#good for you crezia
ducavalentinos · 6 years
“Lord of Pesaro and a scion of the powerful House of Sforza, did not sound pleased. “I am telling you,” he said, loudly enough for me to hear him through the solid oak door, “we should be gone from this place! You are my wife, and you belong at my side, in Pesaro!” “My father says otherwise. You may be willing to defy him, but I am not. If you wish to return to Pesaro, by all means do so, but do not expect me to go with you.” For a thirteen-year-old confronted by an angry man twice her age who had at least nominal authority over her as her husband, Lucrezia sounded remarkbly calm and self-possessed. [...]He does not accept our marrige. Indeed, I have begun to wonder if he would accept your being truly married to anyone. “What do you mean?” Young as she was, Lucrezia was far from ignorant. She knew the depths to which Borgia’s enemies went in their efforts to defame him, even dragging his relationship with his young daughter through the vilest muck. I sucked in my breath as I realized what a mistake it was for Sforza to remind her of that. But the Lord of Pesare seemed to have no sense of that. To the contrary, he seemed to have no sense at all. “I merely wonder whether if we were allowed to live together as husband and wife, I would find that you—” Find what? That she was not a virgin because of the disgusting slander against her father? “Get out!” Lucrezia screamed, her self-control finally shattering, if only for a moment. Or perhaps, like her father, she understood the selective use of rage. “Get out and do not come back!” “You cannot order me about! I am your husband—” “If you do not leave now, I will tell my father what you just said. Papa believes me too sheltered to know about the filth his enemies spread. I will let him think that was so until you put them in my mind. Do you have any idea how enraged he will be or what he will do to you in turn?” Weakly, Sforza said, “He needs my family’s support—” “He did need it in order to gain the papacy, but he is pope now and unless you are very careful, he will come to see all of you Sforzas as a liability. Instead of making him regret that he ever agreed to our marrige, you should be seeking ways to win his favor.” “I don’t know how.” A hard confession on the part of a member of one of the wiliest and most guileful families in all of Italy, but then no one had ever claimed that Giovanni Sforza was overly endowed with either intelligence or daring. Lucrezia possessed far more of both, as she did not hesitate to demonstrate. “You may start by doing as I said—leave.” [...]I barely had the presence of mind to dart behind a nearby column before the door to Lucrezia’s apartament banged open and Sforza stomped out in a fury. I waited until he had vanished down the far end of the corridor before approaching tentatively. Half expecting to find Borgia’s daughter in tears, I was suprised to discover her in a window seat, reading calmly. As I entered, she looked up and smiled. “Francesca, how good to see you. Come, sit down.” She patted the stool beside her. “I hope you have gossip to share, I am most dreadfully bored.” What Sforza has suggested truly was unforgivable. She would bide her time, but I was certain that in the end, she would exact a price for the insult he had done her and her father both. She was, after all, a Borgia.
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lucreziadeluna · 4 years
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⇢ Introducing LUCREZIA DE LUNA, the 26 year old CIS-FEMALE, APOTHACARY ASSISTANT and a MERCENARY/SPY sworn to DE LUNA. SHE is known for being CHARMING, CUNNING, RESOURCEFUL and GUARDED. LUCREZIA bears an uncanny resemblance to ANYA CHALOTRA.
Name: Lucrezia (real name Keziah) De Luna
Nickname: Crezia if you must. It does feel more familiar. DON’T CALL HER LU that nickname is banned she hates it
Occupation: Apothecary, mercenary/spy for hire
Age: twenty-six
Place of Birth: Unknown
Gender: Female
Social Class: Commoner
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'6
Hobbies: hunting, swordsmanship, drinking, experimenting for the apothecary, gambling
Religion: Lucrezia has always felt abandoned by God, and feels no ties whatsoever to religion.
Attitude Toward Death: Death is inevitable, but Lucrezia will keep doing whatever it takes to survive. She has become quite good at cheating death. 
Education: Lucrezia has never had a formal education. The closest thing she got is everything Orzio taught her about medicine, numbers, and the world, as well as the bits and pieces she picked up from working for a number of households as a child. The rest of her knowledge came purely from experiencing the shit of life.
Keziah was found in Naples. She was ten, long abandoned by family she had no memory of, living on the streets, doing what she could to survive between bouts of working for families as a servant until they deemed her too weak to perform the tasks allotted. She would steal and manipulate anyone who seemed weak enough to give into it. All she knew of herself was a name, heard through foggy memories of distorted voices. It seemed almost as if it came to her in a dream, it was so distant. So she went by Keziah and somehow survived the streets of Naples.
