3 different vocalist because it keeps the songs from being stale since everyone draws from different influences.
I read on your site that you guys are "four college kids." What was your major in college, and did you ever finish? Oh man, I had a totally nerdy major in college. It's called Management Science and Information Systems. Total nerd shit. It's basically setting up networks for businesses and building them databases they can use.... So yeah, is anyone board yet? It was actually kind of cool but we're not gonna go there... Did I ever finish? Ummmm.... no, I was actually about 14 credits short, I'll go back one day but who knows when that'll be.
"Save the World, Lose the Girl" is an awesome cd. How do you plan on topping that with your next album? We're almost done recording right now, I just hope that everyone likes the songs a lot more. I know we're all super stoked on it so it will be fun once it finally gets released. Our only guess right now would be early 2002.
Which do you prefer? Touring or recording? I like them both a lot. Touring is probably more fun but recording is an amazing experience to hear a song from it's first stages until it's finally finished. Kinda like having a baby... Well, I've never had one, but ya know, I'm sure it would be similar.
How do you think you have changed since joining Midtown? Didn't you kinda ask that question already?
Do people treat you differently now? Nah, not really. They no were still poor mofos so they're smart enough not to ask want anything from us.
Do you have a favorite band to tour with? See below but yeah, there's another band too. There is this band from Germany called The Donots, they're so amazing. There website is http://www.donots.de/ They're on this label in Germany that hasn't licensed their album anywhere out of their country so nobody has had a chance to hear of them. They're sooooooo good!
I see that a few of you love The Movielife. ME TOO! Are they close friends of yours? Totally, if I grew up with those guys they would have been like my best friends growing up. If anyone ever meets them they'll know what I'm talking about.
What is the most frustrating thing about the music industry? Being poor and being taken advantage of. There are some absolutely amazing people in the industry that would blow you away but on the opposite side there are the people that pretend to be nice to you just to get something from you. It's pretty much life, ya know, there are always good and bad people.
What can we look for from Midtown in the upcoming year? THE NEW ALBUM. Seriously, we're really excited for it to come out. Please go to our website and sign up on our mailing list. http://www.midtownrock.com/ We'll keep everyone up to date with what's going on with the album and when it will be released.
Alright...time to get some dirt on your band members... Who is the messiest? The messiest... we're fairly clean but our van is a mess, it's so dirty on the inside, there's always old magazines and garbage everywhere.
Who gets picked on the most? Yours Truly. So you better be nice to me when you see me at shows!
By who? Everyone has their fair share.
Which memeber is the most neurotic? Damn, we're all neurotic in our own different way. We're very interesting people.
Does Heath get sick of hearing that he looks like Dave Grohl? Heath looks like Dave Grohl?
Which member gets stuck doing most of the dirty work? What do you consider dirty work? I know a cat took a shit in Heath's shoe once and he had to clean it out of there so yeah, in that case Heath.
Gabe does a lot of the paper work stuff , I do a lot of online stuff, and Tyler looks works really hard on his hair, we all pitch in a bit.
What's the funniest prank that you've played on someone in the band? A friend of mine filled in for me on drums for a tour and let's just say a bowl of his cereal and a hot dog were involved.
Which member do you think the girls go crazy for? Me of course, come on, like they'd go for anyone else in the band, jeez, like you even had to even ask.
How do you decide who drives? We switch off in shifts. We usually each drive as long as we can and then the next person in the shift drives. Sometimes Heath likes to drive so of course we're not gonna say "NO."
Do you guys get along well? Absolutely, I think a lot of the reason we don't have a lot of problems is because before we started touring we all lived in a house in New Brunswick when we were still in college. That helps you learn a lot of the things a person does and how to deal with them.
Were you friends before the band began? Totally, that was one of the main reasons we formed the band. When we were in our old bands we always played local shows together so we knew each other pretty well.
