#good news is that puppy kiri can go see puppy denki tho XD
cloversdreams · 8 years
For the first time ever I actually prompted myself !! Wo0o0o0o... couldn’t help it. I read the line and the idea just happened. Alright so I shall kick off the Valentine’s Prompts a little bit early with this little gem X3
5. Chocolates or candy hearts (Bonus points if they contain something the other half of your OTP is allergic to) - kirideku, puppy!kiri au
Izuku waited for Kiri to sit down on the couch next to him and get comfortable before he pulled the surprise he had out from behind his back. "Happy valentine's day, Kiri!" Izuku chirped with a smile as he offered him a stuffed bear that held a small box of candy in its little arms.
Kiri took the little red bear and looked at it. He smiled at the fact that Izuku smiled but he had no idea what the heck he meant. "Valen-tines? What's that?"
"Oh, uh... It's a holiday for, um, couples... to spend time together and show just how much they appreciate each other. Normally they give one another stuff like flowers and candy and other things." Izuku explained as he rubbed the back of his head slowly with a half-smile.
Kiri looked down at the stuffed bear that held a heart shaped box and tilted his head. "You got this for me?"
"On Valentine's day?"
"Um. I guess..."
"Does that mean we’re a couple?" Kiri asked with a grin.
"Ah! No, that’s not what-!" Izuku's cheeks turned red and he shook his head quickly. He turned away from Kiri and added, "You can also give gifts to your good friends on this holiday. I should have said that too."
"So we're good friends?" Kiri asked as he tilted his head and blinked at him.
Izuku nodded and muttered, "Of course we are..."
"Great! I love that!" Kiri chirped as he bounced in place excitedly. He wrapped his arms around Izuku and squeezed him. He pulled back from the hug then brought the little bear up to his nose and sniffed it curiously. "What's in here?"
"Hard candy, I think. Like lollipops without the stick." Izuku replied as he put his finger on his lip and tapped. To be honest he wasn’t exactly sure what kind of candy was in the box since it wasn’t labeled. He was fairly certain though since it was in the section with all of the other hard candy.
"Sounds yummy!" Kiri exclaimed as he pulled the box free of the little bear's grip. He smiled at the happy little bear then placed it onto the coffee table carefully. He made sure it sat upright without any support before he pulled his hand away. He turned his attention to the small box and then tore off the plastic. He pulled it open and then looked inside with a low 'ooh'.
"Ah! Those are chocolates! Gimmie!" Izuku shrieked as he reached for the candy.  
Kiri moved quickly and pulled it away from him as he shook his head. He laughed when Izuku lost his balance and fell onto his lap. He helped him up into a sitting position again and then pouted as he mumbled, "If these are for me then why are you trying to take them away?"
"Kiri, listen to me. I didn’t know there were chocolates inside that. I don’t know if you can even eat chocolate. You couldn’t when you were a dog so I don’t want to risk it now. Just give me those and I'll buy you something else instead!" Izuku reached for the candy but Kiri kept it away from him and shook his head.
"You can't take back a gift, Izuku. That’s so mean."  Kiri replied as he batted his eyes at him.
"I'm not taking it back, I'm going to give you something else instead. So stop fighting me and hand them over." Izuku demanded as he held out his hand. He figured the serious look on his face would be enough to get the redhead to comply.
Kiri looked at Izuku and then at the box of candy in his hand. He frowned as he debated what he should do. Izuku snapped his fingers as he waited for the box and then Kiri shook his head and shouted, "No!"
"Kiri, wait!" Izuku watched wide eyed as Kiri tilted his head back and dumped the candy into his mouth.  
Kiri smiled at him and said, "See? Everything's fi-"
Suddenly there was a puff of smoke all around him so thick that Izuku could barely breathe. He held his breath and waved his hand back and forth quickly to try and get it to dissipate. When it finally cleared Izuku realized that the redhead no longer sat across from him. He panicked as he looked all around and yelled, "Kiri! Where are you! Kiri!"
A familiar yip that Izuku hadn't heard in quite a while echoed in his ears. His eyes widened as he looked down at the floor to see his little red dog panting and wagging his tail happily. Kiri leaped onto the couch and then into Izuku's arms and proceeded to lick his face. Izuku wrapped his arms around him and pet his soft fur said the only thing he could think of in that moment, "Oh crap."
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