Orazio De Luna was an apothecary, traveling through Naples and treating people as he went. Their first meetings were hostile, as he saw Keziah as nothing but a thief, below even him. She was trying to steal from him, after all. But their paths kept crossing, and eventually, the nature of their interactions became begrudgingly less aggressive. He offered to buy her a meal or two, and she never had anything to give him in return, but he never cared. He pitied her. Eventually, Keziah’s curiosity about the work of this man got the better of her. He began teaching her, albeit begrudgingly, and it wasn’t long before the two developed an almost familial relationship. A distant one, but familial nonetheless. They discovered she could help with his work, and under the condition that she gave up thievery, lying, and cheating, he would provide care for her. The two began traveling together, Keziah taking up the made-up role of his daughter and beginning to go by the more Italian Lucrezia. They worked well, no matter their disagreements, and Lucrezia found herself settling into the life she had obtained. But despite the comfort and the care, it was difficult for her to truly give up her old ways. She resorted to them in times of particular uncertainty. To her surprise, Orazio never gave up on her, despite her fixed behavior being his condition to their companionship.
When the pair settled in Florence to open a shop, she was eighteen, and in a way she never expected, she was devoted to the man she came to know as a father and the shop they took care of. But even this couldn’t stop Lucrezia from accepting a job for coin when offered. It started with simple tasks: finding out who is doing what, get this message to this person, convince them of a cause. As she was asked for more and more, the tasks became increasingly… risky. Violet. Although it took time, people came to know of what she was willing to do. The city of Florence was corrupt far before she entered the game, and she knew the consequences of her actions. As did Orazio, who wasn’t quiet in his opposition of her dangerous pastime. But like the distant father he was, he did nothing to actually stop her. Lucrezia was seen as useful to many and neutral to the rest. Whether it was out of fear or uncertainty about the truth behind the tales about her, Lucrezia didn’t know. Perhaps it was her charm keeping her in the game. All she knew is that people understood that if they wanted something, she was the one who they could rely on to get it.
further reading! 
Lucrezia has always felt like nothing. No more then a speck in this world. Her upbringing has made her cynical, as I’m sure you can tell.
she secretly thinks often about her past. Not knowing where she came from or who she is bothers her in her darkest hours. She more or less settled on the idea that she was abandoned for one reason or another. She can’t imagine she came from anywhere special, either. 
Their apothecary is incredibly popular for their reliability and innovation, especially among the nobility. 
She’s a complete charmer. Lucrezia uses this for her “job” often to get some truth out of someone. She’s a flirt, a major manipulator. Not afraid to play dirty. 
idk plot with me
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ephemcre · 6 years
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“ONE... TWO... THREE...” the boy mutters to himself as he counts the amount of beer cans he’d consumed since arriving at party. people had left him unbothered, largely because he seemed so invested with his counting that the mere sight of him, hunched over on the sofa with his eyebrows furrowed at the cans, rendered people to think that he was doing something important. he’s holding unto his fourth can, waiting for crezia to arrive. he tries desperately not to think too much about her, his eyes flickering back and forth from his hands to the door. the thought of seeing her walk through it made his stomach lurch in anticipation. he takes a large gulp from the can he had in hand, and shakes it off.
the moment he’d stepped foot in the venue for the party, he’s decided to drink his nerves away. doubts, as well as a million other concerns, flooded his head. a flash of the graduation ceremony passes in his mind, and he feels a tinge of missing crezia, despite seeing her only a couple hours earlier. he had barely talked to crezia that morning; though, it was nothing as if anyone could tell that he was actively trying not to talk to her— it was more of him being unable to formulate what to say. the last day of high school was possibly the most the most cliche day he’d ever chosen for a time to confess, but cyrus feels that it was kind of the end-all-be-all of everything in this town. for him at least. 
dread, excitement, unease, and yet a faint caress of hope filled cyrus with the thought of having all of it in the open. he couldn’t stall any longer; cyrus knows there wasn’t a day as good as any. he’d have to do it now.
he feels a tap on his shoulder, and cyrus could barely hear what the other was saying over the loud music, but as he registers her face, he realizes that his nerves were much calmer, now. if she’d arrived a couple hours earlier, his palms would be much sweatier, and his chest would thump with a rapid beat. the alcohol definitely helped. a lopsided grin paints his lips as he welcomes crezia with a hug, “hey! you’re late!” he tells her with a chuckle, “i was beginning to think you wouldn’t show!” 
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ducavalentinos · 7 years
“It public gossip at this time that his( Sforza’s) marriage with Lucrezia was not a happy one, and that discord marred their life together. Lucrezia’s reported grievance upon this subject reads a little vaguely to us now, whatever it may have conveyed at the time. She complained that Giovanni “did not fittingly keep her company”.
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