Finally, can you describe each band member in one word...including yourself. (TWO WORDS) Heath: Louie Anderson Tyler: Keith Hernandez or Bush Gabe: Fernando Valenzuela ME: Brad Pitt, DUH!
Thank you so much for the interview. Is there anything else that you'd like to add? Yeah! Check out our website http://www.midtownrock.com/ and please if you have time check out http://www.veganoutreach.org
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Zelda & Zach
ihatemyguts: [Ready for a flimsy excuse to talk lmao] ihatemyguts: Question, would Lauren actually be 👍 or 👎 if I turn up to her stream? ihatemyguts: Couldn't tell inandout: ecstatic inandout: her 👚👕👖🧦 could come off inandout: it's hard to tell if she's joking ihatemyguts: I will 🏃 to 🧼 my 👀 ihatemyguts: and time my tip really well before that potential eventuality inandout: smart move inandout: people pleasing ihatemyguts: She was nice, funny ihatemyguts: no 💩 nosing but yeah, I'm not in a position to be picky inandout: she's good at the "older sister away at uni partying but still there for you" role ihatemyguts: do you have a real one? inandout: I've got a brother, he's older than her and less of a party animal ihatemyguts: Mine too ihatemyguts: he's not as old as her but first date @ 18 isn't far off the vibe inandout: Robbie would call that hella awkward inandout: but I don't think mine has had one yet at 21 inandout: unless it's with a 🤖 he created ihatemyguts: that would be as impressive as it is 😢 inandout: he only likes to flex academically impressive muscles inandout: and believes no girls are interested in that inandout: despite being at uni ihatemyguts: 💔 ihatemyguts: Bless inandout: Lauren would knock his head together with every dream girl of his he's surrounded by until it fell off inandout: I'm a pacifist though ihatemyguts: Brothers are stupid ihatemyguts: his 💭👸 might be the stereotype of a cheerleader that doesn't even exist ihatemyguts: just ⏳⌛️ inandout: wouldn't leave me shooketh to find out you're onto something inandout: he does watch Love Island ihatemyguts: 🧠 representation, man ihatemyguts: you do not always get the girl at the end and if you do, you'll have so little in common you should just put her back inandout: I had a mental image of him just forcing a girl back up onto these high shelves we have in our kitchen inandout: not today, honey ihatemyguts: 😂 ihatemyguts: if only people were shelvable ihatemyguts: keep 'em in storage 'til you're feeling 💯 inandout: + if I'm heroically expected to get her down, the stumbling block is that the 🍪🍬🍭 are kept up there ihatemyguts: she'll have to eat it all to save you right back inandout: a love story inandout: we need to pitch it to Netflix ihatemyguts: I have done so much research for this ihatemyguts: Robyn can write it ihatemyguts: Rich can DEMAND actually disabled actors, and Rosie can ask nicely inandout: you have to be the lead, then the viewers will be on edge of their seats when you eat the 🍪🍬🍭 ihatemyguts: Lauren might 👊 me for it inandout: the spotlight would give her a seizure ihatemyguts: Awh ihatemyguts: lucky teen dramas are so moodily lit ihatemyguts: think twilight not spring breakers inandout: so dark that everyone has to squint and give themselves a headache inandout: dizzying camera angles inandout: getting our own back one symptom at a time ihatemyguts: may have to 🔪🔪 someone to make 'em shit their pants ihatemyguts: but you can nominate your brother, that's cool inandout: let him come back as a 🤖 at the end ihatemyguts: how's his Arnie? inandout: hmmm inandout: borderline racist? inandout: but we're Jewish and he's Austrian, I don't think he'll come for us ihatemyguts: not gonna go zombie for that ihatemyguts: definitely free pass for life on all the racial jokes @ their expense inandout: the shortened life span will help make up for it too ihatemyguts: no 🤖 ending? ihatemyguts: 👎 inandout: abrupt fade to black inandout: hopefully ihatemyguts: Iconic ihatemyguts: see your vision inandout: much