#good grampap
dia-oro · 11 months
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The old Spanish version of dark symphony is so beautiful, sadly after this there’s no no more physical books there’s of this one but only digital. After three years looking for that book finally I have it in my hands.
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youwinatball · 7 years
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Anonymous said: “Okay, how about this: She told us you had wanted ice cream, before she fell. Do you believe me now? It’s really her, Jasper.
Jasper: “B-But... H-How could... How could you possibly... Who... Who the devil ARE you people???”
Archie: “Uh... Mr. Pepper?”
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Archie: “Sir... Are you OK? I was just about to introduce you to the newest member of our little “soul club”. Her name’s Sapphire.”
Sapphire: “Err... How...do you do...?”
Archie: “She’ll be needing a library card. I, uh, hope we’re not interrupting anything...”
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Jasper: “...I-Is it...really you...?”
Sapphire: “I’m...sorry, sir... Is WHAT really me?”
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Jasper: “...I...I-I’m sorry, miss... Y-You just...well...remind me so much of someone I lost long ago...”
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Sapphire: “Oh... I’m sorry to hear that, sir... Were you close?”
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Jasper: “Very... She was my sister... And the most important person in my life... I...wasn’t exactly the bravest or strongest boy in my childhood... But...she was always there for me when I needed her...”
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Jasper: “She was my support system--and my role model. She taught me to be a good person better than our brothers ever did. She taught me to be true to myself. To respect others who are different and speak out when others don’t. She encouraged my love of art--inspired me to improve...”
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Jasper: “She even kept this old sketchy doodle I scribbled of us when I... Heh... Sorry, I’m rambling...”
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Archie: “Uh... Are YOU OK?”
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Jasper: “It’s been so long since I last saw you, Saphh... I’ve grown so much...”
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Jasper: “And yet you’re still taller than me.”
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Sapphire: “looks like you got Grampap’s pattern baldness...”
Jasper: “Snrrk... I blame Mom for that one.”
Sapphire: “Ha ha!”
Sasha: “Don’tcha just love happy endings?”
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Sapphire: “I thought I’d never see you again!”
Jasper: “I thought I’d never see YOU again!”
Sapphire: “Oh my gosh, we have so much to catch up on! I don’t even know where to start!”
Jasper: “We can catch up after closing hours over ice cream. You still owe me a trip for ice cream, heheh...”
Sapphire: “Hehe... True.”
Jasper: “I’m paying, though. 50-year-old money probably won’t fly. In fact... Invite your new friends! Ice cream for everybody on me!”
((If you like family reunions and ice cream, please consider supporting me on my Patreon!))
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