as lingering death rattle would be an epic punk band or album name ihatemyguts: 🤔 ihatemyguts: you're a frontman, right? inandout: self nominated ihatemyguts: I see it inandout: you're drums ihatemyguts: only if I get to be on a dramatic raised platform above you all at the back inandout: if you swear not to 🚿 us with 💩 ihatemyguts: it would bring the horror ihatemyguts: very Carrie ihatemyguts: but 🤞 inandout: very Slipknot ihatemyguts: I'm down for a mask situation inandout: I'm not 🥵 ihatemyguts: Valid ihatemyguts: but you're cute, people will wanna see you inandout: cute is 🐕🐩🐈 or 🐖🐑🐐🐄 inandout: we can't start an animal band unless you can talk to them and ask if they really want inandout: ...some kind of rockstar life ihatemyguts: True, Ozzy was NOT asking those 🦇 if they were about the fame inandout: and they became another casualty of inandout: sickening ihatemyguts: is that the deal ihatemyguts: my bowel has decided not to work so I get to speak to animals? ihatemyguts: 🤙 inandout: that's a 10 episode series pitch ihatemyguts: god knows there has to be a redeeming feature of a sick kid ihatemyguts: can't be an arsehole who's suffering, not relatable and not enjoyable -10/10 inandout: you can only be an arsehole if yours works inandout: hooray for me ihatemyguts: lucky ihatemyguts: don't wanna flex on you by sparking up, really inandout: can you drink? It's a no for me ihatemyguts: it's iffy ihatemyguts: like it's not great ihatemyguts: but if I don't get big sister at Uni levels, technically inandout: technically same, but who wouldn't wanna get to that level inandout: who's doing it for the taste? ihatemyguts: I personally LOVE the taste of rotting fruit inandout: I have no sense of smell and barely any of taste and even I know wine and beer are both bad inandout: maybe the first sip of spirits will change my life ihatemyguts: that's a dangerous game ihatemyguts: it's already supposedly scentless a lot of the time ihatemyguts: you'd get wasted real fast inandout: not a date then ihatemyguts: not for long ihatemyguts: 🏥 is a fave haunt obviously but not ideal, even for a 2nd date inandout: 3rd? ihatemyguts: s'one way to end up in bed ihatemyguts: sure inandout: kids at my school do keep asking me if I've ever hooked up in hospital inandout: that being my number 1 priority each time ihatemyguts: 🙄 ihatemyguts: like it's some cringy show mums would watch ihatemyguts: with the staff or with all the random hottie in their prime that are just roaming the corridors, yeah, alright inandout: + 🏥 = PICC  in case there weren't a high enough risk of getting caught or mild peril ihatemyguts: the thrill of it all ihatemyguts: worth being sick for all the steamy romance, honestly inandout: don't forget the nurses inandout: another fave topic of everyone in class ihatemyguts: yeah, the stress eating and shift work makes 'em 🔥🔥🔥 inandout: no 💐 allowed to keep the atmosphere romantic either ihatemyguts: 💔💔💔 ihatemyguts: sure your class is not concerned about the vibe inandout: well read inandout: they just wanna touch a boob inandout: which is a good song title ihatemyguts: with potential to make a b-side literally about 🍑 ihatemyguts: high🖐 inandout: hi-hat, drummer girl ihatemyguts: badumtss inandout: 🎤 drop ihatemyguts: 🙇👏 inandout: Lauren swears she'll keep her clothes on to play Breath of the Wild ihatemyguts: I'm honoured ihatemyguts: and not at all disappointed ihatemyguts: 😉 inandout: her wardrobe of onesies are incredible inandout: they'll cheer you back up inandout: 👽🤖🐛🐲🦕🦑 + more animals than you'd have time to chinwag with ihatemyguts: obviously, I need to see this to believe 🖖 inandout: like a 🦄 she has one of those too ihatemyguts: thanks for the inside scoop ihatemyguts: can pretend I'm fully psychic now ihatemyguts: get all those oddly specific requests out inandout: that'll spook her inandout: I'm for it ihatemyguts: 🔮🗣🐒 ihatemyguts: not trying too hard to compensate, AT ALL inandout: I hadn't seen the others before today inandout: that was cool ihatemyguts: For real? ihatemyguts: It seems like you all hang like all the time, from the outside creepin' in inandout: you heard the commander, we're not supposed to post pics or personal stuff ihatemyguts: still a weird rule ihatemyguts: like, I get it, online predators, poor defenseless baby disableds, not ideal ihatemyguts: if it was an IRL group, we wouldn't be going by quippy puns on our name badges inandout: [gives her his socials and Lauren is of course in his friends so she can add her too] inandout: I was gonna suggest a meet up but didn't wanna get shot down inandout: the point is, some of us can't get out and about inandout: hasn't passed me by ihatemyguts: that's true ihatemyguts: there has to be a way we can include everybody though, everybody that would possibly want to ihatemyguts: Christ, if we as a group can't think of accessibility solutions ihatemyguts: but my point is, drop you a 💬 if I have any 💡 inandout: @ Rich inandout: he'd figure it out ihatemyguts: right? ihatemyguts: not that I'm desperate for company but frankly ihatemyguts: no, it could be cool inandout: and she won't say, despite what I said about trading on her fame, but Lauren's anniversary is coming up inandout: she'll want company for that ihatemyguts: I don't know if I should know, and I know I'm not gonna ask her ihatemyguts: but it can't be a fun anniversary, anything we could do to make it less of a shit time ihatemyguts: why not inandout: you're in inandout: cool ihatemyguts: 👍 ihatemyguts: the social engagements I won't need to turn down for this ihatemyguts: busy 🐝 I ain't inandout: I wanna ask if you had loads of friends before inandout: it seems like you would ihatemyguts: Kinda ihatemyguts: and not everyone turned into total cunts either, not trying to be that tragic heroine ihatemyguts: awkward adjustment, mainly for me, I know but ihatemyguts: wish I had a cool illness, you know ihatemyguts: can't make 💩 work for me inandout: what's a cool one? ihatemyguts: there's no cool one to have, I know that, like, intelligently, I get it ihatemyguts: but at least if you've got a decent story or you aren't essentially shitting yourself to death as your quirky symptom, people are more into it ihatemyguts: it's stupid but inandout: something that makes you faint dramatically inandout: that'd be netflix worthy inandout: the harder the name is to pronounce, the better ihatemyguts: exactly, providing I do it gracefully and look pretty whilst doing it ihatemyguts: 'cos what's the point in this pain if I can't peddle it to the masses inandout: you could look pretty doing it ihatemyguts: oh yeah ihatemyguts: the glamour would be unreal 😂 inandout: 🍃 ihatemyguts: 📽 ihatemyguts: cinematic inandout: American Beauty and you're the plastic bag ihatemyguts: that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me ihatemyguts: okay, Katy Perry inandout: leave Robbie to do the 🐯 roar ihatemyguts: she's cute ihatemyguts: no offense to you but inandout: how many dates are you two going on? ihatemyguts: do her parents let her out of her house, legit ihatemyguts: 'cos that will change the answer a lot inandout: only for 🏥 inandout: but she'll wanna come to the meet up ihatemyguts: then, we'll have to go on loads of dates ihatemyguts: so I can convince them I'm very respectable and not at all contagious inandout: I know JRA sucks but they'd put her in a bubble if they could ihatemyguts: I get it but also ihatemyguts: stop ihatemyguts: actual case of how it's being dealt with making it worse, when I was in hospital, the first time ihatemyguts: there was this tiny kid, and his ma was like...just insane, which is understandable but, it weren't helping her or him inandout: she could outgrow it when she's 16, that'll shake them up ihatemyguts: serious? ihatemyguts: damn inandout: it happens inandout: that's the J inandout: for being a kid ihatemyguts: I had no idea ihatemyguts: like you stop growing and it stops fucking with you, basically? ihatemyguts: that's cool ihatemyguts: if it happens ihatemyguts: worst fucking false hope if it doesn't inandout: yep inandout: sweet or bittersweet 16 ihatemyguts: like 5 months, she said? inandout: I'm gonna go to the party inandout: you should come ihatemyguts: Yeah? ihatemyguts: you think she meant it ihatemyguts: you can tell me if it was just politeness 'cos she is inandout: loneliness inandout: but she likes us too ihatemyguts: how long have you been in the group? inandout: they gave me the info when I was 12 inandout: I didn't wanna use it then though inandout: last summer I decided to ihatemyguts: I feel you ihatemyguts: like, what should we have in common ihatemyguts: but that's actually like any friendship, you got sat next to them one day in class or they shared with you at break ihatemyguts: I was just being a dick about it inandout: there are those inandout: like fibro inandout: but the core group are cool ihatemyguts: Everyone was decent ihatemyguts: if you're a dick you just are, regardless of our shared experiences ihatemyguts: but that is more than I've got with some of my old friends, that's just facts, whether you wanna accept it or nah, you know inandout: yep, me and my 🤖 brother have nothing shared inandout: his DNA is fine ihatemyguts: how was that ihatemyguts: like, was he mad guilty and did you wanna stomp on his lungs a 🤏 bit inandout: some days inandout: but Lauren says I'm better looking than him so what else matters ihatemyguts: 😂 inandout: how's your brother doing with your 💩 life? ihatemyguts: He doesn't say a whole lot ihatemyguts: that was a thing pre 💩 life too so ihatemyguts: guess he gets to keep being mysterious and my illness feels the least invisible when I'm the only kid let out to the 🚽 multiple times a lesson ihatemyguts: 🤷 inandout: you could suggest home school inandout: Robbie's an expert, she'd do you a pro slideshow ihatemyguts: I already miss people inandout: okay, okay, we'll bring the first date forward inandout: I'll escort you to the party ihatemyguts: what's the dresscode? this is vital and I know she's already said inandout: 👑💎 ihatemyguts: Oh good, you'll look extra adorable ihatemyguts: it'll be the usual trial picking which tiara to wear but think I'll survive inandout: Maybe you can take her shopping for your first date ihatemyguts: 💡 idea I'll have to claim as my own inandout: 🙇 ihatemyguts: do any of you go to the same schools ihatemyguts: or are you meant to not know that, either inandout: I don't know where either R goes inandout: and I'd remember Lauren or Rich if they'd been at my school, I think ihatemyguts: I reckon ihatemyguts: shame ihatemyguts: not that I reckoned there'd be an underground network of secret disabled kids at mine but oh well inandout: there could be inandout: you didn't need to find out before ihatemyguts: True ihatemyguts: ⭐ not being the one though ihatemyguts: have to do some more subtle digging inandout: my school has some invisible and visibles besides me ihatemyguts: statistically, there's no chance I'm the only one inandout: most of the ones in our camp have mental health stuff though inandout: or dyslexia, ADHD etc ihatemyguts: hadn't even considered those kinds ihatemyguts: got a lot of studying to do ihatemyguts: that's how it feels ihatemyguts: I barely get what I've got, never mind the endless possibilities of how a human can be slightly fucked inandout: they tend to have their own forums anyway inandout: not that Rosie wouldn't welcome them with a sleepy hug ihatemyguts: ☺️ inandout: it's less 🏥💉🩸 I guess? inandout: sort of 💊 and 🗪 ihatemyguts: Definite crossovers but not fully the same deal ihatemyguts: I see my pharmacist so often we're on date ... ihatemyguts: dread to think inandout: people don't wanna feel like others don't understand them somewhere where they're going for solidarity inandout: or that they can't get a sentence in over all the rest that are being typed ihatemyguts: it is pretty nervewracking ihatemyguts: even if yours is decent inandout: I used to be a big lurker inandout: some days I still am inandout: Lauren will always fill up the gaps ihatemyguts: you need all types, I reckon inandout: same ihatemyguts: like families ihatemyguts: even the creepy uncle inandout: if I don't have one does that mean I'm destined to become him? ihatemyguts: only if your brother finds a cheerleader ihatemyguts: you're probably alright inandout: he could adopt Robbie and let her live cage free ihatemyguts: that was a bit creepy ihatemyguts: oh my god, it's started ihatemyguts: 👹 inandout: damn inandout: much to think about inandout: a life to reassess ihatemyguts: if you're actually going ihatemyguts: thanks ihatemyguts: for being cool inandout: you were cool first inandout: I didn't lead a revolution ihatemyguts: you had to be cool enough not to shoot it down inandout: I'm so cool I've fallen at the creepy uncle fashion hurdle inandout: can't get a 🧢 on without a haircut inandout: it's all about the 🧦 now ihatemyguts: you know how to paint a picture ihatemyguts: even though I can now stalk your socials in my own time inandout: easier to explain you than Lauren inandout: my friends at school were shook by her ihatemyguts: I can imagine ihatemyguts: she'd be happy with that though 😏 inandout: she was inandout: [posts a selfie with his best attempt at a creepy uncle aesthetic because I doubt I'm finding a gem like that from Finn] ihatemyguts: oh my god ihatemyguts: 👏 ihatemyguts: that would be fully #triggering, top marks inandout: ♟ your move inandout: wine mum or vodka aunt ihatemyguts: Oh, I have perfect wine mum clothes ihatemyguts: had very bad taste a few years back and the 👻 are hanging about ihatemyguts: hold on inandout: I can't make the baited breath comment twice in a day, that's too much inandout: and I know I did in group ihatemyguts: 💔 I'm not special enough inandout: come back tomorrow for new puns ihatemyguts: [selfie in Amma's weird little girl/suburban mom clothing 'cos was not a mood] ihatemyguts: are you sure? inandout: damn inandout: come back tomorrow for a new photo challenge ihatemyguts: alright ihatemyguts: you're on inandout: cool
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runningfrom2am · 11 months
the sea around us; pt.2 chapter seven
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Snowy saw no choice but to run- wondering if Rafe will ever understand that the pogues mean everything to her. JJ gets it though. JJ will always get it.
(jj maybank x f!oc)
(rafe cameron x f!oc)
warnings/tags: violence, drug/alcohol use, smoking, sexual content (if you squint), slowburn, brother’s best friend, (these tags are obv not exhaustive but regardless it’s pretty PG13)
wc: 1.8k
my masterlist, series masterlist, requests
Sarah talked on the phone with Wheezie last night, I could tell she was just so happy to hear her sisters voice again. I thought about calling my sister too, but I didn't have as good of a reason as she did.
Wheezie told her that their dad was coming down to the Bahamas today, we assumed to move the gold- which Sarah already knew he would after the break in. She got Wheezie to text the phone she called with and give us details on when and how he was going to move it, and the security company that is going to help. It's our last chance to get it after our unsuccessful attempt to rob the empty house the previous night, which ended in all of us almost getting caught.
"We're on." Sarah nods, smiling a little as she sees the text from her sister and I watch over her shoulder, putting my arm around hers and squeezing her in excitement.
I look over at John B, who looks instantly hesitant. "Okay, I guess we're doing this." He says, nodding a little to himself. "Armed robbery, I mean I'm cool with it, but are you sure?" He asks her, glancing between the two of us.
Sarah steps away from me and shakes her head just slightly. "My entire life, Ward has always gotten what he wanted. Everyone jumps for him, and I thought it was respect; but now I realize that's fear."
She stares wide eyed at her boyfriend. "And, John B," she starts, walking over and sitting down across from him. "You know the one person who never jumped for him, was your dad. He wasn't like anyone I have ever met, because he wasn't scared of him. This is for him."
John B looks down at his lap for a moment, and I find myself reaching across my body to hold my other arm, rubbing the now very dirty skin up and down my forearm as I watch the two of them.
"And Sheriff Pete." Sarah continues. "And you, and me, and Snowy, and JJ, and our friends at home."
John B nods, agreement set deep in his brown eyes.
"Then let's do this!" JJ grins, walking up next to me and patting me on the back as he takes a bite out of an apple.
"Where did you get that?" I ask, laughing a little and looking up at him as he just gestures vaguely behind him.
"Over there, that tree." He grumbled through a mouthful of apple.
"Hopefully we don't have one man down with food poisoning, but I agree. Let's do this." I laugh, looking between the three of my friends.
"The gold is here. At my dad's house." Sarah says, pointing to the house on a map we had on a computer screen while we lay out our final plans. "He's going to transport the gold from our house to a private air freight company located here."
Terrance is sitting next to her, watching closely as Cleo and Stubbs stand by the window behind them. JJ, John B and I are just watching from behind the desk, and I giggle and nudge JJ as he leans over the computer to try and peek at where Sarah is pointing.
"We need to intercept that gold before it ever gets on that plane." Sarah finishes, looking over at the man next to her as he starts to speak.
"Right, there's only two roads that'll take you there. We want to get him in these cane fields right here south of the airport," He points to another spot on the screen I can't see. "That's where we spring the trap."
I recall us going over this plan a million times in my head as we stand on the edge of a deserted road next to tall grass, the cane fields Terrance mentioned earlier. I'm pulled out of my constant repeating of the plan when he speaks to us again.
"They're gonna come from that direction." I watch where he's pointing down the windy road, nodding my understanding as John B uses some binoculars to look out. "Once Cleo and I get daddy on the ground, you four can take the gold."
"Cakewalk." JJ nods, leaning his elbow on my shoulder and putting some of his weight on me. It's only fair after how much he's had to carry me around these last few days.
"Red, are you okay to run over there? You kids are going to have to act real quick." Terrance says to me, and I find myself looking briefly up at JJ.
"I think so." I nod, shifting my weight from foot to foot to test the strength in my injured ankle. I feel a slight burn in it, but other than that it's fine. I'm not sure how I'll be running, though.
"I'll carry you. Like I said, I give a mean piggy back." JJ insists, ruffling my hair in the way he knows I hate.
"Well, whatever you guys decide, don't waste any time when we get him down. Red can wait here in the bushes if she must and we'll get you later." Terrance says. I just nod again. No way I'm going to slow us down on this one, maybe I should wait.
"How you go from livin' in Paradise Island to livin' in the street dodgin' coppa's?" Cleo asks Sarah as the three of us walk down a local street. Our goal is to find and set up our distraction long before Ward moves the gold.
"Fell in love." Sarah shrugs as she answers, making me laugh.
"Big mistake." Cleo replies. "Only got yourself to blame for that one."
"Yeah." Sarah says, squinting at the sun in her eyes.
"What about you, Red?" Cleo asks, turning to me.
"Uh, you know, I've got friends in low places. Myself included." I joke. "My parents kicked me out, then her dad tried to kill me. Twice. Then he killed someone else and blamed me and John B."
"Oh shit, so we're not just jackin' this gold for the money, huh?" Cleo laughs a little bit and me and Sarah both shake our heads. "Vengeance- I like it."
"To be fair, the gold is a nice bonus but I don't care so much about the money." I shrug in response.
"Me neither." Sarah agrees. "It's tearing my family apart, you know? I don't even know my dad anymore, or Rafe."
"Who?" Cleo asks.
"My brother. Her boyfriend." Sarah gestures to me as she speaks and Cleo's eyes widen.
"The plot thickens. You still with him? I thought JJ was your boy."
"Well, I don't really know. I can't imagine Rafe still wants that and JJ is here so.." I reply.
Sarah laughs a little at that. "His problem for not coming." She shrugs. I can't tell her that he begged me to stay.
I look up again as Terrance walks off, and Cleo pats me on the shoulder. "We've got this, guys." She says, smiling at us as she walks down towards the truck behind the older man. "And remember what I told you, girls."
Me and Sarah nod and share a look, remembering what she told us about not trusting captain T. He stays two steps ahead, so she says, so we'll stay three. We hope. Well, we'll try.
JJ gives her a salute as they slam the truck doors and drive off down the road a little bit. "What? What did she tell you?" JJ asks as soon as they're gone.
"Don't trust the captain." I tell him, looking up at him where he stands just next to me.
"Well, alright then." He says, nodding as he contemplates my statement. "Here, sit." He adds, sliding his hoodie off his shoulders and placing it on the ground behind me.
I smile and ignore how my cheeks heat up as I sit down on my makeshift blanket, waiting now for the sun to rise.
"What are we gonna do with all this gold, anyway?" Sarah asks after a few minutes of silence.
"I dunno." John B responds, picking apart a leave he pulled off a nearby plant. "Maybe get a new boat, pay some bills, get a good lawyer for my murder trial. Who knows?"
"I'm gonna pay my restitution, then travel the world, follow the wind, surf in every ocean and on the best waves in the world." JJ sighs, laying back next to me and crossing his arms behind his head. "What about you, Snow?"
I think about that for a second. I really don't know. My gut tells me to buy my family a new home, a nice one, on the cut, but that doesn't feel right. Maybe I should be a little more selfish with it, get a new car and take off and drive back to BC just to see it again. Just because I can. "I think I'll buy a van, like the Twinkie, and drive back up to BC. Just for fun."
"Can I come?" JJ asks and I nod, glancing over at him.
"BC has some great surfing spots, that's what I've heard." I smile.
"What about Rafe?" Sarah asks, and I avoid eye contact with JJ.
"Who gives a shit about him?" JJ cuts me off, shuffling beside me.
"J, come on..." I sigh a little, covering my face with my hands and letting out a sigh.
"What? You're not together anymore anyways. I doubt he'll be your biggest fan if he finds out you stole half a billion dollars from his dad."
"I'm not talking about him right now." I shake my head. Silence falls over the four of us at that. I feel sick about the whole thing. I feel sick because I miss him, because I hurt him and I know that. Part of me hopes he'll forgive me, but I'm afraid that will only be at the cost of my friendship with JJ.
We all jump when the phone rings after a what must be a few minutes. "Are we moving?" John B answers, putting it on speaker immediately as we all sit up to listen.
"They got a truck and two defenders." Stubbs says, and I look nervously over at JJ who still looks tense. We figured Ward would hire security, but now it's feeling very real.
"But just my dad in the truck with the gold, right?" Sarah asks.
"It's two in the truck." He responds.
"Two?" John B mumbles, looking around at us confused.
"Rafe." Sarah mumbles.
"Rafe?" I repeat, my heart dropping into my stomach suddenly. JJ pushes himself up quickly and tries to pace to vent his frustration in the small opening we've made in the cornfield.
"It's gonna be fine, Snow." John B whispers to me.
"Two defenders, front and back." Stubbs continues as we all internally panic.
"Are they armed?" John B asks.
"To the teeth."
John B loads the gun he was given, looking out to the road while I try and bargain with the dread building in my gut about seeing Rafe again.
taglist: @boo22sstuff, @madelynie, @username5786451, @peachprairie, @slut4drudy@sadfury, @mutual-mendes, @cecesrings, @winterrrnight,  @bookishbabyyy, @s-we-e-t-t-ea, @tahliac11, @obxdude (i also tagged some mutuals so message me or reply if you want to be added (or removed!!))
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